Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 511 The Little Tyrant And The Three Chicks!

When Song Yu Han returned, he saw Ran Xueyi in the kitchen. She cooked chicken soup with bamboo shoots that day. The kitchen was always supplied with ingredients through a supplier that delivers food in the villa because it was located far away from the market. 

Ran Xueyi happily waved him to come towards her and have him taste the dishes she cooked. 

After having a spoonful, Song Yu Han praised her and he almost couldn't wait to eat them all up.

When they first cohabited in the same house, Ran Xueyi didn't know a thing about cooking. She could only sit behind the counter and watch him do his magic in the kitchen. Now, after almost four years, she learned how to cook some simple dishes that weren't too complicated and time-wasting. 

Then, Ran Xueyi asked him about Daren Wang. 

When they were filming their scenes earlier, Song Yu Han and Ran Xueyi had already noticed their son sitting beside the directors. He perched on the director's chair as if it was the most natural thing to do and even spoke a few words to the two directors. 

Because they were slightly far away and couldn't lose focus, they were unable to hear what their son had told them. But they knew that he was again doing some mischief again just by looking at the stiff expressions of the director. 

Ran Xueyi was unable to scold her son. As an actress, she knew that once the camera started to roll, no sound or noises should be made by anyone inside the filming set. It was common to get scolded by everyone or even asked to leave the place once you did. But Little Zhanzhan is still a child, over three years old only, how could she scold him and tell him not to be mischievous and be childish? 

Surprisingly, even though he was whispering from where he sat in the director's area, no one had stopped him. Even Director Qing Luo, a veteran and stern director, did not say anything!

Song Yu Han answered her by solemnly saying, "Daren Wang didn't say anything either. But when you went away with Zhanzhan, he kept glaring at me and scolding me for making mistakes while acting."

This time, just looking at Song Yu Han's face, reminded Daren Wang of the Little Tyrant. 

Daren Wang probably took revenge on him because he couldn't do it when faced with Little Zhanzhan.

When they finished setting up the table for them to eat, Song Yu Han went to look for their son. 

As he walked to the garden to the side of the villa, a few yellow bright chicks could be seen swaggering outside. 

Little Zhanzhan was walking ahead of the chicks and kept saying, "Xiao Yi , Xiao Ni, Xiao San*, you are now my little followers! Do not stray from the line!"

[A/N: Little One, Little Two, Little Three.]

Song Yu Han watched in bafflement at them. 

Finally, after a few seconds of shock, he moved towards his son and tried to not look at the chicks below. 

Song Yu Han's lips kept twitching as he asked, "Zhanzhan, where did you find these chicks?" 

Little Zhanzhan: "Baobao." 

"Baobao?" Song Yu Han repeated while slightly confused. 

Little Zhanzhan nodded: "It's an online market. A'Yu doesn't know there's one?" 

Naturally, he knew that an online shopping mall/market called Baobao existed. After all, he was one of the major shareholders of that company. However, he did not know that they actually sold live chicks in there as well. 

Not hearing a reply, Little Zhanzhan grabbed his father's pants and said, "A'Yu, I'm going to raise them like how mommy raised me. So, treat them well for me!" 

Song Yu Han stared at his son and smiled, "Oh… How should I treat them well?" 

"By feeding them and taking them outside for walks!"

Obviously, he didn't only want to raise chickens at home without notifying his parents, he also wanted to pull his father to become the little chicks' servant!

Once again, Song Yu Han couldn't understand the thoughts of his son. Since when did chickens become pets who can be taken for walks?/ But looking downward, these chicks seemed to be quite obedient. Look at them making a line and following Little Zhanzhan as if he was their mother hen!

Song Yu Han never raised a pet in the past. He was too busy to care for one. He could hire a help to raise a cat or dog, but that steals the essence of raising a pet. 

Looking at his son, who was grinning and proud of his plan to turn his father into his chicks' servant, Song Yu Han had a hard time deciding whether to laugh or get angry. 

In the end, he couldn't really get angry at this son of his. 

As a result, Song Yu Han bought books to learn how to raise chickens and ordered a pen for them to live so they don't get lost in the villa and make Little Zhanzhan worry. 

As for Little Zhanzhan, he happily watched his father work in front of him. 

Ran Xueyi, who thought that her husband would definitely put the chicks away, was extremely shocked at the sudden turn of events. 

She didn't have any interest in raising chickens in the first place. When she received a parcel from the delivery truck, she thought that it was from Adelle. 

However, when she saw the holes on the box and felt the movements inside it, she was so scared that she almost let go of it. Thankfully, the delivery man was kind enough to tell him that there were chicks inside the box, and it was only then did she calmly place it down. 

As it turns out, Little Zhanzhan ordered some chicks when he was playing on his tablet yesterday. It only arrived today and she was never informed by him. 

Initially, she dissuaded him from raising them. She told them that they are only adorable when they are small, but after a few months, they will turn into big and mature roosters which will no longer look cute. 

In addition, raising them altogether meant that he needed to feed them and also clean after them. It was too difficult since they are too fragile and easily get sick when they are too small. 

What's more, Ran Xueyia agonized that her son couldn't get a normal pet like cats and dogs! 

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