Death Sutra

Chapter 338 - Pledging Allegiance

Chapter 338: Pledging Allegiance

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Zhong Heng was smart, sometimes too smart. All his previous bosses knew that none of their private matters escaped him, thus made sure that he was not frequently promoted and at last, his ambitions died. In his own words, he now wanted nothing more than to get rich and find a peaceful place to live his last years.

To him, pouring out his heart to someone was not only ridiculous but also dangerous. However, he decided to trust Dragon King, if only for the chance of fortune and security for the rest of his days. “I pledge allegiance to you, to help you become a real king and even claim the entire Western Region.”

Gu Shenwei was slightly taken aback. He had always appreciated Zhong Heng and had learned many useful principles from him. Therefore, he found it hard to imagine that someone as slippery as him would take their chances with him, whose status was not yet established. “Commandant Zhong is an Officer from the Central Plain.”

Zhong Heng gave out a wry smile. “I am indeed, but the Superior Officer of the Central Plain wants me dead! Wei Song is crafty, he must have known who killed Wei Lingmiao and that I’m involved. Before, he was in the Central Plain giving a report of his work and could not do anything about me. Now he’s the powerful Commanding Officer of the Western Region. How am I supposed to compete with that? To be honest, I have nowhere to go but to Dragon King.”

It sounded like a perfect reason, but Gu Shenwei still did not accept it immediately. For those who volunteered information too readily, there was a fine line between being too enthusiastic and invoking arrogance, and being too suspicious and making them disheartened. Gu Shenwei could not say that he could navigate it well; he could only try to get close.

“What about Shangguan Nu? He was also involved in the murder of Wei Lingmiao; isn’t he worried about Wei Song’s revenge?”

“He’s a different matter entirely. He now holds an important position and is an indispensable pawn of Central Plain. In my opinion, if Jade City is in turmoil, and the Central Plain army is not ready to fight, Shangguan Nu will likely be made Supreme King. In the case of that, even if Wei Song knows Shangguan Nu is an accomplice, he can only play dumb.”

“Doesn’t Shangguan Nu protect you?”

“Well, we never talk about it. But it’s obvious. He has nothing to worry about, he is not on the same boat as me. Why would he protect me? But, if I am on the same boat with the Dragon King, we can help each other. No, you are the one steering; I’ll help you row.”

Gu Shenwei was impressed. In truth, he had known Zhong Heng was at a crossroads; he just wanted Zhong Heng to say it out loud.

Words were magical, when they were buried in one’s heart, they could grow into whatever form their owner wanted; but once they were spoken aloud, these fleeting syllables would take on a fixed form that would shape their owner instead.

Pledging allegiance was similar. When it was just an idea, betrayal and loyalty were just amorphous concepts, it could take on any form it liked. But, when it was spoken, it was binding.

The shaping could be modest, but also unbreakable. But no matter what, it began its work.

Gu Shenwei was familiar with both pledging and receiving an allegiance. He knew that the frequent pledges that Luo Ningcha required were only guaranteed by the power of words. Yet, at the same time, without prescribed rules, any allegiance could be untrustworthy.

He stood up and spoke the words that he had been pondering. He was not fully satisfied with them, but it was the best he could do. “In my heart, Commandant Zhong has been a good friend and teacher. You have taught me a lot. Now that we have the same enemy, I’d like to fight against them beside you.”

Zhong Heng knew what he had to do. He knelt on one leg, bowed his head and said, “Dragon King, please accept my allegiance.”

This was a simple ceremony. The two sides did not completely trust each other. But it had been an important step because they would not have to investigate each other but could go straight to business.

Zhong Heng wanted riches and Gu Shenwei desired information and advice.

“According to my estimation, in two more years, the provisions and supplies that the Central Plain will have stored in the Western Region will be able to feed an army of 100,000 soldiers. When countries like the Loulan Kingdom come to their aid, the army will expand to almost 150,000 soldiers. At that time, their only rival in the Western Region will be Norland.”

It was only now that Gu Shenwei knew how dire the situation was. All these years, the Central Plain had been expanding slowly in the Western Region, giving the impression that they would not act in the near future. But it had been a facade. Their soldiers could march into the Western Region anytime. What would finally cripple the Western Region was their supplies, and Central Plain had been secretly hoarding supplies, in order to get the Western Region under control once for all.

If the Great Snowmountain wanted to become independent, they had to possess a piece of land first. Fang Wenshi’s plan to get the throne in five to ten years was far too optimistic.

“The Central Plain’s only concern is Norland.” Zhong Heng continued. Having lived in the Western Region for years, he was accustomed to the mindset and felt indifferent to the country. “Khan is badly sick and will die at any time. I guess the Central Plain is waiting for him to die and for Norland to go into turmoil. When they can’t attend the Western Region in the south, the Central Plain will simply march through the main passage to the Western Region or even go up north.”

When the Central Plain seized the Western Region, Dragon King and his Great Snowmountain would become redundant.

Zhong Heng was a junior officer and had no access to confidential information. He could only speculate and had not developed any plans. Still, Gu Shenwei was in need of a resourceful counselor like Fang Wenshi.

But the threat of the Western Region was still far off. The nearest danger was from Wei Song. “Special Envoy Mr. Lin has brought 50 guard troops, 10 of them are not local, they came from the Central Plain. I would say the bandits in the desert are just pawns, the real master is among the 10.”

“They were sent by the Central Plain?”

“I’m not sure, perhaps you might be able to tell. I’ll arrange for you to meet them.”

Though Wei Song had evil intentions, Gu Shenwei did not want to fight him in the open, and definitely not so soon. The Central Plain was the Great Snowmountain’s biggest benefactor. Though not entirely definitively, it could easily scare away other forces in the Western Region. “It’s best that we don’t do it the antagonistic way. I don’t think Wei Song will fight us openly.”

“Yes, you’re right. Mr. Wei is the Commanding Officer of the Western Region and the alliance with the Great Snowmountain was made by the previous Commanding Officer, he won’t openly abandon it so soon. In fact, I have an idea, but I’m not sure how you’ll like it.”

“Go ahead.”

“You have to be the Emperor’s son-in-law.”

Zhong Heng did not elaborate any further, he believed that the Dragon King knew his meaning.

The Central Plain hoped to use the Stone Kingdom to control the entire Xiaoyao Lake — it was their basic strategy. Lin Tao had chosen the Loulan Kingdom Prince as his puppet, but if the Dragon King managed to eke out, Wei Song would be forced to continue allying with the Dragon King and Great Snowmountain and would have to abort the assassination.

In the case of Zhong Heng, as long as the Dragon King was alive, Wei Song would not act so rashly as to kill him.

Gu Shenwei had never liked the Stone Kingdom Princess. Part of what he told Lin Tao was true; the Xiaoyao Lake was far away from the Great Snowmountain. Even if he claimed that territory, it was like distant water that could not quench the present thirst. It would help much in defeating the Golden Roc Fort.

Now, he needed to think about how to marry the Princess.

Zhong Heng could not stay for long, and after the discussion, he withdrew.

In the evening, Maid Lotus finally returned.

Maid Lotus did not openly present herself to Dragon King in the Stone Kingdom. Just as she left the desert, she put on a disguise to search for the Four Truths Temple monks.

The monks did not stay in the royal palace; instead, they had settled at Nengjue Temple in the city. Nengjue Temple was not big, but it was Stone Kingdom’s national temple. It was conveniently located close to the royal palace.

“It’s true that the King is going to abdicate and become a monk.” Maid Lotus brought back a lot of useful intelligence. “The monks are busy preparing. It looks like that the King will shave his hair before the Princess gets married. You have to be the Emperor’s son-in-law; you don’t even need to have a son to get the throne.”

“I don’t want to be the Emperor’s son-in-law…” Gu Shenwei had not decided yet, but he would rather not discuss it with Maid Lotus.

Maid Lotus did not press. “The good news is that it is not just the old monk who practices the Sumeru Mustard divine kung fu, some of his disciples practice it too. But they’re too dumb to master it; I think I can capture one of them to interrogate.”

Maid Lotus had benefited from Fayan’s Internal Strength and had never forgotten it since.

“Don’t.” Gu Shenwei thought it was not the top priority at the moment, “I need you to do something for me.”


“Special Emissary from the Central Plains has 50 guard troops; the Central Plain may have planted masters among them. Go and find out, but don’t engage.”

Maid Lotus did not ask any further. Before leaving, she took out a pile of papers. “I said I would tell you all the secrets of the New Moon Hall. This is part of it, I’ll write down the rest. You’d better destroy it afterward; I don’t want the New Moon Hall people to find out.”

Gu Shenwei put them away and said nothing. After she had left, he carefully read through them.

The first thing she presented was the New Moon Hall’s most important occult science, the Divine Rotation.

The Divine Rotation was indeed a wicked kung fu, the practicer would not gain Internal Strength through it, and must consume others’ to feed himself to recover his Qi.

Not only the cultivation method was written down in detail, but the pained reactions of each victim were listed. The inventor of the practice seemed to relish them.

One of the reactions was letting out continuous bloodcurdling screams. Monk Fayan had learned it somehow and knew that someone was practicing the Divine Rotation in the tent.

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Even if he fully trusted Maid Lotus, he would not practice such a method. He held out the paper to the candle but suddenly changed his mind. He folded the paper and carefully put it away.

It was dark outside, but Gu Shenwei did not intend to sleep. He wanted to meet Shangguan Fei. He always had the feeling that other than getting the Stone Kingdom Princess, the Supreme King had a larger plot, a plot that he was not even close to deciphering.

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