Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 144: Chapter144-Slaughter

Chapter 144: Chapter144-Slaughter

If before, the Crimson Dragons believed they had the strength to contend with Seraphina and Owen with the support of the battle formation, they now realized how laughably naive that notion had been.

The combat strength of Owen and Seraphina far exceeded their actual level!

Their proud attacks and blitz tactics had not given them any advantage. Instead, each attack turned into a bloody feast for Seraphina.

Every Crimson Dragon devoured by Seraphina left an indelible nightmare for them!

Having devoured eleven Crimson Dragons, Seraphina's body had expanded once more, and her already solid scales now gleamed like red crystals, emitting a searing, destructive heat. Just getting close gave them the illusion of being set ablaze.

Thus, the six remaining Crimson Dragons instinctively turned and fled as fast as they could from Owen and Seraphina.

As the six Crimson Dragons retreated in terror, Grace and her allies, who were trying to hold back the nine Fallen Angels, were already weakened, coughing up blood, and their bodies were like dry wood in a storm, about to collapse.

The nine Fallen Angels were well aware of Owen's combat strength, so even though the battle formation had separated them, they didn't worry about Owen.

They simply coordinated and attacked together.

The combined strength of the nine Fallen Angels was comparable to a true master-tier mage.

While the power of the battle formation was formidable, they had allocated most of its strength to augment the Crimson Dragons.

After only a few exchanges, most soldiers were exhausted of mana, their bodies trembling from the lingering shockwaves, and some weaker soldiers even burst apart, their blood staining those nearby.

For a moment, even General Grace felt a deep sense of despair.

Not only had they failed to capture Owen and Seraphina, but it seemed they might be the ones left here forever.

The dizziness and internal mana turbulence made Grace breathe heavily.

She looked down at the heavily injured and dying soldiers, then at the fleeing Crimson Dragons, feeling as if all the strength had been drained from her body, almost collapsing to the ground.

The 200,000 troops and seventeen Crimson Dragons were the core of Kyrik!

Yet now, most of them were lost!

Her heart bled.


Grace's eyes were red, and despite her anger and reluctance, she quickly made the decision to withdraw.

If they continued like this, the Crimson Dragons would cease to exist!

She herself would be left here forever!

However, after Grace issued the order to retreat, although the Kyrik soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and saw a glimmer of hope for survival, disbanding the battle formation was no easy task.

After all, all their mana was bound together in the formation, like thousands of fine threads woven into a rope. Suddenly dispersing would cause the formation to collapse and descend into chaos.

However, Grace and the four deputy generals desired precisely this effect.

They planned to use the ripples created by the disintegration of the formation to wound the nine Fallen Angels, Owen, and Seraphina, buying time for themselves and the Crimson Dragons to escape!


As Grace and the others had predicted, after the order to retreat was given, the soldiers, most of whom were already injured, withdrew from the formation at varying speeds.

The collective mana, like a giant powder keg, collided chaotically and resulted in an earth- shattering explosion.

The nine Fallen Angels within the formation had already sensed this and immediately beat their wings, retreating quickly to distance themselves from the formation.

The chaotic mana wave only left crisscrossing wounds on their bodies without posing a fatal threat.

Owen and Seraphina, who were within the formation, also quickly took defensive measures to withstand the terrifying magical shockwave.

Taking advantage of this moment, Grace, the Crimson Dragons, and a few generals used their last-resort methods to flee swiftly.

With the formation's collapse, nearly half of the Kyrik soldiers died from the backlash, their bodies cracked and covered in horrifying fissures.

While most soldiers were still alive, they were weak, lying on the ground in agony. Even those less affected were mentally shattered, frozen in place and at a loss.

This mission deployed most of Kyrik's elite forces, including trump cards like the Crimson Dragons, yet they suffered such a devastating defeat!

Even Grace and the four deputy generals, their key leaders, used them as cannon fodder to cover their retreat along with the Crimson Dragons!

This left them utterly despairing!

In contrast to the despair of the Kyrik soldiers, the Azure soldiers became excited as they looked at the collapsing battle formation and the wailing Kyrik troops. They didn't even need orders from Stanley.

Looking up at Owen and Seraphina, they felt empowered and charged directly at the Kyrik soldiers.

Previously, the Kyrik soldiers had not regarded them as humans, slaughtering them mercilessly. Now it was their turn!



The cries of battle were earth-shattering. Any Kyrik soldier who could move scrambled into action, faces filled with fervor and relief at surviving.

Owen, meanwhile, ignored the nearly incapacitated Kyrik soldiers and turned his gaze to the


There, six Crimson Dragons, along with Grace and her allies, were fleeing in a panic.

"Since you've come, don't leave!"

Owen's eyes turned cold as he charged forward with Seraphina, becoming a streak of light that

shot across the sky.

The nine Fallen Angels were about to follow Owen when his voice suddenly reached them.

"Seal off this area. Don't let a single Kyrik escape!"

"No mercy!"

Owen's command was ruthless. Upon hearing it, the nine Fallen Angels quickly dispersed, eliminating any Kyrik soldiers attempting to flee.

Under the relentless pursuit of Owen and Seraphina, Grace and the four deputy generals were

quickly caught up with.

The piercing sound of the wind came from behind.

Grace, the four deputy generals, and the Crimson Dragons turned to see Owen and Seraphina closing in, their faces turning pale as they hastened their retreat.

As they accelerated, Owen and Seraphina suddenly increased their speed, creating a trail of afterimages in the air. Seraphina swiftly devoured the slowest Crimson Dragon.

Owen, meanwhile, unleashed a bolt of lightning, reducing a deputy general to blackened charcoal, which fell from the sky and shattered upon impact.

Within seconds, all four deputy generals and six Crimson Dragons were swiftly killed and devoured, leaving only General Grace.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Seeing that Owen and Seraphina had set their sights on her, Grace could no longer bear the pressure of life and death. She quickly raised her hands in surrender.

"Master Owen, with my strength and skills, Azure Kingdom surely needs me. Rest assured, I

can swear an oath that once I surrender, I will be 100% loyal to Azure Kingdom, with no

ulterior motives!" Grace declared confidently.

Seeing Owen unmoved, with his mana fluctuations growing stronger, Grace's heart trembled,

and she quickly puffed out her chest.

"Master Owen, as long as you spare me, I can... I can satisfy any request you have!"

For Grace, who wielded the power of a general, death was terrifying.

As long as she was alive, she believed that with her abilities, she could eventually rise again!

Moreover, she was confident in her looks and figure, certain that a young man like Owen

couldn't resist.

However, despite her seductive tone, Owen remained unmoved, shaking his head slightly.

"It's too late to surrender now."

Upon arriving here, Owen saw the devastation firsthand.

Azure Kingdom's elite soldiers had suffered heavy casualties.

These people were the foundation of the kingdom, and not executing General Grace would be

a disservice to their spirits.

Besides, Grace might have strength and skills, but Azure Kingdom didn't need her combat

power now.

Both he and Seraphina had already grown strong.


In Grace's terrified and horrified gaze, the arc of lightning in Owen's hand transformed into a

long blade, swiftly severing her head.

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