Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 316: Fluffy Cloud Café

Chapter 316: Fluffy Cloud Café

Leaving the Formation Hall, Xuan Hao made his way back towards his pavilion.

Walking instead of flying back, as he wanted to take things a bit slower now that he had managed to complete the knowledge related quest from the system.

Other than that, Xuan Hao also wanted to see what the disciples from the Flying Sword Sect were doing on a day-to-day basis and maybe get some ideas as to what his own disciples might be doing when he was not teaching them…

All in all, Xuan Hao had never really spent much time outside of his pavilion ever since entering the Flying Sword Sect, so most he was unfamiliar with most of the Flying Sword Sect!

"Hey, I heard that a new restaurant just opened up in the Flying Sword City!"

"Really? Is it special or something?"

"Yeah, I heard that it was called Fluffy Cloud Café. It's a quite famous chain that exist even outside the Sky Empire. According to some rumours, a café can easily be found anywhere on the Ewaria Continent!"

"Hm?" Walking along the path leading away from the Formation Hall, Xuan Hao suddenly heard two nearby elders talking excitedly with each other about a new café opening up in the Flying Sword City.

"Fluffy Cloud Café… That is quite a cute name for a café and one that have quite some background…" Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao could not help but grow curious about the new café opening up in the Flying Sword City.

After all, if it was a café that had the ability to spread across the Sky Empire and maybe even beyond that, it should at the very least have some sort of backing.

"Looks like I will have to pay a visit to the Fluffy Cloud Café…"

Smiling a bit to himself, Xuan Hao changed direction and moved towards the entrance of the Flying Sword Sect leading directly into the Flying Sword City.

He was in no hurry to return to his pavilion and redeem the reward from the quest. After all, he did not want to just spend all his time focusing on cultivation and improving his strength…

In the first place, he wanted to spend his time without stressing over improving his cultivation base and reaching a higher realm. Relaxing at a café with a good snack and a cup of tea would be a good change of pace.

No matter what, he should not forget that the reason he wanted to become strong in the first place was being able to live a relaxing and peaceful life without any disturbances.

Maybe when he got strong enough, he could settle down and set up a family. At least for now, that was far in the future… After all, it would require him to find a wife first and…

Shaking his head at the thought of actually setting up a family, Xuan Hao could not help but smile wryly to himself.

"Hah… Maybe I should just return to the pavilion and cultivate…" Stopping his thoughts before they began to wander into a not so safe direction, Xuan Hao's divine sense spread out in all directions around him. Instantly covering both the Flying Sword Sect and the Flying Sword City.

"That should be it…"

Finding the location of the Fluffy Cloud café, Xuan Hao directly disappeared from the road he had been standing on just a moment ago before directly reappearing in front of the Fluffy Cloud Café within seconds.


For such a short distance, Xuan Hao could almost appear instantaneously! Even if it was not teleportation, it was close to the same thing…

Appearing discreetly in front of the Fluffy Cloud Café, Xuan Hao was shocked by the large group of people that had gathered inside of the café. Quickly using his domain to obscure his appearance, so as to not be recognized.

Mainly consisting of disciples and a few elders from the Flying Sword Sect, the people gathered inside the Fluffy Cloud Café all had an excited expression on their face as they ate all sorts of different kinds of food.

From light snacks, to some even eating several large cakes all by themselves in a corner of the café…

Overall, the Fluffy Cloud Café served mostly cakes and other light snacks like a small fruit platter with a few apples in the shape of cute rabbits and other animals. Some even mixing several different fruits together into the shape of small and cute demon beasts showing off a furious expression that just made them look even cuter…

"Hello! What can I get you?"

"Ah… Is there something you would recommend?"

Unknowingly having made his way inside the café, Xuan Hao was faced with a waitress that had come over to ask him.

"Hm… I would personally recommend the Fluffy Cloud, it's by far the best thing we have! Though it does cost three spirit stones…"

"I will take it! Get me a cup of any tea you would recommend as well; just keep the rest."

Taking out four spirit stones before handing them over to the waitress who happily took them, Xuan Hao was soon guided over to a small table with a view of the streets of the Flying Cloud City just outside.

Sitting down as the waitress disappeared into what he could only assume was the location of the kitchen.

"Here is your tea, sir!"

A few minutes passed before the waitress returned with a cup of tea and a small plate with what he could only assume was the Fluffy Cloud that she had recommend him to try out.

"Thank You."

Nodding his head as the waitress put down the small plate along with the tea in front of him before disappearing in the direction of another customer, Xuan Hao looked outside at the people passing by while slowly sipping on the tea.

"Jasmine tea? This is my first time trying it after coming here…" Feeling a bit nostalgic as he drank the tea, Xuan Hao closed his eyes to appreciate the taste for a short moment.

Jasmine tea had always been one of his favourites and now he had the opportunity to taste it again after so long…

"I wonder what the Fluffy Cloud will taste like." Curiously looking down at the small fluffy cloud like object that seemingly floated just above the small plate, Xuan Hao put down his cup of tea as he picked up a small fork laying at the edge of the plate before poking into the fluffy cloud.


The moment Xuan Hao poked into the fluffy cloud, a small stream of hot air escaped as the fluffy cloud deflated and collapsed down onto the small plate.

Feeling even more curious about the food of sorts in front of him, Xuan Hao slowly picked up a small amount of the now gooey hot substance on his small plate before eating it.

"This is… Interesting…"

Not knowing how to describe the taste of the fluffy cloud with words, Xuan Hao was completely unfamiliar with what he was tasting. The only way he could describe it, would be some kind of vanilla related dessert…

Like this, time slowly passed by with Xuan Hao enjoying the weird yet tasty fluffy cloud with a cup of jasmine tea.

By the time Xuan Hao stood up and prepared to leave the Fluffy Cloud Café, the sun had already begun to go down as the moon was beginning to rise.

Looking around himself, Xuan Hao saw that the Fluffy Cloud Café was still bustling with activity. The only difference being the customers themselves. From most of the people being disciples of the Flying Sword Sect, to it mostly consisting of people from the elderly generation. Elders of the Flying Sword Sect being among the most dominant…

It was a good idea to hide my identity before coming here. Though I do wonder why the elders are always hanging out in somewhere in the Flying Sword City… Perhaps they don't have enough to do? Maybe I should inform Elder Song about this, he always seems to need more people to help him out…

Thinking about this as he looked over at the large gathering of Flying Sword Sect Elders inside of the Fluffy Cloud Café, Xuan Hao quietly left the Fluffy Cloud Café.

At the same time in a corner of the Fluffy Cloud Café, three elders from the Flying Sword Sect suddenly shivered.

"Huh…? Why do I suddenly feel something bad is going to happen?"

"You as well? I suddenly felt a shiver go down my spine for some reason, perhaps something bad is really going to happen soon…"

"Both of you calm down, there is no way something bad will happen just because of that! Aren't we going to merge with the Spring Flower Sect soon? And don't forget the fact that Elder Xuan Is rumoured to have reached the Domain Lord Realm! How can something bad happen to us so suddenly without any reason!?"

Discussing about the sudden feeling of danger among themselves, two of the elders were interrupted by a third one as he reasoned with them.

"Hah… Guess there is no arguing with that Old Double D…"

"True, Old Double D is indeed more reasonable than us two…"

Shaking their heads as they teased the elder who calmed them down, the elder in question did not seem to take to it so kindly as he angrily looked at the two other elders.


"Haha, Yeah, yeah~ If you say so~"


Ignoring the loud? and angry voice that caught the attention of everyone inside the Fluffy Cloud Café, the other two elders just laughed teasingly before the group soon resumed chatting together like they had earlier, as the night slowly grew darker outside.

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