Dark Blood Path

Chapter 29: Wang Yunfei

Chapter 29: Wang Yunfei

There were few cracks in the walls and a handful of gaps in the ceiling in one of the few preserved buildings in the area; this residence appeared drab but was mostly intact. The room was small in size, yet many large beds were placed side by side, with more than a dozen bodies crazily wrestling on top of them; their clothes were strewn all over the floor. The mens growls and the womens moans were echoing out nonstop inside the small room. At this moment, morality seems to no longer exist. Instead, people were under the control of their most primitive desires, enjoying themselves to their hearts content as an air of depravity and obscenity surrounded the room.

A big one-eyed man was lying on the side of the bed, pressing his hands on two soft white thighs. His movements were very crude, and he kept kneading and rubbing with big force, leaving a lot of bruises and red marks on the womans body. However, she didnt dare to protest; instead, she had to respond forcefully to the other partys movements with a flirty smile on her face for fear of making him feel even the least bit unhappy.

Boss, your strength has greatly increased after you killed that one-eyed ape today. At this point, there should be no one in this world who can be your opponent.

A middle-aged man with a gloomy look sat on a chair not far away. He was entirely naked while holding a turquoise orb in his right hand. A nude woman was sitting on top of him. This woman had a great figure, with protruding chest and buttocks, she was both elegant and beautiful, and her long flowing hair was much attractive and pretty smooth to the touch, and while in his arms, she behaved like a gentle kitten.

The middle-aged man thoroughly caressed the womans plump body, but his gaze never left the turquoise orb in his hand, This is only the beginning; I will surely use this artifact to gain even more benefits. Then one day, I will have this world within my grasp!

With your high ambition, Boss, our group will undoubtedly thrive under your protection.

The middle-aged man smiled, As long as you stay loyal to me, you will lack nothing, be it women or wealth; everything will be in our hands. By the way, the third heads strength has reached a bottleneck. Today, help him break through to the elementary level; then, there will be an extra elementary-level expert in our team. Our position will be far more secure by then. As you already know, there are a lot of people in that group who refuse to follow my orders.

Head leader, second head, something bad happened! A person rushed in from the door awkwardly and said, The third head is dead; he was murdered!

The middle-aged man and the one-eyed mans faces changed drastically, The third head was killed?!

The others in the room immediately stopped their actions and stood up.

The middle-aged mans original gloomy face darkened even more, and he said coldly: I dont believe any of the people below have the strength to achieve this. After all, I restricted their actions so they could only do labor work and patrol. Not to mention, every group of workers is being monitored, and none of them took part in monster hunting. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to gain that much strength all of a sudden. Was it a collective rebellion?

No, its not one of the workers. The man swallowed hard before continuing, The third head just took his subordinates to check the situation of the patrol team, but we unexpectedly encountered a group of outsiders, and those outsiders killed him!

So thats what happened an icy glow shone in the middle-aged mans eyes as he snorted coldly, I would like to see who is so brave, daring to kill my people!

The middle-aged man patted the woman in front of him lightly, and she obediently hopped off his lap. He decided to put on his garments but did not wear ordinary clothes; instead, he wore an armor full of black scales. The others in the room also put on their clothes and picked up their weapons, ready to fight. But right afterward, there was a sudden burst of gunfire outside the building, mixed in with the sound of screaming. The battle had already begun.

The middle-aged man and the one-eyed man didnt dare to be careless, and when they rushed out with their followers, they found the guards outside fighting fiercely with another group of people, most of whom had been killed by now. The majority of those fighting his guards were familiar faces. They originally came here as refugees and were compelled to surrender due to the ruthless oppression of the invaders. When they encountered Xiao Yu and others, about half of them responded positively to Huang Jianmins call and started fighting fiercely against the guards.

This shouldnt be happening! Seeing this, the one-eyed man couldnt help being furious, I will kill them all!


A short spear blasted out of the woods more than a hundred meters away; its speed was simply incredible.

The middle-aged mans and one-eyed mans faces changed. Their reaction time at the elementary level was much higher than that of ordinary people, as they executed evasive movements in time, and their figures flickered to avoid the attack. The goblins short spear missed the two but penetrated through another mans torso, then stabbed a second person and flew backward with him, struck the third person, and skewered him as well, and they all flew several meters in a row before stopping.

When the others saw this, they crouched down in search of cover, with fearful expressions on their faces.

The one-eyed man had an ugly look, What a strong forcehe must be an elementary warrior!

Everyone fall back!

The middle-aged man yelled loudly, and the guards who were fighting got rid of their opponents and retreated back. The other party didnt intend to pursue them. There were more than fifty strong men under him, after all. The women had been imprisoned, while the rest who chose to fight only amounted to seventy or eighty people. In other words, only a small number of people chose to rebel. It seems that the bloody methods he employed still had a certain deterrent effect.

The middle-aged man cupped his fists and said coldly: friend, why dont you show up so we can talk face-to-face?

What a joke, you think I wouldnt dare. I want to chop off your dogs head after all.

Wang Chao swaggered out of the woods with a huge battle-axe on his shoulder, and beside him stood Jin Shi, a two-meter-long bald-headed giant.

Looking at the exaggerated appearance of the two, the middle-aged mans intuition told him that these people were definitely elementary experts. With his secret treasure in hand, he was sure of victory, but he was cautious by nature and dared not be careless as he carefully studied the two of them.

My name is Wang Yunfei. I dont know how to address you two?

Tch, you dont deserve the name, Wang! Wang Chao looked disgusted, make sure to remember, your masters name is Wang Chao.

Jin Shi said: Dont waste our time; come on!

Wait a moment. Wang Yunfei was actually much more confident than the two of them, but he just didnt want to waste the energy of his artifact in this pointless battle, We dont know each other at all, so why fight to death? If all you desire is women and food, we can make a deal instead.

Okay, if you guys are ready to hand over all the food and get out of my face, I might be in a good mood and will let you go for now!

Wang Yunfei snorted coldly: you are making a big mistake!

Then theres nothing to talk about. Wang Chao smirked, and he let his huge axe fall downward before it hit the ground through gravity and shook the surrounding terrain, I just thought of an interesting way to do things. Since there are two of you, and there are two of us, why dont we have a one-on-one death game?

Wang Yunfei said disdainfully: Since you want to die so much, I can help you!

Jin Shi moved his arms around and said, Who knows who will die first.

Boss, let me go first!

The one-eyed guy took a step forward; the weapon he wielded was a wolf claw that covered most of his right arm. The claws were four feet long and sharp with a chilling glow.

Your weapon is not bad. Wang Chao stepped forward out and picked up the battle axe again, Allow this fatty to test its power for a while!

Everyone else moved a few steps back to make space for the two of them.

Far away and deeper in the woods, Xiao Yu was sitting on the limbs of a large tree. His blood-red eyes were examining everything closely through the gaps of the foliage and dense leaves. Then his gaze eventually landed on the green ball in the middle-aged mans hand before his brows wrinkled slightly.

Jiang Xiaowen was quite puzzled as she asked him, There are five of us and only two of them. We clearly have the upper hand in this fight; why dont we attack together?

I can see through the strengths of those two, both of which are at the low elementary realm, and one of them is even close to the middle stage. It should not be so simple for them to evolve and obtain such strength in this short period of time. Xiao Yu said. : Letting Fatty and Stone show up can give them the idea that theyre only facing two enemies. If they have any other ability we dont know of, they will use it now without reservation. With fatty and stones strength, even if they cant win, they can still escape. Then if we seize that opportunity and launch a surprise attack, we can surely achieve better results.

However, the guy who reported back to them saw you and teacher Han make a move. Even if he doesnt realize it right away, he will still notice something is amiss eventually. Its hard to guarantee that he wont tell them at that time.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, no need to worry about that.


Because dead people cant talk.

Jiang Xiaowen was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly came to her senses before staring at the person who was shot and killed by the short spear at the start of the battle, incredible! Your attack just now wasnt aimed at those two but instead at him. Ultimately assassinating the person who has seen us before he could utter a single word!

Han Kexin was also very surprised: Youre really careful.

At this point, Wang Chao and the one-eyed guy had already exchanged several blows.

The one-eyed man charged forward like a cheetah. The wolfs claws tore through the air and clutched at Wang Chao. Surprisingly, even before the claws could reach him, the violent wind produced by the attack shredded his garments, leaving a few shallow scratches on his skin. Wang Chao laughed loudly and swung his huge axe in a circular pattern, repelling his opponent. Then he swung the giant ax with both hands, aiming for the one-eyed mans head. The latter hurriedly dodged as the thick ax blade left a deep mark on the ground.

The two battled ferociously against each other. Wang Chaos play was pretty open, with no defense at all, as he was only attacking. However, the one-eyed man was more nimble and did not dare to fight tooth and nail against him. He attacked using guerilla tactics, dodging left and right. The strength of the two sides was about the same, and it was quite difficult to discern the victor for the time being.

But Jin shi knew that victory would ultimately go to Wang Chao.

Since the one-eyed guy wasnt holding back at all and was using all of his strength in this fight, as he appeared to have no innate skills. Wang Chao, on the other hand, has yet to show his true power. He could draw a stalemate against the guy only by exerting his normal strength. Once he entered the berserk state, his strength would more than triple, and his surging fighting power could instantly overwhelm the opponent.

Jin Shi grabbed his short spear with his right hand and his large shield with his left: Hey, you over there, its going to take a while for the other two. Lets not wait anymore!

Wang Yunfei was clad in a set of black scale armor as he held a turquoise orb in his right hand; he looked at the opposite party deeply and replied, As you wish!

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