Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 280- One Day Visitation

[Vol.3] Quest 280- One Day Visitation

After getting back to the wall, Mikasa informed them they can return with the help of a god.

"I shall do, for I am GANESHA!!!!!!!!!!" Ganesha flexes his muscles and poses.

"That settles that now." Ai walks up to Reiner and Bertholdt. "Those are mine now." She points at their gear.

"W-what are you—"

"Alright, thanks!" She walks off with their gear in hand.

"!" They exclaimed as she took their weapons and gear.

"How did you get them?" shouted Reiner.

"I cut them off of you guys, Mikasa said I can take them unless you have a problem with that?" Her eyes were sharper than anything they had seen; even Levi’s glare was more tolerable than this.

"N-not at all!"

"Good, if not, I would have cut off more than just straps. Oh, and Lord Ganesha, remember you are to send them back and seal the Rift, understood?"

"Oh, course!!! I AM GANESHA!!!!!!!!!!"

They all leave back towards the forest as Ganesha leads the way.

"That woman who took your gear." Said Zeke. "Who was she?"

"She is Ai Zephyr." Said Ais. "A level 7."

"Zephyr… is she related to Cirrus?" asked Armin. "She doesn’t look like a sibling?"

"She is his wife," said Mikasa. "I learned of that when we came to inform you all of our way back."

"W-wife!?" said everyone.

"I did not know the laws of this world would be so… Disturbing?" said Pieck.

"Artemis said he was turned back to when he was 8 years old," said Erwin.

"Hm, she even showed me what they call a picture of him at age 20."

"Picture?" Bell said. "What’s that?"

"From what I saw, it’s a highly detailed drawing, and he looks very mature."

"I fear what kind of monster he turns into," Zeke said.

"Probably still better than you, shithead," Levi said, keeping a close eye on him.

Later on, at the Rift.

"We are here!" said Ganesha, getting off his horse. "I hope you are already!"

They all got off with the Warriors being tied up, and they watched as Ganesha held out his hands.

Before the god of the masses was a tear in space, it hung just a few inches from the ground like a hole in the world. It certainly gave off a very unsettling feeling to all who saw it.

"Ouranos! If I may!!"

"Permission granted."


With a thunderous clap of his hands, Ganesha’s Arcanum came out. The power of a true god was a sight to behold, even if it was a partial amount of it.

Ganesha then moved his hands to make the surrounding space warped and suddenly a bright light appeared and then it bent into a perfect circle.

"You can return home now!" He said as an iridescent light enveloped him with his hair, tusks, and body grew slightly larger.

"Get in there first," Levi said, his blade drawn, as well as Ais.

"We're going," said Zeke as he and the others walked through. "Tell me god… what would happen if you—"

"I will find you in the next life," Ganesha said, knowing what he was going to ask. "I will make sure your soul will never return to the cycle of reincarnation; I will torment your soul for all of eternity," Ganesh said in such a calm and cold way, it surprised Ais and the others who had known Ganesha for a while.

"… I’ll see you on the other side." Zeke then walked through, as did the others, Levi followed closely, and the rest followed through until only Eren remained.

"Thank you, Bell, for helping us. But you really should listen to Lili’s advice, that naivety and kindness will get you into trouble." Eren said.


"Don’t worry, I’m sure you will achieve your dream and become a hero! and I will as well! To save my homeland and people! I hope to see you once again."

"Hm." Bell nods his head. "I’ll be happy to see you again!"

Eren steps through the light, and Ganesha claps his hand once more.


The light faded as the bending of space and time closed slowly until it was completely gone. Everything returned to normal, as did Ganesha. The two worlds were separated once more.

"Phew… That took a lot out of me, Ganesha!" he exclaimed, resuming his usual cheerful demeanor and posing.

They had only been in their world for a day, but it felt like a week.

East of Orario.

Cirrus’s workshop.

"So how was dinner?" said Artemis, looking at Cirrus eating her venison with honey drizzled on it.

"It’s really good, but, um, I think the tastes of honey and meat are odd for me."

"It’s more of a comfort food for me. Here, let me take that."

She takes the plate and puts it in the sink.

"Thanks um… Is this what you wanted?"

"Of course not. It’s just one part of what I want. You can take a bath first while I clean up."

"O… kay…"

Cirrus goes and gets in the bath. There, he found the place nostalgic.

"… I wonder when or how long I lived here?" He looks to see shampoo for fur and feathers along with several other conditioner conditioners.

‘Probably for a while.’

Once Cirrus was done, he walked upstairs to see Artemis with her hair done up and a white outfit and stockings to boot.


Her appearance truly stirred up the man inside Cirrus, or what there is before puberty kicks in.

"Is something wrong?" Artemis said, looking at Cirrus.

Cirrus turns his head.

"N-nothing! Um, w-what are you planning on doing?" Cirrus was hiding his blush.

"..." She grins because she recognized that expression. "Fufu." She gets into bed with the cover open. "I just wanna sleep, Cirrus. I won’t do anything. You have my word!"

"Hmm…" Cirrus looks back to see her in bed. "I’ll take you up on it."

Cirrus walks over and gets into bed. He pulls up the covers.

"You don’t mind if I hug you, right? I sleep better with you in my arms." Artemis spoke softly.

"… I don’t mind."

Artemis got close and hugged him. The nice scent of nature and the warmth of the goddess of the wilderness soothed Cirrus.

"I’ve missed this…" she said with her eyes half open as she stroked his hair slowly.

Cirrus could say he felt the same way, the comfort, and safety of her embrace. It was all so familiar to him.

'I had no idea I wanted this so much.'

As he got closer to Artemis, he began to fall asleep.


Cirrus has gotten closer to Artemis.

She pulled him more into her embrace. She could feel his breath on her skin and his hands around her waist. She pulled him close to her chest and kept gently stroking his hair.

They both fell asleep quickly after she noticed he was shaking and his grip was slightly tighter in her sleep.

"My poor sweet Cirrus." She spoke softly and quietly. She then sealed off his Falna and kissed his forehead. "May you have sweet dreams, my love."

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