Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 297.1- Promises

[Vol.3] Quest 297.1- Promises

Having slept for three days, Cirrus wakes up from his pleasant dream.

"Ah, the dream has ended," Cirrus said, waking up to a familiar wooden ceiling. "This sight really needs to stop happening."

He got up with bedsores, but it was nothing compared to the piece of his heart that was broken. He removes his bandages and puts on some clothes he packed. He could smell the lingering fragrance of Artemis and Ai and... two others.

"Hecton, who else came to see me long enough for their scent to stay in this room?"

Hecton popped his head out again.

"That would be the Dark High Elf, Malion Dökk Nida, and Ryuu Sir."

"… Hmm... I see."

‘Malion and Ryuu… Ah… Nyx. Why did you bring that up? Now I’m really contemplating it. What the actual fuck is wrong with—Ah… my soul.’

His soul was not even human, or at least it was a bit. He feels a weight on his shoulders, his chest congested.

'I'll have to talk to Freya about this.'

He worries that now, with a significant change to a core part of who he is, he has changed. Maybe it resulted in some small changes to his personality, at worst.

‘I don’t wanna be like those gods… I don’t wanna be like Zeus or Hermes. If I could be a god, I'd like to be like Lugh, Susanoo, Astraea, or Ouranos.'

"Sir? Sir?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry, Hecton, I was lost in thought. What were you saying?"

"I was simply stating that Malion will try to get close to you."

"I understand. What of Ai and Artemis?"

"They are fine, but assuring them you are fine is your priority."

"… Alright. I’m sure they are outside."

"Oh, sir, before you go, I have to say... I am sorry for your loss. I know Lady Nox was very close to you, probably closer than Lady Ai and Artemis. You have my condolences."

Cirrus stopped walking. Some emotions swirled around.

"… Thank you, Hecton."

Cirrus resumed walking with a saddened face.

"U-um Sir! For your information, there are others here, such as your Familia and the Hestia Familia. Lady Hera is currently scolding Prometheus and instructing her on how to improve herself, while the Aphrodite and Artemis Familia is assisting Olympia in its reconstruction."

"Thank you, Hecton. Is that all?"

"Yes sir. I shall return to my own devices." Hecton returned into the shadows.

Cirrus looks out the window as the sun shines through.


"Master." Fafnir pokes her head. "Are you fine? The place where me and Hecton reside is a bit depressing with dark clouds overhead?"

"I am… not. The world seems less bright, Fafnir." Cirrus kept walking.

Fafnir didn’t say a word and returned to his shadow, not wishing to disturb Cirrus.

Cirrus walks out of his room and goes outside. He looks to find Bell sparring with Malion.

"Hm… I should keep Bell from Hera."



A familiar set of steps rang in Cirrus's ear.

‘Oh, fuck—'

"Cirrus!!" Ai charged at him and head-butted him.

"Gah!!!" knocking him to the ground.

Everyone looked to see Ai get on top of him.

"Ugh… I thought you'd grown out of this habit, Ai." Cirrus said, rubbing his stomach. "Ah fuck my stomach..."

"So we need to talk," Ai said, looking at him warmly.

"Okay, so why are you guys still here?" Cirrus looks at everyone around him.

"We wanted to make sure you were alright," said Lili. "And because… Yoru is…"

A sad look fell on her. Ai, Artemis, and just about everyone else who knew her.

"... I'm fine, just a little sore, and for... Nox." His voice was full of pain, but he held back his grief. He got up and held out his hand, and, from his shadow, White Night flew out and landed perfectly in his hand. "She is with me in memory and body." He said, making a small smile.

Everyone stares in awe at the black weapon.

‘How lucky you still have all of their eyes on you, Nox.’

Everyone looked at the weapon but Ai, who kept her eye on Cirrus. Hestia and Artemis approached it and touched it.

"Yes… This is a divine weapon," said Artemis.

"Yeah… it’s really—Ow!!" Hestia removed her hand quickly from the blade. "Why did it burn me!?"

"Hm? It burned you?" asked Artemis.

"That is because I did not want you to touch me, you lazy goddess." Said a robotic and calm voice.

Vesta emerged from the red gem in her chibi form.

"Y-you! Why did you leave me!?" Hestia shouted.

"Because I did not wish to be part of a lazy goddess, and because this human piqued my interest. After all, he is the first mortal to create a divine weapon and one of such magnitude. For that reason alone, I have forged a contract with him, and I am now the guardian of this divine weapon, so no unworthy hands can touch or even use it as the body of the Grand Spirit of the White Night, who fulfilled her duty and used her own body as a last gift to her master, so no one of such low characters is worthy of touching this weapon of undying loyalty and love." Towards the end, her voice sounded more human and full of passion. Her eyes were no longer a dull blue but a lively blue.

"Then this really is…" Artemis removed her hand to look at Cirrus.

His face was neutral, but she had seen that face many times before. He was hiding his emotions.

"And that is that. Vesta, you can return now."

"Hmph." Cirrus put the blade away in his shadow as she returned to the gem.

Many were shocked to see such a weapon disappear so easily.

"Well, I’m going to get some fresh air." He said so, walking past them. "Call me when the food is ready." He leaves the site and wanders off into the woods. Artemis and Ai follow him, while Bell, Ais, and Malion watch as he leaves.

"You even have her…" Malion mutters to herself.

"Hm? Did you say something? Malion?" Bell asked.

"Yes, you seem lost in thought?" Ais said, next to Bell.

"I am fine. Just seeing him in that state brings back… memories that ache from context now."

‘Hera should be in Olympia for two more hours. I have kept Bell out of her sight. His appearance, much like Cirrus, reminds me of Nephele. Bell reminds me of Meteria.’

Alone in the woods with his wives, Cirrus finds a stump and sits down. He covers his face as tears begin to slowly drip down.

"Cirrus." Said Ai. "Are you really okay? You make that face when you're hiding something." She slowly moved his hands away to see his expression.

It was the saddest she had ever seen him. His eyes were dimmer like a candle snuffed out.

"No… I’m not." The metaphorical mask he put on quickly fell off as a sorrowful expression grew on his face. More tears fall more quickly. "I consider you and Art to be my other half, but… She was my other half." He gripped his heart. "She has been by my side through the darkest points in my life… I feel... alone for the first time in a long time."

"Cirrus..." Artemis said as she placed her hand on his back.

Ai bent and hugged him and stroked his hair.

"Do you want to be alone for a bit?"

"… No. I don’t wanna be alone."

A pinkish-blue hawk flies close and turns into her human form.

"Do you mind if I spend some time with you as well?" Circe said.

"Not at all."

They stayed together for a good while, and Ai and Artemis comforted Cirrus and Circe over their loss.

A bit later, Ai and Artemis left to go get them some food, and with them returning, came Bell and Malion.

"I brought you food." Said Ai with a big plate of food.

"We even brought extra servings." Said Artemis.

She sat down while Malion went and gave him his plate of food, and Bell gave Circe a plate of food.

"U-um, are you also a spirit?" Bell asked, looking at Circe.

"I am. Circe is my name, but you probably know me as the Little Witch of Orario."

His eyes widen in awe.

"I have heard your name from my friends! A genius who made several new potions!"

"Hm! Hm!" Circe smirks proudly. "That I am!"

"Cirrus," Malion said, taking a seat. "I’ve come to ask you something?"

Cirrus turned his head, as he knew what she was going to say.

"What is it?"

"Bell..." she calls out, placing her hand on the top of his head. "Does he have any relation to Alfia or Meteria?"


Ai and Circe look at each other and at Bell. Bell, in particular, was confused by who they were.

"… Hecton."

He threw several Sound Eaters into various trees.

"W-what is going on?" He said, hesitant and nervous.

"Tell me, Bell, from that battle, were you able to level up?"

"U-um yes! I am level 5!"

"I see… Then I guess I can finally fulfill Alfia’s request." Cirrus stands up and takes a green brooch from his pockets.

Ai and Malion quickly noticed who that brooch belonged to.

"Bell, do you know why I went to your village all those years ago?"

"You said you were looking for my grandfather?" Bell looked at the brooch in his hand.

"Yes, because my dear Familia cousin, your grandfather, was the last living member of the Zeus Familia."

"!!" His eyes widen at this revelation. "R-really!? Grandpa!?"

"Yes, and this brooch belonged to your aunt Alfia, The Silent. At the end of the Great Feud, she was on her last legs, exhausted after fighting me and the Astraea Familia. She told me to give this to you, her nephew."

Cirrus holds out his hand and puts the green brooch into Bell’s hand.

"M-my aunt…" He looked at the brooch as if it were the most precious thing in the world to him, and it was. A single tangible item that linked him to his family.

"Aunt…" said Malion. "Then you are Meteria’s son!! No wonder you looked so familiar!!" She grabs his face to get a good look at him. "Hmm… Everything but the eyes is the same, but now that I'm looking, those red eyes… I felt like I’d seen those red eyes somewhere unpleasant?"

"U-um…" Bell said, not knowing what to say.

"Cirrus, does Hera know?" Malion glanced at Cirrus.

"No, she doesn’t and never will. It was Alfia’s last request that she never learn that he was her grandson as well, and so long as I draw breath, she will never know."

"U-um so I’m related to the Zeus and Hera Familia??" Bell said, with his face squished.

"Oh, sorry." Malion, let's go. "Um, yes, you are. I knew your mother and aunt very well. It was a good idea to follow my gut and keep you from Hera’s sight."

"Well, um, can I ask about my aunt? You said you fought her?" He said, looking at Cirrus.

"I did, but if you want to learn about her, it’s best to ask Malion about it. If you don't mind, I'd like to finish my meal. Malion, could you indulge Bell’s curiosity?"

"Not at all!" Malion said, nodding her head in agreement.

"And take the Sound Eaters, so this secret stays with us and no one else. Bell, I trust you will keep this to yourself, right? This information, should it get out, will put a massive target on you, especially for the gods, and unlike me, you don’t have a strong Familia to back you up, understand?"

"Y-yes!!" he shakes his head.

Malion leaves with Bell, taking some of the magic tools with her.

"I am surprised, Bell. You avoided Hera's gaze without even trying! Seems like luck has really favored you these past few days!" Malion said as they both disappeared into the woods.

"So… He was the one you went with after we left Orario, while I stayed with Hera, huh? Her nephew… I can see the resemblance a bit. He is very talented, but…" Ai said.

"His grandfather is still alive; Zeus just faked his death and went on his way," Cirrus said.

"So it was Zeus… are there any more of the Zeus Familia?"

"None… Bell is the last legacy of the Zeus Familia. Just as I once was before I knew of Malion’s survival… Ai um… How are you now?" He points to her belly.

"It is doing well." She makes a sly smile.

"Yes, I have been making sure Ai is eating enough," Artemis said.

"Yeah, she was stuffing it down my throat." Ai takes a seat. "So… I know it's very early but… Do you wanna feel it?"

"I’m going to take my leave," said Circe. "I had my fill, and this is getting very personal. Fafnir, can you take me to Orario?"

Fafnir emerged from the shadows.

"Master, may I?"

"Go on."

She shifts into her dragon form, and Circe gets on.

"I need to get back. Lenoa must be worried. Contact Fels and tell them it's alright?"

"I will."

Fafnir flapped her wings and quickly soared away.

"So…" Ai grabbed Cirrus’s hand and placed it on her abdomen. "Can you feel our child?"

Cirrus stretches out his hand and gently touches her abdomen. The baby was still growing, it did not even have a heart beat that could be felt through their mother's abdomen. Yet it still warmed Cirrus' heart that a life was growing in Ai.

But a question popped  into his head that must be asked.

"… Ai… Do you wanna keep it? Now that… Now, this whole thing is over, do you…"

"I do. Even if we break the promise, I... I wanna keep it. Even if our lives are long from our status, we are still adventurers. Our lives will always end in some way, so I want to build our family when we have the chance. Cirrus, do you—"

"I do. I want to be a father, but…" He looked at his hands and found them shaking. "I am scared at the prospect."

"Well, that is why you have me and Art! And the rest of the Familia to help! Oh, because of everything that's been going on, I forgot we agreed to a condition if one of us broke the promise first."

"… I will do as the other says."

"Then I want you..." she said quietly into his ear.

"I can do that."

"Fantastic! Now I am hungry, so I’m going to eat a bit more!" Ai took her leave, leaving Artemis with Cirrus.

"So... where her demands that you spoil her rotten?" Artemis said this while leaning on him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"She did. She wants me to spoil her until the child is born."

"Hm… I would have thought she would have made you wear something to suit her tastes. I mean, we already spoil her quite a lot." She rests her head against his.

"I thought so too…"

They sat there in a moment of silence.

"How are you holding up? I know a bit about how you are feeling. I had children who died on my watch and… It is very painful."

"I doing better… but I think I’m going to stay here until the evening. Maybe cry a bit more. "

"I see… Do you want me to finish updating your status?"

"Yeah, might as well."

Artemis unwrapped her hands and used her dagger to cut her index finger.

She dropped her blood on his back and his status opened and rose.

"Hm, let’s see how you…" Her eyes widen as she watches his Falna rise for a good while before finally stopping. "Cirrus, you can level up, but… This is the most significant rise in your status… I don’t even think one could reach such high values and your skills…"

"There that big?"

"Very and… did you truly spend all those days fighting relentlessly?" Artemis said, having read the Excelia Cirrus gained.

"Yes… those have been not my brightest days, but... thinking about it, I rather miss it a bit, having Nox with... Hm." Cirrus quiets.

"… I understand. Can I get a piece of paper?"

Cirrus hands her a piece of paper.

She puts it on his back and then hands it to him.

"… Holy fuck."

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