Chapter 258

258 He doesn’t have a choice!

While Silver’s words were simple and very direct and understandable, the entire room was dead silent with hints of shock and fear in their eyes as they watched Silver take the silver energy blade off the throat of the Danite prince but he still remained seated on the table, peering deeply into the eyes of the Danite prince.

These people had once believed their greatest threat would be Alex Briggs but no one would have ever believed Silver just as capable if not better.

“What do you mean by my word power works only on the living? Are you trying to say you are not alive?”God’s word asked with a shaky voice.

This is the first time he has released a declaration and it didn’t take effect! The fact that it couldn’t take effect clearly broke him mentally, causing him great fear. It’s like taking away a sword from a man who has only practiced sword fighting all his life and expecting him to be just as effective and skilled as before...

“More or less. Over the years, I have been replacing my organs with... more capable replacements....” Silver answered honestly. He showed no intention of hiding his secrets.

His words left everyone in the room stunned but strangely it made the furious Danite prince calm down. The rage in his eyes slowly faded and was replaced with admiration.

All this time he had never really gotten the opportunity to communicate with Silver so he never knew the kind of person Silver is but now he was beginning to understand Silver a bit more and he liked it.

“When did you start doing this?” The third prince broke the silence and asked a question.

From the silence it was clear people in the room were yet to process the information just revealed to them. They were a tad bit slow and the prince had no intentions of waiting for them!


” Since my time in the military academy with Alex. That practically the beginning of our short journey...” Silver answered calmly.

“And I’m sure it wasn’t safe?” The Danite prince asked.

“Hehehe! I almost lost my life during the first and most important operations. Removing my heart and replacing it with an energy core. As time passed I kept replacing more organs and each came with its own dangers and there were times when I failed and received severe backlashes. The operations made me too weak to fight alongside Alex all that time, so I just decided to portray myself as the brain and him as the muscle” Silver laughed lightly while he spoke.

Hearing his words, everyone in the room was stunned, especially Wilder Briggs and Bruce Ainsworth. For so long they believed they were the top dogs in the game, never did they expect their grandkids to become so capable they can be considered monsters when compared to their peers.

How could someone replace his heart with a power core since the military academy days and no one noticed? Or did all this happen simply because they underestimated these two so much?

“Then I guess you know what it means to take calculated risks?” The Danite third prince asked with a wide grin.

“Life itself is filled with risks. Anyone unwilling to move out of their comfort zone for the sake of strength will be left behind in the dust.... I learned this a long time ago thanks to the type of family I was born into” Silver said with a sigh before jumping off the table and walking towards his seat which was next to God’s word!

“Do you know what I want now?” Silver asked the Danite prince as he walked away.

In reality, he didn’t hate the Danite race. If he were the leader of such a powerful race, he wouldn’t dare limit himself to just one planet. Those he really hated were the human race for not having enough dignity to fight back and not only that but they even went as far as to kill those willing to fight for them.

That was an unforgivable sin!

Even on that very day when they betrayed Alex for the sake of their safety and the safety of Alex’s son, Silver swore to make the human race pay for this heavy betrayal. But now, with this invasion of these beings that claim to wipe out civilizations, Silver couldn’t help but put his vendetta against the human race aside and deal with the main threat.

When he was younger he had read about countless human civilizations that vanished with time. The great city of Atlantis and more with all pointing to a catastrophe that occurred after every few million years.

Finally, it was their turn to experience this catastrophe!

“You want total control of Earth’s forces and resources... You don’t want to just be our tactician, you want to lead this army into battle yourself” The Danite third prince said with a slight frown.


Silver collapsed on his chair and leaned back with his eyes closed for a few moments before slowly opening them again.

“I have stayed in the shadows for too long. If we will win the fight I must get involved personally too...” Silver said with a bitter sigh. It seemed like he let out a huge burden off his chest just by saying those words.

“Plus you also want absolute control over the human forces... your word will be on par with mine if not higher... don’t you think you are asking for too much?” The Danite third prince asked with knitted eyebrows but even then Silver didn’t flinch.

“That’s the only way I can bring Alex back... he wouldn’t agree to return if the one in charge was anyone here outside me” Silver shrugged his shoulders in response.


His words were like lightning, forcing everyone seated to reveal terrified looks on their faces. The invincible image of Alex appeared in their minds as fear gripped them tightly.

“And if he still refuses?”The Danite third prince asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“Then I will beat him into submission and drag him back. When the life of every person in this universe is at stake, he doesn’t have a choice” Silver said coldly!

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