Dark Blood Path

Chapter 3: Monsters Rampage

Chapter 3: Monsters Rampage

If time resets itself fifteen minutes back, most of the people here would have either been attending classes normally, each sitting in their respective classroom, or wandering aimlessly around the campus holding hands with their beloved sweethearts, enjoying some beautiful music with the warm sunshinean ordinary and peaceful life.

This horrific disaster just occurred far too quickly; any human being, no matter how strong his mental state is, will still struggle to adjust in a short period of time, thus becoming entangled in a vortex of dark thoughts. Xiao Yu experienced it once, and he understood everybodys feelings. But precisely because he had been through it before, he understood better than anybody that now was not the time to be fearful. And what can you do really? Call the police? Impossible, they were no longer on earth. Nobody even knows for sure if earth itself still exists. And even if it does, there arent many human beings on it anymore.

Ji-gu, ji-gu!

Accompanied by some strange screams were hundreds of small monsters who emerged from the forest on the edge that separates it from the campus. They stood around 1.3 meters tall, had gray skin, looked withered and emaciated, and had few hairs on their heads, with pointed ears, bulging eyes, and a mouth of full sharp teeth with some yellow-colored saliva constantly oozing from the corners of their mouths. They possessed more skin layers than usual, like a wrinkled old man in his eighties or nineties. A pair of rusty shackles were attached to their feet, barely wearing anything as they held a broken wooden club in their hands.

More than two hundred of these creatures came from all directions and steadily approached the campus. As they walked, the shackles on both their legs produced a sharp, rather pleasant contact with the ground. But in the ears of the surviving teachers and students, it was tantamount to the sound of hell.

Ah, those really are monsters!

Jiang Xiaowens pretty face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly hid beside Xiao Yu, clutching his clothes tightly, her slender white legs trembling. The others all screamed in terror and fled. Some of them responded even worse than Jiang Xiaowen, immediately falling to the ground, already losing control as urine soaked their lower body. Yet nobody had the time to laugh at their embarrassing behavior; after all, dozens of hideous monsters theyd never seen before emerged in front of them, and this kind of scene was terrifying for ordinary people.

Han Kexin was the calmest one in the crowd. Although she also looked pale, at least she didnt lose her ability to think and slowly retreated behind Xiao Yu; her senses told her that being at his side was most certainly the safest choice.

This is different from my previous life. There shouldnt be this many Could the reason be that after I altered past events, many individuals who should have died in the earthquake survived? Xiao Yu clenched his sharpened wooden spear tightly. His eyes flashed a glimmer of light, no problem, although their number is slightly higher, they are just a bunch of low-level goblin slaves.

click, click, click!

The goblin slaves coming from all directions slowly approached to a certain distance. Suddenly, a violent and bloodthirsty light burst out from their bulging eyes, and as if they had been injected with anger, they turned crazy and excited and raised their big wooden clubs against the survivors. Rushing toward the teachers and students. The iron chains of their shackles slammed with the ground, producing a succession of sharp noises.

Theyre coming!

No, the monsters are coming; run, run away!

What are they, dont come near me!

The vast majority of people were so frightened that they immediately turned around and ran away. All kinds of shouts, shrieks, and sobs burst out at once. The goblin slaves running pace was slower than ordinary peoples, yet they rushed into the crowd quite swiftly.

After running for a while, a bold student who was larger than others, with large arms and a broader upper torso, suddenly found himself surrounded by monsters from all sides. He had nowhere to escape; just then, he realized that all of the creatures were mostly skinny, as they didnt appear to be particularly powerful. A wave of courage surged up in his heart. He then picked up a stone from underneath his feet, trying to lash it on the head of the frontmost goblin.

Go to hell, ugly thing!

The goblin slave screamed loudly and waved its wooden club smashing the stone in his hands to pieces. Following the big impact, the students arms felt numb.

He finally realized that the skinny goblins were not that easy to deal with, but it was already too late for that. The goblin slave moved its arms, and the wooden club swept out at a fast speed, hitting the sides of his face. A bloody mist splashed out, his skull was shattered, and spilled blood mixed with brains flowed everywhere. The goblin slave fell down excitedly, vigorously licking blood and brains from the ground while the rest of the monsters continued to chase the others.

w, what! Its eating him, help!

No, dont come over, dont!

A girl who was slower than the others got caught up, and a bang hit her from the back. A sound of bones breaking was heard as her body was thrown several meters in midair and to the ground. She strained in anguish, spitting out blood and innards, but couldnt rise up. A monster pounced on her, held her head with one hand and bit her white neck with a mouth full of fangs. It easily tore off a large piece of flesh and chewed it. The bright red blood splashed out, instantly covering the ground.

The two thousand or so professors and students who survived were overwhelmed as hundreds of creatures pursued and brutally slaughtered them.


noo, get off, dont, ah!

The vast majority of people present were normal college students who were spoiled at home and didnt see much of the world. They were basically powerless; even if some of them had experience with butchering, they would still feel horrified. Under the cloak of intense fear, the sounds of people crying for their parents were heard everywhere. They lacked the courage to fight back, despite the fact that the number of humans was more than ten times that of monsters!

Viscera, blood, brains, severed limbs, and corpses were scattered everywhere, forming an image out of hell.

People screaming in horror, the monsters bloodthirsty roars, the sound of iron chains colliding with the ground, of wooden clubs breaking flesh and bones, with moans of weak people dying, and a bluster of monsters eating human flesh all sounded like adevils sonata.

Horror, panic, despair!

Humans were so frail to the point that they almost collapsed!

Han Kexin could clearly see that a small student with glasses had been severely injured. After being blasted away by a single monster, he had a large gaping hole in his stomach. The goblin reached out inside and pulled out a long strip of bloody intestines, then frantically stuffed it into its mouth. The student hadnt died yet; he was howling in pain, loudly screaming, Ah! Ah!

She has never seen such a bloody scene in her entire life. The screams were so loud and twisted, sounding like piercing needles, making people feel cold all over their body; their very soul trembling.

Han Kexins voice cracked: areare they devils from hell?

Xiao Yu smiled faintly, Hell? How bad can it be? If you can survive for a year, I think you will be more than happy to visit hell instead.

what should we do!

This is just an initial test; everyone must overcome their fear. Xiao Yu held a sharp wooden spear in his hand and took a slow look around him, Look carefully; their numbers are not that big, only one-tenth of ours, thats all. Inflexible, with low intelligence, arent fast enough; they are actually not that tough to deal with as long as you conquer your fear!

Han Kexin also quickly realized this point, then immediately shouted loudly to the people around her, yes, what he said is correct, everyone, please do not panic, we must unite, all of us!

Xiao Yu glanced at her calmly, a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Even without his interference, she would have survived the earthquake either way. This gorgeous and stunning woman with both rare talent and great potential that only one in a thousand people possess also owned great wisdom and ruthless methods. In the future, she would win over and control a mighty faction. Just to finally be renowned as the Bloody Queen

Judging from her current performance, Han Kexins strength in the future did not come by luck. She had the potential to be a very strong person.

Han Kexin yelled, Be careful; a group of monsters is coming!

We have to face them after all; I hope you can survive.

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he rushed forward.

A small group of goblin slaves, perhaps seven or eight in number, was coming towards them. The one running in the front swung a wooden club and slammed it hard on the back of a paralyzed humans head. Like a watermelon hit by a hammer, his head exploded as blood and brains splashed everywhere, and an eyeball slowly rolled down under everyones feet, causing the crowd to scream.

Ji-gu, ji-gu!

The goblin slave licked the brains that had splashed onto its mouth, let out an ugly shriek again, then bit off a large piece of flesh from the corpse and tasted it happily. The dark red blood dripped down the corner of its mouth, looking extraordinarily ferocious and fear-inducing. At this moment, a sharp wooden spear pierced through its right eye. It made a gurgling sound and jerked a few times. Mixed up with blood and saliva, the meat on its mouth slid down as its body twitched a few times, then stopped moving altogether.

Xiao Yu stomped on the goblin slaves face and aggressively drew out his spear, causing a stream of black blood to flow out. The goblin fell limply; at that moment, a fingernail-sized ball of light drilled out of the corpse, transformed into a stream of light, and flew toward the middle of his eyebrows.

A mysterious force filled his body instantly, dazing him mentally.

Ji-gu! a blood-stained wooden club in the hand of a goblin next to him swept by with a strong wind. Xiao Yu dodged the strike by ducking down, kicking his legs on the ground, and slamming into its body; they both collided and rolled down a few meters.

Jiang Xiaowen exclaimed, Xiao Yu, watch out!

The goblin that fell to the ground was about to raise its club to knock the human on top of it into the air, but the opponents reaction was unexpectedly faster. With a wave of his right arm, the wooden spear ruthlessly pierced into its wrist. Due to the excessive force, the spear was broken from the middle, and the goblin slave let out a peculiar cry of pain. Then, it opened its mouth angrily, intending to bite him.

Xiao Yu resolutely threw away the broken spear, held the face of the goblin, and slammed it hard on the ground; the creature felt dizzy as he quickly punched it in the face. He had absorbed the essence of a goblin; as a result, his strength was a quarter greater than normal. Two fangs were directly knocked out of its mouth. Xiao Yu took the opportunity to roll to the side, picked up the big wooden club of the goblin slave, raised his hands above his head, and smashed it down forcefully. The club, which was covered with a large amount of sticky black blood, was lifted up and smashed down several times on the bloody head of the goblin slave!

The goblins skull was completely broken as another ball of light the size of a fingernail floated up and shot into Xiao Yus forehead. Absorbing a wave of energy again, his strength at this moment has been strengthened by more than half compared to the beginning.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind burst out from the back of his head.


Xiao Yus heart trembled.

Eat this! Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a fat figure rushed over, knocking the goblin slave who was sneak attacking Xiao Yu to the ground. Just as Xiao Yu turned his head, the guy hit the head of the goblin slave with a club. A click sound was heard as its head broke open, and black blood and yellow brains splashed all over the fat mans face.

Xiao Yu saw the mans appearance clearly, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: Fatty, so you also survived?

This chubby guy was called Wang Chao, nicknamed Fatty; he was Xiao Yus roommate. He was also one of his closest school friends at the time, but in his previous life, Fatty Wang Chao died in the same earthquake, and the reborn Xiao Yu almost forgot about him. This friend of his was extremely hot-headed, so it was easier for him to adapt to this kind of environment.

Damn it; I saved your ass just to get my face covered with this shit. Ugh, Im going to throw up. Dont forget; you owe me one. Im going to settle accounts with you later then! The big fat man Wang Chao stood up, thoroughly wiping black blood and yellow brains from his face, Where did these monsters come from

His words had yet to finish.

Xiao Yus eyes flashed as he fiercely flung the wooden club in his hand toward Wang Chao. The latter was startled and subconsciously closed his eyes. There was a muffled bang in his ears; He turned around to see the club striking a goblin just behind him. Werent it for this elegant flying club, Wang Chao would have been beaten to death.

Fucking gray dwarf, how dare you sneak up on this Fatty? Ill fuck you up!

Wang Chao cursed loudly, raised his leg, and kicked the little dwarf goblin to the ground, picked up the wooden club that fell on the ground, and smashed it on its head. One hit, two hits, three hitsWang Chao was so focused on beating it down that he forgot his surroundings. He was usually a simple and careless guy, but once he got angry, he stopped thinking of the consequences, he would rather lose eight hundred just to win a thousand, which was a mad behavior, so no one dared to provoke him.

After eight to nine strikes in a row, the goblins head was nearly reduced to meat paste, a ball of light the size of a thumb shot into the middle of his forehead, and his fat body trembled violently.

Holy shit, no wonder you are so fierce today; it turns out that you gain experience by killing these monsters. We can actually level up!

Xiao Yu had killed three monsters in a row, and his strength was only slightly inferior to one goblin slave. With his rich experience, it was easy to deal with mere goblins. In the blink of an eye, two more died in his hands, absorbing five wisps of energy in a row, Xiao Yus power was fully doubled, and he could not lose to any of these monsters.

Under the siege of hundreds of goblins, the school teachers and students suffered heavy casualties, but after a period of fear, there were many people who dared to face them just like Wang Chao did. Under everyones tenacious resistance, the number of goblins was decreasing one by one.

Wang Chao retreated to Xiao Yus side, holding a wooden club full of black blood and yellow brains; he pointed in a certain direction and shouted in surprise: shit, isnt that Jin shi? Hes alive too. Damn, this big dumb guy is rushing towards us; at least twelve or thirteen dwarves are following behind him!

Jin Shi was in the same dormitory as Wang Chao and Xiao Yu. His hair was less than half an inch long, looking almost bald. Jin shis character didnt match his appearance at all. He was caring, helpful, and a very kind person. He was also a sports fanatic. His biggest hobby was working out his muscles. Hence they called him stone man.

Unexpectedly, he also survived!

Fatty, stand still. Ill go and save him!

Xiao Yu yelled and rushed towards Jin shi.

Wang Chao was shocked, shit, its ok to be brave, but there are more than a dozen of those gray dwarfs chasing him; you cant do it!

(TN: they call him shi tou which means stone, the reason why they call him that is because his name is jin shi which means gold stone)

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