Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Pointing out Ruan Wei's mistake was an effortless act for Lin Yuan.

For more than ten years, Ruan Wei had been running around for the affairs of the Milky Way Star Domain.

Lin Yuan saw all of this. Now that he noticed Ruan Wei going astray, he didn't mind pulling her back.

After all, for Lin Yuan, it was just a matter of a few words, with no cost to himself.

Just as he was tired from cultivation, it was a simple effort.

After wandering outside for a while, Lin Yuan returned to the palace once again.


Lin Yuan connected his consciousness to the virtual world and arrived at the top of a mountain.

Under the sky, that piece of body still existed, as if it had not changed for eternity.

"Continue to comprehend."

Lin Yuan glanced around. Many evolvers began to try not to cultivate but to comprehend more evolutionary paths.

But this group of evolvers was very few. They had to bear enormous mental pressure while trying to comprehend various evolutionary paths.

Even though Lin Yuan possessed Unrivaled Insight, it took him quite a long time to achieve this back then. It was not impossible for other talented evolvers to follow this path.

However, it was a matter for the distant future.

This was also the reason why Lin Yuan informed the Goddess of Wisdom about this comprehension method and only received 1.5 million merit points in the end.

It was too difficult, like handing a blueprint for a nuclear plant to an emperor during the feudal era.

To be honest, Lin Yuan still felt that choosing a specific evolutionary path, perfecting and compensating it to the final stage to become a regular member of the Devil Jade Tower, was more reliable.

"This evolutionary path's life rules have such an aspect? Wonderful, wonderful!"

Lin Yuan continued to comprehend, analyzing and absorbing the beneficial parts after comprehending an evolutionary path.

In ten years, Lin Yuan had comprehended more than twenty thousand evolutionary paths from this piece of the body, each bringing him considerable benefit.

"Just a part of the body contains almost countless evolutionary paths. Is this what it means to be the Strongest one?"

"I wonder when I, Lin Yuan, will become such an existence?"

In the continuous process of comprehension, Lin Yuan vaguely felt the height at which the Strongest one stood.

It was incredible.

What kind of scenery would it be to master an ultimate path, an eternal existence, which even time couldn't erode?

Lin Yuan had also seen Xia Qin, the Strongest one, but the other party did not release any useful aura.

Lin Yuan did not comprehend anything from it.

"This piece of body is just a projection through the virtual world. The real body's influence on the outside world is very sinister."

Lin Yuan thought as he continued to comprehend.

"How many evolutionary paths must be comprehended to become the next stage member of the Devil Jade Tower? I have comprehended more than twenty thousand paths now and still haven't triggered it. Could it be necessary to comprehend thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths?"

Lin Yuan slightly narrowed his eyes.

Comprehending three thousand three hundred and thirty-three evolutionary paths automatically made one a regular member of the Devil Jade Tower.

Currently, having comprehended more than twenty thousand evolutionary paths, Lin Yuan had reason to speculate that the next stage member of the Devil Jade Tower required comprehending thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths.

Thirty thousand evolutionary paths, though ten times more than three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths, the difficulty definitely increased exponentially.

Lin Yuan even suspected that being a regular member of the Devil Jade Tower was already the limit, and there was no next stage member rank at all.


"Whether it's thirty thousand or three hundred thousand."

"As long as it helps me, I will continue to comprehend."

Lin Yuan focused his thoughts and entered a deep state of comprehension.

In the virtual world of Canglan Star.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared, with his parents and sister already sitting there.

"Little Yuan."

His mother, Lin Qiong, greeted him with a smile.

"Brother." His sister, Lin Yi, looked full of admiration.

Ten years had passed, and Lin Yi had grown up. With the help of Lin Yuan, she had come into contact with many things in the upper echelons of human civilization.

Because of this, Lin Yi realized what kind of existence her brother was.

He was a super genius competing with the descendants of the Strongest ones, a shining star in the entire human civilization alliance.

Due to Lin Yuan, the insignificant medium life planet Canglan Star had become a hot spot in the Red Kun Star Domain and even the Annan Star Alliance.

Many major powers and families from various star domains sent their people to Canglan Star to reproduce.

Since Canglan Star could produce a super genius like Lin Yuan, it must have something special. Otherwise, why hadn't higher life planets produced a super genius like Lin Yuan?

For this reason, the most popular industry on Canglan Star turned out to be the reproduction industry.

Having their descendants born on Canglan Star, even if there was only a one in a billion chance, was worth it if they could have a descendant with a fraction of Lin Yuan's talent.

"How's your cultivation recently?"

Lin Yuan casually chatted with his parents.

After reaching the eighth rank, Lin Yuan began to pay attention to his parents and sister's cultivation.

He even occasionally offered guidance.

The purpose of doing this was naturally to hope his parents and sister could live longer.

Human civilization had advanced technology. Even without becoming evolvers, there were many ways to extend life.

But among all life-extending methods, the most perfect and risk-free was still the path of evolution.

That is, becoming an evolver.

"Our talent might not be very good. The analysis videos you gave us, Little Yuan, take us a long time to comprehend."

Father Lin Shoucheng shook his head.

At first, he was ambitious about the path of evolution, thinking that since he could father a super genius like Lin Yuan, the Lin family genes should be pretty good?

But when he really stepped onto the path of evolution, he was undoubtedly dealt a fatal blow.

Seeing that Lin Qiong was also struggling in cultivation, Lin Shoucheng inexplicably felt a slight relief.

"We still have to try harder."

Lin Yuan said.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Lin Yuan would not let his parents undergo those life-extending modifications.

"We will definitely try hard."

"We will work hard."

Lin Shoucheng nodded. Who wouldn't want to become a powerful evolver roaming the stars?

Now that their son was a Star Lord, their cultivation conditions made many evolvers envious. Naturally, they would work hard in their cultivation.

"Little Yuan, you should also rest more."

"Don't work too hard. The border star domains are also dangerous."

After chatting for a while, Lin Qiong expressed her concern.

"Yes, Little Yuan, do you really have to go to the border star domain?"

Lin Shoucheng muttered.

He still hoped his son would stay in the Red Kun Star Domain.

The border star domains were so dangerous. Those brutal alien races...

"It's a must."

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded.

In fact, with Lin Yuan's current status, especially as the founder of Martial Dao, he was eligible to apply for exemption from the task of guarding the border star domain.

Although the Martial Dao evolutionary path was currently seventh-rank, its potential evaluation had surpassed some eighth-rank evolutionary paths.

Lin Yuan was not an evolution scholar, but he was even better than one.

If he really applied to the Goddess of Wisdom, it would definitely be approved.

But that would be too conspicuous.

Lin Yuan obediently going to guard the border star domain might at most face eighth-rank invincible alien assassins.

But if Lin Yuan did not go, who knows what might happen? The top divination masters of the alien races would likely catch some clues from the details.

At that time, Lin Yuan would probably face an even more dangerous situation.

Even the Red Kun Star Lord might not be able to protect him.

After chatting with his parents for a while,

Lin Yuan's consciousness returned to reality.

"The Gate of Myriad Realms."

Lin Yuan's mind sank deep into his consciousness again.

He looked at the majestic Gate of Myriad Realms.

"Actually, after reaching the eighth rank, the Gate of Myriad Realms is not without change."

Lin Yuan carefully observed the Gate of Myriad Realms. At the eighth rank, his mental will had greatly improved.

He faintly felt that even if he traveled, descending into other dimensions and worlds, he could still establish a connection with the main world through the Gate of Myriad Realms, perceiving everything happening around his physical body in real-time.

This was similar to how Lin Yuan could receive information from the Primordial Demon Tree in the Azure World through the coordinates.

If relying on Lin Yuan alone, it would be impossible to sense the other side across dimensions.

Not even the Strongest ones could do that.

But with the Gate of Myriad Realms as a 'medium,' it could be achieved.

"This is good."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

During the transmigration, being able to sense everything around his physical body in the main world was definitely a good thing for him.

In low-level worlds, the time flow was huge, with decades passing there while only a few minutes passed in the main world.

But as the number of transmigrations increased, the world levels Lin Yuan descended into became higher, and the time flow rate gap with the main world gradually narrowed.

This made the transmigration duration increasingly long. If a crisis occurred in the main world during Lin Yuan's transmigration, he would be powerless to resist.

But being able to sense the surroundings of his physical body allowed Lin Yuan to make choices.

If a significant crisis occurred in the main world that might damage his physical body, Lin Yuan would definitely forcefully end the transmigration and return his mental will to his body.

Compared to the loss of a transmigration, Lin Yuan valued his physical body more.

Not to mention how much Lin Yuan had invested in this physical body, the fact that it served as the 'landmark' for his mental will's return made it unacceptable for Lin Yuan to let anything happen to it.

"I wonder if I can take the gourd for transmigration."

Lin Yuan had a thought and began to communicate with the Gate of Myriad Realms.

The Gate of Myriad Realms could carry the physical body for transmigration, naturally allowing the transportation of items.

It was just a matter of how much breaking boundary source power it would consume.

During his seventh transmigration, Lin Yuan brought primordial essence gold to the Azure World and placed it in the world's essence, saving him hundreds of years.

The gourd was also an external object, theoretically able to be taken into the transmigrated world.

"Hmm, it's possible, just a wisp of breaking boundary source power?"

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't doubt whether he could take the gourd into the transmigrated world, but he worried that the Gate of Myriad Realms would demand a large amount of source power, like ten or dozens of wisps.

"A wisp of breaking boundary source power it is."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly. Now, his reserve of breaking boundary source power was close to forty wisps, making him quite wealthy.

"All matters are almost handled."

"Time for the eighth transmigration."

Lin Yuan focused his thoughts and made up his mind.

Each transmigration significantly boosted his strength.

Being in the border star domain, Lin Yuan felt the need for urgent strength improvement.

"Which transmigration method to choose?"

Lin Yuan pondered.

Firstly, the random transmigration method was somewhat unstable for him now, better avoided if possible.

Excluding random transmigration, only targeted transmigration remained.

Targeted transmigration had two options: the first was to spend a hundred wisps of breaking boundary source power to choose a world for transmigration according to his requirements.

The one hundred wisps of source power were just the starting point. If the chosen world's level was too high, the consumption would be even greater.

The second option was to spend ten wisps of source power to descend into a world for which he had coordinates.

Currently, among the world coordinates Lin Yuan had, only two were worth revisiting.

One was the Azure World.

The other was the Spirit Realm.

The Azure World was the seventh transmigration world, its boundless void still unexplored.

The Spirit Realm, on the other hand, was the 'upper world' of the Immortal World.

"This time, let's go to the Spirit Realm."

Lin Yuan made up his mind. The Immortal Dao cultivation system significantly helped the Martial Dao evolutionary path, and compared to the void filled with outer evil gods, the Immortal Dao system offered greater benefits.

With this thought, Lin Yuan split a part of his mind, merging the Spirit World's coordinate at the base of the Gate of Myriad Realms.

Through the Gate of Myriad Realms, Lin Yuan arrived outside an incredibly vast world.

This world was very familiar to Lin Yuan. During his time in the Immortal World, he had repeatedly broken through the void, looking up at this giant.

But compared to the vague view back then, the current scene was much clearer, with the overwhelming world force seeming to crush everything.

"Are those the millions of lower worlds under the Spirit Realm?"

Lin Yuan looked down and found countless light spots, estimated to be lower worlds similar to the Immortal World.

It was said there were more than a million such lower worlds.



After observing the Spirit Realm, Lin Yuan instinctively looked up.

Sure enough, he found a corner of an even vaster world.

"There's another world?"

"Is it the real legendary Immortal Realm?"

Lin Yuan was startled. In the various secret books of the Daoist Immortal Sect in the Immortal World, there was mention of a world above the Spirit Realm.

"Let's go with the Spirit Realm."

Lin Yuan's thought shattered.

Outside the Gate of Myriad Realms.

Lin Yuan's consciousness opened his eyes again.

"Immortal Realm?"

"Could that be the ultimate place of the Immortal Dao cultivation system?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself. He didn't know much about the Immortal Realm. To be precise, the Daoist Immortal Sect didn't have much record of the Immortal Realm.

If it weren't for the occasional visits and communications from Immortals of the Daoist Immortal Sect, there probably wouldn't be any record of the Immortal Realm.

"This time in the Spirit Realm will last about nine hundred years."

"With the time flow rate, it's roughly several hundred to one. After staying the full duration, only one or two years will have passed in the main world."

Lin Yuan had a rough idea.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan communicated with the Gate of Myriad Realms without hesitation, activating the Spirit Realm coordinate, and his mental will surged into the Gate of Myriad Realms.


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