Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 54.5- Child Custody

Quest 54.5- Child Custody

13th floor of Babel. The Denatus is held.


“Shut up! Shut up!!” shouted Hermes as several gods were pointing and laughing at him.

“I can't believe they poached Zephyr from you!!” said a god.

“Hahaha!! And by Astraea no less!! How did that happen? I mean no offense, Astraea, but come on! Hahaha!!!” laughed another.

Many of the gods were mocking and teasing Hermes as Cirrus had converted to the Astraea Familia. The news of it spread quickly, as it was the equivalent of Loki losing Finn or Freya losing Ottar. He brought that much fame to the Familia.

“It’s not my fault! He cares more about fighting for justice than making money! It was a mutual separation!”

He was not wrong about this and he fully understood why he went with Astraea. As much as he had faith in his children to handle themselves, he knew they worked far better in the shadows, away from any prying eyes. Also, the taxes the Guild applied to higher-ranked Familia's.

“Yeah, but then Astraea swooped in!” said Loki. “Maybe if I kept my ear to the ground I could have swiped him up!”

“Yes, it's a shame, really. I would have liked to see him more closely.” Said Freya. “So, how did this come about before we go to the best event?” She looked at Astraea with curiosity and jealousy.

“He found me and asked to join my Familia! it’s really that simple!” she responded. “So let's get on with the Naming Ceremony!”


The ceremony went on like usual. They gave many weaker adventures cringe, embarrassing names while the more well-respected Familia’s get a better chance.

White Beast.” Said Dian Cecht. “That kid, whenever he brings a criminal to get treated their always bloody like a beast attacking them! Not that I care since I get paid.”

They looked at her to see if that was fine.

‘He said he didn’t like Deer so…’

“That’s fine.”

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