Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 225- Tournament, Part 2- The Flashing Saint vs. The King

[Vol.3] Quest 225- Tournament, Part 2- The Flashing Saint vs. The King



Swish! swish!

Swish! clang!

Clang! Clang! Swish!

The match has lasted for 5 minutes, and sweat could be seen on both fighters.

Huff! huff!

‘It’s time to use it. He already knows my fighting style.’


‘What is she going to do? Paying attention to her movements is taxing, as though I spent days fighting… I expected nothing less from one who sparred with Cirrus for 7 years. Her stamina is impressive.’

Swish! swish! clang!

Clang! Swish! clang!

Swish! clang! Click!


‘That click!’

On sheer instinct, Ottar reflexively jumped back as Ai clicked her weapon and it turned into a spear.

Swish! cut!

She had managed to cut the same place as Cirrus did.

“Again… Raaah!!”

Swish! swish!!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Swish! cut!

Swish! whoosh! Swish! Swish!

‘My best chance is to bleed him out! Worse case I have to use my magic, but I want him to use his Beastification first!’


Clang! Clang! Swish! cut! Swish! Swish! Clang!

‘She's making deeper cuts to the skin, she wants this to become a war of attrition, her movements are fast enough for me to leave a cut or two every once in a while but she’s far too used to fighting faster opponents and her reflexes are near my own… Beastification that is the only thing left to take her down, then only our strength and the quality of our weapons will determine the victor.’

As a level 6 to have pushed Ottar, this far was impressive. Many who have fought and known Ottar can say she lasted far longer than a level 6 could do, now-


With a powerful swing of both of his swords, he sent Ai back to give him enough distance.

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” his muscles bulging and contract his eyes have started to liken that of a while animal.

‘This is it!! Time for the end game!’

“(Rage. Eighty-thousand men cannot quench my thirst. 

Two arrows pierce my rips and throat, one swing of the blade.

Today I will live, tomorrow I will not lose my life.

I shall save myself, lament. Tamamo no Mae) [Yonbi Kōgō]!!!!!!!”

They bathed the arena in an animalistic killing aura as the two use their Beastification.

“Circe barrier,” Cirrus said, watching closely how the fight goes.

‘On it!’

Circe, who was watching from on top of the Colosseum along with Nox, flew up and cast her barrier.

‘This is getting serious. Ottar and Ai are going into their Beastification. Is this place strong enough to endure it?’ said Nox.

“Should be. I used Ais and Tiona as test subjects, so… who knows the barrier is an extra layer of protection for the people and building? After all, these two are monsters in their own right.”

Haaa!! Haa!!” Ai was breathing in and out, calming herself.

Pfooooo.” Ottar let out a stream of steam and clenched his weapons.

Their instincts told them to quickly finish this, the other was too dangerous. 

As the barrier was cast, the two kicked off towards one another and in a fierce exchange of blows made the air shake from the intensity.

The city began to shake from their attacks.




“Just like with Zald.” Said Asfi. “Is Ai going to use Ottar too- “

“I think she is.” Said, Hermes. “By the end of this, we may have another level 7 in Orario.”

“T-this is a fight between 1st class adventures…” said Tione. “This feels a bit too surreal.”

“Yeah… are we even on the same level as her?” asked Tiona. “Because I don’t think we can do this.”

“Hey captain, doesn’t this remind you of when Ottar and Zald fought?” said Raul.

“Yes… the power they exhibited as they drew blades on one another for dominance, the way the earth shook… she wants to win.”

“If she was with Uncrowned for 7 years, then wouldn’t she have sparred with him for that long?” said Lefiya.

“Then her stats would… she’s going for a level up,” said Loki. “Artemis… you’re going to have 2 of Orario’s strongest adventures as your children.” She looked for Artemis to find her enjoying the match with her children.

“Ai is really going for it. The only time she used her magic was when fighting Cirrus seriously.” Said Rethusa.

“She cleared so much land with her swings… Do you think the barrier Cirrus made can withstand her slash?” said Cale.

“If anything does go wrong, Cirrus would step in and stop it,” said Artemis. “His gaze hasn’t left the match one bit.”

“I would too if these two who have the power to destroy a good chunk of the city from their fighting.” Said Phi.

Ai and Ottar did not hold back. Each attack was enough to cut buildings in half.






Even when they drew blood it did not impede their onslaught of swords.





They were gonna keep fighting until one of them isn't able to hold their sword any longer.

Back in the stands with the Hestia Familia.

“They're finally cutting into each other.” Said Welf.

“W-will they be okay?” said Bell.

“Everything is fine. If Sora hasn’t stopped them, then it should be good,” Lili said.

“Even if the arena is getting bathed in blood?” said Hestia. “This is getting pretty bloody.”

“Ah, Cranel.” Said Ryuu.

“Miss Ryuu, did you just get here?” asked Bell.

“Hm, I barely got off work and came here to think she would get this strong. I can see why she was tasked with fending her off.” She said, looking at the fight and a slightly pained expression went across her face.


“I’m fine,” she said. “Just seeing her in this state… brought up some unfortunate memories.”

Back to the fight.

Ottar swings horizontally and Ai crouches down. Ai swings her blade and Ottar simply kicks her away.

Any injuries these to get are healed almost immediately, but even before this fight, their stamina has been draining them.

Ai sheathes her blade and Ottar with what rationally he has prepared himself for an overhead slash.

“(When the bell tolls 108 times, gather the eight serpents.

No offerings of sacrifice to the earth, wind, fire, water, thunder, poison, light, and darkness.

I offer you steel and the clear sky.) [Murakumogiri]!!”

“(Silver moon's mercy, the golden wilderness. 

This body is destined for the wild boar of the war. 

Run through, carry the goddess' will.) [Hildis Vini]!!”

A thick pillar of mist covered her sword and Ottar’s blades were as brilliant as silver shimmer under the sun.



They charged at one another and with their swords; they unleashed them.

The air seemly cracked from the strength of these two fighters, and the barrier was starting to shake from the attack.



The wind and silver would not let the other overtake them, but one had to give and--

“Grrrrrrr!!!” said Ai.

"Hrrrrrr!!!" said Ottar.

Surprisingly, neither did.



With everything they have, they clashed with their bodies didn’t matter at this moment, their instincts simply told them one thing: WIN.


An explosion of colliding magic filled the Colosseum with smoke and an ear-piercing sound.

‘Cirrus, the barrier almost broke. It was about near to what you and Alfia did.’

“I can tell… I felt a massive amount of my magic get sucked out. Drop the barrier, it’s over.”

Cirrus stands on top of the balcony with his spear in hand and with a single powerful swing, he blows the dust away, showing the results.

Both stood straight up with several amounts of injuries on their bodies, with a trail showing that they stood up to the blast, leaving skid marks from their feet.

The first to move was Ottar, with him taking a step forward.

Huff!! Huff!! Huff!!

He had one massive slash right across his chest.

Then Ai took a step.

Huff! huff! huff! Huff! Dammit…” She lowers her head, letting go of the shattered sword from her broken hands to the ground along with her broken and battered body.

“We have a winner!! King!! Ottar!!!!!” Shouted Hermes.


As the crowd roared in applause and cheering, Cirrus dropped down to check on them.

“You good?” he asked Ottar.

“… Barley.” He said lowly, a bit exhausted and barley even conscious.

“Hm, she did a number on you.”

“It... shows... skills.” He is losing a lot of blood.

Cirrus smiles before splashing him with an High Elixir. Ottar's wound quickly began to heal.

"My... Thanks." Ottar slowly turned and walked away.

He walks towards Ai to see her passed out while standing.

“You did well Ai.”


“Hm?” Cirrus leaned in closer.

“Carry… me…” Ai said softly.

He leaned back in surprise.

“Sure thing, sweetie. (Exousía, Adorn).”

As the armor wraps around Ai and carefully heals her, Cirrus picks her up and takes her inside.

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