Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 78 – New Objectives. Evolving all talents! Bane of all women!

Chapter 78 – New Objectives. Evolving all talents! Bane of all women!

Back at the manor-

At the dinner table-

Gerhart finished explaining his findings to the core members(Excluding Ariyana and Stella. He didn't want to distract them from their studies.)

After hearing his narrations, everyone had fearful or ugly looks.

"This is horrible! Much of the world's economy and Magic Technology depend on the dungeons! And all known dungeons are occupied by Dungeon Cities!" Hope had a worried look.

"Everyone who died in the dungeon had their souls consumed? It is akin to not having a next life!" Ray shook.

"Master, I believe that the entity you spoke of is perhaps the dead outer god Mistress Xenova spoke of. That would explain why it was unresponsive. Perhaps the Echoes created it over tens of thousands of years." Qold reminded.

"With the dungeon's powers, I am afraid it should be an Outer God who made it." Gerhart didn't deny it.

"But why limit the item drops instead of removing the options altogether? Why weren't there any controlling Echoes? And all those items you mentioned are not even recorded! Perhaps the Echoes are merely using their master's creations. Perhaps these things are from another world. Or perhaps it is ancient technology before the dawn of humankind." Calvin frowned and speculated.

"That is a big guess, but I agree with your point. Either that or our world's history is false." Bertrand commented.

"Anyways, things are how they are now, and there is little point in figuring out what is true or false. What do you suggest we should do?" Gerhart asked.

Everyone couldn't help but frown in thought.

"Mya... It is too complicated. Can't we conquer all the dungeons? We get energy and stop it from getting energy. Problem solved!" To-Meri suggested.

"That is the only viable solution, but it might not be smooth sailing. The Echoes are hiding in the shadows and might attack us." Hope frowned

"They are not the only problem. Humans are also a problem. There is also another mega-continent belonging to the Demi-Humans." Qold reminded.

"I think we shouldn't worry about such things. We will kill all who try to stop us, be they the Echoes, Humans, Demi-Humans, Monsters, the Otherworlders- or the gods themselves if we have to." Havre said with a determined look.

"But it wouldn't hurt to be secretive about it." Ray sheepishly said.

"That is for sure. We are not ready for a frontal confrontation with ancient powers, let alone gods." Gerhart smirked. "Then it is decided. We will focus on quickly conquering low-tier dungeons, seizing their energy, and preparing ourselves to conquer higher-tier dungeons."

Everyone nodded in agreement. For now, there were not many better options.

"This should be our primary objective. However, we should set ourselves some secondary ones." Hope said. "Intelligence, Influence, Resources, and Military Power are primary concerns. We can also build a network to scout and recruit new talents."

"And let us not forget the Echoes and Otherworlders." Qold reminded.

"Since Tabarga's Dungeon got subdued, I will visit the other two dungeons in the Nehan Kingdom. I think I will start with the Droham Dungeon since a certain Otherworlder is on the loose." Gerhart narrowed his eyes. "Hope, Ray, and To-Meri will join me. I need your talents to help me find that guy."

Hope had the highest Instincts and Precognition, Ray specialized in hunting people, and To-Meri was lucky. To find Ma Yang, they needed to be lucky. And while Qold had information from Xenova, she couldn't track the Otherwolder in real time.

"Okay!" The trio nodded.

The others didn't object, including Havre. Although eager to fight sword users, Ma Yang was too weak for her. She wasn't enthusiastic about fighting him at all.

"Now, I shall bless all of you tonight, and we shall ride out at dawn. I will also bless the horses so they can carry us better." Gerhart said.

"Thank you, my lord!" The others said.

Gerhart got busy and blessed everyone, including Ariyana, with ten million points. The only exceptions were Stella, the slime girl, and Havre. He only raised Stella to level 60 and her stats to S-grade. He was still wary she would accidentally cast a spatial spell and wreak havoc. As for Havre, it was for her to guard him later. He would bless her after he finished.

He also went to the stables, found four horses(Because Bertrand purchased two more these few days), and blessed them with a million points each.

And finally, he returned to his room and focused on himself. Since he had the entire night, Gerhart decided to evolve his Talents. However, learning from past mistakes, he stripped naked and reverted to his actual form, only covering himself with a blanket.

He first started with Initial Endless Vitality. It wasn't just because it was the body's foundation and brought great survivability. It was also because it increased his Pain Tolerance.

"MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, THIS HURTS!" Gerhart mentally screamed while spasming on the bed.

"Hang in there, my lord!" Havre encouraged on the side.

Soon, the changes ended, and Gerhart felt his body was brimming with newfound energy!

{Unique Talent - Initial Endless Vitality: The Endless Ocean of Vitality! You are the sacred body that is resistant to all worldly ailments! The living ancient! The undying body! The one who endures all hardships to triumph!}

The explanation was exaggerated, but Gerhart felt the energy inside him. He also found out that this talent raised his Vitality to SS Grade! Unfortunately, it appeared Gerhart couldn't evolve it anymore. It might be due to not being a Noble Human.

Using energy to level up to level 60 completion, Gerhart chose the second talent - Initial Holy Five Treasures. It was because Gerhart understood the importance of having powerful internal organs.

{Unique Talent - Initial Holy Five Treasures: The inviolable five pillars of the human body! The great undying five-turned-engine of life! The base of immortality! As long as one pillar stands, you shall never die!}

Although Gerhart's stats didn't improve, he was satisfied. It made him even more unkillable, and he felt more energetic.

After raising his level to the limit again, he picked Ultimate Defense.

{Unique Talent - Initial Ultimate Defense: The unbreakable body! The impenetrable defense! As tough as divine steel! Resistant to all earthly attacks! Even if the soul perishes, the body will forever remain!}

Simple and direct, it made Gerhart's insane defense even more ridiculous. Who can say no to that? As a bonus, it also raised his Endurance Stat to SS.

Next, he picked Strength Supremacy!

{Unique Talent - Initial Strength Supremacy: Strength that suppresses all and smashes everything in your wake! The strength to lift mountains, drain seas, and kill ghosts, demons, and gods with your bare body!}

The details were over the top, but Gerhart felt endless strength, and his Strength Stat also reached SS. Just like that, he fulfilled one of the requirements for the Golden Evolution.

Next, he also went ahead and evolved three more talents.

Valor -> Heroism

Mental Immunity -> Mind Fortress

Berserk -> Rampage

Heroism made Gerhart more immune to fear effects, Mental Fortress increased his mental defenses, and Rampage was an enhanced version of Berserk, giving more strength but more insanity and backlash. However, with Gerhart's new talents, the backlash and loss of sanity were a joke. Unfortunately, they couldn't evolve anymore. At least, not yet.

Gerhart raised his level again to level 60 before moving on to the main dish, Earth Dragon's Power!

As he activated it, insane levels of pain wrecked Gerhart's body. Veins continued popping in Gerhart's body, his muscles wriggling, and his bones and organs kept getting crushed before repairing. However, he endured the pain, tempering his willpower.

Before long, the pain ended, and Gerhart felt himself upgraded to a new level.

{Unique Talent - Earth Dragon's Power: A divine body for Heavy Warriors, granting them the power of an Earth Dragon! Drastically enhances physical might, defense, stamina, and affinity to related physical arts. It also gives the ability to emit Dragon Terror and affinity to dragons.}

"Holy shit... I can emit Dragon Terror now?! And I even have an affinity for dragons?!" Gerhart was shocked.

It lowers the fighting strength of those affected by it! And it didn't say Pseudo. That meant it was the real deal, the real Dragon Terror, not like the fake used by the Bone Dragon. He even received an affinity for dragons!

Getting over his excitement, Gerhart looked outside and saw it was still dark, so he raised his level to 60 again. And then, Gerhart looked at his final talent. After a fierce mental struggle, he reluctantly evolved it.

After fierce pain and itching, especially in the groin-

{Unique Talent - Initial Epitome of Masculinity: The peak of male sexuality! The indestructible rod that vanquishes goddesses and female demon lords alike! The endless wellspring of liquid fertility! He who ravages all holes! The grand stallion of all races! The harem king! The bane of all women!}

"I... Fuck this. Why did I evolve it again? Ah, right, because it was there." Gerhart cringed at the cheesy description.

By this time, the color of the sky brightened. It was early morning.

"Havre, sorry for making you wait," Gerhart said and got up.

However, Havre didn't say anything.

"Havre?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow and looked to the side.

To his surprise, Havre, who usually had a calm and collected look, looked at him in a daze, biting her lower lips, a deep blush on her beautiful face. Subconsciously, Havre was rubbing her two legs together. 

"Havre? Are you alright?" Gerhart squinted his eyes. He knew it was related to his new ridiculous talent, but he asked to confirm.

Luckily, his question seemed to awaken Havre from her reverie. A deep look of shame flashed on her face as she lowered her eyes, not daring to look. "My apologies, my lord. I lost control of myself. My lord is too- tempting." She said, struggling to find the correct wording.

"The bane of all women, huh?." Gerhart warily thought as he reapplied his transformation and activated Shroud of Deceit. "How about now?"

Havre hesitantly raised her eyes. When she looked at him, Gerhart vaguely saw a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"It is easier for me to look at you now, my lord. But I feel an unreasonable sexual attraction to you. It is something subtle I can't point out. Perhaps it is the smell?" Havre frowned, describing her emotions.

Previously, she let down her guard because it was Gerhart, her lord and lover. She would fiercely reject any other man, but it was undeniable that she felt that Gerhart was supernaturally attractive to her. However, Havre was a Sword Saint with powerful willpower. Regular women might have difficulties in enduring it.

 "Then it seems like I need to find a solution," Gerhart muttered, troubled.

It seems like Partial Transformation and Shroud of Deceit were not enough. He had to add something extra or more powerful. And then, something clicked in his mind.

"Wait, smell?" Gerhart thought of something and remembered a detail. "Right. Pheromones. Hiding my energy wouldn't help with that. I need something to mask them."

A few seconds later, he found a plausible solution. "Yeah, that could help."

Nodding to himself, he got out of bed and dressed before turning to Havre. "Havre, thank you for watching over me tonight. I will bless you now."

"Thank you, my lord!" Havre smiled.

Gerhart nodded, blessed Havre with ten million points, and left the room to find a translucent slime maid.




Ma Yang ran through a forest in the dead of night, clothes ragged, and his shoulder was bleeding. His eyes were red, and his sword got drenched with the blood of unfortunate hunters, adventurers, and monsters he slew. He didn't have a choice since they would attack him. It was only right to kill them all first before they attacked.

His horse has long collapsed from exhaustion, and he got injured after a close fight with a B-rank scout, forced to use the Furious Sword Frenzy technique, a type of self-harming method to increase his combat ability, stabbing the latter in the stomach and decapitating him before fleeing. However, he soon discovered that the scout's dagger was poison-laced!

Bleeding, weakened, poisoned, and exhausted, the only thing keeping him alive was the constant feedback from Heaven Rewards the Righteous, rewarding Ma Yang with Advanced Poison Resistance and Advanced Natural Recovery after killing the scout and the talents he got after killing the others on the way, including Night Vision which helped him see at night.

Because of his precarious situation, it seemed like Heaven Rewards the Righteous had rewarded him more significantly for each kill, which barely allowed him to survive.

But as things stand, he would hit the limit sooner or later. He was just human at the end of the day.

"Damn this world! Damn these people! Damn the gods! What did I do to deserve this after summoning me from my world without permission?! A million bounty on my head for killing some lowlives?! BASTARDS! You all deserve to die! I am Ma Yang! I am the righteous sword chosen by the heavens! If Buddha comes, I shall slay Buddha! If god comes, I shall slay god! I am justice incarnate! I won't die without a fight!" Ma Yang thought, selectively ignoring the fact that his insane and murderous behavior led him to this point.

After running until his legs felt weak, he reclined against a tree, breathing heavily.

"Hah. Hah. Hah. Ugh..." Ma Yang winced, the adrenaline leaving his mind as the pain kicked in from pushing himself to the limit and his injured shoulder.

Frowning, he opened the pouch he had rightfully taken from the scout and took out a vial filled with red liquid, a health potion. Opening the cork, he downed its contents as his body slowly felt better and his shoulder slowly healed. He then searched a bit more and found an Antidote, so he also opened it and drank it, removing the effects of the poison. After downing two potions, he picked up a piece of jerky from the bag and chewed it with a frown. He had to restore the energy he lost.

While he was recovering, a mocking voice sounded.

"You seem to be struggling, Otherworlder." A mocking voice sounded as a cloaked figure walked out from behind one of the trees.

"!!!" Ma Yang's pupils shrank, and he readied his bloody sword. "Who are you, wretch?!"

"Oh... Scary. I am so, so afraid." The figure dramatically said, sarcasm thick in his tone. "What are you going to do? Cut me down like you did to everyone else? Why not use that Analysis of yours? You have it, right?"

Ma Yang frowned and tried analyzing him.


"I can't read it." Ma Yang warily said.

Until now, no one could block it completely. Not even the King and the Reverand. At most, they partially blocked it. But this person was different. He blocked him.

"Of course! That is because your Status Analysis talent is barely tier 4, and my Shroud of Deceit is tier 5." The figure smugly explained. "Oh, right. You probably don't even know that yet. A bit too advanced."

"What do you want? Are you also after my head?!" Ma Yang fiercely asked.

"As tempting as it sounds, I am not here for that. I came to bring you this." The man said as he took out a pinky-sized pitch-black crystal with a gloved hand.

"What is that?" Ma Yang asked, having an ominous feeling from that stone.

"A gift." The cloaked figure said, tossing the stone over, but Ma Yang dodged it, letting it fall on the ground.

The man didn't seem to care and turned around. "When you face an impossible opponent, consume it. It will give power."

"Who... Are you? Why are you helping me?" Ma Yang asked with a frown.

"I am just an echo." The cloaked figure said, walking behind a tree before disappearing.

Ma Yang looked at where he left off before focusing on the stone. Somewhat hesitant, Ma Yang gritted his teeth before pocketing the crystal and leaving the scene.

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