Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 477 Stinky A'Yu!

Elder Liao Chen personally brought back Xiaoshun to An Hun and taught him the ropes in the organization. He did not treat Xiaoshun like a fellow colleague but an adopted son who could inherit all his teachings.

Thus, this bitter gourd was something that Elder Liao Chen could not willingly swallow.

He had to find Xiaoshun and expose the truth behind his disappearance.

If he finds out that it was done by other people with malicious intent, he won't let them off easily.

And if they dared to eliminate Xiaoshun…

Heh, they can try but the price will be heavy.

Two days later, at the airport.

Ran Xueyi got off the van to fetch her son who was brought to Paradise City by Guo Yun. As she had promised, she will let her son stay by her side.


As soon as Little Zhanzhan saw her, he trotted towards Ran Xueyi with his tiny feet and almost stumbled on a raised platform.

Thankfully, Guo Yun was alert and caught him timely.

Little Zhanzhan forgot to thank him for catching him as he continued to excitedly run to his mother.

Guo Yun felt abandoned by this sworn little brother: "..."

Ran Xueyi didn't know what the special assistant was thinking as she carried her almost four-year old son in her arms.

Little Zhanzhan had grown a bit taller and his weight was slightly heavier than the last time they met. It seems that he has been living a leisure and luxurious life with Guo Yun.

"Don't run. Mommy will go to you." Ran Xueyi's heart almost jumped out of fright when she saw her son almost tripping just now.

A small trip might not seem a big deal, but if people weren't careful enough, it could end up dangerous.

Little Zhanzhan was not afraid but he still obediently listened to her.

"How was your flight? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Ran Xueyi incessantly asked him questions.

Little Zhanzhan was happy to hear his mother worry about him and said, "Not hungry! Zhanzhan wants to hug mommy and stay by your side forever!"

Ran Xueyi almost melted on the spot.

How could her son become well-spoken now?

At this moment, Song Yu Han just came around the area with a bag of meat buns and dumplings he bought from a nearby local restaurant.

Because Guo Yun mistook pm' to am', the two had to fly from the capital city to Paradise City at 3 in the morning. Little Zhanzhan was asleep the whole journey and Guo Yun carried him on his back the whole time so the latter was not able to sleep at all.

On the other hand, Ran Xueyi and Song Yu Han only found out about Guo Yun's mistake around midnight, and they woke up so early that the sun had not come out yet.

Hence, the two hadn't eaten anything yet.

Song Yu Han saw his son in his wife's arms and nodded at Guo Yun before moving closely towards them.

Once he made sure that his son was healthier than the last time he saw him, Song Yu Han offered to take him in his embrace and hand the meat buns and dumplings to Guo Yun.

"Eh~ I don't want to! I want to stay in mommy's arms!"

Aside from learning to speak well, Little Zhanzhan also learned how to complain.

Song Yu Han was half-angry and half amused by his son's new way of speaking and raised his head to look at Guo Yun, who guiltily looked at the moon that was still up in the sky.

Guo Yun will never admit that he taught the little guy how to complain nor will he ever reveal that he allowed Little Zhanzhan to watch movies and cartoons late at night!

Between survival and death, Guo Yun chose the former and didn't open his lips.

Ran Xueyi was obviously stunned by her son's complaint and didn't know what to do. In the end, she held her son in her arms until they got into the car.

When they came to the airport, Song Yu Han sat in the driver's seat to drive the car, but now that Guo Yun was there, he could sit in the back with his wife and son.

Seeing how his son still didn't want to get out of his mother's arms, Song Yu Han took the plastic bags containing the meat buns and dumplings before tearing their packages and fed the two of them one by one.

Little Zhanzhan was feeling triumphant with this treatment and opened his mouth wider as he said, "Stinky A'Yu, give me a bigger one!"

Song Yu Han's hand paused and stared at the little guy: "..."

Ran Xueyi: "..."

Guo Yun: "!!!!"

Little brother, you promised to not say that!

A few days ago, Guo Yun received an order from his big boss. After he hung up their call, he kept calling his boss a big bad stinky wolf in a sheep's skin.

But who could have known that Little Zhanzhan, who was supposedly watching a cartoon, was standing behind him like a little ghost.

Once Guo Yun saw him, he jumped so high that his head bumped against the lamp on the wall.

For his survival, he quickly told the little brother to not say this in front of anyone in the future! But the little brother broke his promise.

But it was also not Little Zhanzhan's fault since Mommy and A'Yu were not just 'anyone' to him.

Little Zhanzhan didn't understand nor feel the strange silence around him as he waited for another meat bun to enter his open mouth.

Looking patiently at Song Yu Han, whose movement stopped, Little Zhanzhan said, "Stinky A'Yu, why are you not giving Zhanzhan more food?"

Song Yu Han raised his eyebrows and held his breath.

Obviously, it was not his son's fault. However, being called A'Yu even after recognizing him as his father was one thing, but letting his son call him 'Stinky' atop of that nickname…

Song Yu Han felt a fire bursting from within him that he did not know existed.

Ran Xueyi tried to hold on for so long, but looking at her son and her husband's almost identical look and expressions, the laughter in her lips could not be restrained.

In the end, only her voice could be heard as she laughed boisterously and without holding back.

Song Yu Han stared at Ran Xuey for a moment. His eyes lingering on her upturned lips and hazy eyes that were now getting wetter with tears. His heart could not help but jump again. Obviously, he had already fallen hard for her, but why is it that he was still falling for her even more?

"Alright, don't laugh lest you choke–"

Song Yu Han had just opened his mouth to say this when Ran Xueyi really choked.

Ran Xueyi was saved by Song Yu Han with a bottle of water before she was revived. She swore to never laugh when eating.

After driving for almost an hour from the airport to the villa, Song Yu Han put Ran Xueyi and Little Zhanzhan to bed first before he went downstairs to talk to Guo Yun about important matters.

Song Yu Han held the pictures that his subordinates took from a paparazzi and sent to Guo Yun and said: "Did you pay the paparazzi and have him hold his tongue for now?"

Guo Yun nodded: "Yes. He's a smart man so he dared not to offend anyone who he shouldn't have. It's just that he needed to hide for a bit longer since the Cao family will definitely do a manhunt for him."

Song Yu Han thought about the news he received from his spy in the Cao family. It seems that there was some trouble going on in that terrible family.

Guo Yun saw him contemplating before he hesitated to say: "I already have the others send the man named Xiaoshun to the base. He's being kept imprisoned and tortured for now but will it make An Hun move against Cao family?"

Song Yu Han threw away the pictures on the coffee table across from him with disgust before he replied, "An Hun will investigate the matter first before moving. Nevertheless, with them coming to the set to look into this matter seriously only means that Xiaoshun is not a simple member of the organization."

At first, Song Yu Han wanted to kill Xiaoshun directly after getting the answers he wanted. However, Xiaoshun sold himself and warned them that An Hun will not let them go easily if they killed him.

With those words alone, Song Yu Han and Ran Xueyi guessed that he wasn't a man that could be tossed once used. Organizations like An Hun would dismiss and dispose of a worthless and exposed member, but Xiaoshun dared to talk big.

He revealed so much from that single line only.

And now, it was also this line that Song Yu Han used to make An Hun move against the Cao family.

All in all, Song Yu Han had used Xiaoshun and An Hun to deal with the Cao Family.

Upon realizing this, Guo Yun shuddered in fear at once.

Sure enough, the Death Bringer of the Underworld still exists.

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