Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 254: Elder Song Seeking Help!

Chapter 254 - Elder Song Seeking Help!

Entering the pavilion, Xuan Hao soon came to a stop in front of the entrance to the inner section of the pavilion together with Lu Wen.

"I-I will go and inform master, please wait here for a moment!"

Saying this, Lu Wen entered through the door and walked deeper inside the pavilion before coming to a stop in front of the room where Xuan Hao could sense the aura of both Elder Song and Elder Wang Hu.

"Hm… I do wonder what Elder Song is doing here…"

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao found a nearby bench located in the hallway and sat down waiting for Lu Wen to return.

A little before Xuan Hao had shown up at the pavilion, Elder Song had just made his way over there as he was looking for Elder Wang Hu.

With the help of Chi Hu, he had managed to get the different requests sorted out way quicker than he had originally expected, and the Sect Master had also just returned to take charge of things again, thus resulting in the requests looking to invite him to all sorts of events stopping.

Having gained some free time for once, Elder Song made his way over towards the pavilion of his old friend, Core Elder Wang Hu.

"Hm? Old Song, why are you here…?"

The moment he had arrived at the pavilion, Wang Hu was leisurely enjoying a bite to eat under a blooming apple tree just besides the pavilion.

"Haha, how can you call me old when you are older than me? And I'm just here to ask for your help… It is about the increase in staff for the management of the sect, I hope that you would help me convince the Sect Master to send a few more elders my way to help out with things now that Zu Fei is… Well… Zu Fei…"

Not trying to dodge the question in the slightest, Elder Song answered without concealing his reason for showing up.

"Indeed… I did hear you were overworked once again this last week during the Sect Master's closed door cultivation session…"

Putting on a thoughtful look while saying this, Wang Hu stood up and walked over to Elder Song.

At the same time, a servant also appeared and quickly cleaned up the remaining food and other things still left on the table that Wang Hu had been sitting at a few seconds ago.

"Why don't we head inside and discuss this first…? I should be able to help you out to some extent…"

Standing beside Elder Song, Wang Hu remained respectful towards the elderly man as he invited him inside his pavilion.

"Haha, then I hope you don't mind."

Smiling happily after hearing this, Elder Song already knew that Wang Hu would help him out. Now all that he needed to do, was try and get him to agree to help get as many elders to help him out as possible!

Like this, Elder Song and Wang Hu both entered the pavilion to further discuss about the matter of sending more elders over to help out Elder Song with the overall management of the sect.

It had to be known, that Elder Song was in charge of manging most aspects of the Flying Sword Sect, be it events for the younger generation and new disciples to the transport of goods and other essential resources.

His importance in the Flying Sword Sect was no less than a Core Elder and to some extent, even more important to the overall function of the sect on a day-to-day basis.

Knock Knock

It was just when they had begun discussing how many elders they would try and convince the Sect Master to send over, that a quiet knocking sound from the door interrupted them.

"Hm…? Who is it?" The source of this content is [ f r e e w e b n o v e l. c o m ]

"Ah, it is just one of my disciples, I will be right back!"

Hearing what Wang Hu said, Elder Song watched as he made his way over towards the door and began talking with a young boy around 15 or so years of age.

Elder Song did not mind this at all and just sat down in a nearby chair and patiently waited for Wang Hu to sort out things with his disciple.

"What did you say!? Go back and send him in immediately!"

Hearing Wang Hu suddenly raise his voice, Elder Song felt a bit surprised as he curiously looked over towards the entrance of the room where the young boy quickly turned around and made his way over towards the entrance of the pavilion.

Perhaps another core elder showed up…? Could it be his brother?

Thinking this, Elder Song smiled a bit to himself, if he could convince another core elder to help him… The sect master would surely give in to his demands and send a few more elders over to help him out!

Maybe he could even get the new core elder Chi Hu to help him out some more in the future… He learned quite quickly and was also good company…

"Elder Xuan, master said that you can enter! Follow me and I will lead you to where master is at!"

Sitting down at the bench covered in a soft fabric, Xuan Hao watched Lu Wen run over from the inside of the pavilion with a serious look on his face as he told him this.

"Okay, you can just lead the way."

Not wanting to make things more difficult for Lu Wen, Xuan Hao stood up from the comfortable bench and followed behind Lu Wen as both of them made their way deeper into the pavilion of Elder Wang Hu together.

Walking through the pavilion, Xuan Hao noticed something quite interesting about the pavilion as he observed how there were several different people along the way towards the place where Wang Hu and Elder Song were waiting.

Compared to his own pavilion that was empty most of the time, Wang Hu's pavilion was filled with both disciples and servants walking all over the place as he even spotted a few elders walking around the place.

Of course, these elders were not normal elders but were instead some of Wang Hu's older disciples that had become elders of the sect at this point in time.

The difference between his own pavilion and Wang Hu's was truly easy to see. Not that Xuan Hao was envious of it or anything…

After all, with so many people around, Xuan Hao doubted he would be able live his ideal peaceful life…

"We are here!"

Lost in thought as he watched the different people passing by, Lu Wen's voice brought him back to reality as they came to a stop in front of a well decorated door located towards the centre of the pavilion.

Reaching forward with his divine sense, Xuan Hao could sense the aura of both Elder Song and Wang Hu just beyond the door.. One of them standing close to the door, while the other was sitting down somewhere further inside the room.

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