Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 306

Chapter 306: Chapter 16

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Wow! Who is this? Isn’t this the King of Mount Buried Stone, Lord Talay Stone! Why are you lying on your stomach here foolishly? What! Why is there a saddle on your back? You’ve been so great and powerful; how come you’ve become a personal mount for others!”

On the square, two Green Dragons were lying on their stomach on the ground, covering their faces with their front paws. Meanwhile, Frost was walking around them, shouting in a loud voice as if he was surprised.

“What’s going on?” Sui Xiong asked.

In his impression, dragons were supposed to be a united race. Considering the close relationship between these three dragons, he had never allowed his subordinates to make trouble with them. Unexpectedly, not long ago, Frost had come to him all of a sudden, saying that Gerald had been such a brave and powerful master that it would be perfect to find him a personal mount. Then Frost suggested that he knew where to find a good one.

So Sui Xiong sent Gerald to catch that mount, but he had never expected it to be a Green Dragon, Talay Stone!

Seeing that, the hesitating Leon finally made up his mind and went to catch another Green Dragon as his personal mount as well. The one caught by him was much more famous than Talay Stone. Leon caught the famous villain of the northeast coast, the Shadow of the Poisonous Marsh, Galstoby.

Thus, the Church of Void Mask had two dragon knights. With his long-cherished dream coming true, Leon was so happy that in half a month he rode the dragon and flew over the sky every day, receiving both admiration and envy from others. However, the great posture of the dragon had an extreme influence on the mortals and animals. The officers of the Garth City Hall made a lot of complaints about it. Although Leon was a master of the peak legendary, he couldn’t stand so many complaints and finally stopped showing off.

But that was not the end. He suddenly thought of his old friend Gerald, so Leon rode his dragon and flew over mountains and rivers back to Void Mask Land to talk with Gerald about the experience as a dragon knight.

Now both of them were sitting in a pub, shoulder to shoulder. They were drinking from large bowls, talking and laughing complacently.

Their personal mounts were outside together. Of course, people couldn’t treat them as horses or donkeys, so they just let them rest on the square and served them with two roasted whole lambs as presents.

However, before they finished their lamb, Frost ran out from the warehouse and walked around them with sharp and ironic words in his mouth. It was like he had a deep hatred and wanted to turn his words into knives and spears to throw them into the sensitive hearts of these unlucky dragons.

That was beyond Sui Xiong’s comprehension, so he went to Snow and asked about it.

Hearing that, Snow smiled and asked, “How much do you know about our dragons?”

“You are the strongest race in the world. You have unparalleled strong bodies and excellent learning talent. Apart from some backward members who do not strive for progress, all the dragons who study and practice hard are finally as strong as gods. Several gods in your clan have low divine positions, but they are very good at fighting. Your patriarch, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, is the only master who can kill God without getting the title of God himself. He usually stays at the Dragon Cliff, and nobody dares to trouble him. And if necessary, he can call up more than 60% of the dragons on all planes at one order...”

Snow nodded and asked, “That’s right. But do you know the branches between us?”

“Yes, I do. The most famous are the Five Color and the Five Metal. Five Color refers to the Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Black Dragon, and White Dragon, while Five Metal refers to the Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon, Copper Dragon, Iron Dragon and Tin Dragon. Besides these, there are also some sub-species, such as the Ice Dragon which is from the White Dragon, while the Rock Dragon is from the Black Dragon, etc. What’s more, there is a division between the Superiors and the Inferiors. But this division is very complicated. For example, you are a ‘very superior’ Ice Dragon, Frost, and Graupel is a ‘quite inferior’ Rock Dragon. As for the two Green Dragons outside, the bigger one is a ‘quite inferior’ Mountain Green Dragon, and the small one is the ‘nearly superior’ Bramble Green Dragon...”

Snow kept nodding. “I didn’t expect you to know so much about our dragons! Then, do you know of the relationship between our branches?”

Sui Xiong thought about it for a while and then replied, “I know that there are contradictions between Five Color and Five Metal, and they fight a lot. And the Superiors are authoritative to the Inferiors. When they are together, the Superiors are usually in a dominant position. That’s all I know.”

“You seem like an expert in the study of dragons,” Snow said with a smile. “Within our dragons, there are actually great contradictions. Take me as an example. I’m an Ice Dragon, if I met a Red Flame Dragon... Supposed we met with each other, there definitely would be a big fight. It would be better if I could freeze him into a statue and take it home. That would be quite a compliment for me...”

After saying that, she made a blackboard with ice again. On the blackboard, she painted a slender dragon surrounded by snow with white ice. This slender dragon met a fat dragon with fierce fire on his head. The two sides fought with fire and ice. At last, the fat dragon was frozen into ice. The slender dragon blew a tune, and there were musical notes appearing happily around her head. She put the big ice statue into a net pocket and flew away proudly.

“There are similar contradictions between Rock Dragons and Green Dragons, but not as serious as ours. However, since Rock Dragons are a pure, inferior race, they often suffer losses when meeting the superior Green Dragon. So relatively speaking, Rock Dragons are usually the victim.” Snow painted two dragons on the blackboard again. One was a small honest dragon with thick armor. The other was a big fierce dragon with thorns like knives on his body. The big dragon twitched its tail and cracked the small dragon down. Then he laughed wildly and went away, leaving the small dragon lying on the ground with tears.

“But, under your protection, did Frost and Graupel suffer any losses before?” Sui Xiong nodded at first and asked with confusion again.

Snow was not old in age, but she was super powerful. It was impossible for those two dragons outside to beat her in a 1v1 battle. If they wanted to beat her, they had to work together.

However, with the pride of the dragon clan, as long as it was not a war of principle, they would never rely on more numbers to win.

Snow shook her head. “Didn’t you send Frost and Graupel to search in the deep caves for special cave mushrooms not long ago? It was then that they met Talay Stone and were badly beaten by him. If not for my transmission amulet, they could have been hurt badly. You know the character of Frost. If he takes advantage of others, he will laugh more than happily. And if he suffers a loss, he will grit his teeth and wait for a chance to pay it back. Last time, he suffered a small loss from you, he never forgot it for so many years. What’s more, in his inherited memory, the relationship between Rock Dragons and Green Dragons has always been terrible. With these two factors, he naturally wanted to seek revenge.”

“So what he did was wait for Gerald to become strong enough to make full use of his power, and persuade him to catch Talay Stone as his personal mount?”

“Yes, thus he has the chance to laugh at Talay Stone.”

Sui Xiong was silent for a while, then he shook his head with a smile and sighed. “How childish he is!”

Snow also smiled. “He is a little child after all.”

Frost didn’t know that his sister was talking with the giant jellyfish about his immature actions. He was in a high mood right now. He kept talking about old things that gathered so much hatred throughout the years. These words were like spears and swords, piercing into the heart of Talay Stone and making his heart like a sieve with countless holes.

“That damn little turtle shell! I should have bitten you to death at that time!” Although Talay Stone was big and heavy build, he was not stupid at all. He definitely had realized what was wrong, so he couldn’t help but complain in murmurs.

Hearing his murmurs, Frost was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed happily, “Dear Lord Talay Stone, I should thank you for not biting me to death...”

After saying that, he showed his real body. He raised his tail which was as thick and short as an iron whip, pointing at a not obvious dent with his front paw and cried out fiercely, “Stop your bullshit! Who the hell bit this wound on me! Wasn’t it you! I was not bitten to death at that time, for god’s sake, it was because my powerful sister saved me! It had nothing to do with you!”

He jumped up and raised his tail, trying to slap it on the head of Talay Stone. But he was dragged by Graupel. Nobody knew when she had come.

“Brother, forget it! Forget it!”

“Forget it! This old bastard said he should have roasted us as turtles! He also said that by soaking us in hot water several times and brushing us with salt, our shells would be soft... You old bastard! Do you think I’m a weak cat? You want to eat me? Why don’t you open your eyes and see who is in front of you!”

“But he didn’t do that...”

“Sister, you can’t be so kind! There is no kindness with such an evil lizard! Don’t you remember the story the giant jellyfish told us before? When the farmer saw the frozen snake, he felt pity for it. He took it home and put it in a warm place. However, the snake came to life and bit the farmer to death... To sympathize with such an evil who deserves nothing than death is to commit the same mistake as the farmer in the story!”

“Hasn’t he been punished...”

“Not enough! I thought he would be unyielding, and eventually be chopped into a bunch of dragon raw materials! Who knew that the bald head would actually say, ‘I think you’re all dragons from the same clan. It’s really bad to kill your fellow people...’ Who the hell is from the same clan of this old bastard? If so, does he plan to cook us for dinner?!”

The more Frost spoke, the angrier he became. He opened his mouth and sprayed dragon breath that could turn ordinary creatures into rocks on Talay Stone’s paws. His dragon breath, of course, could not turn Talay Stone, which was superior to him, into a stone, but it added many ugly gray patterns to Talay Stone’s thick, solid, shield-like scales.

“You dead old ghost! Don’t hold your head behind your paws like a turtle! Stretch your head out! Let Uncle Frost help you to see the stars in the daytime!”

“Why? Brother, what does that mean?”

“I’m going to hit him until he sees stars!

On the other side, Galstoby, the Green Dragon, secretly watched the noisy scene and sighed.

“What’s all this about? Did I just suffer everything by accident?”

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