Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 42: Chapter 42 Personal Test

However, what Gold Sword Security Company was doing could persuade certain clits with a certain level of security spding power to be more depdt on the services of Gold Sword Security Company. After all, there may be a time wh they required an S-rank bodyguard. In desperation, if they were unable to hire one, wouldn't it be disappointing?

Regularly having an S-rank bodyguard by one's side certainly carried prestige.

This required a certain amount of expditure at Gold Sword Security Company or a certain amount of pre-deposit.

What a smart strategy indeed.

Perhaps those S-rank bodyguards were the company's trademark.

Lin Yun pondered.

As a businessman, he was quite familiar with these kinds of business tricks.

Not taking advantage of available business opportunities?

The effectivess of the company's trademark was significant in such cases.

Many people flocked to spd in response to the company's reputation.

"May I test the strgth of your security guards and bodyguards?" Lin Yun queried after contemplating for a momt.

After all, the company's claim about the capabilities of their security guards and bodyguards was largely self-proclaimed.

Within these claims, there may be nuances, for example, how was an "ordinary person" defined?

That point of differce wh placed on the guards and bodyguards, who could handle multiple ordinary people, made a huge differce indeed.

"Of course, sir. As long as you seriously intd to hire guards or bodyguards from our company, you are free to test the skills of bodyguards and guards of A-level and below anytime. Would you like to find someone to test, or would you like us to arrange someone for you?" the female attdant answered with a slight smile.

Certainly, she had countered such questions frequtly.

"I'll test them myself," Lin Yun responded with a light smile.

He alone could handle twty ordinary people. As long as their strgth wasn't above his, he could judge their abilities after exchanging a few moves.

Ev if their strgth was greater than his, as long as they wer't too much stronger, he could still get a rough estimate.

"Sir, you alone..." The female attdant was tak aback momtarily, th quickly nodded and said, "Alright, sir. Which level of bodyguards or security guards would you like to test? I'll arrange for you."

They had indeed countered individuals who personally tested bodyguards and security guards. Such individuals, however, were few and far betwe.

After all, not everyone was bold ough to gage professional bodyguards and security guards. Losing would be quite embarrassing.

"Two or three B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards each, please," Lin Yun declared.

"Ah, sir, do you mean you'd like to personally test the skills of our company's B-rank security guards and A-rank bodyguards?" The female attdant expressed surprise, th quickly asked for confirmation.

She hadn't expected him to be interested in their B-rank security guards and A-rank bodyguards, which were the highest-level guards and bodyguards that ordinary customers could hire.

However, B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards were no ordinary people. They could easily handle three to five ordinary people. She worried she might have misunderstood Lin Yun's request and thought that perhaps Lin Yun underestimated the formidable skills of the B-level and A-level bodyguards.

This was quite common. Many people simply did not comprehd the level of skill required to handle multiple opponts simultaneously. She, however, being an employee there, was fully aware of their awe-inspiring abilities.

"That's right, is it possible?" Lin Yun responded cheerfully.

"Of course, but we will need to trouble you to pay a deposit as a demonstration of your serious inttion to hire bodyguards and security guards of these two levels from our company. If, after testing, their abilities do not meet our represtations, we will refund your deposit.

If you do d up hiring our bodyguards or security guards, the deposit will be counted towards their fees," the female attdant advised, nodding her agreemt.

"No problem. How much of a deposit do I need to pay?" Lin Yun asked, nodding his understanding.

This was understandable. Otherwise, anyone could come in and test the strgth of their bodyguards and security guards, which would exhaust them.

"The deposit is one thousand for testing a B-rank security guard and three thousand for testing an A-rank bodyguard. How many and which rank would you like to test, sir?" The female attdant answered, asking for specifics.

"Call three each. Here's twty thousand. Please arrange it for me," Lin Yun directed, pulling out two bundles of money from his pocket and placing them on the counter.

The deposit for testing three B-level security guards and three A-level bodyguards would come to twelve thousand. Nonetheless, he didn't want to bother counting out the exact amount. If these guards and bodyguards did not meet the standard, the deposit could be refunded. If he did hire these bodyguards and security guards, the deposit would be included in the fees.

Twty thousand was a figure and easy to calculate later on.

Seeing Lin Yun's nonchalance about the cost, the female attdant realized he was a man of means. However, glancing at the people prest, she blushed slightly, saying, "Sir, it's late today, and many of our security guards and bodyguards ar't here. We only have two B-class security guards and two A-class bodyguards available onsite... "

"That's fine, bring those four first. If they pass my test, you can find others from your company," Lin Yun shook his head, interrupting her.

Two each was quite ough. If the four passed the test, he could see others from the company later. If they didn't pass, there was no point testing the others.

The female attdant left the task of counting the money to a co-worker while she wt off to arrange the testing.

The task was quickly accomplished because they were all on site.

Within a couple of minutes, four young m were standing in front of Lin Yun.

These four m were not too old. Two appeared a twty-five and the other two a thirty years of age.

"I heard you wanted to test our skills personally?" one of the approximately twty-five-year-old m addressed Lin Yun with a smile.

"That's correct, are you a B-rank security guard or an A-rank bodyguard?" Lin Yun nodded and asked.

"I'm a B-rank security guard. You seem to be a martial artist, but don't underestimate us. Let's head over there to test..." the young man spoke with a grin, gesturing towards a stage not far away.

"Sure," Lin Yun agreed, giving a slight smile.

The other three stood nearby, observing the sce with smiles on their faces.

Letting a B-rank security guard ter the stage first allowed them to hold back and only step forward wh necessary after observing the results.

A minute later.

Lin Yun and the B-level security guard stood on the stage.

"You should make the first move," the young man politely suggested.

After all, if they were chos, there was a possibility that they would be working for this prospective employer. It was necessary to be courteous at this juncture.

"You should strike first," Lin Yun retorted shaking his head.

If their strgth was indeed as per the represtation made by Gold Sword Security Company, it would be less than his and if he struck first, it would feel like bullying them.

The most important issue was that if the other person struck first, he would get a better understanding of their skills.

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