Chapter 419 - 419 Paying a frenemy a visit

419 Paying a frenemy a visit

Alex paid them no attention as if they were not worth his attention. He casually pulled out a seat and looked into the distance with a calm look. If there was something he was confident in, it was his instincts.

It has led him this far and it also brought him here. Damon won’t come here because he wants to come here, he will come here because he is compelled to.

“Just like myself, he has too many attachments. Unlike myself, they are not god-level. He has taken all the power for himself. With weak allies it’s only natural he can only entrust the safety of his host’s parents in his own hands” Alex said calmly causing Blink and Armanthos standing behind him to frown.



A rainbow-colored beam shot through the hole already created above, but this time it didn’t touch the ground, instead, it shot to the side and landed directly in front of Cecile’s family.


The entire Allen family couldn’t help but widen their eyes in shock as they saw the familiar yet strange figure. The long rainbow-colored hair and the murderous eyes were completely different from the ones Cecile had before he left them.

“You dare.....” Damon growled with cruel eyes.



Blink quickly fell to his knees while Armanthos bowed respectfully but Alex Briggs remained unphased by his presence.

“I believe before the battle starts it’s only natural the players should exchange some pleasantries,” Alex said with a cruel smile.


Blink and Armanthos fumed but Damon suddenly waved his hand and the duo went silent.

“Withdraw....” Damon said coldly and the duo bowed and slowly retreated until they were nowhere to be seen.

Damon turned to face Cecile’s family and his demeanor completely changed.

“Run as far as you can. Take the carriage and all the guards and push towards the northern gate of Linchester. My forces are there to welcome you” Damon said with a calm and caring tone, similar to that of Cecile.

Only then did they finally confirm it was Cecile?

“Cecile, what is going on?” Robert Allen asked with a pale look on his face which made Alex frown.

“These people should be thought how to shut up and follow orders” Alex’s eyes flashed with cruelty as immense pressure exploded from his body, racing towards his family!


Damon snorted disdainfully as he raised his hand and allowed Alex’s aura to clash with his.



The entire castle began shaking as the two silently gazed at each other while sizing each other up.

“You are strong,” Damon said with a deep frown after looking for so long and was still unable to find a weak spot on the sin of Gluttony ahead of him.

In fact what was terrifying about this foe was that his soul was split in half, meaning he was just one-half of something bigger. Yet his power already rivaled that of Damon. If the two should join hands, Damon didn’t need anyone to tell him how badly such an encounter would end for him.

His demise at the hand of the Beyond will be considered child’s play when compared to this man.

“Not bad. You are not that bad for a new god” Alex said with a calm look in his eyes.

“Unfortunately, this is war so I will have to give my people the upper hand,” Alex said.

“Straight to the point. I was wondering when you will be bold enough to spill them out” Damon responded with a cold look.

........ Hallow Mountain....




Danny retreated skillfully as countless explosions erupted in his previous locations as a mighty werewolf chased after him violently.


Danny landed on his feet but shot back the very moment his legs hit the ground. His body spun around in a circular motion. As his body as fierce white flames exploded from his body, clashing with the claw attack of the enemy.

His body spun back and his eyes released immense killing lights as he turned to face the enemy.

[Territory protector: Bai Tu, Serpent Emperor]

Danny slammed his palm on the ground and a massive explosion erupted around him as a mighty white and black serpent emerged, charging into the distance to meet the enemy in mid-air.


The alpha grim was caught by the enemy by the mouth but she held on to the enemy desperately as the serpent dragged her into the sky and flew even higher into the air.



Danny clasped his hands together and pulled them down as Bai Tu dragged her knot the sky and down with immense speed and velocity.


Danny jumped back by a hundred meters and at the same time, a mighty black and white serpent retreated to his side and curled around him like a ball, hiding him from the vision of the enemy.

On the ground he saw the alpha grim lying there with all her wound healing, causing him to frown. Even now he couldn’t kill this thing that possesses the power of the combined forces of all the alpha beasts. He was stunned and terrified at the same time. If someone told him about the Grim earlier he would have laughed it off as if it was trash but now he knew she was the real deal.

What was even more terrifying was that there are more of these things carrying various powers because of the God regions above. If everything was perfect as it should be, it’s only a matter of time before Alex gets jumped by something like this.

“The deities really put in a lot of effort to drag you guys into this war... I’m wondering if they really believe this will be enough to deal with the sins. If Alex was here, killing you would have been far easier” Danny said with a deep frown.

Without hesitation, he didn’t wait for the enemy to stand this time. This was not a battle he dared to continue so he did the next best thing.

He fled through a spatial corridor

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