Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 104 – Initial takeover. King Antoine is dead?! Civil War Imminent!

Chapter 104 – Initial takeover. King Antoine is dead?! Civil War Imminent!

The following day-

Gerhart visited the prison. Arriving in front of the prison cell holding Laverna, he looked at the beautiful woman, holding her knees and staring at the wall in a daze.

"Laverna." Gerhart spoke.

Laverna flinched and looked at Gerhart with her sapphire eyes, a complicated look inside.

"What did you do to me?" That was the first thing she asked.

After being ravaged for an entire day before being tossed into the prison cell like a used sex slave, she had time to recover and assess her state. As a master of Mind Magic, Laverna held significant knowledge and resistance toward mind manipulation, able to perceive her mental changes.

The change she felt was a simple one, yet complicated at the same time. Her attitude toward Gerhart significantly changed. It was as simple as that. From hating him to the bone, she felt goodwill toward him, as if overwriting something in her mind. Even after the horrible treatment he gave her, she couldn't bring herself to hate him, even having subservient dependence. Any rebellious feelings and ideas were suppressed by something, punished with fear, discomfort, and apprehension. Her good feelings toward him were amplified and rewarded. She understood what it was doing. It was turning her into a leashless, brainwashed slave. And the scariest part is that it was a fundamental power surpassing the mind, invading the soul and subconscious mind, clouding her instincts as an Echo.

The only silver lining was that she could still perceive it and question him. But she knew that brainwashing was not a one-time thing but a process that took time to become permanent.

"I only went through one session and am already this far gone. What would happen after several more?" Laverna shuddered.

"Just making it so you won't be problematic and would cooperate. However, it seems like you need a bit more- conditioning." Gerhart narrowed his eyes as he opened the cell and undid his pants.

"P-Please, no more... Forgive me! NO!!!—MPH!!!" Laverna screamed in horror before being gagged by something thick and long.

For the next two hours, Gerhart conditioned the Echo before leaving, placing Havre to guard her and prevent pesky Corrupted from entering.

When he returned to the Duke's mansion, Ray and Calvin returned from their outing, looking satisfied. But Gerhart didn't ask for the details.

Instead, he evaluated the gains of yesterday.

They converted the upper echelons save for the A-rank powerhouses. They fished out thirty people with room for development, three being late bloomers with three to five unawakened talents. Over a thousand people were healed by Flora yesterday, influenced to various degrees, becoming more pliable for future conversion. And their good reputation soared to the high heavens.

As promised, the talents of those who arrived were awakened and improved. Most had upgradable talents, such as Swordsmanship, Cooking, Healthy Body, Tough Body, Strong Arms, or other regular talents. However, some had evolvable talents able to reach tier 6. And, of course, the three late bloomers.

One of them was an old lady half a foot in the grave named Betsy. She was an ex-adventurer and an archer with four grown children and many grandchildren. After rejuvenation and blessing, she became an experienced S-rank powerhouse and a Fire Archer.

The second was an infant, no older than three months old. He had five unawakened talents for being a Dark Priest but was a dog kin demihuman, born to slavery. While they awakened his aptitudes, they didn't invest much in him. After all, while he is a good seedling, it would take at least 16 years until he was of some use. After converting the owner and parents, they gave them some minor blessings and ensured they would get a comfortable job so they could focus on raising the child.

And the third and final one was an unexpected find. The man was a regular adventurer Gerhart knew from his time at Sewer Sweeping.

"Gerhart!" A young blond warrior waved to Gerhart with a broad and honest smile.

"Troy! I never thought you would have such high potential in you." Gerhart returned a smile.

He knew Troy briefly, but he had a good impression of the young man. He was honest, hardworking, and had good in him, something uncommon in this society. Troy now has four tier-6 talents, becoming an S-rank Light Magic Swordsman.

He and Betsy converted to Agents who would go to different towns to transform the countryside population. While many people lived in cities, over 90% lived in towns and villages. The Duke would be in charge of continuing the conversion of Vlita.

"Honestly, I didn't think I would have much talent in me either. I was certain I would reach D-rank at most." Troy shyly rubbed the back of his head.

"Where do you plan on going to now?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"I will head to my hometown and convert it first. I want to see my parents and siblings. And I have a childhood sweetheart there. Hopefully, I will still have a shot with her." Troy said.

"Don't worry, I am sure you will be fine. Good luck." Gerhart patted Troy's shoulder and walked out of the mansion.

Today, he was going to the capital of the Youvamore Kingdom, Kluocmery. He took Hope, Qold, Flora, To-Meri, Bertrand, and Ray.

Hope was to conquer the dungeon quickly and foresee some things. Qold was for efficient conversion and handling minor things. Flora was the priestess who would heal the King and prevent the stupid civil war from happening. Bertrand would be extra muscle and a smooth-talking butler when in court. Ray was also for muscle and covert action. As for To-Meri, she was partially for muscle and a good luck charm.

"With this, taking over the Youvamore Kingdom should be easy enough." Gerhart thought.

He and the others walked through the city streets, greeted wherever they went with warm smiles and flattering looks. Of course, they also received hateful glares from a group of Corrupted, but he ignored them for now, wanting to deal with them after he Conditioned the Echo. If they were suicidal enough to try and rescue their mistress, then so be it. Havre could kill them all. 

And so, they arrived at the stables, retrieved their horses, and rode away.

However, halfway through, Gerhart suddenly received a report from the Duke that almost made him fall off his horse.

[My lord, I have grievous news! A messenger bird arrived, carrying a letter with the royal seal! King Antoine Youvamore is dead! He died two days ago, but they kept it under wraps. Clues indicate that he got poisoned! The royal court is now in turmoil, and the heirs blame each other, about to draw swords! The kingdom is about to fall into civil war!]


[My lord, the Garrington household has maintained a neutral stance in the succession struggles. The 1st, 2nd, and 5th princelings wish to recruit my support. Should I show support for any of the princelings?]

"... Forget it. I will handle this." 




In Kluocmery's Royal Palace-

Over a dozen princes and princesses were seated next to a large round stone table, with the head seat vacant, a crown resting on it. Beside it, the attractive and powerful four queens sat, vigilantly eyeing the princes and one another, deep suspicion in their eyes.

Of the many princes, four places stood out.

The first was the 1st prince, Zacharias Decker Youvamore, and behind him stood his grandfather, Duke Fitzgerald. He is a seasoned general and S-rank knight.

The second was the 2nd princess, Elodie Andrews Youvamore, and behind her stood Fire Magus Detaz. He is an aloof S-rank magician who supports the princess due to his pupil becoming engaged to the magically potent and intelligent princess. He once studied in the Atasheborg Magocracy.

The third was the 5th prince, Carten Willis Youvamore, and behind him was a slim-looking man with hawk-like eyes, an S-rank mercenary, Leo the Silver Hawk, leader of the Silver Hawk Brigade. His loyalty lies where money flows, and he knows Carten, a cunning and ruthless merchant, is the best customer.

The fourth was the missing 7th princess, Lydia Farraday Youvamore, her seat empty. But behind it stood a muscular middle-aged woman, easily 2m tall, Anaya the Giant Crusher. She was the guild master of the Adventurer's Guild and represented Lydia's most mighty, albeit unwanted, support for the throne, the Adventurer's Guild.

The four supporters were the four S-rank powerhouses aside from King Antoine, now dead. They had tremendous influence and political power through sheer strength and prestige.

On the sides were the many nobles, ministers, and courtiers waiting for the verdict. If things went wrong, a civil war might break out.

Everyone knew this and wanted to avoid it, but the line of succession was still undecided. The best-case scenario was that one of the princes would be selected here. But with the current status quo, this seemed unlikely. The second-best scenario would be to place a proxy monarch while the princes have a friendly competition. Usually, this helped solve an inheritance struggle. However, with King Antoine assassinated, this was unlikely since the princes now suspected each other or outside forces.

That left the third and more bloody option- A Civil War.

This war might be as simple as employing a champion to duel in their name, but it was more likely to devolve into a long, bloody total war.

Initially, such situations are exceedingly rare since a king, always an S-rank powerhouse due to the divine baptism of the temples, is an S-rank powerhouse, even if the weakest type. He could live well up to a hundred years without retiring, have plenty of descendants, and carefully select the most talented, building a line of succession through merit. That was how he was selected.

However, when he was barely in his early forties and his prime, he got assassinated, something almost inconceivable for an S-rank.

Four of his descendants were great. Excellent to the point he couldn't decide who to place first. It was a good thing! - Unless three of them were ambitious and wanted the throne. But that was also fine since that meant there would be many talented descendants to choose from later! - Unless you meet an unexpected early grave.

The succession was not based on who was the eldest but on who had the most talent and the most significant support! But this time, all four of them were about equal in power! King Antoine had to decide but was indecisive due to split opinions in the court and nobles, split into four camps. If he chose wrongly, it might even lead to a coup!

In truth, ever since he got assassinated the first time and was fatally wounded and poisoned, Antoine wanted to conduct a test for the princes and consulted with his advisors, wives, and ministers. But who would have thought he would get assassinated a second time before he could implement his idea? He even had a solid poison-testing system in place. Who could have thought that his closest attendants were also assassins?

But that was in the past. Antoine was now stone-cold dead, and the problems he left were now haunting his kingdom and children.

Queen Gisele, Antoine's first wife, looked at her children and stepchildren with still-fresh sorrow. "King Antoine is dead, assassinated in cold blood. The throne remains empty, and there is no clear heir. We must decide whom among you, his children, will succeed to the throne."

"I, Zacharias Decker Youvamore, firstborn to King Antoine, claim my right to the throne. I shall lead the kingdom and make it strong as iron." The 1st prince, barely in his early twenties and a young father, said, holding militaristic views.

"I, Elodie Andrews Youvamore, 2nd-born to King Antoine, claim my right to the throne. I shall lead the kingdom and stabilize it like a mountain." The 2nd princess, only a few months younger, swore, preferring conservative views.

"I, Carten Willis Youvamore, 5th-born to King Antoine, claim my right to the throne. I shall lead the kingdom to an age of prosperity and trade." the 5th prince, around twenty years old, spoke, believing trade and relations to be the key to success.

And then, everyone couldn't help but look at the 7th empty seat. Anaya, who stood behind it, spoke.

"Princess Lydia decided to try to join the heroic group under Saintess Himeko. Should she succeed, she would give up her right to the throne. Should she fail, her stance remains unclear. She does not know the current situation, and her stance remains unknown." Anaya calmly said.

The three remaining princes turned to look at each other, knowing Lydia was no longer a competitor. Among them, Lydia was undoubtedly the most talented in combat and was, quite frankly, ill-suited for ruling anyone. The reason why many supported her was a way for people to protest. King Antoine favored her, but that was because of her open-mindedness and talent, not out of her ability as a ruler. He believed she could find a husband who was better at management to do things. But now, that was not an option.

Unfortunately, it didn't change the status quo. The factions supporting Lydia, composed of the crafters, the common folk, and adventurers, didn't like them. Pulling their support on short notice would be difficult. They knew one of them had to support another, but that step was difficult for them, ambitious young scions.

"Brother, sister, how about you two cede and let me rule? Let your older brother bear the burden of the crown." Zacharias tried to convince.

"No, how about you give me the throne, brothers? I am confident the kingdom would be stable again." Elodie countered.

"I would also like you to quit while ahead. I promise we will all live much better and prosperous lives under my rule." Carten argued.

Slowly, the air was tense as they glared at each other, still avoiding bringing up the assassination. They were smart enough to know that it would devolve into something nasty.

Of course, some were not as sensitive.

"Zacharias is militaristic, so maybe he has a motive?"

"Elodie was always conceited. Who knows what she could do?"

"Carten is greedy for wealth. Who is to say he wouldn't cross that line?"

Discreet whispers sounded among the court and even other princelings, which made the place like a flame barrel.

"Dammit. Things are going just as I feared..." Zacharias mentally cursed.

"These two idiots can't see the bigger picture! Dammit!" Elodie also frowned.

"Aunt was right. Those two are looking at short-term gains while blind to long-term investments." Carten narrowed his eyes, not wanting to let the kingdom fall into his irresponsible siblings' hands.

The three siblings and their supporters could already guess that the others didn't do it, but they could never be sure. It raised their suspicion of each other to the extreme.

"They wouldn't have killed father, right?"

"One is a militant and the other is a profiteer, so maybe-"

"They have nothing to profit from it and only have to lose, unless-"

As their glares turned increasingly hostile, no one noticed the Prime Minister looking from the side, a gleeful light in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it. Hate each other. Turn your blades on one another. Only then would the Great One be satisfied."


But just at that moment, a royal guard barged into the meeting room.

"What is the meaning of this?! This is a royal meeting of the highest importance! Explain yourself!" One of the courtiers yelled.

"My apologies, lords! I have an urgent report!" The Royal Guard apologized.

"Speak!" The first queen spoke.

"Yes! The S-rank adventurer, Gerhart, and his group arrived in the city! They are at the palace gates and demand entry!" The Royal Guard reported.


The court turned silent, the tense atmosphere vanishing. They knew of Gerhart. News about him spread far and wide. That man held high prestige as an Echo Slayer. That was a title rarer than a Dragon Slayer! It was strongly hinted he is an SS-rank powerhouse.

Also, he did a big charity event the day before in Vlita, and they heard about it through messenger birds, earning the goodwill of everyone.

Suddenly, the Prime Minister had a bad feeling.

"Wait, is he planning to support one side- DAMMIT!" The Prime Minister grinded his molars.

And as he expected, the S-rank Adventurer Guild Master, Anaya, smiled. "GOOD! Let him in!"

"Preposterous! He isn't related to the succession at all! Let him wait outside!" The Prime Minister tried to dismiss the idea, but that didn't work.

The people who sought a way out now saw a glimmer of hope in the judgment of this newcomer who held high prestige.

"Nonsense! Let him in." The first queen spoke.

"Yes, he might have a good opinion!" The second queen nodded.

"I prefer outside intervention than needless infighting." The third queen added.

"He should be a man of good character." The fourth queen smiled.

The three princes and their supporters looked at each other with tacit understanding. It was better to let this outsider make a judgment.

"Then I shall lead him here!" The Royal Guard saluted and rushed back.

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