Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 211: General Liu and Zhang, Towards the Storage Room!

Chapter 211: General Liu and Zhang, Towards the Storage Room!

Slowly making his way along the path, Xuan Hao felt that the shaking from the secret realm beginning to collapse begin to grow more and more intense with each passing second, but he did not dare to move any faster.

After all, he had no idea if the person who lived in the underground room was hostile towards him and prepared to attack him the moment he let his guard down.

Even then, it did not take Xuan Hao long before he reached the end of the path and found himself in what could only be considered an underground garden.

Looking around at the weirdly glowing trees and foliage neatly arranged in some sort of weird order all, Xuan Hao tried to think about what kind of plants they were and his newly acquired knowledge about spiritual plants and trees soon began to show its worth as Xuan Hao almost immediately recognised the different plants and trees inside the underground garden.

"Violent Crystal Trees, Crystal Flowers, Earth Spirit Vines…" Looking over all the different rare spiritual plants, Xuan Hao could not help but open his eyes in shock as he slowly understood that he had come upon an extremely rare garden filled with rare spiritual plants!


Walking through the underground garden with an increasingly shocked look on his face, Xuan Hao heard a rustling sound from a nearby spirit berry bush and froze in place as he cautious look over at the spirit berry bush.

The spirit berries on the bush shook gently as Xuan Hao clearly felt and saw something moving inside of the spirit berry bush!

"Hello…?" Calling out cautiously, Xuan Hao slowly began to approach the berry bush with his sword drawn. Ready to attack in case whatever was hiding inside the spirit berry bush decided to launch an attack towards him!

The spirit berry bush also stopped shaking the moment Xuan Hao called out and it seemed like whatever was hiding inside the spirit berry bush had decided not to answer as it had ceased any form of movement.

This in turn only causing Xuan Hao to grow more cautious as he slowly began to use his qi to move the leaves of the spirit berry bush to see what was hiding inside of it…

"This should have been the original entrance to the secret realm…" Arriving in the throne room of the main hall, the Imperial Teacher of the Sky Empire said with confidence as he walked in front of a gate located to the side. Completely ignoring the terrifying pillar piercing through the ceiling of the palace and directly into the ground.

The terrifying energy gathered around the pillar shattered the surrounding palace walls as it slowly grew stronger. Growing close and closer to reaching a point where it would erupt outwards and destroy the entire secret realm along with the remaining paths back to their home world!

"Imperial Teacher. S-should we not hurry up and get out before that thing activates…?" General Liu nervously looked towards the giant pillar with the terrifying energy swirling around it as it let out a world destroying aura.

The sheer amount of fear he felt when looking at the giant pillar with the energy swirling around it was incomparable to anything he had ever felt before!

Even when he met with the ancestors of the Sky Empire at the Soul Ascension Realm, he did not feel such a terrifying suppression!

Whatever that energy was, it was above what someone in the Soul Ascension Realm was capable of doing on their own.

At least that was what General Liu felt when he looked up at the giant pillar gathering more and more of that terrifying energy.

"Haha, you don't need to worry so much about it! From what I see, it will at least take another 30 or so minutes before the formation gathers enough void energy to activate!" Calming down the worry of General Liu, the Imperial Teacher laughed a bit before he focused back on the original entrance to the secret realm.

"Void energy?" General Liu who heard an unfamiliar term could not help but ask out.

"No need to think about that for now, go with General Zhang to find to storage room, I will stay here together with Bi Sheng and find a way to open up the entrance here." Dismissing the question of General Liu, the Imperial Teacher ordered for him to move with General Zhang of the Onyx Empire to find the storage room hidden inside of the palace.

"But…" Looking over at General Zhang and Ancestor Bi Sheng, General Liu could not help but feel uncomfortable upon hearing the orders of the Imperial Teacher.

Working together with them when the Imperial Teacher was around was one thing. Working together with them alone was another…

He did not feel safe at all…

"Don't worry about it, he won't do anything to you. The storage room should be located at the north wing of the palace. Now hurry!" Seemingly reading his mind, the Imperial Teacher answered before he managed to protest and directed him towards the north wing of the palace

"Yes… Imperial Teacher…" Reluctantly agreeing, General Liu cast an unwilling gaze in the direction of General Zhang as the other party just smiled in return before both of them moved towards the north wing of the palace.

"Are you really sure it is fine to leave it to them…? One of us should have gone to make sure nothing happens…" Watching the two generals disappear, Bi Sheng turned around and asked the Imperial Teacher with a questioning look on his face.

"Its fine… I trust General Liu won't do anything inappropriate and I'm sure you think the same about that General Zhang… And I will need you here as well when breaking the seal on the entrance…" Smiling as he said the first part, the Imperial Teachers mood soon turned sour as he reached the last part.

"My help…? What do you mean, you know that I'm not skilled in dealing with seals and that kind of stuff…" Showing a confused expression on his face for the first time since entering the secret realm, Bi Sheng looked at the Imperial Teacher waiting for him to explain what he meant.



Pointing towards the giant pillar gathering what the Imperial Teacher had called void energy, a small string of energy broke off as it slammed into a nearby wall and easily pierced through it before landing a little farther away.


The small string of void energy caused a violent explosion as it hit the ground and easily reduced several nearby palaces to rubble.

"Another reason why realm destruction formations are not used often. Void energy is highly unstable! I hope you a prepared to block it when it comes this way~" Smiling cheekily at Bi Sheng as he said this, the Imperial Teacher focused back onto the original entrance to the secret realm as several differing symbols manifested in the air around him while trying to break the seal on the gate.

"You got to be kidding me…" Watching as the void energy around the pillar grew stronger and stronger, Bi Sheng also discovered that it grew more and more unstable…


A dark qi slowly began to drift out of Bi Sheng as he began to prepare his defensive techniques for the inevitable clash with the unstable void energy.


"What was that?!" Looking over in the direction of the explosion, both General Liu and General Zhang had a shocked expression on their face as they watched from afar as several palaces were reduced to rubble.

"We have to hurry before this entire secret realm ends up collapsing!" Feeling a sense of urgency, General Liu began moving quicker than before as they soon found themselves in the north wing of the palace.

Not discovering a weird mist that slowly drifted a little behind them as they moved. Never getting too close and never falling too far behind…

"General Zhang, should we split up or move together?" Entering the north wing of the palace, General Liu asked General Zhang in a cautious tone as he waited for an answer.

"Just call me Zhang and we should move together, it would be dangerous to move alone if we encountered anything… Remember, the barrier to this realm city is down and anyone can enter now, that includes demon beasts!" Saying this, General Zhang looked out of a nearby window in the direction that the giant lizard demon beast was staying.

"I understand, you can just call me Liu as well then!" Nodding his head in agreement as he remembered the giant lizard demon beast from earlier, General Liu felt a shiver run down his spine.

If it was not for the two elders, he was sure that he would never have been able to survive the encounter with such a terrifying demon beast close to the Soul Ascension Realm…

"I think the storage room is located in that direction…" Just as they walked into the main hallway of the north wing of the palace, General Zhang stopped General Liu as he said this.

"Hm? How do you know?" With a confused expression on his face, General Liu looked in the same direction as General Zhang and soon understood.

[Storage Room ->]

A sign was hanging on the wall of the hallway as it pointed in the direction of the storage room…

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