Chapter 289

289 Little Monster


Following the large gust of wind, a silver fox emerged with silver eyes and three tails. On its body were strange runes meanwhile its curious gaze was pinned on Silver, just the same way silver was curious about it.

“Magnificent! I finally understand why Ale cherishes the hell cat so much. He even invaded earth for a second time just to save it, even though he knew the events of the past may repeat themselves” Silver said with a calm smile but his eyes couldn’t hide his killing intentions.

In his opinion, any power of this level that cannot be his must be removed!

“Relics of the past have no place in my new world!” Silver declared as his body surged with power and he shot down with great power, resembling a great silver comet!


The Danite third prince snorted disdainfully and calmly folded his hand around his chest, meanwhile, the silver fox which was no bigger than the average cat shot forward!

As it moved, its body kept gathering the wind around and before it reached Silver, it had become a massive hurricane with enough power to uproot buildings!



The two sides clashed creating intense shockwaves, and making people below pale in fear! Many were drawn into the massive hurricane while buildings were destroyed by the shockwaves, causing it to collapse on many but even then the two showed no signs of stopping.




Time and time again the two clashed, sending powerful ripples across the skies.

“I WOULD LIKE TO SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN HOLD OUT AGAINST ME!” Silver’s furious voice shook the skies as he struck with both hands, stabbing deep into the hurricane, grabbing it as he tried to tear a hole into it.


Within the hurricane, a pair of silver eyes flashed, and its cold gaze pinned on Silver. It was like a mighty deity looking down on a mere mortal who lacked knowledge of the things of the heavens!


The wind fox deity opened its mouth and cried out while spitting out a hurricane from its mouth at SIiver who was trying to invade its domain.

“YOU DARE!!!!” Silver screamed as his body surged with intense light as he punched forward without hesitation!



Meanwhile, not too far from the battle location, the Danite third prince stood and watched the battle going on with a hint of disdain in his eyes. As long as the wind exists in the atmosphere, no one can defeat the wind deity. Even the emperor of the Danite race will struggle against it. In his opinion, Silver was just too smart for his own good. Just like Alex Briggs a decade ago, this youth will die here.

“Are you Mr prince?”

Suddenly a low, childish voice sounded behind him, causing the Danite prince to turn only to see a kid not even up to fifteen years standing in the air with him. His long golden hair was allowed to flutter freely and he wore a black battlesuit with a black fancy short sword, hung on his back.

His innocent gaze was far more terrifying than that of Silver or Alex Briggs. His aura was calm, too calm for someone his age!

This was no child, but a monster!

There was only one monster like that on this planet who gave even the Danite third prince sleepless nights!

“Little Alex... Why are you here?” The Danite third prince asked with a stern look on his face.

Even when threatened by Silver, he didn’t feel threatened but under the innocent gaze of his child, he felt like the world was about to overturn and end his life.

“Uncle Silver said when the battle begins, The person observing the battle is the one responsible for my father’s death. I guess that’s you” Little Alex said those words so casually but it sent ripples down the heart of the Danite third prince!


Mixed emotions swelled up in his heart as he didn’t know what to feel right now. Should he be terrified by the fact that this kid was openly saying he would kill him so casually, if one didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘kill’ they would think he was just saying something random, or should he feel insulted by the fact that a child was sent to take his life!

Did Silver Ainsworth really think so little of him?

But then Silver has never been the type to do something dumb, neither was he the type of person who would risk the life of his beloved nephew.

“Yes, I am the one who killed your father. What do you plan to do about it?” The third Danite prince said those words while trying to suppress his anger. His eyes revealed his killing intentions but the kid kept looking into his eyes as if it was nothing.

“Okay....” Little Alex said casually.


His tiny body vanished and reappeared in front of the Danite prince, sending a casual punch with his tiny fist.


The Danite prince was stunned as he tried to retreat but it was too late. His gaze fell on what others may consider tiny fists but to him, it felt like a massive mountain was descending on him like the divine judgment of the gods.

“This!” The Danite prince muttered with a frown on his face as he crossed his hands in an attempt to defend himself.



Blood splattered everywhere as the Danite third prince was sent flying back, over a hundred meters! His hands used to block were completely disfigured and his robes were haggard. Green blood stained his lips and his cold gaze was pinned on the kid who looked at him with the same eyes he had when he was trying to confirm his identity.

“This... This child!” The Danite third prince gasped for air while he looked at little Alex with a combination of disdain and fear. The strength of this kid far surpassed his expectations but if one should look closely, this kid should be in the Baron realm at best!

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