Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 61: Young Jianghu

Chapter 61: Young Jianghu

Chapter 61 Youngsters

Even though several days have passed, this smell is still clearly audible in the world of this Gu insect.

On the contrary, the blood poured on the person's body will conflict with the breath of the living person, and the remaining breath will dissipate quickly.

Xu Wangliang's expression moved slightly, and he followed Wu Changli. At the same time, there were two Xu family's practicing marrow realm worshipers who also went together. If you really encounter a murderer, you will directly suppress him with thunderous means.

The speed of Gu insects is extremely fast, which can be compared to the running speed of an ordinary person. A quarter of an hour later, the Gu insect stopped in front of a courtyard, trying to fly in.

Wu Changli quickly protected the Gu insect and turned to look at Xu Wangliang behind him.

Xu Wangliang looked at the courtyard in front of him, which was the courtyard of ordinary people's homes. Xu Wangliang's ears trembled slightly, but he didn't hear any sound from the courtyard.

With a flash of body, Xu Wangliang came to the courtyard wall, and there was no one inside.

The two Xu family offerings fell into the yard and kicked open the door. It was clean inside, with nothing left behind, as if no one had ever lived there.

The sword has been here for a while.

The corps commander immediately saw that there was no danger, so he came to the courtyard and pointed to a place. That's where the smell is the strongest, and it obviously stayed there for a relatively long time.

Call the Ya people and ask about the situation here. Xu Wangliang said in a deep voice.

Soon, the person in charge of the courtyard was called. When Yaren saw Xu Wangliang, he looked shocked. Nowadays, no one in Xingfen City knows about the affairs of the Xu family.

Who rented this courtyard in the first place? Xu Wangliang looked at Yaren.

Yaren has a good memory. Although he was frightened to death, he still described the appearance of the people who rented the courtyard at that time.

Chang Wu did not speak aside. This situation is probably not found, most of them look like it. Xu Wangliang naturally knew it, but he would not let go of any possibility.

When the Yaren left, Xu Wangliang turned to look at Wu Changli.

"The weapon was not discarded. This is a good thing. As long as the opponent does not leave Xingfen City, they can be caught!" Wu Changli said quickly.

Im going to continue to trouble Wu to worship you!

It should be, it should be!

Wu Changli smiled apologetically and called out the Gu insect. Wu Changli stretched his hand forward, and the Gu insect circled around the courtyard and flew outside.

The group of people followed, but after a while, Gu Chong came to a courtyard again.

Xu Wangliang frowned slightly. He sensed that there was still no one in the courtyard. Jumping into the courtyard, there was really no sign of anyone living inside.

This thief is really cautious!

The words seemed to float out from between Xu Wangliang's teeth. This cunning rabbit made Xu Wangliang even more angry.


The Gu insect made a long cry, and when Wu Changli heard it, his face showed joy.

The smell here was left two days ago. That person probably hasnt left Xingfen City yet!


Xu Wangliang nodded, and Wu Changli quickly commanded the Gu Chong to continue chasing towards the next place. But after the Gu insect hovered in the courtyard for a while, it did not fly out of the courtyard.

Wu Changli's expression changed, and his mouth made a strange long sound, which was somewhat similar to a Gu insect.

The Gu Chong responded a few times, and Wu Changli's brows furrowed.

The Gu insects are not very intelligent, so Wu Changli can only communicate briefly. The result of the communication just now is that this is the last place where the sword blade stayed that the Gu insect smelled.

Whats going on? Xu Wangliang asked.

That sword seems to have disappeared

Wu Changli said hesitantly, this conclusion is a bit unbelievable, but this is the news he got from Gu Chong. Xu Wangliang's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water.

In the courtyard, Chen Fei was holding a branch and practicing simple sword skills.

The sword blade and the long bow have long been put into the space grid by Chen Fei. Chen Fei doesn't know if the Xu family has any means to trace them. The possibility of the sword blade becoming a marker is the greatest.

Throwing it away at will, Chen Fei didn't know what method the other party used, and he was worried that after discarding it, the probability of being found would be greater. As for smelting it directly, Chen Fei was worried about being reported by the blacksmith shop, which would outweigh the gain and loss.

That would be better to throw it directly into the space grid. The spatial grid can even freeze the time of food. Chen Fei really doesn't believe that the Xu family has any means to break through the limitations of the spatial grid.

Because the space grid is a bit sensitive, Chen Fei ran to another courtyard after rescuing Chi Defeng that day and sorted out the things in the space grid.

Spent a lot of time staying in that place, and then returned to the current courtyard.

Chen Fei didn't make any elixirs, so he pretended to be an ordinary warrior. Yesterday, people from the Xu family came to search. After Chen Fei stuffed more than ten taels of silver, these people left.

This Xu family's search team is a good vacancy. If each family is given a few taels, they can make a lot of money. Because of this, the search process was just a formality, and they never expected to rely on this method to find the person.

Five of Swords, in a head-to-head encounter, can seriously injure or even kill someone in the Marrow Training Realm. But He Yuanqius Marrow Training Realm is somewhat watery.

Chen Fei looked at the branch in his hand, and the scene of the battle that day kept replaying in his mind.

In the past few days, Chen Fei has been summarizing the gains and losses of that day's battle, and at the same time sorting out the strengths and weaknesses of his own martial arts. Only in this real life-and-death struggle can one discover one's own shortcomings.


The courtyard door opened and Chi Defeng came back from outside. After so many days, Chi Defeng's injuries have already recovered. Recently, I occasionally take advantage of the opportunity to go out to buy food and inquire about some news.

Chen Fei looked up and saw Chi Defeng frowning slightly.

Pingyin County is trapped! Chi Defeng whispered.

Chen Fei couldn't help but be startled. Although he had expected such a result, when he actually heard it, he still felt a little shaken in his heart.

"How do you know? Someone from Pingyin County fled to Xingfen City?" Chen Fei asked.

Chi Defeng nodded, put the food in his hand on the stone table, poured two glasses of wine, drank one by himself first, and let out a long sigh.

Chen Fei sat on the chair and started drinking with Chi Defeng.

Chen Fei can't even handle slightly stronger weirdness, let alone this kind of weird disaster. It can only be said that the strength is too weak, and even if many things are known, there is no way to change them.

This is the tragedy of the weak, and it is also the current situation of most people in this world.

The wind blows the willow flowers all over the shop, and Wu Ji presses wine for guests to taste. Please ask me about Dongliu Shui. I dont know who is good or bad with it.

Chen Fei and Chi Defeng had a lot of thoughts in their minds, but the wine glasses in their hands did not stop. Chi Defeng took advantage of the wine and began to tell his story.

The story is very ordinary, with no twists and turns or entanglements. He is just a young man who wants to see this world.

Chi Defeng spoke intermittently, but Chen Fei listened very seriously until Chi Defeng laughed loudly and fell on the table.

Five days passed in a flash, and there was constant commotion in the city, but the Xu family never gave up the search.

Until the Xianyun caravan arrived at Xingfen City.

One thousand two people?

Chen Fei was a little surprised, and Chi Defeng nodded slightly.

Chen Fei raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. This Xianyun caravan could clearly rob it, but in the end it gave you a ticket in exchange.

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