Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 35: Worldwide (1)

Chapter 35: Worldwide (1)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 35

EP.35 Worldwide (1)

[Parang, about your broadcast.]

[Can I appear as a guest tomorrow?]

Parang’s eyes widened.

Vertea? On the broadcast??

Honestly, it was a bit sudden and surprising.

A long-time friend suddenly saying, ‘I want to do a broadcast.’ It was hard to imagine.

And Vertea on a broadcast. Honestly, it was a bit concerning. She was articulate and spoke well usually, but thinking of her on a broadcast was a bit…

Vertea was a scholar. She knew a lot and had excellent learning abilities.

And she enjoyed explaining what she knew to others. It wasn’t about showing off or boasting.

It was a pure desire to spread knowledge, hoping the other person would also know it.

Vertea had a strong inclination towards that.

[On my broadcast?]

[It’s fine, but why?]

[Just, it looks fun.]

[And the idea of preventing people from diving isn’t bad.]


[Monster fish lecture.]

The future of deep-sea broadcasting looked bright.

It must have been today’s broadcast by Parang that triggered this.

It was a very Vertea-like action.

[And the number of people diving in Europe is increasing. We need to stop it.]


Parang didn’t particularly disagree with that.

As shown in the graph by Silo, the number of diving hunters was steadily decreasing.

Not only in Korea but also abroad.

The hot clip videos of Parang’s broadcast posted by a mysterious account frequently appeared in the global T-Tube algorithm, almost suspiciously.

At first, Parang dismissed it as ‘lucky,’ but now she knew the reason.

Simply put, T-Tube was owned by Silo.

There were also increasingly frequent Korean-translated chats.

─Amazing! What is that?

─Mysterious! Pa-lang, you are the best!

─Damn!! What is that!! Damn!! Son of a bitch!!

It was always a bit funny, and she struggled to hold back her laughter.

In short, Parang was quite famous abroad as well.

However, despite her popularity, people in Europe and America continued to dive.

Recently, someone even went down to the 500m mark.

It probably felt like a different world because Parang’s broadcast only showed the East Sea and the South China Sea.

When something is physically distant, it’s natural for the mind to feel distant as well.

In that sense, if Vertea or other Oceanos started broadcasting, it would certainly have a good impact.

They would be showing the conditions of the seas they intended to dive into.

[So, I want to appear as a guest on your broadcast once to get a feel for it, and then focus on activities centered in Europe.]

It seemed like a good idea to Parang. It was a request from one of her closest friends, so she could accommodate that.

She had some ideas to handle the issue of excessive explanations.

[There’s no reason not to.]

[Great. Then come out.]


[I’m in front of your house.]


Her voice burst out in surprise.

She hurriedly ran to open the door, and there stood Vertea.

In the dark of night.

“Sorry. I forgot to consider the time difference. It was afternoon when I warped.”

“Oh, okay.”

That was a lie. Someone who constantly roams the world’s oceans wouldn’t forget about time differences.

She just wanted to see Parang’s surprised reaction.

Despite being caught off guard every time, Parang was taken aback once again.

“How did you… Never mind, come in.”


Vertea entered the house and skillfully found the guest room.

It was because she often had to travel globally, like during the sperm whale hunt.

If something happened in the East Sea, she would stay at Parang’s house; if something happened in the Caribbean, she would stay at Diego’s house.

So, your house is my house, and my house is your house.

Since they were all professional fighters, they were indifferent to such matters.

“See you tomorrow.”


And so, the next day.

[ ??????????????? ]

[ Author: JustUpvoted ]

(A screenshot of Parang’s broadcast. The title reads ‘East Sea Exploration Day 2 (Collab)’.)


─Damn, collabs were possible?

─With whom?

ㄴ Is it that monster expert she mentioned before?

ㄴ Judging by the context, it seems so.

─Damn, lol, the host doing a collab, can’t even imagine.

─sSince it’s a collab, does that mean no viewer abuse today?

ㄴ Oh

ㄴ Oh

Poor souls.


“Hm~ Hm~”

Vertea and Parang were lying side by side in the water.

Waiting for the viewers to gather.

Vertea didn’t seem to mind lying still in the water either,

with her hands behind her head and her legs crossed.

As if lying on a sunbed at the beach.

Both in the same pose.

Fundamentally, all the women of Oceanos were beauties.

With a beauty next to another beauty, the viewers’ eyes were delighted.

Moreover, both Parang and Vertea exuded a mysterious aura, so lying still in the water made them look like a painting.

For this moment, viewers could forget the usual brutal broadcasts and enjoy true healing.

‘Maybe I should play some appropriate music next time.’

Parang thought.

A tranquil piano piece playing in the background of the underwater laziness. It seemed like a good idea.

She glanced at the viewer count and saw that it had risen quite a bit.

She lightly tapped Vertea, who was beside her.

Vertea understood and stretched leisurely.

As usual, they checked the camera and the sound levels.

“Ah, ah. Can you hear me well?”

─Wow, this is amazing.

─We can hear you well.

─Who’s next to you?

─Who is that person next to you?

Vertea began to introduce herself fluently.

“I’m Vertea Fabron. Nice to meet you.”

Her fluent Korean, mixed with the soft, rolling pronunciation unique to French, gave off an elegant vibe.

Combined with her calm tone, it was enough to excite the viewers.

─Ddu-dae… U-dae-ddu-uu…

─Please marry me.

─Parang, I’m sorry…

“Just so you know, Vertea is also reading the chat in real-time.”




“Okay, you can continue.”

“Oh, okay.”

Vertea continued speaking calmly.

“Hmm, hmm. I’m Vertea Fabron. I live in Paris, France, and currently, I research monster fishs as a job? Hobby? Anyway, that’s what I mainly do. I’ve known Parang for a few years, and today, I begged her to let me appear because it looked fun. Please take care of me.”

─ “Let’s do a broadcast together.”

─Like host, like friend, lol.

─So now there are two hosts, lol.

─Does that mean double the viewer abuse?

ㄴ No, no, that’s not allowed.

For the viewers, it was their first time meeting one of Parang’s acquaintances. Immediately, various questions started pouring in through donations and chat.

‘Anonymous’ donated 1,000 won!

[ Is this the person who contacted the host about monster research last time? ]

“That’s correct.”

‘Anonymous’ donated 10,000 won!

[ What is the host’s personality like usually? ]


Vertea pondered this question for a moment.

“In the water, she’s really cool. Sharp, meticulous, and strong. The image you see on the broadcast is exactly how she is.”

─What about outside the water?

“She’s a mess.”


─According to a close friend) She’s a mess outside the water.

Teasing a close friend is always the most fun.

It was another moment where Yu Parang’s cool beauty concept (surprisingly, she thought of herself that way) was peeled away.

“Everyone, she’s really a mess outside the water. If you trip her, she falls right over, and if you steal her food, she gets all gloomy, and…”

“St-stop!! Stop!!!”

─This is the first time I’ve seen the host flustered.

─Imagining the host getting her food stolen and getting gloomy makes me a bit sad.

ㄴ Where does it hurt?

That viewer didn’t appear for a while after that chat.

─Are you going into the East Sea Hive together today?

─Is it safe?

─I’m worried since she seems to be just a researcher.

They knew well about Parang’s combat abilities from numerous broadcasts, but Vertea was different.

Since she introduced herself as a researcher, she gave off a weak impression.

But Parang quickly corrected that misunderstanding.

“Don’t worry. Vertea can go into the Hive alone and wipe them all out.”

Vertea added.

“Being a researcher doesn’t mean being weak. To study those things, you have to be strong. You need to see them with your own eyes and even take a bite to study them.”

─Now that I think about it, that makes sense.


The viewers’ perception of Vertea shifted slightly. From a frail researcher to a ruthless monster enthusiast.

Naturally, there was an inevitable question.

‘Nightglow Monster’ donated 5,000 won! –

[ Who would win if you two fought? ]

“She would win.”

Vertea answered without a moment’s hesitation.

The viewers, who were hoping for a lucky underwater battle between the two, were quickly disappointed by Vertea’s unwavering response.

─Is the host really that strong?

─Why are you surprised? The host is super strong.

─But wiping out a Hive alone is…

─She did it yesterday, will do it today, and will do it tomorrow.

─Now that I think about it, that’s true.

The viewers once again realized how incredible Parang was.

‘Anonymous’ donated 1,000 won!

[ Voice recording ]

“She’s really a mess. If you trip her, she falls right over…”

“Stop! Stop!”

Parang quickly skipped the voice donation.

─ ‘Gets gloomy if her food is stolen.’

─Haha, I really can’t take it.

Seeing the chat teasing her, Parang smiled softly.

Sometimes, it wasn’t so bad to enjoy this kind of atmosphere together.

Moreover, Parang had been a bit worried about whether Vertea would adapt to the broadcast.

Seeing her adapt well, Parang felt relieved.

“Alright, let’s start today’s broadcast. We’re heading to the Hive.”

And the viewers vaguely sensed it. It was something different from Parang.

Vertea. From this unfamiliar person, they somehow felt a similar vibe to the host.

The way she mercilessly shook Parang reminded them of how Parang used to torment them.

And then.


“Now, everyone. Look closely at this mouth. Do you see the red spot inside?”


─Wha#t the h#ll

“Don’t freak out and look properly. I won’t move the camera until you say you’ve seen it.”

─Today is really tough

─Two hosts, two hosts, two hosts, two hosts

Their bad feeling was never wrong.

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