Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 835: Organizing (5)

Dealing with the aftermath was always the hardest part.

Those words left behind by Jo Gyu-Min rang so true and so painfully for Kang Jin-Ho.

He never had a chance to properly feel the weight of those words before. After all, Kang Jin-Ho’s job was to cause trouble. He had other people to clean up after his mess until now.

Azure Demon took on that role in the past, while Jo Gyu-Min and Lee Hyeon-Su took care of things in the modern era. However, due to the unique nature of this particular situation, Kang Jin-Ho had no choice but to deal with the fallout himself.

Dealing with government officials or responding to rumors was the job of the other two men, but only Kang Jin-Ho could reassure and pacify the Seongsim people frightened by this event.

Park Yu-Min got the train going first. “Jin-Ho! The kids! They are fine, right? Right?! Where are they?”

“Noona! Where is noona? Is she okay?”

“Mister Jin-Ho?! Why can’t we go in and see the kids right now? Doctors said they are okay, but we still need to see them and make sure, you know?!”

“Why did this have to happen on Sunday, of all days?”

Kang Jin-Ho couldn’t help but squeeze his eyes shut.

‘How nice would it be if people talk to me one at a time…?’

It was truly lamentable, but Kang Jin-Ho was born with only one mouth. He didn't possess the miraculous ability to respond to all five questions at the same time.[1]

Being able to hear and process all five questions was still worthy of high praise, though.

This one-sided Q&A session was like a hellish torture, but much to Kang Jin-Ho's relief, all things would eventually come to an end.

Even though they tortured Kang Jin-Ho extensively, everyone instantly lost interest in him when the Seongsim kids began exiting the examination rooms. All those surrounding Kang Jin-Ho and tormenting him urgently rushed over to the kids to confirm with their own eyes and hands.

That meant Kang Jin-Ho was relegated to playing the third wheel… But he actually preferred that.

The result of the medical examination was that… No abnormalities were found.

As per the opinions of both Lee Hyeon-Su and Jo Gyu-Min, the Seongsim kids were scheduled to speak to trauma counselors, but it was postponed to another day. The thought behind the move was that chatting to shrinks right now would only add more stress to an already stressful day for these kids.

“Uhm, excuse me…?” Kang Jin-Ho cautiously raised his voice as the Seongsim people tearfully and emotionally talked to each other. “We're inconveniencing other people by standing around like this in the hospital lobby, everyone. How about we return to the orphanage…?”

What Kang Jin-Ho said was sensible enough. The Seongsim people would've unhesitantly agreed with him.

...If they had been listening, that was!

Even though Kang Jin-Ho was extra cautious in enunciating his words clearly, no one paid attention to him. It wasn’t the case of them roundly ignoring him, but… But it seemed like they genuinely failed to hear him.

“Uhm, uh…”

It'd be a little embarrassing to repeat himself only to be ignored again. However, standing around like a scarecrow and not doing anything was just as weird as well. Kang Jin-Ho, a man who became accustomed to people paying him the utmost attention even when he kept his voice low… was rudely reminded of how things were like a long, long time ago in his life.

‘Right, this… This is how it feels like.’

Something like this happened often during Kang Jin-Ho's first life. No one paid attention to him back then.

No, that wasn't quite right. People did pay attention to him. A disabled person stood out like a sore thumb among the populace, after all!

However, that was the extent of their attention. Even if they could see him, they weren’t interested in listening to him.

After recalling those old memories, Kang Jin-Ho was suddenly struck by a minor epiphany. Being surrounded by family and friends was one of the greatest luxuries a person could be blessed with. During his first life, Kang Jin-Ho had no one to watch him quietly wither away and die.

“...Jin-Ho Hyung!”

“...Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho sobered up and looked around him.

“What are you thinking about?” Han Jin-Seong asked while walking up to Kang Jin-Ho, who was deeply immersed in his memories.

“Oh. I was thinking about this and that.”

“It's a bit hectic here, right?” Han Jin-Seong asked with a subtle grin.

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled back without saying anything else.

He was still not used to places with lots of people. Naturally, it’d be difficult for him to feel settled in a chaotic environment like this. It was just that his sense of duty forced him to stay strong.

“Jin-Ho hyung, thank you.”

“What for?”

“I heard from Chief Jo. He said you were the one blocking the water.”

What did Jo Gyu-Min even say to these kids? Kang Jin-Ho couldn't help but frown slightly.

By now, these kids must’ve realized Kang Jin-Ho was no ordinary human being. Various events had happened along the way for them not to notice, after all.

Even so, Kang Jin-Ho wanted to hide the truth from them for as long as possible.

These kids must not get involved with the martial world. It was far too dangerous for regular people to get entangled in the martial artists and their unsavory businesses.

Of course, Kang Jin-Ho wasn't planning to raise these kids as flowers in a greenhouse. However, he at least wanted to give them a normal-enough life.

“...Mm. It’s not as grandiose as you might think,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“Hyung, you have this habit of downplaying everything you do. Even though you’re amazing to us.”

“Oh, uh… That wasn’t my intention, though.”

“Anyway, thank you, hyung.”

“No need to thank me,” Kang Jin-Ho sighed loudly. “Actually, I should apologize to you all. We were supposed to have a fun day out, but I got you involved in something terrible instead.”

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, I know, but…”

Kang Jin-Ho wasn’t sure why crises kept happening around him. Sure, that incident back in the theme park was caused by that insane bastard, Lee Seong-Hwi, going off the rails. But this whole aquarium business happened on its own without any external involvement.

These incidents happened one after the other relatively quickly, so Kang Jin-Ho couldn't help but worry about kids who got caught up in both of them developing PTSD.

Han Jin-Seong smirked subtly. “Don’t sulk like that, hyung.”

“Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho blinked his eyes and looked back at the boy.

“This isn’t as serious as you think, you know? I’m actually more scared about caregiver aunties getting angry at me. I know this crappy event will end sooner or later, after all!”

“...Yeah, you’re right.”

Kang Jin-Ho agreed with Han Jin-Seong on this one. The scariest thing in the entire world for him was his mother getting angry at him. Baek Hyeon-Jeong’s fury knew no end, after all!

“Kids get nervous when you sulk like that, hyung. We’re okay, so please cheer up.”


When Kang Jin-Ho’s expression softened, Han Jin-Seong grinned brightly and tugged at the older man’s sleeve. “Let’s get out of here, hyung. Everyone’s all dead tired and stuff, anyway. I also wanna go home and get some rest.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”


The Seongsim kids climbed into the waiting buses and headed back to the orphanage. Even those who looked anxious and jittery soon fell asleep as the bus chugged along.

Eventually, they reached the orphanage. The kids began dragging their sluggish bodies out of the vehicles one by one.

“Urgh, ouch… Geez, so tiring…”

“I’ve got no strength left in my legs…”

The kids seemed to be a lot less tense now. Their whining could've been brushed aside as just that, kids' whining, but after what they had gone through? It was a minor miracle that these kids hadn't already collapsed and began snoring away.

“Do I need to wash up first before hitting the sack?” Han Jin-Seong absentmindedly muttered.

Unfortunately for him, his innocent-sounding question only managed to trigger Jo Mi-Hye. “What?! Of course you must. You wanna go to bed like that?”

“But, I’m tired…”

“If you’re so tired, why are you still breathing?! At least try to do the bare minimum, okay!”

“...Gee whiz. How can you be this energetic?” Han Jin-Seong tutted. “I’m completely pooped out, so why are you still so lively?”

“It’s because people like you, oppa!”

“What? I haven’t done anything, though…”

Jo Mi-Hye chuckled while pushing Han Jin-Seong into the bathroom. “Hurry up and wash up, okay? Hurry.”

“Wha? Can't I let the younger kids go in first…?”

“Stop wasting time and hurry up, will you!”

“Hey, hey! Don’t come inside the boy’s bathroom!”

Jo Mi-Hye laughed while successfully shoving Han Jin-Seong inside the bathroom.

‘Yeah, I know. I know you’re tired.’

Everyone here knew how hard Han Jin-Seong worked for everyone's sake. While all the grown-ups were going mad trying to save their own lives, Han Jin-Seong was doing his best to look after each and every Seongsim kid.

That must've demanded so much more mental energy from him, not to mention twice as physically straining, too. It made sense why Han Jin-Seong was so exhausted both mentally and physically.

‘Jin-Seong oppa can be so dependable sometimes…’

Han Jin-Seong usually was full of teenage whining, but not today. Until the kids arrived back at the orphanage, he didn't complain once. He even looked after the younger kids and made sure they were okay during the bus ride.

Considering he'd yelp like it was the end of the world after stubbing his toe against a sharp edge, his behavior today seemed totally out of character. However, Jo Mi-Hye knew the truth.

She knew that Han Jin-Seong’s true self was on display today. Han Jin-Seong would never complain when it was time to roll up his sleeves and do his job.

‘He can be so cool sometimes. Soooooometimes.’

Jo Mi-Hye chuckled, then glanced at the younger kids. “Listen up, boys!”

“Yes, noona!”

“Jin-Seong oppa might doze off in the bathroom. So, your job is to go in there and help him wash up!”

“Roger that!”

The elementary school-age boys, still overflowing with energy, rushed inside the boy's bathroom. Soon, a familiar voice yelping for help leaked out from beyond the closed bathroom door.

“Okay, next up is…” Jo Mi-Hye tapped on her chin while trying to think of what to do next. That was when she felt a reassuring hand gently grabbing her shoulder. “Eh?”

Kang Jin-Ho gently squeezed her shoulder. “You should also wash up and get some rest, Mi-Hye.”

“Oh, oppa. No, I’m still fine. There are…”

“No. Get some rest.”

Kang Jin-Ho’s hand on her shoulder felt reassuring. He didn’t grip her tightly, but his hand still didn’t waver or tremble once. And that helped Jo Mi-Hye feel relaxed. Calmer.

“You don’t have to do everything, Mi-Hye. I’m here, after all. And Yu-Min is here, too. And don’t forget the caregiver aunties.”

“...Ng, got it.”

“Okay, go on.”

Jo Mi-Hye nodded but didn’t immediately head to the bathroom. She wanted to stay still and experience the reassuring feeling for a little longer.

Kang Jin-Ho didn't urge her on, although it was unknown whether he knew her intentions or not.

“...Okay, oppa. I’ll go and wash up now,” said Jo Mi-Hye.

“Alright,” Kang Jin-Ho nodded and watched Jo Mi-Hye head to the girls’ bathroom. He lightly dusted his hands, his eyes flickering suspiciously.

‘Alright, then. Should I get started?’

The kids from the aquarium incident were barely keeping their eyes open right now. In that case, Kang Jin-Ho thought he should handle the jobs those kids usually did around the orphanage.

So, the first thing on the list was…!

Park Yu-Min suddenly called out. “Jin-Ho?”


“Come over here. Over here.”

“...Yes, sir.”

Company Commander Kang Jin-Ho was raring to go, his drive overflowing from his every pore. Unfortunately, when he realized Battalion Commander Park Yu-Min was standing behind him, Kang Jin-Ho's energy level instantly cratered, and he had to lifelessly approach his friend.

Park Yu-Min pointed to the kitchen. “We gotta prepare dinner for the kids, but I don’t think they’ll be able to stomach regular foods.”

“...You’re probably right.” Kang Jin-Ho agreed. The trauma should make it harder to eat for these kids.

“Looks like we’ll have to make gruel for dinner. Can you fetch us some sacks of rice from the storage?”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded. “Okay. How many?”

“Not sure how many we will need, so two sacks? One might be enough, but let’s play it safe.”

“Sure…” Kang Jin-Ho sighed, then trudged his way to the storage.


“Good work today,” said Park Yu-Min as he offered a can of Coke to Kang Jin-Ho sitting on the bench outside the orphanage.

“Thanks,” said Kang Jin-Ho while accepting the soda can.

‘As I thought, this work is not easy…’

Either because this kind of work didn't suit his personality or it was a challenging job, to begin with, Kang Jin-Ho always had a tough time calming the kids down and putting them to bed. Today was no exception. He was taking a breather here at the bench after finally finishing all the work for the day.


Park Yu-Min glanced at Kang Jin-Ho lighting a cigarette and frowned a little. “You should quit that, you know?”

“It's not that simple, Mister Park Yu-Min,” Kang Jin-Ho smirked smoothly while sucking in a mouthful of smoke.

Park Yu-Min could only shake his head at that jokey reply. “Really? Even though others can do it just fine?”

“I’m not like the others, though.”

Park Yu-Min pouted playfully. “Huh. You know, I've been noticing something about you recently. You've gotten pretty good at talking back, haven't you? And you weren't like this before, too!”

“That’s what you call progress,” Kang Jin-Ho coolly shrugged.

Park Yu-Min chuckled airily before patting Kang Jin-Ho on the shoulder. “Listen, Jin-Ho. Don’t beat yourself up, okay?”


“Today didn't happen because of you. And no one is blaming you, either. Best of all, no one was hurt. So, it's all good, right?”

“Don't worry, I wasn't blaming myself,” Kang Jin-Ho replied while looking up at the night sky. He felt a little more at ease while staring at that pitch-black sky. “It's… tougher than I thought, though.”

“What is?”

“Well… It’s like, even though it’s done with good intentions, there is no guarantee of getting a good result. Something like that?”

Park Yu-Min chuckled slightly. “That’s how everything is, though?”


“Yup, everything. I mean, things don’t always work out as you’d expect, right? Even then, we still do it, anyway. If we keep at it, things will eventually get better, I think. Isn’t that how everyone lives their life?”

“Everyone, you say…?” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded away.

For some reason, he liked the sound of ‘everyone.’ To Kang Jin-Ho, who had been living a life slightly removed from the people around him, that word made it sound like he had finally become a part of the human race.

‘An ordinary life…’

That dream was even more unattainable now. However, that was fine in its own right. Kang Jin-Ho's current life was several times more enjoyable than the one he had dreamed of in the past, after all!

In a way, maybe Kang Jin-Ho was inching closer and closer to the ideal life of his dreams.

Park Yu-Min raised his own soda can. “Let’s chug this down, shall we?”

“Yeah, let’s.”

Two grown men sat side-by-side on a bench and silently savored their fizzy drinks. Meanwhile, the noises of the bugs chirping away lazily echoed in the night sky.

Today was one of those days that seemed unremarkable… Yet it was also undeniably a remarkable day.

1. Yes, the raw said five. Unless my maths is wrong… There are only four here, though? ☜

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