Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 45 - 11 – Returning to Chang’an

Due to the world was split up, military campaigns have been dragging on for years, in various regions, all hegemons and warlords developed their own unique method to deal with the enemy’s reconnaissance and infiltration. Since it was impossible to stop businessmen and travelers promoting commercial trade to pass through, while at the same time they must not let harmful characters to enter, how to strike a balance became a representation on how successful they implemented their policy. [Reminder: in wuxia context, the ‘world’ (tian xia – lit. under the heavens) always refers to China.] Translated by foxs

Due to geographical and topographical superiority, in term of controlling the flow of people, the House of Tang of Guanzhong had shown the most outstanding success. Since entering and taking control of Chang’an, the House of Tang’s Li Family has strengthened the Pass’ defense. [Another reminder: ‘Guan’ of Guanzhong literally means ‘the Pass’, see also Book 30 Chapter 5.] They put massive military force and installed government offices at Tongguan, which was an important stronghold to enter the Pass, as well as along the waterway of the Yellow River. People who wanted to enter and leave the Pass, not only must have household register document, they also need to have travel approvals issued by the local authority of various regions. Outsiders who wanted to enter Guanzhong to do business, much less migrants and refugees, must obtain approval of their resettlements from the official institution. There were also stringent restrictions and strict regulations concerning relocation and migration in general. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Xu Ziling, carrying the official approval forged by Lei Jiuzhi’s magical hands, wearing the mask from the Duke Yang’s Treasure, which was originally meant to be used by Yang Su in his escape attempt, embarked on a passenger ship and safely entered the Pass. After three more days and nights, he finally reached the City of Chang’an. His beloved horse Ten-Thousand-Li Spots was left in Taolin, under care of Ren Jun and the others. Revisiting old haunts, he was overcome with emotions, especially since he had just returned from the Little Chang’an outside the Great Wall. Facing this real Chang’an of the Central Earth, he recalled the person [usually female] that already left far away; how could he not be sad and depressed!

Upon entering the city, he went straight to Hou Xibai’s Passionate Nest. According to Lei Jiuzhi, when Hou Xibai was visiting him, he told him that he would return to Chang’an; taking advantage while Shi Zhixuan was not around, he wanted to give Yang Xuyan bad luck, to see what kind of wonderful skill Yang Xuyan was able to train from the half volume of the Bu Si Yin Fa. Even if Hou Xibai was not in, he could use the Passionate Nest to stay for a time.

In an easy drive on a familiar path, he leaped over the rear courtyard wall and into the house, only to hear Hou Xibai’s voice singing, “Calm and solemn cool breeze is blowing my gauzed clothes and skirt; the gauzed clothes floating about, lightly moving to and fro in the wind.”

Xu Ziling laughed aloud and said, “Who could possibly be more passionate than Hou Xibai?”

Hou Xibai swiftly flew out, grabbed both of his hands, and spoke in great delight, “Ziling’s honored self suddenly arrive, it really pleases Xiaodi beyond all expectation. These past few days I keep hearing people talking about you and Ba Fenghan’s mighty deeds on the eight sides of the area beyond the Great Wall. It made me regret that I did not attach myself to your tail, and so I missed the fascinating local conditions and customs beyond the Great Wall for nothing. Where’s Shaoshuai?”

“Let’s go inside and talk!” Xu Ziling said. Translated by foxs

Entering the hall and sitting down, Xu Ziling recounted their experience beyond the Great Wall in general all the way through, he also explained the purpose of his trip to Chang’an this time before asking, “Didn’t you tell Lei Dage that you came here to decide victory and defeat against Yang Xuyan? Yet I see that you are singing and painting in a totally relaxed manner.”

Smiling wryly, Hou Xibai responded, “I was just finding joy in sorrows. I cooperated with you in dealing with Yang Xuyan, Shi Shi certainly regarded me as a traitor. Just now you even told me that Zhu Yuyan is dead, Shi Shi succeeded in absorbing the demonic qi of the Sheng Sheli, so that his demonic power is greatly advancing; it looks like Xiaodi’s time is limited, if I don’t draw a couple of paintings of beautiful women to be handed down to the later generations, what am I waiting for? Currently Xiaodi has become the most welcomed influential figure in Chang’an after the Divine Doctor Mo; yesterday Li Yuan personally saw me to hire Xiaodi to paint a scroll of a hundred beauties of the imperial court. I see that before the painting is done, even Shi Shi will not dare to lightly make his move against me, let alone Yang Xuyan.”

Astonished, Xu Ziling said, “Why is Li Yuan this muddleheaded? Knowing that Yang Xuyan is Yang Yong’s latter generation, he’s still willing to treat Yang Xuyan well?”

“Maybe Ziling does not know it,” Hou Xibai replied, “But Li Yuan is a man who remembers old affection the most. In the past, his friendly relation with Yang Yong was extremely sincere, how could he be willing to kill his barely remaining flesh and blood? Besides, Yang Xuyan already swore an oath that he would sever his relationship with Shi Zhixuan, and he deceived Li Yuan that he conferred the title of Sui Guo Gong [lit. duke of Sui kingdom] to him. Ay! Although it’s hard to avoid the battle between he and I, but presently each side has misgivings toward the other, we have to temporarily act like river water does not interfere with well water.”

“I wish to see Qin Wang,” Xu Ziling said. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Hou Xibai replied, “On this, I can make arrangements, plus we have to do it very soon, because currently Liyang is heavily besieged by Dou Jiande, who attacks night and day. The Li Family is amassing an army, ready to go out of the Pass to help.”

Frowning, Xu Ziling said, “Liyang has Li Shiji and Li Shentong strongly defending their position, it shouldn’t be easy to capture?”

“It should be like that,” Hou Xibai replied, “But the fact is just the opposite. The situation on Liyang’s side is critical. According to what I heard, Li Shiji and Li Shentong mistakenly fell into Dou Jiande’s luring-the-enemy tactic. When Dou Jiande was leading his troops around the city to attack the neighboring Weihui, Li Shentong led his troops to mount a sneak attack, who would have thought that he fell into the ambush, Dou Jiande attacked him so that tragically Li Shentong could only take about a dozen of his personal guards to escape. Dou Jiande then took his forces back to attack Liyang. Urgent military dispatches have been flying back here like snowflakes.”

And then, lowering his voice, he said, “Reportedly Zhong Shao has joined Dou Jiande’s camp. This matter has shaken all levels of society in Chang’an, in which Xiaodi has the honor to take part. At the Helian Fort, Rushing Wolf Plain, Hualin, and Longquan, four battles, you guys have demonstrated your divine might, so that at the top of the streets and the bottom of the alleys people are talking about it endlessly. This time Li Shimin is meeting his match!” Translated by foxs

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “Kou Zhong definitely won’t surrender and pay allegiance to Dou Jiande. This must be a misunderstanding.”

After a short pause, he continued, “There is one thing that I need your help with. I wonder if Xibai Xiong could investigate for me whether there is a northeastern swordsman called Yin Xianhe coming to Chang’an.”

Hou Xibai asked clearly about Yin Xianhe’s age, distinctive features, and appearance. And then he patted his chest and said, “For me, to investigate one person is surely as easy as a hand’s turn, you can leave it to me. In Chang’an, there are a lot of people who want to sell their face [idiom: to show deference to someone by obliging them] to me, Hou Xibai. Ziling may take a good rest in here; in the study room, there are books ranging from the Book of Changes all the way to the Crown Prince’s chamber paintings [lit. Spring Palace, allusion to erotic picture], none is not available, Ziling won’t be lonely.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling did not know whether he should laugh or cry. Shaking his head, he said, “I still need to go see Ji Qian, she might be Yin Xianhe’s long-lost little sister.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Stunned, Hou Xibai said, “Unexpectedly there is such thing. In what capacity are you going to see her? This pretty woman’s position is ambiguous; her relationship with the Princeling Faction is even closer. One thing goes wrong, I am afraid your identity might be uncovered by her, and that would attract disaster.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “I have proper measure! I wonder if Ke Dazhi might come back?”

Hou Xibai replied, “On that, I am not too clear. My way of protecting myself in Chang’an is by talking only about the wind and the moon [i.e. petty talk], and never talk about politics. It would be a bit safer if Ziling go to see Qin Wang first before thinking about other things.”

Xu Ziling finally accepted Hou Xibai’s advice. After Hou Xibai left, he sat cross-legged in meditation on the chair, to relax the exhaustion of several days of nonstop traveling. In the blink of an eye he entered the Man and Heaven intersect in senses realm, the true qi within his body mixed in harmony, he felt unspeakably comfortable and entirely free from worry.

No one knew how much time had passed, suddenly an omen moved his heart; coming to his senses, his mind went beyond the natural, as a vivid image of an exceptional beauty appeared before his eyes.

He was quite certain that the was not awakened by any noise or any changes in the airflow; rather, it came from some kind of mysterious and hard-to-describe subtle reaction that transcends normal senses. And this was not the first time that it happened; there have been similar reactions before, but none was more distinct and clear than this time. Translated by foxs

The newcomer floated like a ghost or a demon from the rear section of the building into the hall.

Xu Ziling sighed inwardly, knowing that he could not escape; he barely arrived in Chang’an and already his track was exposed. He spoke gently, “Wanwan’s holy-self honors me with your presence, I wonder what is the reason you are looking for Xibai Xiong?”

Wanwan’s sweet voice spoke in pleasant surprise, “Unexpectedly it’s you, Ziling! This is really beyond my expectation. This is the first time that you are affectionately calling me Wanwan!”

While Xu Ziling was slightly startled, Wanwan already sat down on the chair opposite him.

Without him realizing it, the day already faded away. He entered the city in the afternoon, yet this moment the sun was setting over the western hills, the hall was dusky, he had been sitting in meditation for over two sichen, his spirit has recovered completely.

Two persons’ four eyes met, no one knew what feeling was in both sides’ hearts.

Although Wanwan was still wearing white clothes and was still barefooted, but Xu Ziling clearly felt that her temperament was vastly different from before; however, as for what exactly was the difference, he could not to pinpoint it. He just felt that she was even more deep and hard to fathom than before, that she was hard to grasp and made sense of. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

His heart was moved, he said, “Congratulations, you have finally achieved great success in Tianmo Gong!”

Her pretty eyes flashing, her interest overflowing, she looked him up and down, but the tone of her voice was still as cold and detached and serene as always, she said, “I received Shizun’s order to stay in Chang’an to cultivate the Dafa in secret, naturally there will be some achievement. Ziling, what about you? Haven’t you also made great progress? You did not need to turn your head around and already knew it was me.”

It did not matter what kind of tone she was speaking with, there was always a feeling that it went straight into the bottom of one’s heart, carrying with it great attractive force.

Xu Ziling spoke heavily, “Your virtuous master, in the decisive battle against Shi Zhixuan, because she fully used the burning both jade and common stone move, her cloud scattered her smoke disappeared. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Extraordinarily, Wanwan’s expression did not change at all, she merely spoke indifferently, “Did Shi Zhixuan accompany her, the Senior, on her journey?”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling replied, “He was injured and fled far away, your virtuous master ruined the enterprise for the sake of one basketful.”

His heart was kind and honest; his lips sealed and he did not say anything about it was because Zhu Yuyan wanted him and Shi Feixuan to accompany her in death but he discovered it in time, which made him eager to save Shi Feixuan that Shi Zhixuan obtained a sliver opportunity to escape. Otherwise, history might have to be rewritten. Translated by foxs

Without blinking at all Wanwan stared fixedly at him. Suddenly she sighed lightly. The tone of her voice turned ice-cold, so serene that it made other people’s heart pounding, she asked, “Did he obtain the holy qi inside the Sheli completely?”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “I am afraid so!” Actually, he and Kou Zhong had already obtained most of the strange qi inside the Relics one step earlier, but of course he would never reveal this secret to Wanwan.

Wanwan sighed again. The beautiful pupil of her eyes emitted a complicated, hard-to-discern emotion, she spoke in soft voice, “From now on the world will have a lot more troubles!” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

And then she said, “Can Ziling work together with me to deal with Shi Zhixuan?”

Xu Ziling heaved another sigh of surprise. Previously, in the so-called ‘cooperation’ with her, each time it always happened when he had no strategy left to try, he was being threatened by her. Ever since the battle of Jingling, where two great elders of the Flying Horse Ranch died tragically under Wanwan’s hands, there was a deep, unresolvable enmity between them, which developed to the present time, which, even he himself was unclear of what kind of relationship there was between he and Wanwan. Logically speaking, he and Wanwan ought to fight until you die, I live; however, confronting the pure-and-holy-like-an-immortal Wanwan, he could not generate any murderous intent.

Smiling wryly, he said, “Is there any possibility of cooperation between us? Don’t threaten me, I could leave Chang’an at any time.”

Laughing tenderly, Wanwan said, “When did I want to threaten you? But if you are unwilling to help Wan’er, Wan’er will have no choice but to obediently marry down Shi Zhixuan [i.e. to marry a man of lower social status], see if he has the ability to lead the holy school in this struggle over the world to become the big winner. It’s not that I am forcing you; rather, there is no other choice. And then there’s that close female friend of yours who is an expert in playing the Xiao, perhaps she would become a sacrificial victim, because she is the root of the trouble that Bi Xiuxin left behind. Only by personally killing her will Shi Zhixuan be able to win the respect of various sects of the holy school.”

She hit Xu Ziling’s vital part right on. He sighed and said, “You still say it’s not a threat?”

Thinking about it, his heart turned cold. Various sects of the demonic school might take advantage while the whole country was in rebellion, to expand their power in various aspects in the dark; Lin Shihong, Qian Duguan, Fu Gongyou, and the others set up independent regimes and became big and small warlords. Wang Shichong had a close relationship with the demonic school, Zhao Deyan was the imperial strategic adviser that Xieli trusted. The rest, like Pi Chen, An Long, and so on had control over economic lifeline. If these people acknowledged their allegiance to, and fell under control of, Shi Zhixuan, how big his power would be, how intense the disaster would be, perhaps no one would be able to estimate.

The immediate problem was that Wanwan could easily discover, as well as destroy, their operation to deal with the Xiang Family. Since Wanwan knew that he came to Chang’an, it did not matter what disguise he was going to use, she would be able to recognize him in just a glance. Translated by foxs

‘Pfft!’ Wanwan giggled and rolled her eyes at him, she said, “Am I that horrible? Before, I did do a lot of things that offended Xu Gongzi, but it was only because a master’s order cannot be disobeyed. Now I can be in charge of my own house, naturally it’s another thing to make Xu Gongzi satisfied with new affairs and new style. I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do, I only hope that you would join hands with Wanwan to kill Shi Zhixuan, to rid the world of evil; isn’t this the chivalrous, the warrior’s honor that does not allow you to glance back, which you make it your business and the way that you should go, acting on behalf of Heaven?”

Smiling ruefully, Xu Ziling said, “I do not have the qualifications to do any chivalrous, warrior’s honor things; I am merely passing my days seeing one step, walking one step. About dealing with Shi Zhixuan, can we put a hold until later? He still needs some time to recover; we still have time.”

Wanwan shook her head and said, “How could Ziling be such a short-sighted person? If we wait for him to return to the fray after a period of inactivity, everything will be too late!” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Frowning, Xu Ziling said, “If he stays outside the Great Wall, how are you going to find him?”

Wanwan said, “Why should I go to look for him? I have a way to lure him out.”

And then, laughing sweetly, she said, “So, Ziling is willing to cooperate? Wouldn’t it be better if you marry me? I will be the most obedient and most behave good wife for you.”

Xu Ziling was shocked. “Wan Dajie, please don’t joke with me,” he said in embarrassment.

With hidden bitterness, secret grudge Wanwan cast him a sidelong glance, and then she said, “You don’t want me to say it, then I won’t say it. But would you be interested in listening to my plan, so that you can protect that beauty from You Lin Xiao Gu [the secluded forest in the small valley]?”

Helpless, Xu Ziling replied, “I am listening.”

Remaining tranquil and calm, Wanwan said, “According to the holy school’s ancestors’ wishes, the demonic school’s Two Sects and Six Ways must hold an assembly once every twenty years to elect the leader. In the last assembly twenty years ago, Zhu Shi [master] was elected the Chief of the holy school; it’s a pity that because the world is in chaos, although Zhu Shi became the revered head of the holy school, the fact was she only had a name but no reality. Currently the opportunity of unification appears, Ci Hang Jingzhai, by way of the Li Family, occupies the upper hand, this moment the Two Sects and Six Ways are no longer united. By the time the Li Family unify the world, we will be trapped again in the danger of perishing. Under this kind of circumstances, the various sects of the holy school’s ‘twenty-year assembly’ will once again become a necessity. Zhu Shi is gone, currently Wanwan is the only qualified organizer, Shi Zhixuan must come to participate, and then we will have the opportunity to kill him, to break his Bu Si Yin Fa.”

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling said, “You know that on breaking his Bu Si Yin Fa, I do not have the slightest bit of confidence?” Translated by foxs

Wanwan spoke softly, “If we could put together the broken-into-two-sections Bu Si Yin Scroll, perhaps we would be able to find a way to break Bu Si Yin.”

Xu Ziling began to gain a little bit of understanding the reason Wanwan was looking for Hou Xibai. Shaking his head, he said, “Shi Xiaojie has read the entire Bu Si Yin Scroll, yet she still has no way to break it.”

Wanwan’s beautiful eyes lit up, they flickered with intelligent bright light, so touching it made people’s heart trembling, yet it was also heartbreaking! Such a beautiful woman with natural good looks, yet she was Yin Gui Pai’s new generation green-comes-out-of-the-blue leader [from the idiom: green is born of blue, but beats blue; fig. the student becomes superior to the master], able to master the Tian Mo Da Fa in her young age, surely not even in the demonic school there has been anybody like her; moreover, she was the only person in the demonic school who had deep knowledge of their Long-Life Qi, which made her Tian Mo Gong even more ghost-and-deity-cannot-fathom deep. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

He heard her purple-red lips opened slightly and spoke softly, “It’s Shi Feixuan again; how could nujia be the same as her? Her knowledge is based on mysterious thought of the orthodox school; Shi Zhixuan’s Bu Si Yin Fa, which was created based on mysterious school and holy school, no matter how smart and intelligent she is, at most she could only understand some. But if nujia and Ziling work together to collate and examine critically, it will be another matter altogether.”

Xu Ziling said, “Even if Hou Gongzi has no problem, but Yang Xuyan is Shi Zhixuan’s successor, he won’t be stupid enough to deal with Shi Zhixuan, because that is akin to make his own life difficult.”

Actually, Yang Xuyan’s half-section of Bu Si Yin Scroll has already been stolen by Hou Xibai, which, after memorizing the content, he destroyed it. However, he thought that for the time being he should not let Wanwan know about it, because only God knows that if Wanwan knew about the secret of the Bu Si Yin Fa, what would the consequences be.

Smiling sweetly, Wanwan said, “If we cannot borrow it, we can steal it, we can even kill him in passing. In this regard, Xu Ziling’s, Hou Gongzi’s, and my desire shouldn’t be different, right?”

Stalling for time, Xu Ziling said, “We must discuss it nicely with Hou Gongzi first.”

Her seductive appearance grew without restraint, Wanwan laughed tenderly and said, “I never force you to make decision right away, our twenty-year assembly will be held in three months, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Chengdu. Xu Gongzi, what do you think?”

Displeased, Xu Ziling said, “Among thousand options, ten thousand choices, why pick Chengdu?” Translated by foxs

Unconcerned, Wanwan replied, “Because it’s convenient! Xu Gongzi can take the opportunity to visit Shi beauty, while also putting everything to death and then coming back to life, giving Shi Zhixuan the opportunity to strike treacherously. Xu Gongzi then will not pretend to agree with me, while inwardly you decided to miss the appointment. Ay! I have no choice either, hence I am forced to use a little bit of scheme against you, so you ought to forgive me!”

Xu Ziling spoke in displeasure, “When will you change your habit of bringing harm to people?”

Wanwan revealed another hidden bitterness, secret grudge expression; half true and half false, she sighed and said, “I really cannot harm you anymore. Ziling believe it, good, you don’t believe it, it’s also good. How long are you going to stay in Chang’an?”

Xu Ziling was dying to ask her whether Xiao Xian belonged to the demonic school, but he was afraid to beat the grass to scare the snake, hence he had to restrain himself not to ask. He said, “As long as you can find Hou Xibai, you will be able to find me.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Suddenly Wanwan rolled her eyes, she said, “Someone’s coming! See you tomorrow.”

Floating away from the chair, her bare feet touched the ground, and she flew out the window like a specter, and disappeared outside, leaving Xu Ziling standing alone in the hall, which had already turned pitch-black.

Xu Ziling and Wanwan sensed at the same instant that someone was coming into the house from the rear courtyard. Only from this, it could be seen that Wanwan’s acute senses were definitely not inferior to his.

Li Shimin’s voice rang from behind Xu Ziling, speaking heavily, “I am just looking you guys.”

Xu Ziling’s heart was moved, knowing that something that could make Li Shimin losing his mind had happened.

What might this grave matter be?

Li Shimin sat down opposite him, taking Wanwan’s place. His countenance was gloomy and dark, his sword-shaped eyebrows deeply furrowed, he spoke with solemn expression, “Liyang is going to fall in a few days, Wang Shichong’s troops are pressing against Cijian [lit. compassionate mountain stream], making us unable to move a single step, we want to help but it’s beyond our capability. Does Ziling know who is still in Liyang City?”

Stunned, Xu Ziling looked at him.

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