Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 309: Sect Mission

Chapter 309: Sect Mission

"W-would it be okay if I stayed during your time in the library?" nervously looking over at him while saying this, the young disciple began fidgeting even more with her hands before looking away from him.

"Sure… I don't have any reason to refuse, but why are you asking me whether you can stay around or not?" Looking over at the nervous young girl, Xuan Hao could not stop himself from asking as he found the current situation quite weird.

"N-normally I would not have a chance to enter the library… After all, I'm not a member of the Formation Hall…"

"I see… You are welcome to read as much as you can before I leave…"

Feeling a bit sympathetic towards the young girl, who wanted to learn about formations, Xuan Hao moved over towards a nearby bookshelf labelled with Beginner Formations.


Taking out a book labelled [Beginner Formations for Fledgling Formation Masters], Xuan Hao handed it over to the young girl before finding a few books to read himself. Not leaving the library, but instead deciding to stay around and allow the young girl some more time to read up on formations…

"Thank You!"

Seeing the book that Xuan Hao handed over to her, they young disciple quickly thanked him before eagerly sitting down and reading the book with her full attention. Not daring to even look away for even a second, in case the book in her hands disappeared.

Xuan Hao did not mind this in the slightest and instead just focused on the book in his hand explaining the foundations of how a formation was made and constructed.


Just as Xuan Hao was getting absorbed into the book in front of him, the system decided to once again show up, showing off the fact that it had indeed become more active…

[Sect Mission: Help the young disciple trying to enter the Formation Hall]

[Description: They young inner disciple of your sect, Fang Yu, has been trying to enter the Formation Hall for the past two years without any success even with the close to non-existent test difficulty. Find out the reason and help her enter the Formation Hall.

[Reward: Qi Gathering Formation Blueprint, Strength of the Formation Hall will increase]

Sect mission…? The system not only wanted to increase the strength of his disciples, but also wanted to increase the strength of his sect?

Xuan Hao did not know how to react when he saw the new quest given out by the system. Even the rewards for completing the quest were something unfamiliar to him.

The Qi Gathering Formation was not something he really knew anything about, and he had no clue how useful it would be. The only thing he could do at the moment, was speculate that it was a formation that would help increase his cultivation speed.

The second part of the reward on the other hand, was way vaguer and harder to understand. Only saying that the strength of the Formation Hall would increase…

How would it increase?

The only reason Xuan Hao could think of, was that the increase in the Formation Hall's strength would have something to do with Fang Yu… Just that… She was currently only an inner disciple and was far from reaching a level where she would be able to increase the strength of the Formation Hall…

That is not to talk about the fact that she was someone who failed the entrance test of the Formation Hall two years straight, according to the system.

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao glanced over at Fang Yu for a short moment before returning his focus back to his book again. No matter what, he would first have to complete the knowledge related quest. Given that it had a time limit on it…

Like this, Xuan Hao, and the young inner disciple Fang Yu both sat down reading inside the library peaceful as the time outside passed by. The sun slowly reaching its peak in the sky.


It's already been four hours! I wonder how close to completing the quest I am…

Stretching his arms as he thought about this, Xuan Hao observed his quest progress before a surprised expression appeared on his face.

[New Knowledge about Professions: 53/100]

[Alchemy 25/25]

[Formations: 28/??]

From the looks of things, him learning about formations was not limited to only 25% on the knowledge quest!

Smiling happily when he realized this, Xuan Hao could not help thinking about the reason why his progress with alchemy had been restricted and the only reason he could think of, was the fact that the system had already given him the knowledge and skill of an Artisan Alchemist.

The system wanted him to expand his knowledge on other professions than just alchemy… Maybe it even wanted him to learn every single profession out there at some point…

Thinking this, Xuan Hao suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine as he imagined just how much work it would take for him to learn so many different profession… Let alone the fact that the system would most likely want him to master said professions…

"No need to think about that now!" Shaking his head as he said this to himself, Xuan Hao stood up and was about to leave the library and find a place to practice some of the formations that he had read about, when he suddenly remembered Fang Yu, who was still completely absorbed by the book he had handed over to her earlier.

Even when he stood up and caused quite a bit of noise, Fang Yu did not seem to notice in the slightest. Remaining completely focused on the thick book in her hands.

"Hah… Guess I will just stay here and practice a few small-scale formations…"

Remembering the fact that Fang Yu would most likely have to leave the library if he left, Xuan Hao sat back down again and circulated his qi into a small beginner formation that increased the temperature by a few degrees in the area it covered.

The formation itself was not big at all. Only being around the size of his hand. Easily displaying one of the biggest charms of formations, their ability to easily scale up and down. From covering a house to covering his hand. Formations were easily able to scale up and down, as long as they had an ample supply of qi or were constructed with a medium taking the place of the formation master, like the pillars he had seen back in the secret realm.

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