Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 805: About the Ashes

In a being where stars themselves seemed to roar with a sound so powerful it threatened to unravel the very fabric of existence, Ray Nora found herself immersed in a celestial revelation. Bathed in the dazzling light of countless stars, her soul felt illuminated, her mind appearing to dissolve under the weight of profound truths unveiled before her.

She felt an inexplicable unity with these truths, understanding the teachings of the thousand stars. Knowledge previously beyond her grasp now lay within her understanding, revealing the intricate logic that governed the cosmos. At the fringes of her vision, a mesmerizing pale purple starlight danced, its stunning beauty rendering her breathless.

Lifting her gaze to the heavens, where billions of starry eyes twinkled back at her, she whispered, half to herself, “I understand now… those are the remnants, the cooled embers left from when worlds collided… But the ashes aren’t extinguished; they merely await a new purpose, a reconfiguration…”

Her words sounded foreign, even to her, sparking a flicker of doubt. Yet, that doubt quickly dissipated as the meaning of her own words crystallized within her. The starlight in front of her seemed to flicker in agreement, acknowledging her realization.

Observing Ray Nora, Zhou Ming was taken aback by her precise understanding, especially since he didn’t expect the Frost Queen to grasp his concepts so deeply. His curiosity about her realization was overshadowed by the urgency of focusing on the “ashes” beyond the boundaries that Ray Nora had identified.

He reflected on the theory posited by Navigator Two, that the universe could be viewed as a colossal “mathematical machine,” a repository and processor of all data and operational logic. The catastrophic event known as the Great Annihilation could then be interpreted as the result of forcing together several incompatible “systems,” leading to conflicts and critical errors.

This collision of cosmic systems disrupted the orderly flow of “information” within their domains, rendering what was once coherent and accessible data into chaos. The mathematical frameworks of these universes were compromised, losing their ability to function stably.

The protective measures erected by ancient gods resembled a makeshift sandbox environment, a last-ditch effort to maintain some semblance of order amid the chaos. This sandbox managed to preserve a fraction of the “information mapping,” yet, in essence, it too was engulfed in the systemic collapse.

Information, however, does not simply vanish, especially not in the face of cataclysms like the Great Annihilation. From the perspective of the “mathematical machine” model, the “information units” that make up the cosmos hadn’t disappeared; they had merely lost their linkage to the “world laws” or the operational framework of the universe, similar to…

Zhou Ming halted abruptly, his gaze drifting contemplatively towards the far corner of the room, where a lone computer sat humming quietly, its cursor blinking as though imbued with life. Under his watchful eye, the cursor began to move of its own accord, revealing a message on the screen:

“Data corrupted, format incomplete – World.”

For a brief moment, Zhou Ming blinked, and the message on the screen vanished as if it had been a mere figment of his imagination. Yet, the message resonated deeply with him, confirming his suspicions.

He exhaled softly, a whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind. As he began to sort through these thoughts, achieving a momentary clarity, a sense of unease crept back in.

Zhou Ming pondered the nature of the information — its apparent indestructibility within the confines of a “world” seemed logical, but what about beyond? In the vast emptiness, where the civilization of his creators had once caught fleeting glimpses of the boundless “void,” what universal laws might govern such a place?

The more he thought about it, the more he realized the futility of trying to comprehend what lay beyond his world with a mind that had never ventured past its borders. His brows furrowed in frustration, yet amidst this contemplation, he recalled his recent discussions with Navigator Two.

He remembered the AI’s fear and paranoia, its concerns and visions of transcending the very fabric of their world — leaving a “possibility” for future civilizations to explore.

Gradually, as his mind settled, a smile crept across Zhou Ming’s face. The mysteries that eluded him now would, he believed, one day be unraveled by someone in the future.

Observing the ancient being before her, Ray Nora sensed his turbulent thought process come to rest. Gathering her courage, she timidly inquired, “Do you have any plans next?”

Zhou Ming paused, lifting his hand to gaze silently at his palm.

There, the Bright Star began to dance, its light spreading across his skin, briefly bringing forth “ashes” that morphed into various forms before dissipating like mirages.

He mused aloud, “The fundamental ‘material’ issue has been resolved, yet the nature of these materials isn’t quite as anticipated. These ‘cooled ashes’ have lost all connection to the world’s foundational system; they’ve ceased their evolution, setting them apart from the Four Gods and the Boundless Sea… A gentle ‘recompilation’ won’t suffice to reshape them. As you’ve seen, the moment my influence wanes, they simply fade away. These ‘cooled embers’ are devoid of the self-sustainability needed for permanence…”

“Perhaps the solution lies in reaching a ‘critical point’? We need to fundamentally restructure these ‘materials’ by redefining their relationships and providing them with an initial burst of momentum…”

Zhou Ming shared his thoughts aloud, seemingly indifferent to whether Ray Nora, known as “the Frost Queen,” could grasp the complexity of his ideas. Given her past reactions, which suggested a deep understanding of many topics, he treated her as someone with a keen intuitive grasp.

Ray Nora, who had become accustomed to the depth and intricacy of their conversations, effortlessly navigated the complexity of the discussion, grasping the concept he presented.

Her response came with a mix of surprise and concern, “Do you mean to ignite the entire Boundless Sea?” Her eyes widened at the thought, revealing her misinterpretation of his statement.

“No, no, no,” Zhou Ming hastened to clarify, with a dismissive wave of his hand. “The ‘critical point’ I’m referring to isn’t about causing a literal explosion of something specific. It’s more about a metaphorical ‘information explosion,'” he explained, attempting to correct her misunderstanding while pondering, “Though, it may indeed result in a significant release of energy, it’s not about destroying the Boundless Sea…”

He left unsaid the fact that the Boundless Sea might nevertheless be irretrievably altered or even disappear as a result of this process.

Ray Nora, still intrigued but choosing not to delve further into the fate of the Boundless Sea, shifted the conversation after a moment’s thought, “Do you have an idea where this ‘critical point’ might be?”

Zhou Ming, stroking his chin thoughtfully, replied with careful consideration, “I have some preliminary thoughts,” before quickly steering the topic away, “But there’s no need for concern over this at the moment. My current priority is on those ‘ashes’ beyond the boundary.”

This response brought a solemn expression to Ray Nora’s face.

“The Vanished is navigating towards the world’s end,” Zhou Ming mused, hinting at a significant upcoming venture. “After this journey concludes, I must personally explore what lies beyond the boundary—to see those ‘ashes’ you mentioned with my own eyes.”

Ray Nora, ready to assist, promptly asked, “Is there something I can do to help?”

“My physical presence is bound here… at least for now,” Zhou Ming responded earnestly, “So, when the time comes, I’ll need you to lead the Vanished to that specific area of ashes.”

Confused, Ray Nora questioned, “What exactly should I do?”

“In practical terms, your direct involvement isn’t necessary—it’s actually your ‘little house’ that will play a crucial role,” Zhou Ming explained, gesturing towards the window, “Position your ‘little house’ at the fog’s edge, and Alice should manage to locate it.”

“My house?” Ray Nora echoed, momentarily puzzled before realization dawned, “Oh, you’re referring to its connection with ‘Alice’s Mansion’?”

With a slight nod, Zhou Ming confirmed her understanding.

The “room” that Ray Nora acquired from Alice’s Mansion is fundamentally the escape pod from the spaceship known as New Hope. Given its nature as an escape pod, it’s designed with features akin to emergency positioning and distress signaling capabilities. Zhou Ming had come across information deep within Alice’s Mansion indicating an “unauthorized ejection of the escape pod.” Logically, as the originating vessel, Alice’s Mansion—or more accurately, New Hope—should possess the technology to re-establish the location of this escape pod.

Suppose the mother ship can determine the pod’s location. In that case, Alice (who is Navigator Three, piloting the Vanished) should be capable of pinpointing Ray Nora’s precise position at the edge of their known universe.

Zhou Ming considers this strategy the most viable approach to navigate to the “lands beyond.” In a realm where conventional order disintegrates and the very fabric of space-time is in flux, specific methods of positioning and navigation are crucial. This is true even for the Vanished, a vessel tasked with traversing such chaotic boundaries.

However, Zhou Ming also contemplates potential complications—such as damage to the escape pod’s positioning system, Alice’s Mansion’s inability to locate it, or the unique conditions at the universe’s border distorting or obstructing the connection between the pod and the mother ship. Thus, before Ray Nora sets off, it’s essential to prepare alternative solutions.

Under Ray Nora’s inquisitive watch, Zhou Ming extended his hand, revealing a softly glowing pale green flame, enveloped in a celestial light, gently flickering in his palm.

“Accept this; it’s a far mightier flame than the one I’ve given you before,” he offered. “Should Alice fail to locate the ‘little house,’ I intend to use this flame as a means to forge a path. Yet, consider this a contingency plan. The flame’s ability to transmit power has its limits. Ideally, the Vanished should directly navigate to the designated location.”

Ray Nora eyed the mesmerizing flame, its luminance steeped in starlight, casting a brilliant glow in the dimly lit chaos around them. The power emanating from the flame instilled a sense of awe and a touch of fear within her—a feeling she hadn’t encountered even when braving the depths of the icy seas.

After a moment of hesitation, marked by the gravity of the task ahead, the queen gave a slight nod.

Extending her hand towards the flame, she affirmed, “I’ll carry it with me—beyond the boundary, awaiting your arrival and that of the Vanished.”

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