Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 356 Grandfather Ran's Questions

Ran Xueyi was stunned when she heard her grandfather asking her about that time. Although, she didn't expect that he would directly and immediately ask her about Song Yu Han at the party, she already knew that grandfather Ran won't pass on this chance to ask her about him ever since that time.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell me who was that man?" Grandfather Ran narrowed his eyes at her, his pair of light brown eyes reflefted her figure in them. "Are you really married?"

"Yes, grandpa." Ran Xueyi did not see any reason to hide this from her grandfathed anymore. So, she continued to reveal things that happened in the past, "I married someone."

Hearing her admit to it right in front of him and not just through a phone call, Grandfather Ran showed a bit of anger in his tone, "You should have told us. Are we no longer your family? You won't even tell us that you got married to someone. Do you know how worried I and your grandmother was feeling when we found out what that bastard son of mine did to you?"

Ran Xieyi knew that her grandfather was scoldjng her out of his deep concerns for her feelings and safety. His angry words and expression was not by any means that he had began to dislike her but he was genuinely worried about her.

Ran Xueyi also realized that she had been quite selfish and inconsiderate towards the people she could call her real parents since grandfather Ran and grandmother Ran were the ones who brought her up since she was just a young child.

"I'm sorry, grandpa... I was confused at that time and worried that you and grandmother will become even more sick if you found out. I know that if I told you I married someone on the same day, I broke the engagement with Yang Baihua, you two would think I was doing it on impulse and endangering my own future."

Grandfather Ran was obviously startled when he heard that it was on the same day she broke up with Yang Baihua, and was going to open his mouth to say something, but Ran Xueyi stopped him as she continued to speak.

"But don't worry, the man I married is the best person I could find in this lifetime. He treats me better than anyone else has treated me," said Ran Xueyi. She assured him that Song Yu Han has been really good to her.

The relief was apparent on Grandfather Ran's face and he reached to take her hand in his, "It's good that he treats you better... But, Xueyi, you have to be clear of what he feels for youq. Does he love you?"

Grandfather Ran was worried that Ran Xueyi married a man who only treats her well but doesn't love her. A marriage without love would never last and nobody in that relationship will ever feel happiness and satisfaction. He wouldn't want Ran Xueyu to end up being abandoned by someone again and have her heart torn part.

If the man she married didn't love her, Grandfather Ran would do everything in his power to separate the two to save them from the trouble of ruining each other's life.

Ran Xueyi did not know what grandfather Ran was thinking. She was surprised when she heard him ask her this, but it didn't take much effort and time to have her answer this question.

"He loves me as much as I love him," she declared with her eyes filled with confidence that grandfather Ran has never seen in her before.

Hearing her response that contained so much joy, grandfather Ran was not certain if Ran Xueyi was pretending or not, but he knew his granddaughter. Ran Xueyi's feelings for that man was sincere and deep.

"For as long as you two are in love. Then, I won't have anything to worry about." Grandfather Ran felt like he had aged ten years older. Look at his granddaughter, she already know how to stand up for herself and also protect her man.

"But... when are you going to let me meet him? As your husband, shouldn't he come and meet me first?"

Ran Xueyi looked around the party and saw no shadow of Song Yu Han or Xiao Zhanzhan. He had told her before whe entered the building that he was on his way. They should arrive soon.

"He should be here soon," she informed her grandfather before continuing, "He got another invitation card so he thought he should take this chance to meet you."

"Is that so?" Grandfather Ran rubbed his bearded chin and became thoughtful.

The party they were in was not an ordinary one where the middle class and lower class of the society could just waltz in. Even he, Ran Yiqing, had a hard time getting one invitation card for him and Ran Xueyi. Yet, Ran Xueyi claimed that the mysterious man she married got one card as well?

This sentence alone was enough to make grandfather Ran stoke his curiosity. What kind of a man could get an invitation card that wealthy high class people have?

He can't be someone from the big families in the country, right?

Ran Yiqing tried to look around, following his granddaughter's action, becoming a pair of live CCTV cameras, looking for some people they night know.

Ran Xueyi did not try so hard to look since Song Yu Han will find her first. But on the other hand, grandfather Ran seemed to be on guard and see if anyone unfamiliar and familiar would approach them and claim the identity of Ran Xueyi's husband.

At this time, Song Yu Han had just driven his car on ther designated parking lot for the party's guests.

The short legs of the little boy who had an exact carbon copy of his image was swinging on the edge of the car seat he was sitting on. The excitement and anticipation that his son was feeling somehow influenced Song Yu Han to also feel excited for what's about to happen.

For as long as he entered that door, he would finally meet Ran Xueyi's grandfather.

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