Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 227- One Step Closer

[Vol.3] Quest 227- One Step Closer

Two days later.

“Hmm… hmm…” Ai gets up from bed to feel her whole body sore. “… Cirrus! Art! Anyone here!?”

“I’m here! Sorry I was helping with lunch!” said Artemis, coming up.

“Did I win or…” she said weakly.

“He won by a small margin; you should be very proud! You nearly toppled him!”

“… Did anyone challenge Cirrus?”

“Well, just 4 of Loki’s kids, but well, he crushed 3 of them with brute force and for the Sword Princess, he used his magic and crushed her as well. After that, no one wanted to challenge him.”

“Hmm… Did you update my status?”

A large smile grew on Artemis’s face.

“I did and here!” she hands Ai a piece of paper.

Shirakusa Ai

Lv. 6

Strength: C613--> A802        Endurance: A899--> SS1001

Dexterity: A879--> SS1000  Agility: S900--> S999

Magic: E401--> C636            Hunter: G

Immunity: G                           Swordsmen: E

Initiative: H--> G                   Chain Attack: I--> H



  • Enchant Magic

[Yonbi Kōgō]

  • Enhance/ Transformation Magic



  • When focusing intensely Strength, Dexterity, and Agility will increase drastically.


  • When fighting any monster, all stats are drastically increased.


  • Great cutting power will be released at the last second.


  • Growth is increased in proportion to a loved one.
  • Running and drawing speeds are improved.

“… T-this skill… I-is it…”

“Yup, it s like Cirrus. Seems you really wish to stay by his side,” Artemis said with a bright smile.

Hic! Hic!” tears began to fall from her face. “I… I won’t be left behind! And I will catch up to him!!” she said firmly.

“Well, you can right now if you want since you can level up to 7.”

“Do it!” she said energetically as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

“Alright then!”

Ai lay on her stomach as Artemis pricked her finger and updated her status.

“Did I get any new Development Abilities?”

“Just Strong Body, a Development Ability that makes your body considerably stronger, as the name suggests.”

“Then go with that one.”

“Hm! hmm! Aaand… done!” Artemis gets a piece of paper and hands it to her. “You will be surprised again, Ai!”

Ai gets the paper and reads it.

Shirakusa Ai

Lv. 7

Strength: I0     Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0    Agility: I0

Magic: I0          Hunter: G

Immunity: G    Swordsmen: E--> D

Initiative: G      Chain Attack: H

Strong Body: I



  • Enchant Magic

[Yonbi Kōgō]

  • Enhance/ Transformation Magic



  • When focusing intensely Strength, Dexterity, and Agility will increase drastically.


  • When fighting any monster, all stats are drastically increased.


  • Great cutting power will be released at the last second.


  • Growth is increased in proportion to a loved one.
  • Running and drawing speeds are improved.

[Calydonian Kynígi]

  • Grants Development Abilities Spirit Healing, Healing Power when using [Yonbi Kōgō]. Strength is proportional to Agility and Endurance.


“Seems you are becoming a monster in your own right, like Cirrus!”

“W-where is Cirrus?” She said wanting to show off her new skills.

“He’s with the Guild Head right now. Seems something came up.”

The Guild, Royman’s office.

“… Is this true?” Cirrus said, looking over a journal.

“Yes, sir.” Said Royman. “He has leveled up and his growth bared similarity to yours, so we forcibly got his Level-Up Model from his adviser which she never submitted.”

“… It would seem my guess was right. He has the potential to reach my strength.”

“T-then that means!”

“Tell his adviser to keep this to herself and no one else besides you. Any more updates go straight to you. His Familia is far too weak. Should this get out, there will undoubtedly be another War Games, and, in these times, we need to keep our wits up.”

“And the Colosseum?” he said, a bit nervously.

“Simply riding the wave of the War Games, one needs to take advantage of opportunities.”

“Then… Should we send him quests?”

“Yes, give him quests appropriate for the number of floors he and his Familia have reached and their levels. He needs to build up experience.”

“Very well, we shall give him and his Familia appropriate quests.”

“Hm, is this all for now, Royman?”

“Yes, there is currently nothing else needed to be brought up.”

“Hm, I see, then later, Royman.” Cirrus bids his farewell.

Cirrus moves through the guild with his cloak of invisibility and thinks about the report he read on Bell.

‘Level 3 in two months… He has a skill similar to mine but is his goddess really that damn ignorant! Fuck… There is a reason why I had to hide my level for so damn long. These gods are like predators waiting for the next big fish and Bell jumped right into the damn ocean! Haa…. I need to ask Artemis if she could help cover for her… No, they already had a Daedalus a month back, fuck…’

He had walked into a dark alley and used the secret tunnels.

‘Alfia, your goddam nephew picked a dull goddess! Haaaaaaa…. Oh well, what he does is on him. I can try to train him if he so chooses, but anything else is on him.’

"H-hey Cirrus um…" said Ai, contacting him through a magic tool in his ear. "Are you coming back home?"

“I am, why? Did something come up?”

"Um… well, just come back quick. I have something I want to tell you. Oh, I meant to say the Familia home."

“… Alright.” he said suspicious at what she is planning.

When Cirrus arrived at the Familia home, and he found it smelling fantastic.

“What’s the occasion?” he said.

“Oh, you're back!” said Artemis. “Come help!”

Cirrus follows Artemis into the kitchen where the table is full of food from Yamato.

“So… what’s going on?”

“Ai will tell you, right now she’s getting all ready!”

“O... kay?”

As Cirrus helped cook more of Artemis’s Familia came with decorations and sure enough, the whole home was decorated.

'...What the fuck is happening?'

“Now, can you tell me what’s going on?”

“I would, but she will tell you.”

Walking down in a fine outfit was Ai.

“You look… beautiful…”

“Thanks! Oh, can we all sit, and I can tell you the news!”

Everyone made a big smile as they all took their seats in the dining hall.

Once everyone was set and seated, Ai stood up.

“Now for the reason for this extravagance is for one thing!” Ai shouted as Artemis sat next to her with a smile.

Cirrus could see the smile on all the Familia's faces.

“And that is because!”

Their eyes began to nearly bulge out of their sockets.

“I am!”

They were on the edge of their seats.

“A level 7!!”


Everyone but Artemis were surprised.

“We thought Cirrus finally knocked you up!!” shouted Phi.

“Yeah! yeah!!” they all shouted.

“Now, now!” said Artemis, calming everyone down. “This is still a special occasion! Besides, one day they will have children!”

They all looked at Cirrus.

“… We want a cute nephew soon.” Said Cale.

“That’s my business Cale, maybe you should work on finding a guy first before coming to me.” He said snapping back at her.

“With Lady Artemis’ standards!?”

“Aww... Cale you think it's because of Artemis? You really need to—”

“That is enough!!" Artemis cuts Cirrus off to prevent more arguing. "My children should have only the best! Now let's all feast shall we!!!"


Cirrus watched as the whole Familia of women ate.

‘I need more male friends. Ahh… Ibic. How I treasure those days as Blacksmiths.’

Later, back at Cirrus’s home. Cirrus gave Ai her reward.

“So you have a skill like mine, huh?” said Cirrus, with Ai in his arms in bed.

“Yup.” she said, resting her head on his chest. “So I won’t be falling short anytime soon!”

“Then I won’t be holding back for you.”

“Oh? Where you~” She got on top of him. “Then you can give me more of your love, right?” She went and kissed him on the lips.


A warm smile grows on both of them as they kiss passionately.

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