Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 65: Luoyang Zhigui

Chapter 65: Luoyang Zhigui

Chapter 65 Luoyang Zhigui


A voice like a bell and a bell suddenly came from the center of the caravan and spread throughout the caravan in an instant. As soon as everyone's minds cleared up, their confused expressions disappeared.

Ah, my eyes, my eyes!

Shouts of pain suddenly broke out in the caravan, one after another. In the carriage where Chen Fei was, many people had already put their hands on their eyeballs, and were just about to pluck them off.

Thanks to the reminder from my father-in-law just now, everyone's reaction was a little slower. Just a little bit, I saved my eyes.

Thiswhats going on!

In the carriage, some people were shivering, and the feeling of being completely controlled made people feel chilly. The key is that they have now forgotten what they saw just now to make it look like this.

There seemed to be a thatched hut, but I cant remember what happened next.

Screams of pain continued to be heard from other carriages. There were guards from the Xianyun Caravan who began to inspect each carriage to see if there was any problem. At the same time, they were warned not to look at things outside casually, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

Thats weird. A thatched cottage suddenly appears in a mountain col. There must be something wrong.

The old man sighed and said: "When encountering such a problem, the best way is not to listen or see. With the protection of the Xianyun Caravan, safety can generally be guaranteed."

Thank you for reminding me just now.

Everyone thanked the old man, and he waved his hand.

He was also trying to save himself. If he was really seduced by the strange charm, taking off his eyeballs was just the first step. After that, other horrific things would probably happen in the carriage, and that would be the real disaster.

Hearing the screams that continued to come from outside, everyone was still frightened.

Chen Fei was in the corner, frowning. When others were looking at the thatched cottage just now, Chen Fei actually didn't look at it. After encountering strange things several times, Chen Fei himself almost summed up his experience.

But when someone pushed his eyeballs, Chen Fei's mind still went into a trance. Although the Qingxin Jue was automatically activated immediately, it did not drive away the strangeness immediately.

In other words, whether you look at the weirdness or not, you will be hit, it just depends on the intensity of the hit. As for the gangrene on the arm that was deliberately left on the bone, I can only feel it now.

This mark is still delayed, its incredible!

Chen Fei glanced at his father-in-law. There should be something weird about this old man's body, and he was immune just now.

On the contrary, the Qingxin Jue, although still effective, seems to be a little unable to withstand the slightly stronger weirdness. But this is understandable. After all, it is just an ordinary skill.

Fortunately, I chose the Xianyun Caravan, otherwise I would have been in trouble again!

Chi Defeng also had lingering fears. This strangeness probably only appeared recently, otherwise the Xianyun caravan would not have been unprepared and almost capsized.

If you follow a small caravan, it's hard to say whether this disaster can be avoided. It may depend on a little luck.

Xianyun caravan avoided the mountain col at a distance and took a slight detour before returning to the original route. Frightened by this strangeness, the Xianyun caravan seemed to be traveling faster.

The most obvious change is that people usually get off the car to rest three or four times a day, but now it is reduced to two times. And the time each time is very short, that is to say, we continue on the road.

On the eighth day and the ninth day, two days passed by in a blink of an eye. In the evening, the entire caravan let out a burst of cheers, and they saw Xianyun City.

"This is not Xianyun City, it is just a small town next to Xianyun City. If you want to truly enter Xianyun City, you still have one day."

Lao Zhang looked at the outline of the city in the distance and explained. But the father-in-law also had a smile on his face. After all, being here almost meant that he was safe.

The experience of the collision in the past two days was so vivid in my mind that only when I arrived in the city could I feel more at ease. After another half an hour of journey, the entire caravan finally entered the city. Some people began to leave the Xianyun caravan, not everyone wanted to go to the main city.

Chen Fei's destination is naturally the main city, because the Xianyun Sword Sect is near the main city, and most people's destination is here.

Xianyun caravan spent a day repairing in the city, and Chen Fei also took advantage of this time to walk around the city.

Chen Fei can obviously feel the vitality of this city. Not to mention other things, there are many more entertainment places like Goulan Brothel than in Xingfen City.

At the same time, the price of elixir weapons has also dropped a lot compared to Xingfen City.

Only when there are enough talents, the price of this kind of material will drop. At the same time, the Marrow Training Realm warriors who can only be seen occasionally in Xingfen City can be seen everywhere here, but Chen Fei vaguely sensed a lot of people on a street.

Chen Fei was silent when he thought of the Xianyun Sword Sect's requirements for those under twenty to practice the marrow realm. Only in such a training environment could the Xianyun Sword Sect dare to make such a request.

Chen Fei couldn't help but think of Pingyin County and the later rebels.

The rebels were just a small group among the many rebels, and their plundering targets were mostly small counties like Pingyin County.

Chen Fei now thinks about how many things must have happened in this dynasty today to allow such a large-scale rebel army to run rampant. It is simply a troubled time.

Early the next morning, the Xianyun caravan set off again. The old man in the carriage has already left. According to him, although the main city is more prosperous, the pressure of life is also greater.

It would be better to live in a small nearby town like this, which would be more comfortable and comfortable. Anyway, at his age, he has no plans to go to the Xianyun Sword Sect.

When the time comes, lets rent a courtyard in the city and we can continue selling medicine?

While taking a break, Chen Fei looked at Chi Defeng. Chen Fei will definitely continue to sell pills. After all, the money comes quickly, and Chen Fei still counts on this to save money.

Of course, we must be more cautious when selling medicine this time. It would be best if Chen Fei could become a member of the Xianyun Sword Sect. By then relying on the name of the sect, there would probably be no trouble.

After all, it is just Chang Fu Dan, which is a popular pastry in other places. In Xianyun City, it is probably just like that.

Of course, keep selling.

Chi Defeng smiled and nodded. At his age, it was impossible for any sect to accept him. And if Chen Fei does well in his elixir business, Chi Defeng will be able to live comfortably.

In the evening, Chen Fei saw Xianyun City, and he was stunned at the first sight.

Chen Fei had never thought that he could see such a majestic and towering city in this world, which was built with human power. It was simply unimaginable.

The guards at the city gate are all in the Bone Forging Realm, and the corps leader is above the Marrow Training Realm. Even if Chen Fei has the Qingxin Jue sense, he is not sure what the specific realm is. His breath was cold, and it was obvious that there was a lot of blood on his hands.

After saying goodbye to the other people in the carriage, Chen Fei and the two found an inn. The price is very expensive and the food is not cheap. Fortunately, the two of them were mentally prepared for this.

Two thousand taels a year?

Early the next morning, Ya Ren took Chen Fei and the two of them to a courtyard. They were quite satisfied with it in every aspect, but the price was really scary.

Chen Fei originally thought of doing the same thing as before, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't get up from three holes at all.

Paper in Luoyang is expensive, and this paper is too expensive!

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