Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 80 – Killing the snake.

Chapter 80 – Killing the snake.

In Tabarga's main temple-

The Reverand and Princess Libania prayed side by side.

Princess Libania and her entourage of paladins switched a dozen horses on the way to reach the capital as fast as possible. After resting, she went to pray at the temple, waiting and mentally preparing herself for the next summoning.

As a spiritual medium, the Reverand was somewhat less than the princess, a true High Priestess, but his status was more prominent due to strength, connections, and seniority. Nevertheless, he treated the princess with due respect, especially now that she received the Divine Decree, a recognition of the gods.

Now, he prayed together with her, waiting for an oracle.



Holy light cascaded on the princess's body. The Reverand was stunned for a moment before praying even more. The other priests and visitors in the temple also knelt in prayer.

"Child." A voice sounded in Princess Libania's mind.

"This child hears you, my God." The princess piously answered.

"We were too lenient. We should have executed Ma Yang at the first signs of his warped mind. He has strayed from the light. The Echoes of an unspeakable ancient evil corrupted him, and he would plunge your kingdom to oblivion, using every life as a sacrifice to increase his power." Xumis said with a voice tinged with regret.

Sometimes, mercy was also a sin that could cost many lives. 

"What should this child do, my God?" Princess Libania asked with a deep frown.

"Four powerful and brave heroes are confronting him as we speak. All is well if they succeed, but should they fail, all the surrounding nations shall be awash with blood and death. The Main Temple will send their finest champions, but you must prepare to evacuate the kingdom. You must stay in the temple for my next oracle but warn the others. Prepare to purge anyone who refuses or cannot evacuate. Ma Yang must not have more sacrifices. It is a necessary evil." Xumis said with a pained voice.

Every human is a child to Xumis, and killing them is akin to killing his children. But if it meant saving more of his children, he was willing to do it.

"Yes, my God. This child has received your instructions." Princess Libania solemnly replied.

The oracle ended, and the princess turned to the Reverand.

"Ma Yang has fallen to corruption. Luckily, four heroes are facing him now. But should they fail, then we must evacuate the population." Princess Libania gravely said. "Do not raise a commotion yet, but be prepared for mass evacuation. We must not let him have more sacrifices, by whatever means."

The Reverand's face changed. As a holy emissary of the Main Temple, he naturally knew what this meant.

"At once, High Priestess." The Reverand bowed and left.

Princess Libania returned to her prayers.

"Oh, brave heroes. I pray for your victory."





The so-called Brave Heroes, who would be branded as heretics by Xumis if he knew any better, were confronting Ma Yang.

Through a combination of Hope's predictions, Ray's tracking ability, and To-Meri's divine luck, they found Ma Yang's trail of destruction and tracked him, soon finding this scene. The only survivor was the Earth Magician, who kept praying to Xumis.

"God of Light, Xumis, protect me. God of Light, Xumis, protect me. God of Light, Xumis, protect me..." The poor magician prayed, shaking like a leaf.

Gerhart ignored him, looking at the two dead adventurers with a pained look. In his eyes, every life was a treasure. And then, his eyes shifted to Ma Yang, hatefully glaring at him. He felt a deep-seated disgust from four sources. Ma Yang's appearance was horrible, making him visually appalling. His actions deeply disgusted Gerhart and loathed him to the bone. He felt a deep hate for him as part of the influence of the world's hate. And the relic also hated him, sending signals of deep disgust and antagonism.

The moment Gerhart saw him, he was dead set on killing him. Even if he begged to become his subordinate, Gerhart would kill him regardless.

Despite being Corrupted, Ma Yang retained most of his sanity. He sensed that the four individuals in front of him were strong. And also-


He couldn't read their status. It was hidden, like that hooded figure that gave him the stone.

Ma Yang scanned the four individuals, two men and two women riding mighty warhorses. He already guessed who they were.

"An S-rank party. No, perhaps above that?" Ma Yang guessed.

The one in the lead was a fierce-looking strongman without a weapon. However, he sensed he was the most terrifying of the four. The other lean man had a low-key presence, yet Ma Yang felt a chill when he looked at him. The curvaceous beauty had two Sabers on her hips and had an attractive air about her, but he discerned she was no less terrifying than the lean man. And then there was the last woman, a cute girl holding a bow. He sensed she was the weakest of the four, yet when he saw her eyes, Ma Yang felt like she saw through every move he would make. Even the four horses they rode gave him a heavy pressure.

They felt far more dangerous than the Nehan King and the Reverand.

"I can't escape. The horses will catch up to me in moments. I must fight." Ma Yang deduced, extremely calm. The more danger he felt, the more composed he became. Although he lost part of his sanity, that didn't mean he was stupid.

He was unafraid of fighting those stronger than him and had done so before. And there was only one way to survive when the odds stacked against you. It was to fight like a madman.

Reaching that conclusion, he grabbed the arrow lodged into his chest and pulled it out, black blood flowing out of his wound before quickly closing, his other hand clenching his sword handle.

"Come at me, sinners!" He snarled, pointing his sword at them.

Gerhart saw this and didn't give a useless monologue. Instead, he gave out the order. "Ray, bring me his head."

"Yes, my lord!" Ray jumped from his warhorse and charged at Ma Yang.

Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta*

Ray charged at Ma Yang in a beeline, holding twin daggers from the dungeon, 

Ma Yang gritted his teeth and charged at Ray.

Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang*

The two fought in a blur of sparks and clashes, attacking each other in a furious whirlwind.

Slash* Slash* Slash* Slash*

The two slashed each other as they fought, causing lacerations on their skin and flesh. Red and black blood stained the earth as they fought to a draw.

Woosh* Woosh* Bang*

With a mutual violent kick, they both staggered back.

Ma Yang's wounds visibly healed as he thought, "He is so fast, strong, and tough. But let's see if you can outlast- Never mind." Ma Yang became glum as he saw Ray healing almost as fast as him.

Ma Yang used his Corrupt state to fight and recover, but he knew it was a borrowed power. Meanwhile, Ray's abilities were his own. In other words, Ray far outclassed him.

"And the worst part is that he is that man's subordinate." Ma Yang warily eyed Gerhart, who seemed unmoved.

Meanwhile, Gerhart looked on, not very surprised.

Ray obtained all his talents when he fought the Bone Dragon, but he lacked the Pure Tyrant Bloodline he had, so he was physically inferior. But as compensation, he had three additional tier-6 rogue talents, so he was faster.

Meanwhile, Ma Yang's talents were understandably subpar, except for his otherworlder talents. However, that only showed just how potent the Corrupt state was. It made someone a team of B-rank adventurers could vanquish into this monster that can solo a level 60 Elite Bone dragon.

Thinking about this, Gerhart turned to To-Meri. "Go. Help him."

"Yes, my lord!" To-Meri jumped from her horse and charged with her scimitars under Ma Yang's darkening face.

Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Splat* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Splat* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang* Splat*

Ray and To-Meri fought Ma Yang on both sides, exchanging blows. However, Ma Yang was unable to cope with them, suffering injury after injury while unable to inflict any, and he knew he was going to a dead end at this rate, so he made a decisive move.


Immediately, his body bulged with power as he lost his sanity to a dark rage. However, he didn't know he was not the only one with such a trump card.

"BERSERK!" Ray and To-Meri activated the talent Gerhart gave them.

Although their strength increase was not as explosive as Ma Yang's, they had the advantage of retaining their sanity.

Immediately, the battle became even more intense as Ma Yang swung his sword with reckless abandon, suppressing Ray and To-Meri. However, this gave the duo more openings on Ma Yang, leaving deep wounds one after another on his body while suffering minor injuries.

Due to using two berserker techniques in tandem, Ma Yang's body suffered even more damage, and his situation quickly turned for the worse.


Four bone-deep slashes landed on Ma Yang's torso before receiving a double kick from Ray and To-Meri, sent flying before hitting a tree.

"Ghk... Cough*" Ma Yang struggled to his feet, coughing black blood, the haze of insanity disappearing from his eyes.

His body had reached the limit.

"Take his head," Gerhart ordered.

"Yes, my lord," Ray replied and leaped toward Ma Yang.

Ma Yang raised his sword and was about to face him when suddenly-

Woosh* Woosh* Woosh*

A dark shadow silently rushed from the trees to save Ma Yang, but at the same time, Hope shot three arrows into critical points, blocking the figure. 

Unimpeded, Ray slashed at Ma Yang's neck.

Slash* Plop*

"I... Ma Yang, the chosen of heaven, to die like this. So many sinners to kill, so many regrets..." Those were Ma Yang's last thoughts, the light in his eyes dimming.

Ma Yang believed himself to be righteous from beginning to end. His only regret was that he couldn't kill more sinners. He would forever not understand that he dug his own grave.

"SHIT!" The black figure cursed, helplessly watching his investment die like this.

If things went as planned, the entire southwestern coast area of the Griqix Mega Continent would be awash with the blood of millions! He and the other echoes would block the temple's champions as Ma Yang slaughtered every man, woman, and child he saw, eventually reaching a point where he could fight the Chosen Ones! If he succeeded, his position would skyrocket, and obtain many benefits!

Alas, these pesky insects dared thwart his plan!

"I have been waiting for you, little snake!" Gerhart grinned, jumping from his horse before charging at the shadow.

"BASTARDS! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR RUINING MY PLANS!" The Echo was furious, disregarding everything as he charged at Gerhart.

"Heh, as predicted. RAMPAGE!" Gerhart didn't hesitate, activating his trump card as his speed and power suddenly surged in his body. Steam rose from his body, his eyes turned white, his muscles brimming with energy!

"ROAR!!!!" Gerhart roared, activating his Dragon Terror on the figure.

"W-What?! Dragon Terror?! And is that- Rampage?! A top berserker?! And that energy- PURE TYRANT BLOODLINE?! HOW?!" The Echo was horrified and wanted to dodge and run as fast as possible, activate the teleportation scroll, run to the nearest hideout, and demand the best assassins in the land to kill this man before he became a scourge that revitalized the Kerus Dynasty, their greatest enemy since the start of human history, and undoing many years of hard work.

If he had the judgment ability of Ma Yang, he would have already run away at the beginning. Alas, his arrogance and anger led him to make a fatal judgment call. He was 30% weaker now, and the enemy was several times more powerful. The result was obvious.

"DIE!" Gerhart punched out with everything he had.


Gerhart punched the Echoe's head into meat paste, the body slamming against a tree, instantly dying.

"Ah... Shit! I thought he would be stronger! Now I can't see what he looked like." Gerhart cursed as he deactivated his Rampage state.

"My lord. Ma Yang's head." Ray said, raising the once-handsome face by the hair like a trophy.

"Good. Throw it on Ma Yang's body. We will burn it with this wretch soon so it won't taint the forest." Gerhart said and turned to the shaking Earth Magician. "Hope, escort the frightened man back. Ray and To-Meri will bring his friend's corpses for a proper burial in Droham. I will burn the corpses."

"Yes, my lord." The trio nodded.

Hope picked up the still-stunned Earth Magician like a chick and tossed him on her horse, mounting it before riding out of eye's reach.

Ten minutes later, the Earth Magician, still dazed, heard and saw a wild blazing fire.

"He burned the corpses." The Earth Magician thought.

Gerhart, Ray, and To-Meri soon joined Hope on horseback, carrying the two adventurer corpses. The only thing Gerhart carried was Ma Yang's sword, a badge, and a scroll.

"Wait, sir! Can you please ride to fetch my other friend's corpse?" The Earth Magician hopefully asked.

Anyone preferred proper burial if they could.

"Sure." Gerhart readily nodded. They already knew where it was.

"Thank you, sir! I won't forget this grace!" The Earth Magician profusely thanked Gerhart, feeling emotionally moved.

Gerhart just nonchalantly nodded, his mind distracted by his unexpected gain.

Absorbed compatible Reality Coordinate and Reality Identity.

The reality invasion function is locked. Requires Stage 4 Ascension.

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