Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 249- The 6-Winged Corrupted Spirit

[Vol.3] Quest 249- The 6-Winged Corrupted Spirit

The next morning.

“So, what are we going to do? We can go to the country's capital and look for information or possibly find it destroying a village or city.” Said Nox, eating her breakfast.

“No… that’ll take time and energy we can’t afford to waste, so I have a better idea,” Cirrus said.

“You sure you don’t wanna do that because one country treats you as a legend while another wish to dance on your grave and the other just doesn’t care?” Nox said.


“So, what is this idea of yours?” Circe said eating as well.

“Well, it goes something along with this plan.”

‘I’m hungry… food…. kill!’

These are what filled Xuanlong’s mind, a blend of intelligence and savagery. Each day she loses herself to the dragon's instinct for senseless want of carnage and substance.


Her mind is in a desperate plea to survive, adapting to the monster’s nature slowly merging the two into one instead of being taken over.





Then a light catches her 8 eyes. It cuts through the madness of the monster and clears a path for her words as a spirit to be spoken.



But just as when there is a sudden gap in the ocean, the water will violently fill it.


She spreads her wings and flies with devastating speed. Each flap of her wings changed the shape of the dunes for miles on end, both from the force and speed of the winds. Her bloodlust made every monster around her run away.

Ruins of an abandoned town.

“Damn, I could feel it from here.” Said Nox.

“She’s really gunning for you, Nox.” Said Circe as she looks through binoculars. “She’s actually rather smaller compared to that dragon you fought on the 18th floor.”

Xuanlong size was about three school buses in length, one and a half of a school bus in height, three if they stretch their necks.

“Just as planned, if they know Aria through Ais’s wind then it would make sense they would know your light, Nox.” Said Cirrus drinking a magic potion. “Lord Ouranos, Fels.”

“We are receiving you Cirrus.” Said Fels.

“Then it’s time for the hunt to begin.” Cirrus draws his spear and Gram. “Gram! Full release!!”

Gram glowed brightly as runes appeared on it. A deep focus fell on Cirrus as a massive smile appeared on his face.

“Ah~ It has been a while since I used you, old friend. Nox!! Circe!! Prepare for battle!!”

“On it!!” they both shouted, flying high into the sky.

“NOX!!! NOX!!! NOXXXX!!! NOOOOOX!!!! NNNNNNNOX!!!!!” Xuanlong savagely roared. "(Savagely roar. Pillar of Genesis, allow the heavens to burn in my wrath. Asmodeus, incarnate of flames. King of Inferno.) [Hell Lance]!!!”

The dragon opened its mouth and a magic circle appeared before a fire breath enhances the attack.


But it wasn’t finished. The humanoid portion of her body held her hand out.

“(Blow, force of wind. Your servant asks you, Paimon. Incarnate of wisdom. King of Wind.) [Bellowing Force]!!!”

A magic circle appeared and an unrelenting force of wind went into the fire breath, making it even bigger and hotter.


Cirrus, seeing it use more than one magic, told him enough.

“This is going to be a pain, Nox!! (Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s: Logia]!!!!!!”

Three massive blades of lightning appear from his magic circle.

‘(Flash and gaze. Tear through the cosmos.) [White Night]!!’ Nox chanted high in the sky.

Xuanolong’s eyes caught Nox’s attack and only fly faster forwards to what she instinctually found the greater threat.

A blast of lightning from the front clashed with a yellowish wall of flame.


The first attack shakes the very air and earth, and the battle begins.

Xuanlong tears through the smoke but was met with Cirrus in his Cretan armor, in his hands, his spear.

“(Vespers of Damocles)!!!!!!”

With a powerful throw of his spear, it cuts through the smoke and air.


“!!!” Xuanlong’s used its instincts to use its wings to evade.

As it quickly flapped its wings to move up but—


She saw a red and green sword overhead with thick electricity on the edges.

“HECTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Cirrus shouted while Hecton grabbed the spear he threw and returned it to his shadow within the smoke.

Cirrus slashed down from her collarbone down to barely the stomach before she got out of the attack’s range, but just enough to bathe Cirrus in her blood.



“GAAAAAH!!!!” Xuanlong roared, quickly flying away.

“Where are you going!!!” Cirrus turns to see her getting away.

As Cirrus disengages his armor and the blood on the armor falls onto him as though it was a tablecloth with glass on top of it being quickly ripped away.

Xuanlong quickly soars upwards as she could feel how dangerous he really was.

Just as she realized it, she rained down fire.

“(Savagely roar. Pillar of Genesis, allow the heavens to burn in my wrath. Asmodeus, incarnate of flames. King of Inferno.) [Hell, Lance]!!! (Fortify, foundations of the world. Your servant asks you, Stolas. Incarnate of virtue. King of Earth.) [Quaking Force]!!!!”

Along with the fire came down molten lava.

“You underestimate me!!! (Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian)!!! (Vespers of Damocles)!!!”

Cirrus quickly flew up with electricity covering him.

With his spear, Cirrus gripped it tightly and swung down with all of his strength, sending out a powerful streak of lightning.


Slicing himself an opening where he quickly took to chasing Xuanlong.

“You're not escaping!!!!”

Xuanlong flapped her wings and flew at an even greater speed.





They darted around the sky. Xuanlong quickly learned to turn in sharp edges, but Cirrus still followed along.

Xuanlong would turn their human portion and aim at Cirrus.

“(Lament, storm of frost. Your servant asks you, Crocell. Incarnate of patience. King of Ice.) [Ice Age]!!!!!!”

They fired sharp and thick columns of ice with great speed.

‘God dammit!!’ Cirrus thought.

He moved ever so slightly to narrowly avoid her attacks.

‘You are not escaping me!!!!’

He gripped Gram even tighter, and his focus grew all the more tighter.

It impressed Cirrus with how fast this Corrupted Spirit was to move and handle this velocity.

Looking at it from a distance, it was like a constellation of a black comet being chased by a yellow light.

‘Circe!! We need to lock them down!! You better be as high as you can to cast this wide net!!’

‘I already am! Ready at your mark!’


Circe quickly chanted her magic and cast a barrier far and wide, the largest she had ever cast before.


It massively took a good chunk of Cirrus’s magic and even Circe’s.

‘I’ll begin to recuperate the magic!’ Circe said as she took magic from the air.

Cirrus then began to glow like twilight.

Xuanlong saw Cirrus’s glow and on the dime, she began to absorb mana from the air as well.


“Smart ass!!!”

Xuanlong kept flying as more of her magic began to refill before she met Circe’s barrier.




“Grr!!” Cirrus said as a massive chunk of his magic was sapped to repair the barrier.

At that moment Cirrus flew over it as Xuanlong’s eyes dart around, pulling herself from the barrier.

“CAGE!!! CAGE!!!! NO CAGE!!!!!!” Xuanlong opened her dragon mouth to blast the barrier with her fire breath.

“Hecton!!!!” Cirrus said above her.

From Cirrus’s shadow, Hecton’s arms shot out and grabbed her wings.


It roared and shouted as it plunged back to the desert sand as Circe’s barrier covers a vast swath of the desert.

As Xuanlong crashed into the ground, Cirrus landed before the human portion on its head. Hecton pinned down all of her limbs tightly, so tightly the Corrupt Spirit couldn’t move.



They tried to bite Cirrus, but he put his foot to her neck and held his spear firmly.

“Sorry, it has to be this way.”


It thrashed around in much more desperation, she even clawed some of his leg as best as she can with no nails.

"Stay still. (Exousía, Adorn: Chimera)." He said coldly as his wraps around him and his chains begins to bind Xuanlong's arms and cover her mouth.

"RAAAAH!!! UAAAA!!!! AHHHH!!!!" Xuanlong shouted desperately trying to break free.

Looking at it in such a state, Cirrus couldn’t help but see it as a child throwing a tantrum. He felt pity for it.

“Sir,” Hecton said, popping one of his mouths close by. “Might I suggest… using Lady Nox’s full magic?”

‘Oh?’ Nox lands on Cirrus’s head and looks at the human portion of the Corrupted Spirit.

“EAT!!! EAT!!!!!” They tried to reach for Nox, biting the air ravenously or as much as it could being bounded.

‘… Hmm… Alright. Let's see if we can’t save this spirit. If Hecton can gain his sanity with my magic, then maybe she can as well.’

“Well... I’m certainly not against the idea of having this one work for me. Lord Ouranos? Fels what do you think?"

"The choice is yours." Fels said through the magic tool.

"We will honor whatever your choice in this manner is Cirrus. She is your prey. You can do what you like." Ouranos said.

Looking at Xuanlong Cirrus really did feel bad for her. He could see confusion and fear in her eyes like a lost child.

'Hmm... If I let Nox use her magic then this Corrupted Spirit would end up like Hecton? Then in that case I can at least get some answers. If not then I guess I am gaining a impressive helper.'

"... Circe go get Jane. Hecton keep holding her down. Nox we are using your magic.”

Cirrus made his choice. The armor wraps around him, along with the chains of the Cerberus armor wrapping Xuanlong even more.


“Yes, sir.” Hecton said.

‘On it!’ Circe said flying away.

Cirrus took off flying high into the air quickly.

 ‘Circe tell Jane this. When the sky turns white they need to find Cirrus got it! We are going to see if my magic can help this spirit regain its mind!’ Nox said as a precaution.

‘Got it! I’ll get out of the blast zone! I opened up the top for you to drop it!’ Circe said as she flew off quickly.


“I am no monster.” Said Hecton as he grabs the wings. “I am my master’s shadow, as you soon will be as well.”


Confusion ran through her mind as it was flooded with the pain of Hecton holding her wings and her desperate attempts were slowly ripping her wings.


“Any chance of you escaping is gone. Keep trying and you will rip your own wings.” Hecton said holding her tightly.

“NO!!!! NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!”

High in the air, Nox pops out from the magic circle.

‘Cirrus, I’m sorry, but I’m going to take a lot out of you then, Ai or Artemis!!’

“... Where did I go wrong with you?"

'Uhh... I would say around the time when you let me and Lenoa in the same room.'

From the ground, she could see Nox glow like the sun, and the sky turned white.

“NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!!

‘NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!’

Death will now unify their fractured mind.

“NO!!!!!! RAAAAAH!!!! KIRK!!!!" She bit through the chain on her dragon mouth and aimed it high into the air. "(Penetrate, lance of thunder. Your servant asks you, Amdusias. Incarnate of power. King of Thunder.) [Sunlight Spear]!!!!”

From her mouth, a magic circle appeared and fired off several spears of lightning when Hecton quickly grew his arms to punch the lighting out of the air.

Boom!! Boom!!

Boom!! Boom!!

Boom!! Boom!!

“I have felt stronger.” Hecton said as he holds both her dragon and human mouth shut as well as all of Xuanlong’s limbs to ensure her breaking a chain will not happen again.

Xuanlong eyes flicker in and out of consciousness as from up above the very heavens have come for her. Her 8 eyes look up to see her harbinger.

“(From the shadow of the night's genesis, a white light birthed.

Paradoxical by nature, I tore through the balance.

No god shall touch the night; I dance upon the stars.

The White of Darkness and the Black of Light, all became bright.

May the veil of my paradox flash and be gazed upon; cut through the cosmos, heaven will darken, and earth will brighten.)”

Her voice sounded like honey to her ears. A calmness in her mind was planted.

“(Grow little starlight, engulf thy foe in pure liquidation, and I shall save you all.

Perception of creation—that is who I am.

I will be cast upon all in the wax and wane showed its ebb and flow, evermore in paradoxical infinity.)”

That calmness began to slowly seep through and grow.

“I… will no longer feel… this suffering.” She said, muffled.


She had reached a sort of homeostasis in her mental state.



‘Did she regain her mind from death drawing closer?' thought Hecton.

“(Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s: Logia].”

“(May I see all with colorless eyes; may I express my emotions to all.

Hear, oh, hear my voice. I am the paradox of creation, the daughter of life.

My name is Candidus Nox, the beloved darling of the enigma of prophecy) [White Night].”

Xuanlong could see it now, liquid death as a pearl from the heavens. It was utterly enamoring to see destruction given a visible form of such purity.

“… Death.”

‘… Death.’

As it touches its body, she could no longer feel anything, and her hunger had been satiated.



A massive blast of wind blows through the now glass desert across its glassified dunes.

Huff! huff! huff! Fuck… and here it comes.” Cirrus said, massively drained from Nox’s magic.

As the swirling beam of light and darkness returns to Nox, Cirrus could feel a new essence go inside him.

“N-Nox… I’m going to sleep.”

‘I-I’ll… try to land… softly this… time.’

 Nox slowly glided down as Cirrus fell asleep.

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