Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 51: Tunyunjin

Chapter 51: Tunyunjin

Chapter 51 Tunyun Jin

Qian Jijiang's face flushed, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the candle in his hand burn quickly. Qian Jijiang looked back at the others and found that they had already followed him. Just as he was about to turn his head, his eyes suddenly turned to the old woman Feng Yu.

Feng Yus face turned green, which was nothing, but Feng Yus eyes turned dark without knowing when. There was no emotion that humans should have in them, only a coldness.

Chen Fei followed Qian Jijiang and was shocked when he saw Qian Jijiang's expression changed drastically. Looking back, he also saw something strange about Feng Yu.

As if feeling the gazes of the two people, Feng Yu slowly opened the corners of his mouth, and the grin suddenly reached to the base of his ears, and a creepy feeling went straight to his heart.

Pull the bow and shoot the arrow!

While everyone was running with all their strength, only Chen Fei had some energy left. Chen Fei turned around and shot the arrow in his hand towards Feng Yu.


Before the arrow could reach Feng Yu, Feng Yu's head exploded. Flesh, flesh, and green mist filled the air in all directions.

Chen Fei subconsciously held his breath, but still felt a bit of dizziness filling his mind. Looking at the exposed skin, it was already green at the moment.

After rushing out of the place shrouded in green mist, a medicine bottle appeared in Chen Fei's hand, and Chen Fei swallowed three or four detoxifying pills in one gulp. Then Chen Fei threw the pill to the others, and the others subconsciously caught it, seeing that it was an antidote pill, and swallowed it immediately.

Everyone was caught off guard by Feng Yu's move. Fortunately, everyone was experienced in martial arts. Holding one's breath at that moment was a subconscious move. Taking the detoxifying pill at this moment suppressed a little bit of the toxins in the body.

No one spoke, and no one knew when Feng Yu was possessed by the trick. At this moment, everyone covered their heads and continued running forward.

I dont know how long it took, but Qian Jijiang stopped first.

A mouthful of blood mist spurted out, and Qian Jijiang's red face eased slightly. The red candle in his hand was burning calmly at this moment, and the surrounding mist had also dissipated.

Chi Defeng's face was pale, as if he might faint at any time. Yan Qing and Yan Ding were covered in blood at some point, and their faces were horribly pale.

Chen Fei was also extremely tired. The gangrene of the bone was too active just now, which consumed Chen Fei's physical strength much more than usual. But compared to the others, Chen Fei is already in the best condition.

Lets walk a little further and then find a place to rest.

Qian Jijiang took a deep breath. Although he was out of danger now, he still felt that he was too close to where he was just now. To be on the safe side, it's better to stay further away.

No one objected, and others already had enough trust in Qian Jijiang at this moment.

These three hundred taels spent are not unjust. If it weren't for Qian Jijiang today, no one knows how many people would have died, and the entire army would have been annihilated.

Chen Fei glanced at the red candle in Qian Jijiang's hand, and decided in his mind that after asking carefully, he must buy dozens of them and put them in the space grid. The outside world is too dangerous.

After walking for half an hour, Qian Jijiang finally stopped.

Qian Jijiang carefully checked his surroundings and nodded to everyone. Only then did everyone completely let go of their hearts. For the rest of my life, I still have lingering fears.

Finding a suitable place to camp, everyone began to fall asleep due to fatigue.

Chen Fei sat cross-legged, practicing Jingxuan Jin to slowly regain his strength. From night to day, nothing happened again.

We continued to travel during the day, but compared to the relaxed state of the previous few days, everyone was very energetic at this moment.

I think Im too tired. I can actually smell the roasting meat at Zuixianglou. Its so fragrant!

While taking a break, Chi Defeng sniffed his nose and murmured helplessly.

Chen Fei glanced at Chi Defeng, his nose was simply amazing.

Just now, in order to comfort himself, Chen Fei took out the roasted meat from the space grid while he was urinating and finished it in a moment. This time, Chi Defeng could smell it.

The roasting of pork in Zuixianglou is nothing. When we arrive at Xingfen City tomorrow, Ill treat you!

Qian Jijiang looked at Chi Defeng and laughed.

Although most of the red candles were used and all the white candles were gone, as long as they reached Xingfen City safely, it would be victory. Chi Defeng laughed, waved in greeting, and stopped talking.

hurry, rest, and then continue on the road.

Finally, the outline of a city appeared in everyone's eyes. Everyone's hearts were lifted, but they finally arrived at Xingfen City.

Five days is not a long time. If we had not encountered that village, it would not have been a very difficult task based on the physical strength of the warrior. But that weird thing scared everyone half to death, and the old woman Feng Yu died directly.

The five people unconsciously quickened their pace. Half an hour later, the five people finally arrived at the gate of Xingfen City.

Compared to the county seat of Pingyin County, Xingfen City is undoubtedly much larger. You can tell something from the height of the city wall. And compared to Pingyin County, which is now lifeless, Xingfen City seems extremely lively with people coming and going.

After handing over the silver coins required to enter the city, the five of them stood on the street and looked at each other.

Now that we have arrived at Xingfen City, lets not nag you three. See you later! Yan Qing and his wife handed over their hands and then disappeared around the corner of the street.

What are your plans? Chi Defeng looked at Chen Fei.

I want to continue to Xianyun City.

Chen Fei thought for a while and said, regardless of whether he can join the Xianyun Sword Sect, the stable environment there alone is suitable for Chen Fei to develop slowly.

Not to mention that there must be more secrets and techniques there, so it shouldnt be like Pingyin County where everything is tightly guarded.

There must be a caravan from Xingfen City heading to Xianyun City. It will be safer if you follow the caravan then. Qian Jijiang said with a smile.

It is said that the Xianyun Sword Sect is unique in the world. Now that we have left Pingyin County, I want to take a look.

Chi Defeng looked at Chen Fei, laughed softly, and said, "How about we get together and go together?"

I cant ask for it! Chen Fei cupped his hands and said.

Lets not just stand and talk, lets go, find a good inn and have a good meal!

The three of them laughed loudly and walked forward along the street.

As night fell, Chen Fei sat cross-legged in the inn guest room.

After having enough wine and food, Qian Jijiang walked around twice outside and got the news.

More than a month later, the Xianyun caravan will arrive at Xingfen City from other places, and then the caravan will continue all the way back to Xianyun City.

With the name Xianyun as the name of the caravan, one can imagine the relationship behind it. Therefore, this caravan is extremely powerful. If you can hitch a ride, it will be very safe to go to Xianyun City.

As for the fare, it is naturally very expensive, but Chen Fei will not be stingy with this small amount of money.

If we want to sell elixirs again, we need to see if there are any good elixirs and techniques for sale here.

Chen Fei murmured to himself, then closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei appeared in front of a shop.

Weapons, elixirs, and even martial arts are all sold in this shop.

Inner Strength Technique? Of course there is. Sir, how about reading this book?

Upon hearing Chen Fei's request, the shopkeeper took out a secret book from the shelf, placed it in front of Chen Fei, and said: "Some time ago, a disciple of the sect was desperate and sold his technique to us."

Chen Fei's expression moved slightly and he looked at the secret book.

Ten Yun Jin!

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