Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 363 - 363 Flirty old man

363 Flirty old man

Nanny Gong shivered, she was worried that she will really be shot by an arrow which was she immediately put on a flattering smile on her lips as she rubbed her hands together and then said to Liu Hui Ying, ” Your majesty, you must be really hot. I will bring you something chilled to drink, what do you have to say about some Lychee juice? I heard that it was sent to the imperial court as an offering just this morning, the chef must have brought it with him.”

” That will be better,” Liu Hui Ying was pleased after establishing her authority, she was getting rather annoyed with the fact that Nanny Gong and Xiao Ai were getting a bit too friendly with her, maybe it was because she did not punish them as often as the original owner did which was why the two were getting a bit too open regarding their thoughts.

She went to sit on the chair before she turned to look at Xiao Ai and then said with a small smile that did not look like a smile, ” I am feeling rather hot, Ai. Would you be sweet enough to fan me?”

” Your order is my command, your majesty,” Xiao Ai was afraid that she will be the next one who will be yelled at by her majesty which was why she immediately put on a smile and started to fan Liu Hui Ying while Nanny Gong rushed to bring some Lychee juice for the queen.

Liu Hui Ying who finally got rid of the two annoying leeches who were sucking her blood since morning by repeating the same words over and over again like a broken record, finally heaved a sigh of relief and then comfortably closed her eyes as she went to lean back on the seat on which she was sitting but then she heard Witch Mao’s voice, “What’s this Lychee thing? Make sure to offer me some as well.”

And now her annoyance metre was back in action.

Nanny Gong who walked out of the tent where Liu Hui Ying was staying rushed to the tent where the chef was staying, she was rather upset that the queen was angry with her but there was nothing that she could say to Liu Hui Ying. She was the foolish one who thought that his majesty who was only engrossed in eighteen-plus books while spending his time enjoying his youth will be able to shoot an arrow.

” I was the one who was expecting too much,” Nanny Gong muttered as she hastily walked towards the tent where the chef and the rest of the imperial cooks were staying. ” I should have known, it was my fault… now the Queen is upset and I will have to quench her anger lest she gets more annoyed and does something unexpected again.”

The Liu Hui Ying of now scared Nanny Gong more than the previous one did, this Liu Hui Ying would not punish her or Xiao Ai, instead, she will do something unexpected to ease her annoyance. The last time, her majesty started rapping some vulgar words while moving her hips saying that it was called Twerk it till you work it. It horrified Nanny Gong so much that she almost cried!


” I have to make sure that she does not do that twerk thingy again or the pole dancing——ack,” Nanny Gong was still muttering when she knocked into someone and immediately raised her head to look at who was standing in front of her when she saw that it was the old caretaker of the graveyard, she immediately felt her brows jump as she asked the old man, ” What are you doing here?”

The old caretaker was called Old Man He, and he used to have a rather major curse on Nanny Gong ever since she was young but to his utter despair the woman moved on to become the Nanny of the young miss of the Liu family and never came to see the outside world again. He hadn’t expected to meet her here on the hunting grounds and immediately grinned happily as he replied, ” The chef is my cousin! He invited me out of the graveyard saying that I should come out of the graveyard and see something exciting other than the tombs of the imperial family.”

Nanny Gong frowned and then said with a little doubt in her voice, ” Then who will take care of the graves with you being here?”

Old man He was very happy when he saw that Nanny Gong was taking interest in him, he smiled cheekily and then said, ” There is another guard who will be taking care of the tomb until I am gone, but of course, I am so popular with the dead as well as the living that they will surely miss me.” As he spoke, he winked at Nanny Gong who calmly stared at her without laughing at his poor joke.

Her lack of response caused Old Man He’s smile to fall as he rubbed his long white moustache and then said, ” So why are you here, Miss Gong?”

” I am here for some Lychee juice for her majesty,” replied Nanny Gong who was glad that they were finally talking about something important. ” It needs to be chilled and completely fresh, her majesty will be fairly upset if it is lukewarm so please add some ice to it.”

” Lychee juice, sure why not!” Old man He snapped his fingers and winked at Nanny Gong again as he smiled what he thought was dashing and added, ” I will chop the Lychee myself making sure that it is fresher than ever and sweeter than honey just like you, Miss Gong.”

Nanny Gong looked at her wrinkled hands that were covered with white powder before she raised her head and shook it lightly as she stated, ” I will be glad if you do not do that, Mister Caretaker. The last thing I want is for you to choose a shrivelled Lychee for her majesty, in fact, it will be better if you ask the chef to make it.”


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