Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 98 – Terrifying Woman

Chapter 98 – Terrifying Woman

The next day-

Gerhart woke up in a king-sized bed, surrounded by an unconscious mother and her two daughters.

"Ah, right. That happened." Gerhart muttered as he remembered last night.

He went at it with the two daughters, each comparable to a strong B-rank adventurer, and they lasted three rounds together(One each and one together) before passing out. The mother was more resilient but passed out after the fifth round.

Overall, Gerhart realized that only strong women could satisfy him now. Even if he deliberately stayed still and relaxed himself, women below a certain standard couldn't even tickle him, let alone pleasure him.

"Oh, well. At least it was pleasant." Gerhart shook his head and got dressed before leaving.

Exiting the establishment, Gerhart noticed an unpleasant presence nearby and curled his lips in disdain as he glanced at the second floor of a building nearby. When he looked over, he saw someone looking out of the window slowly tilt his head away as if to observe the streets below. Usually, this kind of action wouldn't raise suspicion, but Gerhart could almost SEE the Corruption on that person. It was small, likely the lowest of the Corrupted, but it was there. That presence made him irritated, like seeing a diseased vermin.

"These fuckers are annoying pests. I would have killed this guy by now if it weren't for the Echo behind them. Perhaps I should change my appearance when going out." Gerhart thought before leaving.

The Corrupted man noticed Gerhart leaving, covertly spying on him. Little did he know that Gerhart not only spotted him but also spared his life because it was inconvenient to kill him yet.

While Gerhart walked on the street, he contacted Hope.

"Good morning, Hope," Gerhart said.

[Good morning, Gerhart. How was your stay in the Silver Silk Lounge? Were the women there good?] Hope asked with a hint of discontentment.

Gerhart could only warily smile. Hope was, for a lack of better words, his unofficial spouse. She was very open-minded and was willing to make many concessions, even letting him sleep around, but what woman would be happy with their man staying overnight in a brothel when he had a harem of waiting and willing women at home? He wasn't hinting he was displeased with them, right?!

"Okay, sorry about that." Gerhart apologized, knowing he had gone a bit overboard.

[If you say so, Gerhart. A messenger from the Al Mutaism trading firm came, and Prisca al Mutaism requested an audience regarding the properties. She invited you to meet her at her city mansion for an in-depth discussion.] Hope said, returning to a neutral voice.

"Okay. I will head over." Gerhart replied and headed out.




After walking through the city, Gerhart arrived at the Al Mutaism Mansion, the most prominent mansion in the wealthy residential area and a symbol of socio-economic disparity between people.

Gerhart got led by an elderly butler inside after showing his card. Minutes later, he was in a guest room, having morning tea with an elegant woman wearing upper-class clothes. She was slim, beautiful, and intelligent, wearing conservative clothes and revealing enough skin to make a man's imagination go wild. Despite knowing she was double his age, Gerhart had the illusion she was in her mid-twenties at most.

"So, you are Gerhart? The one who slayed the Echo, who turned out to be both Laonicus, my rival, and Ianuarius, the underworld ruler of the city?" Prisca asked, briefly scanning Gerhart up and down with her sharp eyes.

"That would be me." Gerhart nodded. "And I also heard much about you."

"I am just a humble, lonely, and weak woman, not worth the attention of someone of your prestige." Prisca shook her head and sipped her tea.

"No, no. I believe you are just being modest." Gerhart said as he observed Prisca's rather impressive status.

Name: Prisca al Mutaism
Race: Human
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Level: 57

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:

  • Strength: B
  • Vitality: S
  • Endurance: B
  • Agility: B
  • Dexterity: S
  • Perception: S
  • Instincts: S
  • Intelligence: S
  • Aura: B
  • Magic: S

Secondary Stats: (+)


  • Initial: None.
  • Beginner: None.
  • Intermediate: None.
  • Advanced: None.
  • Perfect: None.
  • Unique: Superior Merchant(Evolvable), Superior Manipulator(Evolvable), Superior Seductress(Evolvable), Superior Sex Master(Evolvable), Superior Shadow Magician(Evolvable)

{Unique Talent - Superior Seductress: Greatly improves Intelligence, Charm, Vitality, and Youthfulness. Majorly improves sexual skills, manipulation, and seduction.}

{Unique Talent - Superior Sex Master: Greatly improves Vitality, Endurance, Dexterity, Sexual Stamina, and Disease Resistance. Majorly improves sexual skills and flexibility. You gain a sexualized body.}

Four Superior Talents, all skewed toward being a merchant, manipulator, a seducer of men, making men addicted to her body, and even a Superior Shadow Magician for self-defense. That was a terrifying talent set. Calling her a weak woman would be an insult.

She could have pocketed the most powerful men in the kingdom with her charm, wits, wealth, connections, and body. She was a terrifying woman!

"And she didn't even become a Noble Human yet. Was she born with these talents already evolved? No, she likely used family resources to raise them. But why didn't she try becoming a Noble Human?" Gerhart thought.

"Thank you for the compliment, but what exactly did you hear?" Prisca gently asked.

"I heard many things. For one, I know you are the most influential and wealthiest merchant in the Nehan Kingdom, controlling half of the slave trade and trades in many things of low and high value. And I also know you support the 5th prince of the Youvamore Kingdom, Carten Youvamore, in the battle for succession." Gerhart said and sipped some tea.

"I relied on my family legacy to prosper. As for supporting my nephew? Which aunt wouldn't?" Prisca said with a lazy smile that could enrapture most men.

"Lies! You increased your family fortune ten times while you were in charge! And you want to use your nephew to increase the connections and profits of your family!" Gerhart mentally retorted.

"Hm. and I hear your daughter is in the heroic party. I remember you only have one daughter, right?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"She is trying to join, and yes, I am content with having one talented daughter. I can't afford to be pregnant all year round like some child factory." Prisca quipped before remarking. "And I hear your cousin also joined? He is a Sword Saint with a Pure Divine Bloodline, I hear. Truly amazing. I hear he is quite the lady-killer, and even the Saintess is under his charms."

Ever since Primo entered the castle, he became popular among the women. Primo avoided sleeping around, maintaining modesty while there to lower the guard of the heroic party later on, but that didn't stop him from covertly flirting with perceived essential members, such as Princess Libania and Domentzia. He gave a smile here, a gentle caress there, a hint between lines, accidents while training, and other small things.

"Haha, Primo is just a nice person at heart." Gerhart laughed before shifting the subject. "Oh, and heard something else. But this is a bit more- private." Gerhart meaningfully said.

Prisca raised an eyebrow and turned to her servants. "Leave us."

"Yes, m'lady." The servants bowed and left before closing the door.


The next moment, Prisca snapped her fingers, magical runes lighting around the room.

"This is a soundproof enchantment that can block spying. Please, speak." Prisca kindly said.

"I should learn that someday." Gerhart thought.

"I won't mince with words. I spoke to the bosses of the Red Light District and gathered some information. You are Ianuarius's lover, aren't you?" Gerhart asked, straight to the point.

"Lover is a strong word. I would call it business partner with benefits." Prisca nodded, not denying or appearing surprised. "However, I didn't know he was an Echo. Also, he coerced me through intimidation. I was his prisoner and toy. Even to his daughter, he was merely teaching her, as if teaching a puppy to shake hands. He gained my financial advice, while I gained his protection. We even formed an intentional rivalry with his fake persona."

"You are not even trying to deny it?" Gerhart was surprised.

"Why should I? Would it matter? I am just a dirty, deceitful, and greedy woman who did many horrible things." Prisca gave a mirthful smile. "The only thing I care about anymore is my daughter. I intentionally incentivized her to join the heroic party to avoid the cage of the Al Mutaism family and be free at last. Although forced by the environment she lived in to be cunning and treacherous, she is innocent and deserves no part in this."

Gerhart could confirm what she said. From Primo's interactions with her, Primo confirmed she was taintless. Why she had a tough exterior, he could feel it was just a protective shell.

"What is the point of telling me all this? Are you making excuses?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"That is my question. Why did you raise this topic? And why make it private? I can only assume you are blackmailing me. Why else would I speak so freely?" Prisca asked back.

"Well, you are not wrong," Gerhart replied.

Indeed, he did come to blackmail her.

"And what is it that you seek? Money? Slaves? Items? Connections?" Prisca calmly smiled and sipped her tea.

"You." Gerhart smiled at her with undisguised lust.

"Me?" Prisca paused and put down her tea cup, her interest finally piqued. "You want me? When you have a harem of beautiful and powerful women by your side? The used woman of the Echo you killed, who gave birth to a daughter and is twice your age? You are one twisted, unappeasable, and depraved man, aren't you?" She said with a playful look.

"Is that a yes?" Gerhart smirked.

Prisca smiled back, gently got up, and briskly walked around the table to Gerhart's couch before boldly climbing onto his lap, cupping his cheek, and passionately kissing him. Gerhart responded by grabbing her round butt while returning a trained kiss.

After a minute, their lips separated a string of saliva between their tongues.

"I am yours, big boy. Use me, ravish me, do as you please." Prisca said with excitement, her words passionate and fueled with lust.

"Now you raised my expectations," Gerhart smirked.

"Let's see how many rounds she lasts." Gerhart thought.

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