Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 94: Chu Yangs Future Professionis is...

Chapter 94: Chu Yang's Future Professionis is...

As Xuan Hao was thinking about why the dark green orb of energy was bigger inside the now deceased woman, it slowly started expanding as the roots system it had created inside of the woman that had just stopped working became active again.

The roots spreading out from the dark green orb of energy slowly transferred some of the energy from the dark green orb into the ends of the roots.

Following this, small green orbs slowly exited from the pores of the deceased woman's skin, invisible to the naked eye, Xuan Hao watched as the small green orbs slowly floated into the distance, carried away by the gentle breeze passing by.

"Well… That is one way…" Looking at the small green orbs numbering in the thousands floating into the distance, Xuan Hao looked back at the now dead woman for one last time before he waved his hand causing the earth beneath her to slowly open up and bury her body underneath.

Next a small gravestone appeared at the peak of the small hilltop.

Xuan Hao had no idea who the woman was, but he decided to give her a burial now that he had met her in her last moments…


Xuan Hao looked back at the small hilltop one last time before he slowly disappeared into the distance.

"Why do I need to do this…?"

Back at the Flying Sword Sect a little after Xuan Hao had left, Chu Yang speechlessly looked at the different herbs that were placed in small pots in front of him by his "kind-hearted" senior sister.

"What are you talking about dear junior brother~ it's important to learn a side profession as cultivators so we have a way to buy the cultivation resources that we need in the future!" Smiling widely at Chu Yang, Qing Yi handed a book about botany over to him.

"B-but why do I have to learn botany? Can't I just learn something like blacksmithing or tailoring…?" Still not understanding why his senior sister was so insistent on him learning botany, Chu Yang questioned with a confused look on his face.

"Because I'm learning alchemy! If both of us support each other, you will grow plants and herbs, while I will brew potions and concoct pills to sell!" Saying the last part, a strange light started shining in Qing Yi's eyes.

Looking down on the book that Qing Yi had handed to him about the cultivation of different spiritual plants and exotic herbs, Chu Yang could not help but want to refuse, but the look in his senior sisters eyes looked exceptionally scary for some reason… Chu Yang felt that if he refused his senior sisters "kind" intentions, he would have something bad happen to him…

"Fine… I will make sure to learn botany…" Sighing a bit inside of his head, Chu Yang decided to do what Qing Yi had told him.

No matter what, he would most likely end up learning a profession down the line, it did not really matter much to him which one he would end up learning in the first place and the fact that Qing Yi was learning alchemy was indeed true…

At least this way, both should be able to support each other in the future… Chu Yang did not really see any disadvantages to this, but deep down, he still felt that something was wrong…

"Great! Master's pavilion also has a greenhouse in it, luckily for us it is not in use, so you can use it to plant herbs and different kind of plants in the future!" Hearing Chu Yang's response, Qing Yi started smiling ear from ear as she quickly grabbed onto Chu Yang and dragged him in the direction of the empty greenhouse inside the pavilion.

"Wha-" Chu Yang wanted to stop her, but he did not find an opportunity to do so and soon both of them arrived at a greenhouse deep inside the pavilion, there was a small garden area next to it with a cute artificial river running through it.

"I have already left quite a few different herbs of the Mortal Grade inside the greenhouse for you! You can just start practicing with them now and use the book I gave you to take care of them properly!

I will come back in a few hours and see how well you are doing." Saying this, Qing Yi quickly turned around and before Chu Yang could understand what had happened, she was gone.

"D-did she make use of the fact that I'm not good with directions…?" Looking at the entrance to the small garden area where the greenhouse was located, Chu Yang felt like Qing Yi had made use of the fact that he was not good with directions to force him into learning botany, or she wouldn't help show him the way out…

No… Qing Yi would not do something like that to him… Right…?

Looking down at the book about plant and herb cultivation that was left in front of him, Chu Yang started doubting his senior sister's good intentions for him ever so slightly.

"The plan was a success! Hehe, now I just have to convince him to help mass producing those orchids that I need for the new potion recipe I got…" Laughing a bit to herself when she thought about her new personal herb supplier working free of charge for her, Qing Yi happily smiled as she made her way out of the pavilion and entered training ground to train for a bit.


A little further away, Zhi Ruo had watched the entire scene unfold and could not help but feel a little sorry for Chu Yang.

It looks like that Chu Yang should hope that Elder Xuan does not have to go out of the sect for anything too often…

Thinking this to herself, Zhi Ruo soon returned to her duties of cleaning the pavilion.

Recently she had gotten lucky and was sent a few artifacts specifically made for the purpose of cleaning, thereby making her job easier and less physically stressing overall.

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