Dark Blood Age

Chapter 740 - Chiwu, Gai Yi Si!

Chapter 740: Chapter 740 Chiwu, Gai Yi Si!

“Try to find a way to lure Seina away.”

Chu Yunsheng calmed down and turned on the lights. With the noise caused by Jacob’s father outside the house, if he still didn’t turn on the light, it was tantamount to telling them that he was hiding in here.

Under the light, the two quickly got dressed. Ashe glanced at Chu Yunsheng with complicated eyes and pushed the door out, while Chu Yunsheng hid behind the bed. Only after she left the room did he approach the door.


A few minutes later.

After Chu Yunsheng pretended to have just come out of the bathroom, the “disturbance” finally subsided. Lying on Jacob’s bed, Chu Yunsheng breathed a sigh of relief, at the same time thinking about how to get rid of Jacob’s body quickly. If he continued like this, sooner or later, it would be exposed.

Recalling the feeling he had earlier, especially the soft and tender thing his hand touched, it seemed that what he felt at that time wasn’t just the mysterious third force, but also the cold aura of a vampire that the guardian said.

And this cold aura was exactly what he desperately needed to make up for his “death.”

Coupled with the statement of Ba Yi, Chu Yunsheng suddenly sat up straight after a series of thoughts. He suddenly remembered that the crystal skeleton, which was the sixth sequence, once said that Mo Wuluo had the ability to reconstruct his body. Was he also involved in creating those vampires?

What did they want to do?

The temptation of the third mysterious force and the cold aura... Did they want to kill him or help him?


In the night, Chu Yunsheng had a dream. In the dream, there was a temple behind him in the vast expanse of the field. There were flags fluttering in the wind, smokes rolling in the air, and thousands of troops and horses spreading across the mountains and plains with soldiers holding their spears high like trees in the forest.

Among the troops, before a tall tent, Old Youling stood beside Aphro who was wearing a white-feathered holy armor and riding a strong horse. She drew her sword and pointed at the enemy front line and shouted, “Chiwu! Gai Yi Si! Charge!”

The army swept across the battlefield like a powerful tsunami in an instant; the deafening battle cries and horse neighs were like rolling thunders; the momentum of the charging army was unstoppable—





“Chiwu!” Chu Yunsheng woke up from his dream yelling and found that he was already in the zero-dimensional space.

He touched his face made up of Wuzi Fragment and realized it was just a dream. He couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. The battlefield he saw in his dream was too real, it happened right in front of him. It didn’t feel like a dream at all.

Was it really just a dream?

He called over the cube’s search interface. If it was real, then there was only one possibility, and it was that he had accidentally contacted Hull. This was the only explanation he had.

After searching around, he was a little disappointed. He couldn’t find any sign of Hull’s existence.

Maybe his ability was still very weak? Recently, his ability has improved a lot. Was it because of that, that he accidentally connected Hall? If that was the case, then when the second limit was broken, would he be able to connect Hall again?

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know. At the moment, he was like a blind man. He could only grope forward in the dark.

“God of death, are you still there?” Jacob’s anxious voice came from the zero-dimensional space.

“What’s the matter? ” Chu Yunsheng was confused. Last night, Seina didn’t find any evidence, but her eyes were still filled with suspicion. So he didn’t know if Seina was complaining about having Ashe around again.

Outside of the zero-dimension space, Jacob sighed in relief and said: “god of death, it’s been a week. If you still don’t show up, Ashe will leave. My mom also mentioned it several times already.”

Chu Yunsheng was taken aback. He only had one dream, but after he woke up, one week had already passed. Even in his dream, he only saw Aphro charging out with her sword and horse; so how did he sleep for one week?

Was the dream real? Did he really connect Hull? Did the time slip away during the expansion and contraction as it did last time in Nanjing city?

Chu Yunsheng was skeptical about the Guardian’s explanation of the Space-time pit before, but at this moment, he had no other choice but to believe it.

Therefore, he was also a little happy. At least he knew that Old Youling and Aphro might be alive and had successfully descended back to Cold Star. However, in terms of that battle, he didn’t know who won in the end.

It was a pity that his old acquaintances in the sixth era didn’t have Hull’s transparent hemispherical cover; otherwise, maybe there was a chance for him to find out what he wanted to know quickly.

“Guardian, are you there?” Chu Yunsheng immediately contacted the Guardian. He had to understand what was going on. His connection with Hall would not happen for no reason.

The Guardian, who hadn’t appeared for a long time, finally appeared again, and this time, its voice was filled with tiredness: “Yes, but I’m very busy, so I can’t spend too much time talking to you. There is a big problem with the space-time pit. I know what you want to ask. It was caused by the accidental leakage of the energy of the space-time pit. I’m still investigating the reason.”

“What exactly happened?” Chu Yunsheng frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The guardian did not answer. It seemed to have left in a hurry and disappeared again.

Outside the zero-dimensional space, Jacob continued, “However, there is still a chance. A coach from the University of Pennsylvania Sports Department in Philadelphia accidentally came to our town and said that he would watch our football team’s exhibition game. Everyone, including the substitutes, will need to attend the game. You know, although the rugby team of the University of Pennsylvania is not the best, that is a famous university that my mom and dad won’t be able to refuse. They both look forward to my performance in the game now, and they even encouraged me to perform well. Do you think it is because Ashe used her connection?”

“I don’t know, maybe it is, maybe it’s not.” The guardian fell silent again, so Chu Yunsheng had no choice but to answer Jacob’s question: “Anyway, it’s an opportunity, so we have to grasp it.”

Jacob nodded, “I followed the methods you said in the hospital and continued to exercise for a week. Although there are some results, the time is too short and the effect is not obvious. So I don’t know if it will work.” His voice still lacked confidence.

Chu Yunsheng said sternly: “Don’t worry, with me, it will definitely work.”

Jacob hesitated: “You are not going to cheat, are you? Although I really want to perform well, if I cheat in the game, I always feel...”

Chu Yunsheng said annoyingly: “You are really long-winded. I will give you a little energy to temporarily increase your strength and speed. This is the only advantage I can provide you, I won’t do anything to your teammates. You will still need to rely on your own skills.”

Jacob was relieved when he heard this and said: “God of death, Emily finally came to see me two days ago. After hearing about the exhibition game, she said that she would also come to cheer for me.”

Chu Yunsheng said absent-mindedly, “Then you have to perform well and win her heart. We don’t have much time so we must get the money as soon as possible.”

This was Jacob’s idea, but he didn’t need to worry about that. Instead, he said: “Can you do something about my cousin Niels. He announced yesterday that he planned to live in our house. He is pestering Ashe all day. I really don’t understand why a person who likes rock music suddenly wants to discuss literature with Ashe.”

Chu Yunsheng felt strange that Ashe hadn’t escaped during the week he was missing. However, he was even more surprised that when he heard about the University of Pennsylvania, he had a strangely familiar feeling. It was not because it was famous, but he seemed to have heard this name somewhere before.


On the second day, the rugby exhibition game organized by the only high school in Haram town proceeded as scheduled.

The weather today was not good. It was cold and gloomy. But the spectacle stands were still full of people, waving the flag and shouting.

The Will family came to the court very early. As it was the first game Jacob played after he recovered from his injury, and also the first game he played since he joined the rugby team, naturally, all the members of the Will family came to watch the game and showed their support. This included Jacob’s cousin who sat beside Ashe shamelessly.

Jacob put on his white uniform, put on his protective gear, and his helmet. He ran to the green field, waved to his family, and then whistled in the direction of Emily, he was full of confidence now.

It was a pity that he was too excited, it made him forget one thing. He was still just a substitute, and the reason why he was a substitute was that his body was relatively small compared with other players. When standing with the teammates, he looked like a small grass in the big forest.

Amidst the laughter of the audience, Jacob, who found himself standing in the wrong position flushed. He lowered his head and ran back to the team for the substitutes in a hurry. He now wished that there was a hole on the ground so he could hide inside.

The coach from the University of Pennsylvania, holding the stout arms, shook his head repeatedly, and said gruffly: “No, no, it’s too weak!”

Behind his burly figure, it was a sloppy yet slightly cool-looking person. That person was Ba Yi. While eating the watermelon seeds, Ba Yi kicked the man’s butt fiercely, pointed at Jacob’s small arms and legs, and said shamelessly: “What do you mean by weak? . Do you not see how sturdy his arms and thighs are? Even if I closed my eyes, I can feel the power hidden in his muscles. This is a talented rugby player!”

The coach widened his eyes and cursed secretly. How could someone tell such obvious lies without feeling ashamed of himself? He even called that small arms and legs sturdy? If his legs and arms were very sturdy, he would kill himself on the spectator stand immediately.

Ba Yi spat the watermelon seeds onto the ground and replied impatiently: “just cut the crap, no matter what, you have to recruit him. Just make up some reasons. Gru, I’m telling you, if you mess this up, I will throw you on the street in the middle of the night.”

As the coach called Gru shuddered. The exhibition game had already begun, and the enthusiastic commentator who looked like he was on some kind of steroid exclaimed excitedly:

“No. 3 Jacob passed it to No. 16 Jacob... No. 11 Jacob was trying to break through the encirclement of the Bear Brothers... 30 yards, another Jacob appeared. He looks very skinny. It is said that he was injured a while ago. But can he stop the Tiger’s attack? ...”

Gru had a dark face.

The parents in this small town were too damn lazy. Even if Jacob was the most popular name in those days, could they not think of a better name for their kids?

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