Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 13: Oceanos (1)

Chapter 13: Oceanos (1)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 13

EP.13 Oceanos (1)

Pohang City, South Korea, where Parang resided, was nestled right next to the sea—the East Sea, as we commonly know it.

Following the coastline northward through the Sea of Okhotsk, one would reach a sea bordered by Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula to the west, Alaska to the east, and the Aleutian Islands stretching southward in a curve.

The Bering Sea. The northernmost part of the Pacific Ocean, it bordered the Arctic Ocean.

The Bering Strait, a roughly 100km long channel, separated the Arctic Ocean from the Bering Sea, and it was here that the Arctic Ocean Point 3 was located.

Parang had traveled to the warp gate in Wales, Alaska, and from there, moved to the 3km depth point in the Arctic Ocean.

Given its location, the Bering Sea was incredibly cold. Parang turned the heating function of her diving suit to its maximum.

Even then, it was still a bit chilly.

The average depth of the Bering Strait was about 30-50 meters. Normally, it would be impossible to arrange a meeting at a 3km depth, but…

For some reason, the underwater topography of this world was entirely different from Earth’s. The only similarity was the shallow West Sea and the deep East Sea around South Korea, which seemed coincidental.

Parang didn’t know the reason for this.

In the middle of the Bering Strait in this world, there was a trench 3km deep.

It looked more like a sinkhole than a trench, but for convenience, it was called the Bering Trench.

As Parang swam diligently towards the meeting point, she spotted the Bering Trench.

It looked as if someone had pressed a finger into the ground, creating an unnaturally sunken dark hole amidst the gentle plain.

Standing on the seabed, Parang peered down into the trench.


The hole was so dark it felt almost alien.

Bubbles were rising from the depths.

Without hesitation, Parang dove into the hole as if diving into the sea once more.

She descended rapidly, rapidly, rapidly.

Of course, she encountered a few strange fish on the way, but she ignored them since she had urgent business.

However, fate was unkind. Despite her frantic rush, Parang arrived last.

And the world was harsh to those who came last.

‘No way…’

At the bottom of the Bering Trench, Parang looked ahead with an expression of sheer frustration.

She was inside a prison.

Not metaphorically, but literally a prison with iron bars.

Still, being placed right in front of a hydrothermal vent made it warm and somewhat comfortable.

No, it wasn’t comfortable at all. Parang stomped her feet in frustration.

“I wasn’t even late, I just arrived last!”

Regardless, the five people outside the prison remained unmoved.

There were six chairs arranged in a circle around the hydrothermal vent and one prison.

Five people sat in the chairs, and one person was trapped in the prison.

It felt like a hearing.

“Reflect on your actions.”

A woman with long white hair dressed in a Soviet military uniform glared at Parang.

Parang always wondered where she got that uniform. It was in pristine condition.

“Is that really something you should be saying?!”

Parang was now waving her arms around in frustration.

Seeing this, a muscular man next to her sighed.

“Parang, how many times have I told you to stop sleeping underwater? You’re closer to the meeting point than I am, yet you always arrive late.”


In truth, they weren’t genuinely angry. She wasn’t actually late. Why would they be mad?

It was just that they all took pride in their swimming speed, and teasing the person who arrived last had become a tradition.

Parang also enjoyed teasing others when they were late.

But this time, Parang felt genuinely wronged.

“It’s because Elvira interfered!!”

Parang pointed at the woman in the Soviet military uniform.

It was true. Right after Parang had dived into the trench, Elvira had arrived and,

“Elvira? Oh…!!”

– Boom-!! –


She had summoned a 5-meter diameter mine right in front of Parang, and while Parang was caught in the explosion, Elvira had taken the lead.


She didn’t forget to teabag either.

“Whether you were interfered with or not, late is late. You’ll stay in there today.”

The most fun thing in the world is teasing an angry person. It’s even more fun when it’s a close friend you’ve known for years.

A slender woman with short red hair sat with her legs crossed and spoke to Parang.

Her bright red hair was so vivid that it was visible even underwater, making it look like her head was on fire.

A black-haired girl with a bun hairstyle and wearing a black dress also chimed in.

“Vertea is right. If there’s a mine in front of you, you should avoid it, right? I think Parang is at fault. How can a B-rank hunter get blocked by a C-rank?”

She spoke fluent Korean, despite it not being her native language.

Thanks to Hunter Han Siwoo, who wasn’t particularly proud of it, Korean had become a global official language. This spared Parang the trouble of studying languages.

“Xiao, you’re saying this because I teased you about your rank last time, aren’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right. If you don’t like it, don’t be late.”

Xiao never missed a chance to get a word in. She must have been really upset about being teased for being a D-rank last time.

“Alright, everyone has had their say. Let’s get to the main point. Why did you call us here?”

The woman with the short red hair, referred to as Vertea, spoke up.

Strictly speaking, there was one person who hadn’t spoken, but unfortunately, Diego couldn’t speak underwater yet.

Wearing a thick, deep-sea pressure suit, he could only nod his head regretfully.

Anyway, they had gathered to work, so work they must.

All eyes turned to Elvira, who had issued the summons.

Parang, sensing the shift, bent the iron bars and took a seat.

Thus, the six hunters gathered around the hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the Bering Trench began their meeting.


“Some sperm whales have mutated again.”

Elvira looked around at the group and spoke.

Xiao rubbed her forehead at this news. Her reaction indicated annoyance.

Parang also disliked hunting sperm whales.

“How many?”

Parang crossed her legs. She seemed to relax a bit in front of this group.


“How do they always mutate in such perfect numbers, making it impossible to slack off?”

Vertea half-closed her eyes and slouched.

In contrast, Russell’s eyes sparkled with interest.

“What’s their size?”

Parang noticed that Russell’s teeth were sharp like a shark’s. It meant he was excited.

“Three are 300 meters, two are 450 meters, and one is 600 meters.”

“Not the worst. Let’s draw lots.”

Parang suggested.

The reason for drawing lots was due to their long-standing tradition.

“What do you mean, ‘not the worst’? The fact that they’re sperm whales already makes it the worst…”

Vertea slouched even more in her seat, almost sliding off.

Her legs dipped into the boiling hydrothermal vent, but she didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she stood up, sat on the edge of the vent, and dangled her legs into it.

“You’re the one with a good match against sperm whales, so why are you complaining?”

Elvira retorted.

“Ugh, I don’t care. I just want to go home and finish writing my book.”

The book she referred to was a bestiary of strange fish. Over 80% of the currently known strange fish had been named by Vertea.

Before her, these creatures were simply called long ones, big ones, or disgusting ones. But once Vertea named them, they became her responsibility.

A classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.

“I agree. If I had known they were sperm whales, I wouldn’t have come.”

Xiao, looking fed up, stood up and kicked her chair away.

The ground wriggled, and a few fish and human bones twisted together to form a grotesque sunbed.

She lay down on it, looking like a tourist on vacation.

Vertea, finding her previous position uncomfortable, fully submerged herself in the hydrothermal vent, leaving only her arms resting on the ground.

In the deep blue abyss, the secret organization Oceanos, tasked with protecting the world, didn’t feel like working.

“Let’s just catch them quickly and get it over with. We’re going to do it anyway, so why complain?”

Elvira glared icily at Vertea and Xiao.

“Elvira’s right. If it’s a hassle, let’s finish it quickly and go home.”

Parang agreed.

– Thump-thump. –

Diego stomped his feet twice from his seat, signaling his agreement.

“I think the same. If it’s going to be a hassle, let’s finish it quickly and go home. I have a B-rank promotion exam tomorrow morning.”

Based on her experience, Parang guessed that Russell was only half-telling the truth. He wasn’t annoyed at all, he was probably excited and trying hard to hide it.

But the part about the B-rank promotion exam was likely true.

Four to two. The decision to hunt the sperm whales was passed.

“Since I won’t be much help with sperm whales anyway, can I just go?”

“Do you think that’s possible?”

Xiao’s suggestion was immediately dismissed.

And so, the much-anticipated drawing of lots began. Xiao pulled out six identical bones from the ground and inscribed numbers on them.

“If you mess with the lots like last time, you’ll be assigned the 600-meter one without mercy.”

Vertea glared at Xiao as if she would devour her. She must have been really upset about what happened last time.

“I’m not going to.”

The tension was palpable as they drew lots.

Vertea, Russell, and Diego got the 300-meter ones,

Xiao and Elvira got the 450-meter ones,

and Parang got the 600-meter one.

It was unfair, but there was nothing she could do.

With the work discussion over, it was time for some casual conversation since they hadn’t seen each other in a while.

Xiao was the first to speak.

“Oh, right. Speaking of which.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to her.

“I found an ‘artifact.’”


Everyone’s attention was immediately drawn. There was only one thing ‘artifact’ could refer to here.

Hunter Han Siwoo. She was talking about the divine items he created.

Naturally, from the day after his ascension, Oceanos had been searching for these artifacts. Xiao had been the fastest in the search, thanks to her abilities.

“Where is it? Whose is it? What kind of artifact?”

Russell, excited, fired off questions rapidly.

“Calm down. It’s located in the deepest part of the ‘Hive’ in the South China Sea. I don’t know whose it is or exactly what kind of artifact it is.”

“We’ll find out once we retrieve and use it. Who’s going to go?”

Elvira’s question hung in the air. Hunter Han Siwoo was a production hunter. Naturally, artifacts made by a production hunter who became a god were highly coveted.

However, there was no dispute over who would go. Xiao’s next statement made that clear.

“Only Parang can go. It’s guarded by a ‘starfish’.”

“Oh. In that case.”

Everyone fell silent, then nodded in agreement.

“Parang has to go.”

“Indeed. What a shame.”

Everyone seemed to accept it, even Parang.

“I’ll get there as soon as possible. Would tomorrow or the day after be okay?”

“Whenever is convenient for you. I have plenty of time.”

As Xiao finished speaking, Elvira took her turn.

“Alright, let’s settle that matter. Parang.”


“What happened with that broadcast?”


Russell looked at Elvira with a puzzled expression.

“You didn’t know?”

Vertea seemed to be aware.

“What broadcast?”

Xiao was in the dark.

Diego shook his head quietly.

Elvira glared at the group.

“Can’t you all show a bit more interest in each other’s lives?”

“I’m busy with my own stuff. Why should I care about yours?”

“Xiao’s right. Parang probably doesn’t care about us either. Do you even know that Diego got his B-rank?”



Russell grinned triumphantly at Elvira.

“So, what’s this broadcast about? Did you make it to the news or something?”

Vertea answered Xiao’s question.

“He did a live broadcast underwater yesterday. He was hunting a Galecus.”

Russell and Xiao squinted their eyes in curiosity.

“How did that happen?”

Parang began to explain the whole story.



After hearing the entire story, Russell and Xiao had opposite reactions. Xiao looked a bit skeptical, while Russell seemed impressed.

The one with doubts usually speaks first. Xiao opened her mouth.

“Well, it seems like you know what you’re doing, but from what you said, it sounds like you didn’t use the Kraken. Was that intentional?”

“Yes. No matter what, showing that on a broadcast wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“Why are you even doing broadcasts? Isn’t it risky for people to see you not using the Kraken and misunderstand? You could have had Elvira or Xiao do it. They wouldn’t have any issues being in the spotlight, and they’re more entertaining to watch.”

“Would they do it if asked?”

“Absolutely not.”


Elvira and Xiao nodded simultaneously.

“See, they wouldn’t do it anyway… Oh.”

Parang suddenly remembered something and addressed everyone.

“You guys need to come to Korea soon.”


“The statues. They’ve surfaced again.”

The atmosphere instantly turned icy.

“Oh, that? Got it.”

Elvira responded nonchalantly.

“What? Didn’t we destroy all of them last time?”

Russell looked surprised.

“We thought so, but it seems some were left behind.”

“Ha, so some remained. Those damn bastards…”

Xiao gritted her teeth.

“We can’t miss out on hunting those cursed stones.”

Veins bulged on Vertea’s forehead.

“If you saw them, you should have called us immediately. The sperm whales aren’t the real issue here.”

Even Elvira’s voice now carried an unmistakable anger.

“I saw them last night.”

“Alright, we understand. If it’s about the statues, we’ll be there.”

“I’ll let you know the time. It’s frustrating that we can’t catch them ourselves.”

“Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.”

Xiao, for once, said something that Parang found comforting, surprising her.

“Let’s track them to their habitat and destroy everything.”

Russell’s eyes seemed to burn with determination.

“This time, we’ll obliterate them completely and pour a drink at Alice’s grave.”

At Vertea’s words, all six members of Oceanos fell silent.

Just thinking about that cursed monstrosity made their blood boil.

“Anyway, that’s that, and the whales are still the whales. How about a bet for old times’ sake?”

Parang tried to lighten the mood by changing the subject.

Xiao immediately took the bait.

“The loser buys drinks. Sound good?”

“Xiao, that sounds like you’re volunteering to buy.”

“I’d rather die than hear that from you, Vertea.”

Reading the room, the six members of Oceanos exchanged glances.

“Chukchi Ridge. Let’s go.”

With Elvira’s words, their eyes gleamed,

and then,

– whoosh!! –

They all shot up from the trench floor like bullets.

The only thing left in the midst of the scattered chairs was the hydrothermal vent, still spewing boiling water.

Illustration of Yu Parang

Name: Yu Parang

Residence: South Korea

Personal Skill: Daugther of the Kraken (S)

Illustration of Vertea Fabron

Name: Vertea Fabron

Residence: France

Personal Skill: ???

Illustration of Xiao

Name: Xiao

Residence: Hongkong

Personal Skill: Ghost Captain (S)

Illustration of Elvira Petrov

Name:Elvira Petrov

Residence: Russia

Personal Skill: ???

Illustration of Russell Bright

Name: Russell Bright

Residence: Hawaii

Personal Skill: ???

Illustration of Diego Lopez Martin


Name: Diego Lopez Martin

Residence: Mexico

Personal Skill: ???

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