Dark Blood Path

Chapter 13: Making Traps

Chapter 13: Making Traps

Jiang Xiaowen looked around nervously and asked, I know it isnt a good thing just from its name. What is an ogre? Is it dangerous?

Xiao Yus expression turned solemn, and he replied in a low voice: Ogres are very dangerous monsters. They are absolute carnivores; it doesnt matter what kind of creature you are, as they even eat the dead ones of their kind, they will hunt anything as long as it has meat in it, and they arent picky with their food. They know how to capture their prey, like to use the preys bones as decorations, and have a certain degree of wisdom. The fighting power of ogres is high, and the weakest one among them is not something we can hope to fight.

That powerful? Jiang Xiaowen showed a hint of fear and said worriedly: Its only half an hour away from the cave; this ogre is probably near us!

Xiao Yu sighed lightly and said: If that is the case, we can only consider ourselves unlucky. Ordinary ogre warriors are more powerful and terrifying than goblin leaders. I would rather face three to five goblin leaders than provoke one crazy ogre. The ogres range of activities is limited. Lets go back and mark this location as a restricted area. There are many existences in the forest that are more dangerous than ogres. Choosing to avoid is not a permanent solution to the problem. The most urgent matter is to improve our strength.

Han Kexin wore a heavy expression and nodded thoughtfully.

Wang Chao said in a low voice: I think we should leave; I have a bad feeling about this place!

The ogres dung is very useful. Its not easy to find, and now that we have some, we mustnt squander it. Xiao Yu took off his jacket, wrapped in a large amount of ogre excrement, picked it up, and took it away. At the same time, he explained: The smell of ogres dung is very special. It can scare away ordinary beasts and even make goblins afraid, not daring to approach easily. If grounded into powder and sprinkled on the body, it can also effectively prevent mosquito bites.

Wang Chao and Jin Shi were unconcerned, but Han Kexin and Jiang Xiaowen couldnt refrain from smiling when they heard this. In the forest, there were several types of insects, ants, and leeches. After a period of wandering in it, their body was covered with itchy red and swollen rashes.

They didnt dare to stay any longer, and after removing the ogres excrement, they hurriedly returned and placed it safely inside the underground cave. Du Tao was waiting for their groups return in the dark and gloomy huge space.

Youre finally back; I was very worried! Du Tao saw a few people coming out of the tunnel. He heaved a long sigh of relief and immediately went up to meet them, How is the situation? Is everything good?

Not only he but more than a hundred students present also breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Yu stretched out one hand, his ring glowed, and one after another, shovels, pickaxes and large strings of complete iron chains fell out continuously, and they piled up on the ground in the blink of an eye.

Du Taos eyes lit up immediately, My God, how did you get these tools? Shovels and pickaxes are really useful for us; we can use them as weapons and tools.

Dont touch these yet, they may be poisonous, and if there is a wound on your hand, it will immediately get infected. Xiao Yu prevented Du Tao from reaching out to pick up the tools, First, ask some people to take the pile and clean it up before using them.

Han Kexin and Jiang Xiaowen came out and carefully gathered the different tools on the ground and said, Leave it to us.

Xiao Yu nodded; he instructed Wang Chao and Jin Shi to go rest first and took Du Tao to his own cave before asking: After we left today, has there been any kind of trouble?

Nothing of the sort. We actually have accepted another group of students, and now we have one hundred and twenty-three people in total Du Tao paused and continued to speak with some grief: However, something unexpected happened; the fruit group that was sent in for today ran into trouble, three people were bitten by venomous snakes, and they died of poison. Their bodies have been buried outside.

Any psychological impact?

Not really; everyone is used to seeing death these days. Most of us have become numb. There were only a few students who were close to the deceased. Their emotions were a little out of control, but they have been appeased for now.

After Xiao Yu heard those words, his expression didnt change much. He opened his mouth and said, This is a primordial forest. There are poisonous snakes and insects everywhere. Even if you are cautious, it is difficult to avoid danger. But then that guy died for all of us. You should look after everyone with whom he had a good relationship.

I will pay attention to this point. But what I am most worried about now is food. The fruit location is not large in scale, and we have a lot of mouths to feed. That source will be exhausted in a few days. If we dont find other food sources quickly, everyone will begin to starve. Do you have any countermeasures?

Xiao Yu said: I know a few other locations where we can still gather lots of wild fruits, but no matter how many there are, there will eventually come a day when we finish them all. In the end, we still need to make a living by hunting, but with everyones current abilities, it is not enough. From tomorrow onward, instruct everyone to enter the forest to hunt in batches. Speaking of which, how is the tool-making progressing?

Du Tao slowly informed him of everything

During the past two days, more than thirty-one people were not idle. After counting, the weapons and tools owned by everyone were: goblin short spears, goblin clubs, shovels, pickaxes, and a large number of simple spears made with fruit knives or sharpened stones. It was also worth mentioning that a few skillful people used ropes and a kind of flexible wood in the forest to make over a dozen wooden bows, using sharpened wooden sticks as arrows, which could shoot to a distance of fifty steps. Their power, though weak, was still relatively useful.

Over a hundred and eighty weapons in total, more than enough to equip everyone.

Tools and weapons basically met their needs. If only there were a few more elementary individuals on the team, everyones safety factor would increase by much, and the group will become more stable. As for Xiao Yu himself, he has already reached the late elementary realm, which was a bottleneck stage, and he required a lot of energy to enter the next evolution.

First-order was a watershed; the strength gained when stepping into that stage was not the same as that of the elementary realm!

The majority must now learn how to survive in the woods!

Xiao Yu was neither a messiah nor a savior. If these buddies were to slow him down, he wouldnt mind ditching them.

Food was essential for survival, and hunting was the greatest method to obtain it in this forest.

Thats right, hunting!

Its a skill that everyone should acquire and perfect since it will remain valuable, whether now or in the future. After all, in this Continent of Chaos, there were only two roles that could be played: the hunter and the hunted.

At this time, Han Kexin and the others brought a batch of thoroughly cleaned shovels in front of them as she said, All cleaned, there are sixteen shovels in total; the rest are pickaxes.

Thats plenty. Xiao Yu was very satisfied, and after thinking for a moment, he said: There is still a while before night falls, which is enough time for us to finish some tasks. Du Tao, go find a group of people with good strength, and bring them outside; remind everyone to bring their weapons.

Du Tao didnt know what he had in mind, but he didnt ask too much and soon found twenty to thirty people who had killed goblin slaves and had strengthened their physical power. The crowd left the cave with shovels, pickaxes, and some weapons as they came to the nearby woods.

This location is quite good. Xiao Yu observed the surrounding environment, This place is very close to the cave, so it should be very safe. Stone, pass me a shovel!

Jin shi threw a shovel at him before he caught it with his hand and said to those around: have a few people guard around us. The rest start digging with me!

Du Tao quickly made arrangements. Eight individuals, each carrying crude bows, arrows, and spears, all climbed several large trees surrounding them. The rest grabbed several shovels and began digging in haste. In the forest, the ground was always covered with a thick layer of branches and leaves, and the soil beneath was relatively soft. Even if there are a few stones here and there, they can easily be shattered using a pickaxe. On the ground, a big pit with a depth of two meters gradually formed.

A huge stone was tied up with some ropes and vines and hung on a thick tree trunk, just in line with the big hole in the ground. The crowd found some dry twigs and spread them over the pit, and then spread another layer of leaves on top of that evenly so that, at first glance, it looked no different from an ordinary field.

And just like that, a simple trap was made!

Xiao Yu handed the shovel to a person beside him, turned around, and gave Du Tao some instructions. The latter nodded and ran towards the cave.

Wang Chao wiped the sweat off his face and ended up smearing a lot of mud on his face, though now everyone was dirty, so no one paid him any attention. He looked at the trap that had been set up and said with some puzzlement: I mean, boss, why put a trap in front of your cave when you said yourself that there are very few monsters around here? Isnt this a waste of time?

Xiao Yu glared at him, you never think things through; why must we wait for the beast to take the bait?

I think I understand! Jiang Xiaowens face was also dirty like a little tabby cat, yet those pair of beautiful and charming big eyes flickered brightly, We should take the initiative to locate the beast and lure it into the trap!

Xiaowen is intelligent, after all!

Wang Chao curled his lips, Whats so great about that? Fatty can also figure it out!

Xiao Yu watched the people coming and going out of the cave and declared to everyone: All of you withdraw from here; find a place to hide. I will locate a suitable beast and bring it here. Xiaowen, watch the rope; once our prey falls inside the pit, cut it off.

Okay, be careful!

Xiao Yu grabbed a bow and some arrows, turned around, and crept into the deep woods. After wandering for more than half an hour, He was pleasantly surprised as he finally managed to spot a decent animal; it was a lone black-haired wild boar. Through the eyes of insight, Xiao Yu judged that it was an elementary beast, tough, with an aggressive nature, red eyes, extremely long fangs, and an estimated weight of four hundred kilograms.

Xiao Yu approached it slowly; after reaching a safe distance, he drew his wooden bow and shot an arrow at it. The sharpened wooden arrow flew toward the wild boars rear. The shot couldnt pierce its fur, but it was enough to irritate it. The wild boar turned around, its eyes bloodshot, and it let out an angry growl. It stomped on the ground with its thick limbs and kicked up a large pile of flying leaves and soil as it flew toward him.

Xiao Yu turned around and ran. Currently, his physical strength has long surpassed ordinary peoples imagination. It wasnt difficult for him to get rid of the wild boar, but In order for it to keep up, he had to slow down instead. The black-haired wild boar was chasing after him, and not long after, Xiao Yu reached the location where the trap was buried, as he jumped across.

Unaware, the beast rushed straight up, and as a result, it stepped on a bunch of fragile twigs with its heavy body. A click sound was heard, and the whole layer crumbled down as the boar fell down with it into the two-meter-deep pit. Jiang Xiaowen used this opportunity to cut off the rope; just then, a massive rock plummeted from the sky and struck the wild boars head within the trap.

Kill it!

People waiting nearby picked up their weapons and raced out one by one, with short spears and pickaxes in hand, to kill the stunned wild boar inside the big pit. Still, the black-haired wild boar was an elementary beast; after all, it quickly recovered, let out a roar, and raised its forelegs, intending to escape from the trap.

Seeing this, Han Kexin held a pickaxe in her hand and hit the wild boar on the head with its sharp point. She felt her hands trembling as if they were hitting a hard rock instead. The wild boars head burst open and splashed lots of blood as it got pushed back inside the pit once again. Han Kexin raised her pickaxe again and struck down beside her Wang Chao, and Jiang Xiaowen gave support as well.

The wild boar was battered so badly that it couldnt move anymore. Just then, Jiang Xiaowen managed to pierce its eye with a short spear, killing it instantly.

A huge ball of energy floated up, split instantly, turned into more than a dozen beams of light, and shot into everyones eyebrows. Among them, Jiang Xiaowen, who gave the black-haired wild boar a fatal blow, and Han Kexin, who hit its head with the pickaxe several times, gained most of the energy, followed by Jin Shi and Wang Chao, the rest also got a little bit as well, but the amount was very small, similar to the amount of a dry skeletons.

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