Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 419 A Scumbag

"Uncle? What's going on? What distraction are you talking about?" Xie Chi, who was having a hard time understanding what was going on, asked.

"It's nothing for you to be concerned about." Song Yu Han replied to him.

Xie Chi said, "But uncle, I clearly heard a voice beside you... Don't tell me you're cheating on your wife! I'll snitch on your wife if you are. Don't even think just cause you're my blood relative, I won't do it!"

The sound coming out from the phone's speaker wasn't loud but it was clearer now that she was sitting on Song Yu Han's lap. When she heard the rambling of her husband's nephew who was slightly younger than him, her eyes sparkled.

Seeing her eyes going bright, Song Yu Han felt a sudden unease. He shook his head at her as though warning her not to do anything, he lowered his phone and was about to hang up on the call, but before he could do so, Ran Xueyi had already taken hostage of his phone by pressing her chest against his, distracting him for a second.

"Babe, when are you going to be done with work?" Ran Xueyi leaned her head on the crook of his neck, breathing a bit heavier so that her voice would turn even more ambiguous. "You haven't been with me because of your wife. I'm a little bit lonely now."

"Fuck!" Xie Chi cursed. "Uncle or not, I'm going to where you are right now and drag that woman out of that place! I'll also tell your wife to divorce, what a scumbag!"

After he said this, he didn't wait for anyone to clear the situation for him and hung up.

"Pfft!" Ran Xueyi had been holding her laugh, but she could no longer stop herself. "Hahahah! He... he called you a scumbag.... hahahaha!"

"It's not funny to turn your husband into a scumbag." Song Yu Han has a lot of things to say to her. But seeing her laugh until tears had come out of the corner of her eyes, he could only release a defeated sigh. "It's not good to make fun of me like this."

He was certain that Xie Chi would be cursing his name throughout his ride to any place he could think of where he might find him and his supposed 'mistress'. Xie Chi was the kind of person who would be so emotional that he wouldn't see any reason at all when he sets his mind on something.

Ran Xueyi was still laughing but seeing the weariness in her husband's eyes, she stopped and patted him on the chest, "Sorry, it's just so cute to see your nephew getting angry on my behalf. I think I can trust you to him, and see that no woman would be all over you when I'm not there."

"As if I'd allow any woman to get their hands on me. I already have someone who is doing a great job in that and she's right on my lap right now." Song Yu Han winked at her. "But why are you here? Do you need something?"

"Can I not come here without needing something from you?" She asked him, but continued to speak before he could answer, "Well, I do have something I need to ask a favor from you."

Song Yu Han wasn't angry by that, rather he was thrilled to know that she needed something from him. He had been feeling quite useless recently because Ran Xueyi wanted to do everything by herself. He liked her independence and self confidence, but he still felt a bit pitiful because he didn't know where he would spend all his money and authority on her.

"Go on then. Tell me what you want." Song Yu Han was prepared to give everything to her. Anything she wanted, he would give it to her even if she told him he wanted to hammer the road and replace it with a gold path where she can only use it.

Ran Xueyi didn't know what he was thinking and said, "There's this script that I like. But it'll be a low budget film when it'll be filmed. I wonder if you would like to invest in it?"

Song Yu Han didn't expect her to say this. As he had known Ran Xueyi for the past years they had been married, she never asked him for help when it comes to the entertainment industry. Even if he offered his help to her, she would stubbornly refuse it, only surrendering when he secretly does something behind the scenes.

So, he was exhilarated when he heard this from and burrowed his head against her chest.

"What's wrong, hubby?" Ran Xueyi was surprised to get such a reaction from him.

"Nothing... I'm just so happy today because you finally asked me to invest in one of your films." Song Yu Han couldn't hide his joy. "You should do this everyday."

Ran Xueyi was struck dumb. "No, there's no need to do that everyday."

"Okay. How much do you want me to invest?" He raised his head to ask her.

Ran Xueyi told him that the amount was all up to him. She didn't want him to spend so much, but considering that there was too low of a budget for the film she wanted to shoot, maybe 50 million yuan would be enough?

"I sent you a copy of the script. You can also contact the director through the contact information in the script." Since the investment for the film was almost done, Ran Xueyi had nothing else to do there, and got off his lap.

However, Song Yu Han's grip on her hips were like steel as he didn't allow her to step down. Instead, he made her turn, settled her between his thighs, and hugged her in his arms while his head burrowed on her shoulder, smelling her unique honey-like scent from her body.


The next morning, Ran Xueyi went to Chestnut Entertainment to check on her own company's current status. Time passed quickly when she checked the reports she received from Wu Qi. Just when she was about to move to another file, the door to the room was pushed open and Yao Chuan entered.

"Good morning, President." The young actor made his way to settle himself on one of the couches in the middle of the room under Ran Xueyi's confused gaze.

However, she didn't comment on how he just went to sit there without any shame as Wu Qi entered the room with a red face.

"Yao Chuan, I already warned you about going inside the president's office without permission!" Wu Qi's face looked slightly older now, but his eyes still had that stern and wise flash in them. He turned to where Ran Xueyi was sitting and greeted, "Good morning, Madam.'

Ran Xueyi was still not used to being called 'Madam', but since there was nothing she could do with it, she just had to ignore it.

"Good morning, Uncle Wu," she greeted the older man. Looking around the room, she noticed that the atmosphere between the two men was slightly not right so she asked, "What's wrong? Did Yao Chuan do something again?"

Last time, Yao Chuan had a bit of trouble with some actors at a club. From what she heard, the actors dragged him to a club to get some favors from some sponsors. Yao Chuan confessed that he didn't know that this was their intention when they invited him to drink. Thankfully, Wu Qi handled everything without it being leaked to reporters.

Yao Chuan was slightly ashamed to look at Ran Xueyi, his benefactor, for quite some time. But before he could come and apologize to her after what happened, she was already gone and went to another country. This was actually the first time they're meeting each other after three years.

Yet, the young actor no longer showed the same shy expression when he first visited Ran Xueyi in her office. Rather, now he had this presence of a rebellious bad boy around him.

Wu Qi sighed when he heard her question and said, "He didn't do anything."

"Then, what's the problem?"

Wu Qi stared at her. "That's his problem. He wouldn't do anything. He rejected every project and resources that was offered to him."

It had been over six months since Yao Chuan acted in a film. After that film was released three months later to the theaters, Yao Chuan started to reject any film and script offers that turned his way. He even told his manager, Zhao Fei, who was Ran Xueyi's previous manager, that he was sick to wiggle his way out of all his projects. Although Yao Chuan still went out to shoot the scheduled promotions and commercials that were already signed in the contract, soon after all of that, he didn't accept any roles or projects again!

This was a headache to Wu Qi since Yao Chuan had become one of the extremely sought-after actors in the country within three years. Such a waste of his talent and fame!

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