Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: Chapter 148

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Looking outside the Holy Kingdom of the Sun God System, Cloud City had dimmed a lot. It was obvious that the Sun God was heavily injured.

You could still vaguely hear the violent roars coming from Cloud City as the God of Light and Sun God fought violently.

“Are you guys leaving?” Sui Xiong saw that the Human Gods looked like they were retreating with the victory. He could not stop himself from asking, “Aren’t you going to stay and watch the end result? Maybe your big brother still needs help.”

“His Highness does not need our help!” the God of City laughed, who was tall and fat and looked exactly like an American professional star wrestler. “Little jellyfish, you have no idea exactly how strong His Highness is!”

“That’s right! This idea is too funny.” The God of Aristocracy shook His head as well. “We have quite a few people here, but if He really fought us, His Highness could beat us through and through with little effort. He is just a Sun God, He definitely has no chance of beating Him!”

“...Then why didn’t He just come alone?” Sui Xiong asked.

“Have you ever seen any kings run over to fight other people all by himself?” the God of Aristocracy looked at him as if he were a dumb fool. “How shabby would that be?!”

Sui Xiong was speechless. He felt deeply that he was too young and too naive, that his thoughts were really not following these uncles and aunties.

“In this case, are we disbanding then? Can I leave now?”

“If you are interested you can stay to watch, but we are following our orders.” The God of Protection smiled sincerely and patted the part that was supposed to be his shoulder. “For us, His Highness’s order must be executed. You can stay here and watch these two divine powers fight to the death; although it is probably more of a unilateral assault. But do watch more, and learn more. Learning is always better.”

Shortly, the Human Gods and oracles activated the teleport coordinates they kept in the Holy Kingdom in advance. Their bodies became shadows one after another, and after an instant, they disappeared without a trace.

In the void outside Cloud City that was filled with brightness and the energy of order, one green jellyfish floated around dumbfoundedly.

Sui Xiong thought for a while, then decided to stay and see what would happen.

Honestly speaking, he was really curious. He really wanted to know what kind of scene it would be when two strong divine powers fought to the death.

Thus, he retreated to a safe distance. Then he gave himself numerous layers of protective spells and got ready to watch the scene with peace of mind.

The roaring inside Cloud City got more and more fierce until the entirety of Cloud City suddenly collapsed. It blew up into countless fragments. Then all the fragments burned up together and turned into a sea of raging fire.

In this sea of fire, an unimaginably huge fireball was waving its countless flame tentacles, fighting a similarly huge armored giant.

That big monster-like fireball was obviously the Sun God. The one waving the hammer and fighting this fireball in fierce battle was the God of Light.

“Seems like they are evenly matched...” Sui Xiong carefully observed both of them fighting. He could not help but mumble quietly, “I really cannot see any obvious gap between them!”

“The power disparity is still huge; that Wuther fellow will most likely win.” The God of Justice’s voice had suddenly come from somewhere close behind him. He was shocked and turned around to look, but found the God of Justice had brought along Morani and Ink. They were all standing behind him.

“Eh? Why did you guys come?”

“It is not only us who came. In fact, most of the Gods who could make it have come,” Morani said, still smiling. “This is the final battle between two strong divine powers. Compared with the human world, this is the real show!”

“What happened to the humans’ world?” Sui Xiong asked.

“The old knight went down to mortal dust and is locked in a fierce battle with the clones of the Orc Gods. That old man is really playing with His life this time. He destroyed His own Holy Kingdom to bring out all His divine power. He moved all the Holy Spirits, oracles, and believers down to the mortal world. He even spread His divine power between them, increasing their abilities forcefully. He is intent on fighting the Orc Gods to the death!” the God of Justice said as he shook His head. “The Orc Gods are also fierce. They have used all the tricks they can on the main plane; they already brought thousands of oracles from the legendary realm. I even saw them hurriedly transferring some strong, demigod-level creatures towards the main plane... tsk tsk tsk. The scene is really grand!”

Sui Xiong was stunned. He immediately thought of Leon, who was probably fighting on the battlefield now. He hurriedly contacted him through the channel of religion.

“Your Highness?” Leon had just recovered from the shock of the dimmed sun and had chopped off Woods’ head with one cut to avoid further complications. With surprise, he asked, “Have you returned victorious? Could it be that the sun lost its brightness because you killed the God of Glory?”

“Please do not look up to me that much, or I will be very stressed,” Sui Xiong laughed bitterly as he broke out in a cold sweat. “They are still fighting over there. But according to my big brother, the God of Light still has a good chance of winning. It seems the Sun God is actually going to be killed.”

Leon nodded slightly. Then he asked worriedly, “If the God of Glory falls, then what will happen to the human world? I assume having no sun will be terrible...”

Sui Xiong finally realized this problem, and immediately asked the God of Justice.

“There should not be any big problem...” the God of Justice scratched His head and initially seemed unbothered. But after thinking carefully, He felt a little uneasy. “Hang in there, let me go ask the manager.”

Inside the Pantheon Temple, His clone went up next to the King of Order. He asked in a lowered voice, “Hey manager, if there is no more sun in the humans’ world, what will happen?”

The King of Order’s face was calm as an ancient well without ripples. “There is no need to worry.”

“You have to at least tell us something. This is not a small matter!”

King of Order shook His head. “The sun in the human world and the God of Sun are not directly connected. Moreover, regardless of who it is, someone will inherit the Sun God clergy.”

His voice was soft, but many Gods heard it. Some of the Gods could not help but stand up immediately and look over at the news.

Everyone knew that in this world, the one who could decide who this “sun” clergy belonged to was none other than the King of Order!

“Your Highness King of Order. Brightness and flame are of the same body. I decide that I am very suitable to inherit the Sun God’s throne!” the impulsive God of Fire said loudly. “Moreover, although I have churches in the human world, I was not enthusiastic in spreading religion and I do not play religious countries either. I have no contradictions with other religious Gods and can fully concentrate on maintaining the world’s operations!”

He was really selling Himself now. But He was reasonable. No matter what angle he preached from, He was indeed very suitable to inherit the Sun God’s position.

“I can too!” the Goddess of Twilight, who had been quiet for many years, spoke. “I have been responsible for part of the clergy of sunlight anyway. If I become Sun God I can do the job well immediately, and will not make a mess due to lack of experience!”

She was also very reasonable, emphasizing Her advantages. When considering the matter from the angle of being conducive to living beings, the advantages she and the God of Fire offered were very different.

“Well, I can too!” the God of Eclipse yelled, “I am already—”

An ax flew out and chopped His odd-shaped head, which looked like a mix between a dog and a turtle. It chopped Him until He became a puddle of bubbles on the spot. This would have heavily injured Him if the Gods in the Pantheon temple could be injured.

“You bastard! Didn’t you used to mumble about extinguishing the sun and destroying the world all the time? Now you only came to because you saw some benefits!” the God of Justice said and laughed coldly. “How dare you put your dog head out. Believe it or not, I will chop your head off!”

All the Gods remained quiet... he had already chopped him down anyway.

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