Chapter 231

231 Take Everything!

Alex’s voice boomed like lightning and the representative about to move stopped and on her face reflected a terrified expression! Her eyes darted around like bolts of lightning in search of something.

But still, no one showed up!

She looked around but even Emperor didn’t move, making her believe this must be a prank. But gazing at the eyes of her comrades she could see the wariness in their eyes, of course, she didn’t hear wrong!

“What kind of game are you playing?”

The lady asked and even right now she seemed reluctant to make a move especially since Alex has refused to show himself.

“Game? Do I look like I have time for that?” Emperor said while shrugging his shoulders casually. He didn’t seem moved by Alex’s words or that of the enemy

More or less, it is safe to say he too was confused about the current situation on the ground. He genuinely couldn’t understand why Alex would speak up and not show himself.

Was this to make the enemy know he is aware of their presence?

Or was it a means of showing the mutant beasts that he is still on their side and ready to attack at any time?


A lot of things didn’t make much sense here, especially since Alex wasn’t the type to explain his reasons for things unless you had a role to play in his plan. Even then you wouldn’t get the full detail.

“I honestly do not understand why that happened or what it means. That is Alex just being Alex.... Someone like that is not a person you can control so I suggest you give up on those crazy dreams” Emperor said casually which made the representatives frown.

How the hell are people trained this way?

Like, why?

Apart from Alex who acts creepy and doesn’t show up after speaking such bold words, Emperor was far worse. The human seemed completely chilled and oblivious to everything happening around him. He didn’t seem to know much about what was happening or maybe it’s better to say he acted more like he didn’t know anything happening around him.

“I don’t have patience for this!” The lady screamed furiously as she felt these humans were toying with her.

How dare mere humans play with the deity race? They are the closest race to becoming God in the entire universe. In fact, they only lost to the Danites because they were caught off guard. After the Estos race was dealt with, the Danites did not waste any time in trying to harvest this world and quickly launched their Blue death into the Deity race’s home planet.

Because of the fact that the Danites considered them greater threats, the Estos who survived to create this city owe the Deity race their lives. So unlike the other alliance leaders and members who simply think this is them taking advantage of the weak, the lady truly felt like she was simply taking back what’s hers.

Many people of her race died while the Estos race survived because of this distraction. In her opinion, they shouldn’t even be asking since she personally believes the Deity race has the right to summon the Estos race and the Estos race and is obliged to respond to their call.


A figure gracefully rushed forwards towards Emperor without hesitation! Her eyes let out a fierce golden flash as her body quickly turned into a golden sculpture.


Her fist flew forward carrying a powerful heat and momentum with it!

Seeing this Emperor was shocked at first because he practically saw Alex in this woman!


Without hesitation he punched out, striking directly at the fist of the lady!

A powerful shockwave erupted sending her flying a few meters back while Emperor only retreated by one step. Gazing at the lady in golden armor, Emperor frowned. His ability allows him to take the powers of all those who grant him permission, so right now he had the power of the entire culture!

This finally explains the culture sent him alone.

“As I said, you can’t win against me” Emperor declared coldly with a stern look on his face.

Just as the representatives feared, something was off about this human. His body gave out various auras of various kinds. It felt like the power of different people was stored in one body.

“Impudent fool!” The lady was enraged!

She clasped her hands together before throwing them in the direction of the Emperor and suddenly a massive sphere of scorching flame began to form.

The heat from the sphere was so intense, that other representatives took a step back and watched as the fight was taking a new turn. Seeing this, Emperor frowned. Now he was sure that this girl had the same ability as Alex.

In fact, there was once a theory that most of the SS rated martial arts techniques were from other races across the universe. Now he knew that was somewhat true!


The ground beneath her feet sank and shattered as the size of the sphere of fire kept increasing violently and its aura grew more fierce. Seeing this, Emperor chuckled. Earlier he used Klay’s super strength to face her head on but only accomplished in sending her flying back, he didn’t even put a scratch on her armor.

Her defensive capabilities are a problem that must be dealt with but how? If they can’t break Alex’s defense, how do they plan to shatter hers?


A furious scream erupted as a massive sphere of flames resembling a sun flew forward. It was so bright and big, that even if Emperor blocked or dodged the council tower may not survive the damage and many people within it will die including the elders but they didn’t care.

The Estos race refused their proposal, so it’s only natural they are punished.

“Cute, Devour!” Emperor looked unimpressed by the ability.

As he spoke his grey eyes turned black and a surge of darkness raced towards her and the enemy ahead.

The darkness surging from his body was like a whirlpool, dragging the artificial sun into it.

Everyone watched in horror as the darkness swallowed the sun! Even the elders in the meeting chambers were shocked. They had prepared themselves to deal with the artificial sun if Emperor fails but seeing it get swallowed just like that was truly terrifying!

Who would have thought something this crazy would happen?

Even the representatives were stunned, especially the lady. She gazed at Emperor, reevaluating him once again.

“What kind of power is this?” She asked with a stern look on her face.

Seeing Emperor standing with darkness surging around him was quite terrifying. He gave off a different aura entirely, leaving them uncomfortable. How can one person have different energy signatures?

That sounds impossible or at least it should be!

“Go home... you cannot win” Emperor shrugged his shoulders and turned, walking away.

Yes, they plan to stand against the alliance but killing their representatives would lead to an all out war and nobody wants that. He simply needed to show he and other people protecting the Estos race are capable of defending themselves now, that way they will be unwilling to make a move against them, or at least they will think twice before making a move!

Pushing things farther than it has gone now would only be counterproductive. He has shown his strength, so there is no need to continue.

As Emperor walked away, suddenly a figure walked up the stairs leading to the roof with a gentle smile on his face. His eyes were grey just like that of Emperor and his Gray hair added to his looks as well. Unlike before, Alex wore black trousers and nothing else.

The cracks all over his body were gone and right now he was just as tall as the other members of the culture. Around 7ft tall!

Seeing him, Emperor frowned. For some reason he felt like something bad was about to happen. Yes, it wasn’t just any feeling but a gut feeling.

“Your evolution is complete?” Emperor hastily asked while gazing at Alex with skeptical eyes.

He couldn’t point his finger at what gave him the bad feeling. Was it because Alex was smiling or maybe it’s because he couldn’t feel any aura coming from him?

It felt like he was looking at a completely harmless yet extremely dangerous person.

“What are you doing?” Alex asked with a sweet smile which sent shivers down Emperor’s spine.

Just as he guessed, something terribly wrong was about to happen.

“They have seen my strength, their will to fight is broken. We can now wait and watch them return. They will try to renegotiate in future” Emperor said with a stern look on his face.

“Negotiate? Last time I checked, you only negotiate with people at your level” Alex said with a frown.

“Alex” Emperor wanted to speak but was interrupted by Alex.

“Like I said earlier. You only negotiate with those at the same level as you... outside that, you can just take everything else. Just like I plan to take the alliance and make it my own!” Alex said calmly.

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