Devil’s Music

Chapter 163: Song of the Himalayas

Chapter 163: Song of the Himalayas

As Geon and his group entered, the Nepalese people gathered around. More precisely, they crowded around Geon. Having experienced crowds in America, Geon remained calm but began to feel slightly uneasy as he read earnest and reverent intentions in the people's eyes, not that of fans. The people approached Geon closely but did not touch him or ask for anything.

A woman wearing a Nepali traditional dress called Choubandi Cholo kneeled near Geon, and following her, children and other women began to kneel. Enclosed by the people, Geon started to be captured on camera as people took a step back and kneeled. Geon, looking very puzzled, shouted to the people who were clasping their hands towards him, “Hey, what's going on here? Yeongseok, Chaeun?”

Yeongseok, equally confused, asked the assistant director, “What’s happening here? Where did the person who speaks the local language go?”

The assistant director, adjusting his cap, replied, “We were supposed to meet up in Deurali. I'll contact them now.”

As Yeongseok and the assistant director conversed, Chaeun, pushed aside by the crowd, stood alone, watching Geon standing amidst the people. She could hear the murmuring voices of the people kneeling, “Is this an audience with the Deva, the messenger of Brahma?”

The assistant director, who climbed up to a higher vantage point to make a call, shouted down after finishing, “Here comes the local interpreter!”

Yeongseok, looking where the assistant director pointed, saw a man wearing a Nepali traditional top called Daaural and jeans, running towards them. The assistant director quickly came down and approached him, asking, “Simba? Are you Simba?”

Simba, catching his breath, nodded, “Yes, I’m Simba.”

The assistant director, pointing to the people, urgently asked, “What are these people saying? Why are they bowing to him and kneeling?”

After listening carefully to the people, Simba quietly approached Yeongseok, asking, “You're Simba? Can you speak Korean?”

The assistant director stepped aside, saying, “He went to college in Korea. Yes, his name is Simba.”

Yeongseok, nodding, asked Simba again, “What are they saying?”

Simba, gesturing for silence, listened carefully before opening his eyes and saying, “They are calling him a Deva, a messenger under Brahma.”

“What’s a Deva? And who’s Brahma?”

Simba smiled gently at Yeongseok’s questions, “Don’t worry. It seems to be a misunderstanding, but it’s not harmful. Brahma, along with Vishnu and Shiva, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism in Nepal. A Deva is a male deity under him.”

“Wait, so they think Geon is a deity?”

Simba nodded with a smile, “It seems so. But I’ll explain to clear up the misunderstanding.”

Simba then shouted to the crowd, “Everyone, he is not a Deva. These people are here from Korea for a shooting. Please make way!”

The people, who had been praying on their knees, looked at Simba. However, they seemed hesitant to get up. Simba called out again for the village chief.

As the people pointed to one direction, an elderly man in his late sixties stepped forward and spoke in English, “I am the village chief of Deurali.”

Approaching the chief with a smile, Simba introduced himself, “Nice to meet you. I'm Simba from Kathmandu.”

The chief introduced himself as Timo, “I am Timo, a name meaning reverence to the deity.”

“Nice to meet you, Chief Timo. These are producers from Korea. There seems to be some misunderstanding; could you ask the people to disperse?”

Timo looked at Geon and asked, “Is that your wish?”

Simba turned to Geon, indicating it was the wish of their group as well.

Timo nodded and announced loudly to the people, “The Deva commands, return to your work.”

The people, after touching their foreheads to the ground once more in prayer, slowly began to disperse, turning back several times to catch another glimpse of Geon.

Geon immediately looked for Chaeun, asking, “Sister, are you okay? Were you scared?”

Chaeun shook her head, “I’m fine. The people were interested in you, not me. How about you?”

“I’m okay. It’s not the first time I’ve been surrounded by people, haha.”

The ENG director approached, and Geon said to the camera, “I was a bit surprised, but I’m okay!”

As Geon looked at Yeongseok, he approached with Simba and Timo, suggesting that the shooting should continue and

that communication with Timo, who spoke English, would be smooth.

Simba, gesturing towards Timo, asked him to have a natural conversation with Geon.

Timo approached Geon, clasped his hands, and greeted, “Namaste, may the blessings of Brahma be with you. I am Timo, the village chief of Deurali.”

Geon returned the gesture, and Chaeun, noticing, also bowed her head. Geon straightened up and introduced himself, “Nice to meet you, I'm Geon.”

Timo maintained a reverent demeanor towards Geon, “Ah, Deva. You bear the name Geon.”

Confused, Geon asked, “Deva? I heard that term earlier. What does it mean?”

Timo explained with a kind smile, “A Deva is a male deity in Hinduism, Geon.”

“A deity? You think I’m a deity? Haha, what a misunderstanding.”

Chaeun, pulling on Geon's sleeve, said, “Geon, let’s first find out if there’s a place to stay. It’s getting dark, and I’m hungry.”

Timo, noticing Chaeun rubbing her stomach, offered, “Are you hungry? Please come to my house.”

Geon, beaming, replied, “Really, Chief? Wow, thank you. Sister, the chief has invited us to his house. We can eat!”

“Really? Hooray!”

Chaeun jumped for joy as they followed Timo to a large house in the village center. The village was large for a rural area, with fewer than 300 buildings, including a temple at its heart, opposite which was Timo’s house. Whistling at the size of Timo’s house, Simba approached Geon, “Hello, I’m Simba, the local interpreter.”

Geon smiled, “Hello, I’m Geon. Call me Geon. You speak Korean really well.”

“Haha, I went to university in Korea.”

“Is this Timo’s house? It’s huge.”

“Yes, a village chief of this size would belong to a caste higher than Kshatriya, so they live in large houses.”

“What’s a Kshatriya?”

As Simba glanced at the filming camera, he explained, “Nepal maintains a caste system. There are four main castes, with the highest being the Brahmins, the priestly caste. Below them are the Kshatriyas, the nobility and warriors. The common people are called Vaishyas, which includes most of those who were bowing to Geon earlier. There’s also the Sudra, the servant class.”

Chaeun, surprised, asked, “Servants? There are still countries with a caste system?”

“Yes, the national law banned it in the mid-20th century, but many of the older generation still follow it. The government knows but has to accept it.”

“There’s a class below servants?”

“Yes, the Pariahs, considered untouchables. They face social ostracism and contempt, similar to 'baekjeong' or 'mangnani' in Korean history."

As Simba pointed towards Timo signaling them to enter, Yeongseok hurriedly directed the ENG camera crew to film Geon and Chaeun entering through the grand entrance. Astonished by the large courtyard, Geon saw several Nepali women standing by a table filled with various foods, dressed in traditional attire, avoiding eye contact.

Timo gestured towards the table, “Please, have a seat.”

As Geon awkwardly approached the table followed by Chaeun, Simba whispered to Yeongseok, “It might be considered disrespectful for Chaeun to dine with them. They might find it uncomfortable for a woman to eat at the same table.”

Yeongseok, gauging Timo’s reaction, said, “Let’s focus on filming for now. Timo doesn’t seem to mind Chaeun being there. Camera team, center the shot around the table. Geon, don’t start eating until we’re ready to film.”

While the camera crew set up, suddenly music filled the air. Surprised, Chaeun looked towards the source and saw three men laying a carpet to play traditional instruments. Approaching the musicians, they stopped playing and prostrated themselves. Confused by their reaction, Timo instructed, “Raise your heads. The Deva is uncomfortable.”

As the musicians lifted their heads, Geon, hesitating, knelt down to point at an instrument, asking Timo about it.

“This drum-like instrument is called a Dampu, made from goat skin. The wooden flute next to it is a Bansuri, similar to a flute. The violin-like instrument is called a Sarangi.”

Intrigued, Geon reached out to touch the instruments, and the musicians respectfully offered them for him to examine. Overwhelmed

by their deference, Geon stood up, and the musicians once again prostrated themselves. Sighing at their gesture, Yeongseok signaled that filming was ready. Hungry, Chaeun urged Geon, “Let’s eat first, Geon. I’m starving!”


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