Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 304.7- Dungeon Date, Third

[Vol.4] Quest 304.7- Dungeon Date, Third

Two months later in the Opera Country, Meilstora.

The country's capital, La Fenice, was built similarly to Venice, with various beautiful architecture from several other cultures of East and West.

"Come on Haku!!" Callisto shouted, wearing a nice blue and white dress.

Currently, Callisto is pulling Hakushika from his room.

"No! I don’t wanna go! I don’t understand why Dad is marrying her just because she gave him a painting!!" Haku shouted, holding onto the doorframe to his room tightly and wearing a black suit. He is lucky he was born with only fox ears.

Haku was not 100% on his father's marrying another woman. To him, it felt as if he didn’t fully love his mother, or even Artemis. It made him see his father in a less pleasant light.

"Let go or else I’m gonna call mom!"

"Go ahead! I told them we’ll be there and that they should go on ahead!"

"Nuh-uh! You liar! Hm!!"

"Grr!!!" Haku held on tightly.

"Hakushika, if you mess up your clothes, so help me, I will put you through these nice walls!!" Aphrodite shouted while getting ready in her room. "Gods dammit! Why did I get drunk yesterday!!"

"I’m not going!!" Haku shouted.

"Haku, you're going! You are not staying in my home while your father is getting married!!"

"Yeah! So let go and let's go, Haku!" Callisto shouted, still pulling him.


"Becklin!! Sandro!! If one of you or anyone is here, get him before Callisto either rips his arms off our doorframe or the doorframe is ripped!!" Aphrodite shouted. "This is why I am never having little kids join my Familia," she said under her breath.

"They are at the church already, Aphrodite."


Hera’s cold, angry voice rang through Aphrodite’s Greek and Rocco-styled home.

"H-Hera you’re here!? I thought you were at the church!" Aphrodite shouted.

Callisto turned her head to see Hera in a red dress with a black shawl over it. She stood right behind her, gazing down with a sharp glare. She was as beautiful as she was intimidating and the kids from the amount of time they knew her they did not want to see her express a ounce of her anger.

"I was, but I came to make sure the son, who has been in a fit for the past nine days, was at the wedding." Her sharp eyes glanced at Callisto. "Callisto, sweetie, go wait by the front door." Her lips curled a bit into a soft yet restrained smile.

"G-got it, grandma!" Callisto quickly scuttled away.

"Uhh…" Haku stared at Hera as she slowly walked up to him, her eyes burrowing deep in him. "H-hi um… grandma?"

"Haku." Hera did not bend down to Haku's level no she stood tall and firm. "Do I need to get you, or are you gonna come willingly?" She said this as she cracked her fingers by simply stretching them out.

Haku's mind raced as fast as it could to try and come up with something that could possibly persuade her or the very least make her sympathize with.

"A-aren’t you the goddess of marriage!" Haku said it as bravely as he could. "Why are you letting Dad get a third wife?!"

"Heh." Hera smirks. "I like you, Haku. You're just as smart as your father and just as willful as your mother. But you are far too young to understand."

"I do too! I read a lot of books on it!"

"Knowledge is not the same as experience. You read stories of heroes fighting monsters to save princesses, right?"


"Then do you know what it is like to ride into battle? To feel the wind in your hair as you ride towards a formidable beast that could kill them with a single move? Do you know the weight of a sword and the strength required to lift and swing it with skill? The mental fortitude to fight and stand alone before unspeakable odds? Have you felt the love of another that wasn't your mothers or father?"

"I… no." He said it dejectedly.

"Then come along, no more dilly-dallying." Hera turns and walks away. "Before you make up your mind about your father, you should first experience love first and not read about it."

"Haa… Drat." Haku said, begrudgingly accepting Hera’s words.

Haku lets go of the doorframe and closes the door.

He walks slowly, fixing his clothing and hair, before walking downstairs to see Hera fixing Callisto’s dress.

"There, nice and prim!" Hera said. "Your father will be sure to see you."

"Hm! Hm!" Callisto said it smugly with her hands on her hips.

"You would look better if you took off your necklace," Haku said dismissively.

"Why would I? Dad gave us both one, but you didn’t like it!"

"It wasn’t comfortable, okay? I still have it back at home!"

"Now, now," Hera said, walking up to Haku and fixing his hair and clothes. "Aphrodite." She said it a bit sternly. "Are you almost ready?"

"I’m coming!" Aphrodite came down the stairs in a pink and light blue dress with her hair done up. "Is Dia here with—Knock! Knock!"

Hera opens the door to see Dia, the goddess of youth or the prime of life, known to the gods as their cupbearer. She is well known to make the best drinks in Heaven to rival Soma and Dionysus.

She has green eyes and long black hair that covers one of her eyes. Her clothing was a green and black dress with green flowers decorating her skirt. Her divinity had a slow but vibrant red and green that soothed one when they looked at her. It wasn’t her usual attire, but her more fancy clothing.

"Hello, Lady Hera," Dia said, elegantly bowing. "I have brought the gondola." She then stood straight up, holding an air of professionalism.

"No carriage?" Aphrodite said.

"The Heavenly Crown getting married here in this city of all that is art has caused more traffic in the city. My Familia is handling the more… enthusiastic ones from causing a scene." She smiled calmly. "The gondola is also the fastest way to arrive."

"Wait, then, Hera did you—"

"Aphrodite. Take the kids on ahead." Hera said, cutting her off. "How I got here is a little secret."

Hera’s shadow had a slight shift.

"Hm. Come along."

The three of them walked past Dia as she stepped aside. They walk towards some men in fine black and green suits.

Hera walked out of the door and shut it closely. Hera walks along and stops with Dia by her side.

"Are they still causing trouble?"

"I am afraid they are. Ever since the information leaked about the wedding, some unsavory individuals have come to the city."

"And what of Al-Kutba and his Familia?"

"They have been more than helpful in providing assistance. As fellow desert folk, they know how to deal with those from Israfan."

"Lovely." Hera glanced across the street to see a woman in dark clothing pull out a Molotov cocktail. "We should get going."

Hera looks away as the woman suddenly disappears, leaving only the sound of the Molotov cocktail breaking on the ground.


In some dark alleyway of La Fenice.

"So how many do you get?" Fafnir said, taking some bodies out of the shadow. "I got like 5."

"Faf," Hecton said, seeing the bodies. "You could have just knocked them out."

"So zero, then?"

"9 if I were to have used lethal force."

"Why didn’t you use it? Master gave us the order to deal with them as we see fit. From how I see it, these sore losers trying to attack Lord Haku and Lady Calli have lost their right to life."

"I understand that Faf, but what are you gonna do with the bodies? You can’t keep them stored in Sir’s shadow."

"I was gonna go out to the cities and burn their bodies unless you have a better idea?"

"My thoughts were to just dump them into the various cannels that spread through this city like arteries, but burning is fine."

"Oh! I have a great idea! Do you remember those shows about drug cartels in master’s memories?"

"I do—Oh. Are you going to—"

"Yup! But we don’t have barbed wire… you think chains will work?"

"If you can heat them, I can make them into barbed wires."

While they were doing their thing, Hera, Aphrodite, Hakushika, Callisto, and Dia were making their way to the church where the wedding was being held.

"If only all of Orario was this scenic," Callisto said, resting her head on the side of the gondola.

"It is an old city," Hera said. "Despite it being the center of the world, if no one is moving it or making a business out of it, the buildings won’t change."

"Or they don’t have the money or care to renovate those old buildings," Haku said. "Dad would always go around and fix up buildings around the Entertainment District."

"I would imagine so," Aphrodite said. "From what I heard, the Entertainment District went through a change like with Fuyukusa. Speaking of Fuyukusa, have you two gone there yet?"

"No, Mom wanted us to go there, but they have been busy. Then grandma and grandpa couldn’t come because they are also busy with family stuff."

"Dad said we should be good to go in a couple of months!" Callisto said it enthusiastically.

"It’s probably gonna be pushed back."

"Why do you always doubt Dad!"

"Because it happens all the time!"

While the two bickered, Hera glanced at Callisto.

‘To think she is Artemis’ child.’ Hera could see the similar features she had with Artemis. Had it not been for the fake fox ears and white hair, one could start to see the features, but the magic tool that is her necklace makes one look over some of her features. ‘She even acts like she did when she first came into existence. Heh.’

Hera smiles lightly.

"Why are you smiling, Hera?" Aphrodite said.

"Nothing much. Just remember the times when my Familia would bicker over petty things like these two."

After a while of going through the canals, they made it to the church, St. Marco’s Basilica.

Chatter!! Chatter!! Chatter!!

Chatter!! Chatter!! Chatter!!

Chatter!! Chatter!! Chatter!!

Chatter!! Chatter!! Chatter!!

The front of the church was filled to the brim with people wanting to get in.

"Whoa…" Haku and Calli said, looking at the crowd.

"Lady Hera, we will—"

"Keep close," Hera said, walking towards the crowd. She takes a deep breath and shouts. "STEP ASIDE!!!!!"


Her voice quickly quieted everyone as they turned to look at her.

"Step aside, or force will be used." Her eyes sharpened, and everyone immediately stepped aside to make a path.

They walked on through, with many people looking at Hakushika and Callisto.

"Tch," Haku said. "These staring is uncomfortable."

"Then walk a bit more faster," Aphrodite said. "I’ll draw their attention." She put on a big smile and combed one of her forelocks. "Sorry for her little outburst!!" Aphrodite used a bit of her charm. "Let's celebrate this joyous occasion!!"

"URAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" The crowd erupted into cheers.

Just as Aphrodite said, the two quickly speed up towards the front entrance to see their parents.

"See, I told you I could smell her coming!" Ai said dressed in a purple kimono that matched her eyes.

"You did not. With all the strong scents in the air, you heard her before you even caught her scent." Artemis said in a light blue dress that matches her hair.

"Mom!!" They both shouted, running up to them.

"Haku," said Ai.

"Calli," Artemis said. "Did Haku put up trouble?"

"He did! He said he didn’t wanna come!" Callisto said selling him out.

"Shut up! Stop talking!" Haku said, lightly pushing her.

"Don’t push me!" She pushed back with more force.


They both began to push one another with more force each time.

"Come along, Haku." Artemis picks him up.

"And you, Calli." Ai picked her up. "Let's go see your new mom!"

"But I wanna see Dad!" Callisto said it bluntly.

"Wait, then am I—"

"That is right, you little fox," Hera said, walking between Ai and Artemis. "Your father asked me to go get you. Ruin this wedding, and I’ll be sure to ring your cute little head off." She smirked while walking away to her seat in the church.

"Let’s go, Haku," Artemis said, walking away.

"Can we switch!!" Callisto shouted as Ai went in the opposite direction.

As Artemis walked closer to the groom's room, Haku was getting more nervous, scared of what his father would say.

They arrive at the room. Artemis knocks on the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Cirrus, Haku is here."

"Come in," Cirrus said behind the door.

Artemis opened the door and entered the room.

"Ooh." Haku looked at his father, dressed so magnificently in his wedding attire.

Cirrus was wearing the same clothing he wore during his wedding with Ai and Artemis. It needed a bit of tailoring, but it fit him perfectly. He was sitting in the middle of the room with his eyes closed, as if he were meditating. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at his son.

"Haku." He said.

Artemis put's Haku down.

"I will go and check on Malion." Artemis closed the door and left, leaving the father and son alone.

"Uhh…" Haku slowly walked up to his father. "You look very nice!"

"Haku, tell me what you're feeling? I know you have been dragging your feet about me marrying Malion."

"Well, um… I just think you don’t like Mom as much as you used to."

"I love them all. Love is a complicated thing. I am sure you know your Uncle Bell’s situation. The only way that will happen is if those involved have a genuine love for one another."

"I… guess so, Dad, but… still. Isn’t Mom or Bow Mom enough for you?" Bow Mom is how he and Calli differentiate between calling Artemis and Ai, Mom; Ai is Fox Mom, this naming convention will change as it was Callisto's idea and naming.

"They are, but I would rather not phrase it like that. It implies that they are things that belong to me. They are people who make their own decisions. Malion has their approval and acceptance, as well as my own."

"Well, what about me? I should—"

"You are two years old, Haku," Cirrus said sternly. "I know you feel what I am doing is unfair, but all the people involved are fine with this arrangement. It will also not affect you in any way or form. All that will happen is that you will have another sibling."

"But I—What!?" Haku was shocked. "Another!?"

"Yeah, you're gonna be the older brother of one more. Hopefully they aren't like your sister, ugh... the doors..." He muttered softly to himself.

"T-then… she is…"

"Yeah." Cirrus nods. "Anyway. I hope you will keep an open mind about Malion, alright? That is all I can ask of you; can you do that for me?"

"I… yes. Dad, I can do that."

"Thank you. Could you go and see Malion? She also wishes to speak with you."

"Alright, I will—"


Callisto slammed the door open.

"God fucking..." Cirrus murmured to himself as once again Callisto slammed the door.

"Dad!!" Callisto said this with stars in her eyes, looking at Cirrus. She quickly ran up to him and hugged him. "You are so pretty!"

"Better get going, it’s almost time," Cirrus says, patting Callisto’s head.

Haku left for the opposite side of the church.

Knock! Knock!

"Um… Malion?"

"Come in."

Haku opened the door and entered to see Malion looking at herself in the mirror.


This was also the most beautiful he had seen Malion. Her wedding dress was given to her by Hera. Malion herself had no problem with her letting her pick. She knew Hera would nitpick anything she chose, but Malion knew Hera would pick the very best wedding dress for her to wear. She has that much confidence in her former goddess.

"Haku." She turned to meet him. "Has your father told you already?"

"Um, about Calli being an older sister?"

"Yes." She gently put her hand on her abdomen. "I do not want you to see me as a mother or think that you have to love me. You already have two mothers, but I hope you can treat this child as you would, Callisto. Well..." Malion remembers how Callisto acted. "Hopefully this child behaves themselves."

"Dad and Hera talked to me about this. I will… try to get along with you marrying my dad. Like how before when you were fighting my mom’s."

"Why do you think we were fighting? I was trying to get their approval."

"… Oh." It clicked for him how much she loved his father to have been trying and fighting both Ai and Artemis.

"Hm. You looked surprised."

"W-well, I thought you just fought my mom’s just because, you know?"

"There is always a motive behind an action, Haku."

"And what if there isn’t?"

"Then they are insane. It’s really not that hard."

Haku nods his head at the simplicity of it.

"Haku, are there questions you wish to ask me? Think of this as an easy way to have a basis for understanding me."

"Okay… um… I wanted to ask if you loved my dad, but fighting my mom is proof enough, so... do you have any names for my sibling?"

"Fufu." Malion smiled. "I have two names your father and I settled on. If they are a girl, they will be Gudrun, and if they are a boy, they will be Auberon. I wanted the name Brynhild, but your father was opposed to it, plus there is someone else who has that name within the Odin Familia, so... Hm."

"Odin? Was that one of the Familia you joined?"

"Ah yes, my first, many years ago. Hm. I wonder if the Brynhild I knew is still around… regardless, they are far away."

"Oh, I thought you would see them as a family or something?"

"Not really. I have long cut my ties with my actual family, and the Odin Familia is more of a stepping stone. There is only one reason I would go back, and that is to take some wood from my forest's sacred tree, Yggdrasiljóð."

"What happened?"

"A disagreement. One I will firmly stand behind."

"What was it?"

"They had planned on having me remain in the forest and have me reign as a queen-bearing children. Just popping out children like I was some farmland."


"That is the right reaction. I planned my escape over the course of six years and joined the Odin Familia."

"Then you—"

Knock! Knock!

The door opened and Hera came in.

"It’s time, Malion; your moment is here."

"Ah well, you better be going." She stands up. "Oh, and Callisto doesn’t know, so do not tell her. You know how she is."

"I got it."

He nods and leaves.

Haku walks into the main hall and sees a assortment of people from lands far and wide.

Down the aisle were his father and his best men, three of them: Ibic, Jane, Asfi, and Ottar. On the other side were the bridesmaids, Lili, Mikoto, and Hestia. Between the two was the priest, a young-looking man with a head the shape of a pineapple and a tuff of green hair on top to really solidify the pineapple look.

Haku didn’t need to look hard to find his seat; he could see Ai’s ears sticking out.

He walks down to the first row to find them sitting down. Callisto was, of course, being held tightly by Ai so she wouldn’t grab onto Cirrus.

"So how was your talk?" Artemis said.

"It was okay." He took the seat next to her.

"Hm! Hmm!!" Callisto said while Ai held her mouth.

"So?" Ai said. "What do you say?"

"I’ll keep an open mind... she isn’t that bad, anyway."

"That’s good; thank you, sweetie."

A few minutes later, the ceremony began.




It was a normal procession; Malion came down the aisle with Hera in place of her father.

They made it down, and the process went on as usual.

Cirrus and Malion said their vows and their best man and bridesmaid handed them their rings. Like Ai and Artemis’ rings, Malion’s was of emerald and topaz to match her and Cirrus’ eyes.

Ultimately, nothing happened—at least nothing in the light.

Cirrus and Malion married, and soon after they walked out of the church, the whole city erupted into celebration as if it were a festival.


"Mom, can we go back the crowd is so loud," Haku said covering his ears, looking at Artemis.

"Of course." She turned to Ai. "What about you? Do you wish to celebrate a bit?"

"Of course! Calli, are you going to sit still and not chase after your dad?"

"Yes!" Callisto lied as naturally as she breathed.

"Here you go, Art!" Ai handed Callisto over to Artemis.

"Mom, let me go, I promise!" Callisto said, being held tightly by Artemis.

"Calli, you know you shouldn’t lie; I can always tell."

That was, in fact, a lie. Both Haku and Callisto had the ability to lie to gods, the same as their father, as a result of Nyx giving him a piece of her veil. So Cirrus instilled in them that lying would be of no use against Artemis or any other god.

"Hmm!!" Callisto puffed her cheeks.

"Let's go Haku." Artemis walked towards a carriage. "Calli, I’ll make your favorite when we get back."


As Haku walked to the carriage, in the corner of his eye, he saw the shadows move slightly.


"What’s wrong, Haku? Did you change your mind?"

"No, I just think I saw the shadow under the carriage move?"

"… I’m sure it was your imagination. Let's hurry before this traffic becomes longer."

And so time passed, and it was the same as usual.

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