Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 383 President Yan's Ruthless Last Gift

President Yan stopped walking. Jia Li was overjoyed when she saw this and stepped towards him.

"I'm pregnant, Yan Zhuhui. I'm finally pregnant. Isn't that what you want?" Jia Li showed a bit of a smile on her lips as she rubbed her stomach. "Our love is finally growing inside of me. Are you still willing to leave me?"

Jia Li didn't really want to use the child in her womb. She didn't even plan to tell him she's pregnant. But now that there was no way out and Yan Zhuhui wanted to leave her, she could only use the only weapon she had to make him stay.

Yan Zhuhui told her that he wanted a child over and over again. His desire to have a family with her will surely overwhelm the need to separate from her, right?

President Yan was in a trance for a second before he said in a low voice, "...You're pregnant?"

Ha, he must be shocked. Jia Li grinned inwardly before nodding. "Yes! I checked three days ago because my period didn't arrive. It turns out I'm pregnant. We're finally getting a child. Aren't you happy? Won't you hold me and our baby?"

She spread her arms and waited for him to embrace her with glee.

Sadly, President Yan stood still and didn't move.

"You're pregnant..."

He repeated this line over and over again.

Jia Li scowled this time. "I already said yes... And you're going to be a father now!"

The word 'father' seemed like a bullet that struck him in the head and chest. President Yan felt the energy in his body seeping away as he suddenly took a step back.

Seeing him reacting the opposite of what she expected him to act, Jia Li became more nervous and afraid. He couldn't have known right? No, he shouldn't have found out that the real father is not him.

He's just in too much shock so he's acting like this, Jia Li convinced herself.

But the words that left President Yan's lips became a slap to her face.

"Jia Li, I never told you anything, but I didn't think you'd never really showed any curiosity towards me that you don't even know a thing about me."

Jia Li: "Wh-what do you mean by that?"

"If you really cared or even had the slightest interest in me, you would've known I can never be a father."

Jia Li felt a force punching her stomach. "Wha--what?"

President Yan smiled at her, "I've known this for a decade now. My sperm cannot live as soon as it is released. So, there's no way I can ever impregnate a woman."

"Jia Li, that child's father is not me."

As if an explosion exploded inside her mind, Jia Li was feeling faint and took several steps. She was so shocked to hear his revelation.

"You... you lied to me?" she accusingly said to him.

President Yan sneered, "Lied? If you really love me, you would have cared to ask. But no, you hid every time we spent a night together and drank a pill to stop yourself from getting pregnant with my child." He mockingly added, "Even though I can't even give you a child."

"No, no..." Jia Li refused to believe this. She didn't even bother clearing herself up when he told her he knew about her taking pills to stop herself from getting pregnant. "You're lying! Yan Zhuhui, stop playing with me! I know you're angry I haven't been looking at you. I'll stop obsessing over other people. Just say you'll stay with me!"

"And forgive your infidelity and take care of your lover's child?" President Yan found this notion ridiculously funny. He even laughed and said, "You at least have a lot of trust in my patience... But unfortunately, now it has run out."

Jia Li shuddered. H-how did he find out? No, how long has he known that she's been cheating on him? She was so careful when meeting with her lover. She even used some days of her filming to meet him! So, how… how did he know?

President Yan, who didn't care about what she was thinking, reached to take out the ticket he booked for Jia Li to another country and ripped it into pieces in front of her. The rustles of paper falling to the floor was too loud in the midst of silence that befell on themselves.

"There's no need for you to go to another country. Stay here and wait for your lover's arrival." President Yan lumbered towards the door and continued to say, "I will let you and your lover enjoy your last day."

"Treat this as if it's my last gift as my woman."

President Yan didn't wait for Jia Li to say anything and left the room. He locked the door to prevent her from running away and heard her screams fist pounding against the door as he walked away.

He could tolerate Jia Li's infidelity and forgive her. His love for her allowed him to release her from her involvement with him. He even made it possible for her to get away and live a new life in another country.

But the last straw was drawn by Jia Li.

The moment she announced she's pregnant, President Yan's remaining love and affection towards her burned into ashes. There was one thing he could never forgive.

And it was the fact that she became pregnant with another man's seed. Call him ruthless and a monster, but this was a taboo for him, a man who can never give a child to a woman. How dare she keep another man's child and use it to scheme against him?

President Yan walked away and ordered his men to surround the door. Initially, he wanted to reunite the two lovers and let them go to start a new life together. However, President Yan changed his mind. Now, they can really start a new life in hell...

He took out his phone which now had a crack on the screen, he dialed a number he barely recognized but memorized in case a situation he never anticipated happened.

He pressed his phone next to his ears and said, "Hello? I am Yan Zhuhui, I think you might have a lot of things to say to me."

"Isn't that right, Miss Ran?"

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