Chapter 255

255 A far greater threat

Back on earth, the world wasn’t as peaceful as Alex had predicted. The arrival and departure of Alex had caused a major uproar but the disappearance of the Danite second prince caused an even greater one. The Danite prince on earth was the third prince and amongst the Danite princes, only the first and second princes had reached the king realm, becoming peak existences that can replace the Danite emperor. So the thought of having something powerful enough to make the prince vanish was not something anyone would like to keep alive.

The problem is this, the prince was not the only one that vanished but his entire crew, alongside the mighty alliance army with the shaman race expert leading the army. No one would have expected a threat far more terrifying than Alex Briggs would appear.

The news was a secret to the general public who was still busy, speaking about Alex’s return to the picture and the implications of his words and actions, they failed to realize a bigger threat was somewhere in space, threatening their very existence!


“Play the last footage!” The Danite prince on earth spoke with a cold tone. His eyes were pinned on the screen ahead of him and on the massive round table were the most important individuals in the world.

Right now the Danites value strength over anything else, so it didn’t take long before the relevance of presidents and other arms of government across the world started becoming irrelevant. Meetings as important as this were only attended by the strongest guardians of the country and nothing more. The president is only fed with second hand information.

In fact, the only presidents in the world who seem to maintain their position of power and relevance are the United States President, the Russian president, and the Chinese government!

On this massive table, they sat beside their greatest champions and watched what was left of the footage that was recorded by Khal’k’s seed before its destruction. They saw the massive swarm of squid shaped bots surging into the universe through the massive spatial Rift!

When that footage was done, more footage was played but this time it showed the alliance and the Danites, joining hands to battle this swarm of enemies in what could be called one of the most intense space battles ever fought in the history of man yet they were slowly getting overwhelmed and the already massive spatial rift seemed to be getting bigger.


It seemed like something far bigger was trying to fit through it!


The space shook and what seemed like a flying saucer-shaped aircraft can be seen, reminding people of the ridiculous pictures people draw, depicting a UFO flying into space, making the massive machinery and space crafts of the Danites and alliance look like toys!

“Universe’s reach a point of growth and becomes ripe for harvesting! Just like before we have wiped out all forms of advanced civilizations in this galaxy numerous times. They all fought back just like you but it ended the same way... You cannot escape the inevitable!” The voice boomed in space like thunderclaps.

Hearing this everyone in the room paled in fright, unable to understand what to say or how to react. The footage ended with silence and for over ten minutes, everyone in the room remained silent!

No one dared breathe too loud as they were afraid it may disrupt the temporary peace everyone was enjoying.

“We are doomed....” God’s eyes of the God sect said with a frown. His clear white eyes seemed filled with questions which shifted to a familiar figure seated at the same table as them. A figure that never shows up unless necessary!

Silver Ainsworth.

Everyone in the room seemed to follow God’s eyes’ hopeful gaze on Silver and without hesitation, they began looking at him. God’s eye is known to be able to see the possible futures and even the Danite third prince treated him like a priceless gem. If he is gazing at Silver then there must be a reason for it. Adding a hopeful look to his face, everyone began looking at Silver with the same hope in their eyes.

Silver, on the other hand, ignored their looks and wore a stern look on his face. His mind raced towards the various images drawn on cave walls and buildings in the past which depicted the previous human civilians making contact with aliens.

The great catalyst which is said to always wipe out the human race after every few million years raced into his mind. Numerous civilizations of various timelines with zero possibility of meeting always had identical paintings of these beings and the world never took them too seriously.

If this being claims to be the one that has wiped out countless civilizations, doesn’t that mean everything is over? They have finally found the answers to all their questions?

The suspicions of many were true. Something swoops in and wipes out the human civilization when it gets to a certain level but what was more terrifying was the fact that whatever this being is, means it has been succeeding and it may succeed for a third time. If this happens again, they may all end up dead.

“You shouldn’t have much hope in me... I am only one half of the invincible duo. Without Alex by my side, I am just a young man, slightly smarter than other members of the Ainsworth family... there is a limit to what I can do” Silver said with a stern look.

“I don’t bring you here to listen to this. Alex Briggs was the muscle and you were the Brian’s. You have the entire Danite race to serve as your muscle once again... you should be able to achieve an even greater feat with this” The Danite third prince said with a stern look on his face but Silver laughed and shook his head in response.

These people truly don’t understand anything.

“That is what you all fail to understand. I was never the brains. Alex and I made decisions together. We were both the brains and not just one person. Even if Alex was weak like me, we still would have gotten this far, nothing would have changed. The only difference is that we would have had a new way of implementing our thoughts” Silver explained.

“You two would have gotten another muscle to do your bidding if your strengths were ever lacking. You and Alex were the brains, Alex just got lucky enough to become the muscle” God’s eye completed Silver’s explanation for him.

“Exactly,” Silver nodded with a bitter smile.

Losing Alex was like losing a right arm, it’s not something that can be covered for easily. These people didn’t know how much they lost the moment they killed Alex. Silver sighed inwardly as he leaned back and shut his eyes, pondering.

He wondered if Alex was aware of this, he wondered if he even knew the danger that has always been hiding in the shadows. If he does, then how does he plan to deal with it? Does he feel the same way Silver does now? Does he also feel the need for them to reunite if they wish to win against the enemy?

“Alex Briggs, what are you thinking of right now?” Silver muttered with a frown on his face.

He refused to believe Alex Briggs would dare stay still and quiet if he knew about all of this. In fact, he strongly suspected Alex, the culture, and the Estos race know nothing about what is happening!

“We need to inform Alex... He needs to be seated here with us” Silver said and everyone on the table frowned.

Who would have thought Alex returning would ever be spoken of on this table?

“Watch your mouth, human!” The third prince growled. He still had a grudge against Alex for taking one of the six deity familiars belonging to the Danite race and making it his own.

Even after his first death, the hell cat refused to accept a new master and it was a matter of time before it faded out of existence if it stayed too long without a new host. If Alex hesitated to come to earth a bit longer, the Danite race would have suffered such a major loss because of him.

Even now the hell cat with him still means the Danite race has suffered immense loss, something beyond anything they can recover from in a short time. How can the third prince be happy to hear the name of this thief?

“Silver, we have no means of reaching Alex and even if we did it would be difficult to gauge his response. While Alex is not here, I will serve as his replacement. You will be working with me. I know I may not be able to compare to Alex Briggs but I am sure I can help lessen the burden on your shoulders... I have seen all the possible futures. You will serve as our master strategist in this war if we are to improve our chances of winning.” God’s eye said and Silver frowned. He was clearly reluctant to help.

“I am not asking you to do this for us or yourself. At least think of Tracy and the child...”

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