Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 239: Talk with Shu Yao

Chapter 239: Talk with Shu Yao

"So, what is it that you wanted to ask me about?" Sitting down at a nearby chair in the small courtyard as she tilted her head to the side with a curious look on her face, Shu Yao stared up at Xuan Hao.

Seeing the relaxed appearance of Shu Yao as she sat down, Xuan Hao also walked over before sitting on a chair next to her as he began explaining about what had happened in the Spring Flower Sect's territory.

"… Do you perhaps know anything about the people who appeared to mine these, Ghost Crystals?" Taking out the Ghost Crystal he had brought with him and putting it at a small table next to them, Xuan Hao waited for Shu Yao to go over the information he just gave her.

Thinking about it for some time before she answered, Shu Yao had a doubtful look on her face as she began talking.

"Hm… I haven't been back to the Spring Flower Sect for quite a while now and sadly don't have any clue about what sort of organisation that is… Though I did receive a message before the secret realm appeared from my Vice Sect Master saying the Seven Fates Sect warned us about an imminent attack from some sort of organisation that had recently attempted to break into their grand treasury for some unknown reason and that they were targeting us as well…

Maybe it was the same organisation? I have not really been in contact as these low-quality communication talismans still don't work yet…"

Listing to her, Xuan Hao did not gain anything useful from it and still had no clue what the organisation was up to.

They had targeted both the Spring Flower Sect and the Seven Fates Sect's treasuries and at the same time mined for the ghost crystals.

Xuan Hao did not learn anything and only grew more confused upon knowing about the fact that the Seven Fates Sect was involved as well.

Did both sects perhaps have something in their treasuries that this organisation needed? What was it and how did the organisation even know if the Spring Flower Sect and Seven Fates Sect had the thing, they were searching for in the first place?

Xuan Hao did not believe that they would just randomly attack the Seven Fates Sect and even plan to attack the Spring Flower Sect just for their treasuries…

After all, if they were after the treasures, just going after a large number of weaker sects would be way more useful and safer for them instead of risking their lives and failing like they had.

"I will try and ask around about this after the communication talismans begin working again, I also know a fair share of people outside the Heavenly Sky Kingdom that might know something. After discussing things with Feng Chen, I will hurry back to the Spring Flower Sect and personally check up on things as well." Seeing the thoughtful look on Xuan Hao's face as he seemed lost in thought, Shu Yao also began to feel worried about the Spring Flower Sect herself as she said this.

Hearing about the Ghost Crystals and things Xuan Hao had encountered, Shu Yao was especially worried when he had mentioned the stone like snake.

It was also through the vivid description of the fight that Shu Yao realized how strong Xuan Hao was.

Even if he had not reached the Domain Lord Realm like he said himself, Shu Yao did not doubt the fact that his strength should have already reached the Domain Lord Realm!

This realization caused Shu Yao to let out a sigh of amazement when she thought about the bright future of the Spring Flower Sect after merging together with the Flying Sword Sect.

"That is great! I should be taking my leave as well for now. You can just contact me whenever after you find out something!" Smiling happily upon hearing what Shu Yao said, Xuan Hao stood up and took out his communication talisman before linking it up with Shu Yao's communication talisman so she could contact him in the future after she found out about something.

"Ah, Elder Xuan!"


Stopping Xuan Hao as he was about to leave the small courtyard and return to his pavilion, Shu Yao suddenly pulled out a small token with a small symbol of a flower engraved on it as she gave it to him.

"Use this if you ever find yourself in trouble inside the Sky Empire, it will give off a signal to some of my friends outside and they will come over and help you out." Not saying anything more, Shu Yao used the opportunity while Xuan Hao was looking at the small token with a confused expression to disappear from the small courtyard. Leaving behind Xuan Hao as he began carefully inspecting the token given to him by Shu Yao.

"I wonder how strong the friends of Shu Yao are… Maybe in the Domain Lord Realm? After all, she did not seem too surprised after learning about me reaching the Domain Lord Realm over the next few days…" Muttering this to himself as he stared at the small flower engraving, Xuan Hao shook his head not thinking too deeply about it before putting the small token away in his interspatial ring.


With a small breeze passing through the courtyard, Xuan Hao's figure disappeared from the courtyard as he made his way back to his pavilion.

"What is with so many people suddenly showing up recently?! And how come we suddenly got a new Core Elder?" Elder Song exclaimed painfully as he stared down at a large stack of paper stacked up in front of him as he lamented to himself.

Over the past few days, a large number of elders had suddenly come to him and asked for different things that would normally be solved by the Vice Sect Master.

Elder Song was already used to this and had not thought much about it at first, but the number of elders showing up to ask for his help did not decrease in the slightest! Instead, the number had increased and just now, a person called Chi Hu showed up and said he was a new Core Elder recruited by Xuan Hao!

The old man called Chi Hu was to Elder Song's liking and he instantly thought he had met someone who could help him and had quickly found an empty mountain peak in the core area with a pavilion on it before asking for the new Core Elder Chi Hu for help dealing with the elder's requests.

The new Core Elder Chi Hu had luckily not found his request rude or anything as he agreed to help out.

Chi Hu's reason was quite simple as the current appearance of Elder Song was simply too pitiful to look at.

By this point he had already stayed up working through the different elder's requests for over a week straight without resting, if he did not have a strong cultivation, Chi Hu was certain that the poor Elder Song would have already passed away due to overwork!

Peng Yun had already had his cultivation sealed as he was sent over to the Alchemy Hall, so Chi Hu did not worry about him and began focusing on helping Elder Song out.

"How did you even end up doing all of this by yourself in the first place? Could you not just get some of the disciples or other Elders to help you out…?" Asking this as he looked through the different request and began sorting them out to help alleviate the workload on Elder Song, Chi Hu asked in a curious voice as he really wanted to know how an old man like Elder Song ended up in his current situation.

"Hah… I have no idea to be honest… And only a small number of people are allowed to go over the elder's requests…" Shaking his head helplessly as he stared at the mountain of requests in front of him, Elder Song felt a little helpless.

Going over the different requests of the elders was not something that the disciples or even other elders could do and the number of people who had the authority to do so was extremely limited!

At the current moment, outside the Sect Master, Vice Sect Master and the Core Elders, only Elder Song had the authority to do so!

"How should I help out…?" Listing to what Elder Song said, Chi Hu quickly stepped forward and asked.

He could help out the poor Elder Song and at the same time he would be able to learn more about the elders of the Flying Sword Sect through their requests!

This was what Chi Hu thought to himself while sitting down beside Elder Song and grabbing a nearby request full of anticipation.

What would the elders of the Flying Sword Sect be requesting so eagerly over the past week?

[Elder Song my good friend, it's been some time since we last spent some time together me and that old baldie Xiao are hoping we could go and visit the Cloud Breeze Shop that recently opened up and get a cup of tea to relax…]

"W-what is this…?" Muttering this to himself, Chi Hu no longer read anymore and instead looked over at another request and quickly realized that it was request asking Elder Song to come and hang out as well…? Looking around at the request, Chi Hu even found a few request that were just blatantly demanding for Elder Song to come and hang out with them…

How are these requests sent by the elders to the sect! These people are clearly just asking for Elder Song to come and hang out with them!

"Hah… Just… Reject all of them!" Sighing to himself as he said this, Elder Song already seemed used to the requests of the elders at this point as he began rejecting the requests himself.


Chi Hu did not really know what to say as Elder Song seemed to be extremely popular with the other elders of the Flying Sword Sect…

Maybe they waited for a time when they knew only Elder Song would take in the requests before coming to deliver them…?

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