Destroying My Own Novel

351 Chapter 350

"Master! I'm ready whenever you're ready!" Rozan said as he redirected the thick lightning bolt that Devir released back to him. Unfortunately, Devir redirected it into the sky.

"Now!" Shelly shouted as she stabbed her staff into the ground and froze the whole ground in front of her in a cone-shaped radius instantly.

After looking at the ground for a few seconds, Devir looked up at Shelly and was confused about why she would do that. Knowing that Devir was floating above the ground and seemed to be unaffected by it.

Rozan suddenly sucked the air around Devir, and it happened so quickly that Devir suddenly lost his ability to fly. Devir fell right onto the frozen ground, and the moment his body touched the ground, his body got frostbite. Devir's body was immediately covered in ice as if the ice was swallowing its body.

The ice was so cold that the moment Devir tried to break free, the ice that got shattered was immediately replaced by another. Devir tried to melt it, but it froze again before the ice could melt completely. Devir was stuck on the ground, confused, and annoyed by how such a simple trick was enough to stop his movements.

Shelly flew up high into the sky as she transformed the calm sky into a stormy one. Thunder rumbled and bolts of lightning spread around the clouds. She then struck dozens of lightning onto the ice where Devir was trapped inside. She didn't hold back and kept striking the ice with dozens of bolts of lightning every second.

Ice was a poorer electrical conductor than water. So, if lightning were to strike an icy surface of a lake, part of the bolt would spread out laterally from the strike point, forming transient Lichtenberg figure sparks along the surface of the ice, as it searched for a good path to ground. It would also puncture a hole through the ice to reach the better-conducting water or ground layer beneath the ice layer.

Devir's body started to feel a force that he hadn't previously experienced before. His body slowly but surely was being torn apart by lightning, and he couldn't do anything at all. In less than a minute his whole body was destroyed, and separated from each other in small pieces.

Shelly landed right next to Rozan, and they both were staring at Devir for a whole minute to make sure he was dead.

"There are still a lot of things that I need to learn from you, Master," Rozan said in amazement. "You've taught me so much, and I'm still learning new things every day," Rozan continued.

"Of course. You're a hundred years too early to learn how to use magic to its fullest potential," Shelly replied as she looked at Deviatris was being surrounded by Lillith, Brynhilde, and the others. "For now, let's help them so we can end this hellish nightmare," Shelly said as she pulled her staff from the ground.

The ice melted, and Rozan saw the pieces of Devir's body. He thought that it would be a waste to leave it there, so he summoned Alpha and commanded him to eat those. Alpha didn't hesitate and crunched the body and the wings of Devir, and then Rozan sent him back to rest.

Deviatris was a bit overwhelmed by how fast Lillith and Nagy were, not to mention, Brynhilde and the rest were so strong. It wasn't because of how strong they had become, but Deviatris was the one who didn't get used to fighting enemies on her own.

"We are doing good so far, don't let it slip away!" Brynhilde said as she caught her breath.

Deviatris dodged all the attacks that Lillith and Nagy threw at her. Nagy had mastered her [Doppelganger] skill, but it wasn't enough to even with the doping she took and used all the skills she had.

While the two were busy trying to land a hit on Deviatris. She suddenly stopped dodging and let both of them, including Nagy's doppelganger hit her. Both Lillith and Nagy always aimed at Deviatris' head, and they both managed to cut her head off.

Everyone was surprised, and slowly they formed a smile on their faces. Before they could cheer, both Lillith and Nagy felt a sting in their hands. When they looked at their fingertips, they were corroded, and slowly moved down to their fingers, and palms.

They both panicked and Lillith decided to cut both Nagy's hands off. Nagy groaned in pain as she fell to her knees, and then Lillith tossed her dagger to her left hand and cut her right hand off.

Everyone was so confused why they both suddenly chopped their hands until they saw Nagy's doppelganger's body turn brown and got swallowed by corrosion and disappeared. They looked at the hands that Lillith had chopped off, and they melted on their own. Not just their hands, but their weapons as well.

"Her blood is corrosive..." Nagy said as she held her breath to ease the pain.

They suddenly heard giggles coming from the ground, and it was Deviatris. Her body picked up her head and put it back on as if it was nothing to her.

"Human, foolish," Deviatris said as the demonic creatures that they had defeated started to rise again and took their bodies apart on the ground. They connected them like how Deviatris did and were immediately ready to fight again.

"Wait, if they can come back to life, then does that mean," Rozan said as he looked at Shelly with a panicked expression. He then summoned Alpha back, and as he was feared, Alpha was roaring as if he was in pain.

"Alpha! Calm down!" Rozan yelled as Alpha swung his tail around and released fire breath around him as if he was trying to throw up Devir's body from his stomach.

Deviatris saw it when Alpha swallowed Devir, but she wasn't worried about it since something like that would happen. Devir was trying to free himself from Alpha's stomach and kill him at the same time.

"I told you to calm down!" Rozan yelled, but it was of no use since Alpha didn't listen to his words at all. He then summoned the other dragons to hold Alpha down, and they managed to bring Alpha down as Rozan and Shelly put a barrier around them so Alpha couldn't leave even if he managed to free himself.

"I don't think we can defeat her with physical attacks. We also don't have enough magic power to fight her knowing she wasn't affected by our spells," Brynhilde said as she secured both Lillith and Nagy away from Deviatris.

"That's a Demon Princess for you. We are not strong enough to fight her, and we have no information related to what she's capable of," Lillith answered as she held her right wrist so tightly to stop the bleeding why Alberta tried to stop the bleeding on her and Nagy's hands.

"What are we going to do then? We are helpless," Lexus asked as he watched Alpha struggle to free himself.

"Help Gunnar. We both will be fine here. Let both of us deal with her since she seems to have no skill in combat. We will buy time for Rozan and Shelly since they're the only ones that might be able to defeat her," Lillith answered as she watched Gunnar block every attack that Frigna threw at him. "That one should be easy to deal with," Lillith continued.

Lexus nodded, and they all went to help Gunnar except for Brynhilde and her team.

"We will stay," Brynhilde said.

"Fine by me," Lillith answered as she stood up and drew another dagger from her back.

Shelly carefully watched Alpha and noticed that he was slowly calming down. Not only that, his body seemed to be growing a lot bigger than before. His scale looked odd as if something else was trying to come out of his skin.

"Rozan, Alpha is evolving..." Shelly said as she touched Alpha's scale.

Rozan looked a bit confused until he saw with his own eyes that Alpha was changing. He was roaring in pain, not because of Devir, but it was because he was undergoing evolution after consuming Devir's body.

Alpha roared as he ripped his own skin, and they saw black shiny scales on his new skin rather than red scales. Rozan then ordered his other dragons to help Alpha tear his old skin. It didn't take a while until they both saw a new feature on Alpha's body.

"You grew another pair of wings?!" Rozan asked with his eyes wide open.

Alpha roared and released fire breath with lightning bolts wrapped around the fire. It was so strong that it broke the barrier that Shelly made, and it shocked both of them as they watched the fire breath reach into the sky.

"Impossible, Devir..." Deviatris said as she watched Alpha fly up high into the sky. "My favorite pet," Deviatris looked devastated.

"That's the power of Homunculus for you. It can absorb anything and make it theirs," Shelly said as she looked at Alpha destroying the buildings on the ground to show off his power. "Anyway, can you order him to stop rather than watch him destroy everything?" Shelly hit her staff on Rozan's head.

Rozan ordered Alpha to calm down and be on guard behind him. Alpha followed his order and landed right behind Rozan with the other dragons sitting behind Alpha.

"Thank you for the food. Now let me pay you back," Rozan said as he pointed his staff at Deviatris.

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