Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 368 Pay Back

Ran Xueyi and Adelle went on a 16 hours of flight. During the hours of their flight, they made sure to get as much sleep as they could get since the coming days will surely become more likely to lose sleep.

When the plane touched down, two staff members of the association came to pick them up from the airport.

"Hello, Miss Ran. My name is Zhou Kai," Zhou Kai reached for a handshake, staying as amiable and polite as he could, "I've heard a lot about you after you've returned to your job as an actress. The association is glad to have you on our show."

Ran Xueyi shook his hand as well and smiled, "I am honored to the association for having me."

Adelle also did not delay things around. She quickly familiarized herself with Zhou Kai and the other staff named, Evan Wong, to get better grasp on the association's thoughts and intentions.

"The association considered the roles of the invitees and decided to use a day after they arrived to Country Z to rest before we start the scheduled programs. Miss Ran and Miss Adelle should keep your phones reachable since there might be sudden changes," Zhou Kai explained to them.

Ran Xueyi thanked Zhou Kai for picking them up and sending them to their rooms.

As soon as Zhou Kai and Evan Wong left, Ran Xueyi looked outside the window and sighed.

Seeing her expression, Adelle thought Ran Xueyi was tired after a long flight and told her to rest a bit more.

But, Ran Xueyi shool her head and replied, "If I sleep even more, I'd really become a sloth and never wake up."

They slept for around 13 hours inside the plane, could she still get any more sleep?

Besides, Ran Xueyi felt even more awake now that she's on a foreign land. A lot of variables could happen while she's there. How could she rest and relax?

After sending Adelle away to prepare their things for tomorrow's meeting with the other invitees, Ran Xueyi turned on her other phone, the one she rarely used after returning to the Hua Country.

After the phone started up, she typed a string of numbers and pressed to call.

Ran Xueyi waited for a few seconds before the call got connected, and a slightly raspy voice poured out.

"Been a long time... I thought the Lady Boss wouldn't contact the Lobo anymore," the voice said.

,m Ran Xueyi was already used to the owner of the voice's personality and said, "Well, I can also call Carsillion or Reina... Well, then, goodby--"

"WAIT!" the voice hurriedly interrupted her with an urgency, even he was susprised he could sound like that.

"Ahem! Lady Boss, you're teasing me again. What can Carsillion and Reina do that I can't do? I'm certain I'm better than the two of them."

Ran Xueyi sighed. "You probably don't want them to hear that coming from your mouth if you still want to live."

But he was right. Even though Lapis was a weird kid, he was still better in tracking and cracking into any secured information. Last time, he even cracked the codes and got into the secret information that the Ren family empire's was keeping. And he was only in his 15 years of age.

Lapis was afraid that Ran Xueyi would really hang up on him and call Carsillion or Reina, so he hurriedly said, "Lady Boss, if you need me to do something, just say it. I will do it and give you the best results you can ever get!"

"Do you want to rob a nation's bank? I can do that!"

"Do you want to hack a country's military base and have them declare war to another country? I can do that too!"

"Or do you want me to crack into a celebrity's camera and surveillance their movements?"

Ran Xueyi: "...."

By any chance, did this kid mistake her and the organization for a criminals' base? Why rob a bank... and war...

Ran Xueyi couldn't help but sigh after hearing the kid continuing his nonsense rambles on and on.

It took about almost half an hour since Lapis started to speak, and as it appears that he wouldn't stop anytime soon, Ran Xueyi decided to step in.

"Anyways, any country's defense doesn't stand a chance against me.


"You know, Lady Boss, I'm the most amazing person in the world."


Lapis stopped his hands that was pressing on ghe keyboard and glanced at the phone on ghe side. "Yes, Lady Boss?"

Ran Xueyi replied, "I called you because I want you to tell if you found anything new about the thing I told you to investigate. Did you find something?"

Lapis paused and lifted his hands away from the keyboard to lean against his chair. He said, "The thing you told me to investigate happened three years ago. The CCTV that captured the accident at that time was wiped away without leaving a trace. It'll be hard to get the recording if it doesn't exist anymore."

"Then do you really think there's no other way to find who could do that?" Ran Xueyi frowned.

Lapis thought about and laughed, "Lady Boss, are you testing me right now?"

"There's a way to gather more information. But it would take a long time. That day, a lot of passers-by appeared around you. There are some who carried their phones and I can track them and crack into their phone system to see if they still have the video. I can even give you their personal information to the tiniest things that were recorded in their lives."

"However, I think it's useless for me to do this since Lady Boss should already have an idea who was behind the accident. Am I right?"

Ran Xueyi: "..."

Lapis was right.

The only reason why even after three years, Ran Xueyi still hasn't moved her hands to catch the people who did that to her was only because she considered Song Yu Han's feelings. Besides that, she had to make sure that she was targeting the right people and won't have to involve innocent people in this matter.

Even though Song Yu Han did not like the Song family and expressed that he didn't mind destroying them for her sake, Ran Xueyi did not want him to do that and never pushed him to do things for her sake.

Even if Song Yu Han and the Song family was in a feud that could no longer be washed with blood, Song Yu Han was still a part of the Song family. And that also applies to her son, Song Zhan.

Song Yu Han could have abandoned the surname Song, but he didn't. No matter how many people tried to get rid of him and throw him out of the family, Song Yu Han still stayed by his grandfather's side, the only person who was on his side.

And all of this must have something to do with his mother's last will.

Lapis waited Ran Xueyi to speak, but even after half a minute has passed, no words were said.

He couldn't help but feel worried and regretted saying those things. Sometimes, he could be quite blunt with his words and that was why he closed himself off from the world and enjoyed the company of the numbers and codes that was on his screens.

"That... Lady Boss, did I say something wrong? If I did... please forgive me. I don't mean anything about it."

Ran Xueyi snapped out of her thoughts and sighed, "It's nothing. It's not your fault. You were right, I know who could be behind the accident that happened three years ago."

Hearing her voice again, Lapis was relieved and asked, "Then, are you finally going to move against them?"

"...Not yet."

Lapis was surprised, "Why? Hasn't it been too long? Won't they forget about what they did to you if you don't go after them now?"

Ran Xueyi's eyes glinted with a silver flash as she laughingly said, "Forget? Them? Surely, they won't forget. And even if they did, I doubt they can forget about me since my very existence will soon become a sore thumb in their lives."

"And I really hope they won't show any mercy when they start to attack me."

The other members of the Song family will surely find her a nuisance. Not only because she's married to Song Yu Han, but also because she gave birth to a healthy son, whom they couldn't get rid during that accident.

"That way... I can make them kneel and beg for mercy when I start taking them down one by one."

Ran Xueyi never forget any grievances that was done upon her by others. If there was any anything or anyone she still hasn't paid back for what they did to her...

That only means the method of how she'll make them pay will become even more vicious and sinister.

Ran Xueyi was only taking her time and letting her prey think they can escape and live lavishly.

And when she got her claws and fangs around them, that's when they will realize that she's merely letting them out of their cage while still having the chains wrapped around their necks.

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