Devil’s Music

Chapter 174: The Flower that Bloomed in the Earthquake

Chapter 174: The Flower that Bloomed in the Earthquake

In the PR departments of companies engaged in star marketing across several countries, a state of emergency had effectively been declared. Utilizing every contact available, they sought information from all possible competitors across nations, keenly observing each other. For these companies, this was an opportunity to convert their nominal donations to Nepal into a goldmine of public interest and brand marketing effectiveness. This phenomenon was particularly intense in Northeast and Southeast Asia, and some European countries followed suit. Nations traditionally not engaged in star marketing stood by, watching. Yet, even they began to see the value in participating in the bidding using their corporate social responsibility funds.

As each day passed, the world's interest in Fantagio's moves grew, with journalists forming queues at Fantagio's doorstep, hoping to glean even a fragment of information. Some went as far as taking company insiders out for expensive coffee in hopes of extracting information. However, Son Lin had not disclosed even the bidding prices to Wang Hao, the chairman, ensuring the information remained encrypted and accessible only through her company account.

In Fantagio's boardroom, with Chairman Wang Hao at the center, Son Lin and Director Yan'an sat down for a meeting. Wang Hao seemed extremely pleased with the current situation, continuously smiling.

"So, Director Son Lin, how is the auction proceeding?"

Son Lin nodded slightly and replied, "There are 23 hours left until the auction closes. We have received bids from 103 companies so far, with the highest number from Korea and China, followed by Japan and France."

Listening in, Director Yan'an commented, "103 companies? That seems fewer than expected."

Son Lin, twirling a pen while facing Yan'an, responded, "It appears that medium-sized companies have opted out of bidding. Moreover, in countries like Korea, where corporate hierarchies are prevalent, subcontractors and affiliated companies fear bidding against their parent companies."

Chairman Wang Hao, leaning back deeply into the sofa, added, "That makes sense. The same is true for China."

Son Lin agreed, "Indeed, the phenomenon is even more pronounced in China. However, most of the top-ranked companies have participated in the bidding."

Director Yan'an glanced at Chairman Wang Hao before asking, "But why keep even us, the management, in the dark? Don't you trust us not to leak information?"

Son Lin glanced sharply at Yan'an before replying, "I do not think of you both in that manner, but if a company we must strategically align with bids a lower amount, would you still be able to conclude the auction fairly?"

"Perhaps it's best to consider the company's position, no?"

"That's exactly why we're not disclosing it."

Director Yan'an tapped his pen on the table in dissatisfaction, "Director Son Lin, are you representing Fantagio or Geon Kim personally?"

With a scoff, Son Lin retorted, "Of course, I am with Fantagio. That's precisely why I am handling this matter with the long-term future in mind."

An argument ensued between Son Lin and Director Yan'an until Chairman Wang Hao intervened, "What are you both doing? We should be supporting each other, not fighting. Director Yan'an, why so eager for information? Even I, the chairman, don't know it."

Director Yan'an hurriedly waved his hands, "No, it's not that I want the information for its own sake. I was thinking bidding in a way that benefits our company's position might be more advantageous."

Son Lin, with a cold gaze, countered, "Isn't that the same as saying, 'Show me the list of bidding companies and let me pick'?"

Director Yan'an glared back, "So, you're going to do as you please?"

Son Lin turned to Chairman Wang Hao, "As stated in Geon Kim's extension contract, he agreed to a 3-year deal with Fantagio on the condition that I am here. If I leave Fantagio, Geon leaves too. You're aware of this, right, Chairman?"

Director Yan'an stood up in outrage, "Are you threatening us?!"

Son Lin maintained eye contact with Chairman Wang Hao, who after a moment, glared at Director Yan'an. Taken aback by the chairman's stern look, Director Yan'an quickly lowered his head. After a tense silence, Chairman Wang Hao finally spoke.

"Son Lin is well-prepared, and I saw no issue to intervene. But it seems we must address this. Secretary!"

At his call, a female secretary entered with a document. Chairman Wang Hao directed her to give it to Director Yan'an.

Director Yan'an, visibly shaken, opened the document to find photos of himself meeting various people in a café. Over twenty images depicted him engaging with different individuals. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he looked up at Chairman Wang Hao.

"Chairman, these meetings were just part of networking..."

With a stern look, Chairman Wang Hao silenced him, "It seems you haven't accepted anything yet."

Director Yan'an, panicking, insisted

on his innocence, "Yes! I've been asked for favors, but I've never accepted anything!"

After a moment of silence, Chairman Wang Hao continued, "Had I not intervened, you would have accepted after the auction, wouldn't you? Do we look like fools to you?"

Director Yan'an, overwhelmed, hung his head. Chairman Wang Hao, after a brief pause, addressed Son Lin, "You're doing well. Please see this through to the end. You must be busy; go ahead. Director Yan'an, let's talk some more."

As Son Lin exited the room, closing the door behind her, the sound of a breaking ashtray echoed.

"Crash!!! You bastard!!!"

Son Lin smiled as she left the scene.

The next morning, Fantagio's server room staff were swamped, coping with server traffic that had long since exceeded its limit due to heightened interest. With the website down, the customer service team was overwhelmed with calls. Walking past the bustling office to her own room, Son Lin sat down and powered on her PC.

Upon entering her password, Son Lin's face lit up with a broad smile. After stretching and sighing contentedly, she picked up the phone. Soon, Yeongseok's voice came through.


"Ah, CP. It's Son Lin."

"Oh, Director! Long time no see. I'll get Geon for you, just a moment."

After a brief hustle to find Geon, amidst the background noise, Geon's voice finally came through.

"Hello? Director?"

"Yes, Geon. Where are you? It's quite noisy."

"Ah, I'm on-site, working. Give me a moment; I'll find a quieter spot."

As Geon moved away from the noise, Son Lin switched the phone to speaker mode and waited. Once the background noise had sufficiently quieted down, Geon spoke again.

"Phew, Director, can you hear me?"

"Yes, loud and clear."

"Sorry about that. We're still in the midst of reconstruction here. What's up?"

"Today's the day for the auction results. You might want to pay attention, Geon."

"Oh? Is it already that time? Sorry."

"That's very much like you, Geon."

"Haha, yes. So, how did it go?"

"The top three bids have been finalized."

"Great. When do we start shooting?"

"We'll have to coordinate that after finalizing the contracts. But aren't you curious about which companies won the bids?"

"Pfft, yes. Which ones?"

"The third place went to SJT, a Korean telecommunications company. Second place was taken by Germany's Mercy Benz."

"Benz? The car company?"

"Yes, it's a luxury brand. Apparently, it's been targeted by criminals who envy and resent its wealthy owners, causing image issues. They bid in an attempt to shed this negative perception."

"I see. And the first place?"

"It's not a company, Geon."

"Then, a non-profit? But they usually don't have much money, right?"

"It's a country. The United States."

"What? The US?"

"Yes. It seems they redirected the money they would have donated to Nepal to you, thinking that 90% of it would still end up in Nepal anyway. This way, they only spend 10% of the money to elevate America's value in the eyes of the world."

"That's complicated. But what kind of ads does a country make? Like public service announcements?"

"That's what it says, though it doesn't specify which kind. I'll let you know after we disclose the bids and finalize the contracts."

"Alright, Director. I'm counting on you."

"Now, aren't you going to ask how much?"

"Haha, yes. How much? 400 million? No, since you were involved, Director Son Lin, it must be more than the standard rate. Maybe around 500 million per ad?"

"It's 18 billion won. Per ad."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, Geon. 18 billion won."

"Is that... a joke?"

"That's the correct amount. Companies set aside funds for brand marketing through corporate social responsibility initiatives. In events like this, they donate money, continuously informing the public they're not a "black company," thereby improving their brand image. By using that money for ads, and once those ads are aired, people naturally feel that buying products from those companies contributes to Nepal's relief efforts, also portraying them as 'good' companies. That's why the amount is astronomical."

"Ah... yes... But this amount is too overwhelming for me to comprehend. Whether I can live up to its value is another question..."

"Your current global status is more than enough, Geon. Plus, the current disaster situation adds to it."

"I see... but this is a bit too much for me to process. Alright, Director. Please keep me updated."

"Geon... 18 billion is the single amount offered by the third-place company."

"Excuse me?"


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